North American Mutant Pack Code #1

Ael Rhiana



Originally Posted by Municipal View Post
You wanna know why I pay the monthly fee for CoH? Cuz' it is the only escape I have. It is the only thing in general, I have. You probably have some video game system, all my family has is the internet. No TV, no vehicles because we cannot handle the gas. All we have is the internet. Now, I am going to stop trying to get this code, before I do flip out on someone. Good luck to the rest of you.
My only escape was drugs, 15 bucks could get me some nice LSD.
Back then I didn't need internet, TV, car or bike, I just let loose and tripped away.

*sigh* good times...



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
my Master Account page in a second Firefox window, to the side, set to refresh every 45 seconds to keep the login fresh.
I'd set that to more than 45 seconds. Last thing you'd want is for it to refresh while you're typing the code in. Mine is set for 13 minutes and I haven't been logged out yet.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
Huh. And here I am, on Windows XP, with a constantly refreshing (every 10 seconds, through a Firefox addon) Twitter page, Facebook page, and forum page... and my Master Account page in a second Firefox window, to the side, set to refresh every 45 seconds to keep the login fresh. All I have to do is click once and enter the code and hit enter.

I haven't won one yet, but you're talking like only Win7 folks can do multiple windows.

I can button mash 20 keys at random in about a second and a half at most.

which addon is that, sounds like I need it, heh

PSI-on: DM/PB Defender (Triumph)
Disco Lord: MA/SR Scrapper (Triumph)
Spec-tor: MC/PA Dominator (Triumph)
The Regional Manager: Merc/FF MM (Triumph)



Originally Posted by StarKitten View Post
Maybe they are living with family. But, if they aren't living with family and are completely on their own...its not wise to be spending 15 a month on a game + more money on an internet connection. If money is that severely precious right now, then use it on life.
Although bear in mind that internet connection can still be used to submit job applications online.


Still hate the visit Winscott mission- make it dropable, have it give actual exp or remove it altogether. PS- Down knows who you are.
J/ Wilde/
/ AIL - Celebrating five years!



Oh, I gave up too now, been 2 hours and tired of typing in codes that are already used...

Real people go out and do things, I have to make a trip to Home Depot and play with my ferrets, then maybe get on my Xbox cause now I am bored on my PC to play CoX...

Have fun scrabbling boils and ghouls



Originally Posted by StarKitten View Post
I have been stuff around here to buy us each a time card per month. 20 bucks at microcenter gets a 60 day card. So that is 40 for 2 months play for 2 people.
That's awesome, I didn't know that. I shop at Microcenter anyway, gonna have to check out their cards. I just use my debit card for everything(I hate carrying cash and checks are even worse) so I never really looked at the prices for time cards.

You're right about not knowing the whole story though, but the occasional months where I end up flat broke from overspending I usually cut off non-essentials for the month.

I'll just shut up now though cause I wasn't trying to offend, I'm just a huge Scrooge McDuck with my pennies so I thought I was being helpful.



F5 is you friend. And, when I see a link, I yell for my mate to come read the code out loud for me while it loads.

But someone out there is a faster typist.

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Comic Book Discussion Global Chat Channel: Comic Books



Originally Posted by Aovalles23 View Post
Why is it that i have entered 2 codes so far and they both come back as used. The image still has them up meaning that they haven't been used. Then 1-2 minutes later they show up as used. I typed it in 1st twice and it didn't work for me is anyone else having this problem?
Because by the time you have loaded the picture, the code was claimed. 2-10 seconds is the length of time these codes have got used.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



How about just releasing the pack already? Do you want my money or not!?



Anybody else notice the tags for this topic?



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
How about just releasing the pack already? Do you want my money or not!?
They aren't releasing it to purchase until TOMORROW, just like the announcement says, and like has been said about four times in this thread already.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Then why not release it now if it's already being offered out?



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post

bless you, you're a very nice person.

PSI-on: DM/PB Defender (Triumph)
Disco Lord: MA/SR Scrapper (Triumph)
Spec-tor: MC/PA Dominator (Triumph)
The Regional Manager: Merc/FF MM (Triumph)



I remember Firefox reloading tabs on it's own at one point. I guess that got rid of it and I just never noticed.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Then why not release it now if it's already being offered out?
That is part of the incentive to play to get it early and free.

Onibi---Fire/Fire/fire Blaster

I'm ready to burn it all.

Lets Fight!

ParadigmX City help the city.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Then why not release it now if it's already being offered out?
I believe the idea is to make the prize of the contest that much more hotly contested.

Bragging rights in getting it a day earlier than can be purchased... I'd kind of be afraid to show it off in public today, given some of the venom projected by people nearly as immature and vengeful as I, though!

J/ Wilde

Edit: CyWolf put it better than me. What an eloquent wolf.

Still hate the visit Winscott mission- make it dropable, have it give actual exp or remove it altogether. PS- Down knows who you are.
J/ Wilde/
/ AIL - Celebrating five years!



Originally Posted by Smoking Baby View Post
I remember Firefox reloading tabs on it's own at one point. I guess that got rid of it and I just never noticed.
I don't remember Firefox, the base browser, ever having reloading functionality built in. I do, however, remember a browser called "Avant", which is basically a shell overtop of IE, which does have reloading functionality built in.

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Opera had it at one point. I'm not sure if it still does.



Originally Posted by joshdex View Post
Bragging rights in getting it a day earlier than can be purchased... I'd kind of be afraid to show it off in public today, given some of the venom projected by people nearly as immature and vengeful as I, though!

Portland, OR Global Chat Channel: PDX
Comic Book Discussion Global Chat Channel: Comic Books



Registration? You are too kind. Muties must be PURGED!



Originally Posted by Robot View Post
No, they're too dangerous. Round them up and put them down!



Are the new codes posted here or do they start a new thread for each code?



Mmmmmm, report all COMMIE MUTANT TRAITORS (and serve the computer) ahhh, good times.....



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
I don't remember Firefox, the base browser, ever having reloading functionality built in. I do, however, remember a browser called "Avant", which is basically a shell overtop of IE, which does have reloading functionality built in.
It could've just been the forum I was posting at doing it and I assumed that Firefox did it.