North American Mutant Pack Code #1

Ael Rhiana



Originally Posted by Municipal View Post
Then those people who do secretarial work, or any work for that matter should leave the free things to those who do not have money, yeah?
As I pointed out earlier, if you can type 60 wpm, it would take 4 seconds to enter the code.



It is the challenge of it. The thrill of the hunt!



Originally Posted by Mr_Hellcat View Post
If the want is there that badly, why not just put the mutant pack on the store and continue to do the contest for those that want to try for it for free? Yes, I know it's to get it early. Two an hour is a long time to wait for a chance. I could be playing CoH.

/signed, still get to have the contest and those of us who aren't this special interest group get an actual shot at it too.

PSI-on: DM/PB Defender (Triumph)
Disco Lord: MA/SR Scrapper (Triumph)
Spec-tor: MC/PA Dominator (Triumph)
The Regional Manager: Merc/FF MM (Triumph)



Originally Posted by PYRECAT View Post
It is the challenge of it. The thrill of the hunt!

I bet it's just a ploy by the community relations team to get overtime!



Originally Posted by Mr_Hellcat View Post
If the want is there that badly, why not just put the mutant pack on the store and continue to do the contest for those that want to try for it for free? Yes, I know it's to get it early. Two an hour is a long time to wait for a chance. I could be playing CoH.
That's why I chose to give up. Losing a day of playing time and stressing myself out over something I can just buy tomorrow.

The cons outweigh the pros imo. $10 is chump change.



Originally Posted by DaemonicVisions View Post
Post Deleted
Any excuses to flame someone, huh?

Still hate the visit Winscott mission- make it dropable, have it give actual exp or remove it altogether. PS- Down knows who you are.
J/ Wilde/
/ AIL - Celebrating five years!



at least we know for sure it isn't the same person claiming all these, but then again... what if they have multiple accounts... =\ that makes me a sad fuuma!


aside from that, I think the only thing truely stressful about this whole thing is never know which of my 3 pages they will put the new code in. I'm like C'MON ALREADY, STICK TO ONE THING!! it makes it so much better know i only have to refresh one page a bajillion times and not 3 a bajillion times each and watch some load slower than others from repeated refreshings.

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These threads should be locked as soon as the code is claimed.



Originally Posted by Municipal View Post
So they use a photographic memory, to remember the code and enter it real fast without having to look back at the code page.
A good typist doesn't have to look at the keyboard to type. That way the can type it in as they read it.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Nope. People can legitimately see and type that fast. No software needed.
I type relatively fast (touch type). I don't know exactly how fast, somewhere between 60-90 wpm I'd guess. I work at a transportation company, and sometimes I have to enter freight bills... and I can maybe enter 30 or 40 in an hour if I'm really flying. Mind you since I'm a rate clerk I usually enter and rate the bill at the same time, which is not what the normal billers do. But a good biller can easily do 60 bills in an hour, a fast one up to 80 or more. That's entering shipper & consignee codes or addresses, sometimes third party billing address, purchase order, shipper number, pieces, weight, description, whatever else might be pertinent.

One particular night biller can routinely hit 160 bills an hour. That's more than two a minute. She says that she can't force herself to work at a slower pace, it would driver her crazy.

So yeah, some people can type insanely fast. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Now, how about a give-a-way for grownups that have lives away from the computer?

It's 106 miles to Grandville, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing faceless helmets

... Hit it ...



Originally Posted by Municipal View Post
So they use a photographic memory, to remember the code and enter it real fast without having to look back at the code page.

Not really...

Most people can look at the screen and type at the same time, and most people have multiple pages up so like this here forum, then the NCSoft account to the side, so they can just click, switch, and type before somebody else beats them.



Originally Posted by Municipal View Post
No one in my house is working, and we can barely keep our house. Even a dollar is precious to us a this point. I cannot simply go waste 10 dollars for this like others who money is not a big thing for.
If a dollar is so precious then how are you able to waste $15 a month not counting internet(cable or dsl) to play an online game?

I don't think the one time fee of $10 is the problem, bud.



this is one of those moments in which i wish i had windows 7, simply because of that double window thing they added to it, that allows to windows to be viewed at the same time.

it wouldn't surprise me if those who won are using windows 7....

to see the code page.. and have your account open.. to look and type it at the same time without having to switch pages....

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Originally Posted by renfuuma View Post
this is one of those moments in which i wish i had windows 7, simply because of that double window thing they added to it, that allows to windows to be viewed at the same time.

it wouldn't surprise me if those who won are using windows 7....

to see the code page.. and have your account open.. to look and type it at the same time without having to switch pages....
I feel stupid because I totally forgot I have that LOL!

Still too tired of staring at those tabs to get back in this now though.



4th on facebook. already gone



Super-Nerds FTW!!!



Okay, 4th just posted on Facebook, but took too long to load picture on screen. That's enough for me. I need to head to the gym and lift some weights. Have fun, kids, and play nice.



The FB code was similar to the last FB code...think again by 7 digits...



wish they were using a picture updating thing so once it's claimed we know it's too late, rather than giving everyones hopes up for a minute or so

PSI-on: DM/PB Defender (Triumph)
Disco Lord: MA/SR Scrapper (Triumph)
Spec-tor: MC/PA Dominator (Triumph)
The Regional Manager: Merc/FF MM (Triumph)



I do not see how people can type a seemingly random string of letters and numbers that fast. It just amazes me people can do it, and do it accurately. I don't even think I can hit 20 keys at random that fast.

Whoever has gotten those last four (and the 10 euro one's, too) good on ya.



Originally Posted by renfuuma View Post
this is one of those moments in which i wish i had windows 7, simply because of that double window thing they added to it, that allows to windows to be viewed at the same time.

it wouldn't surprise me if those who won are using windows 7....

to see the code page.. and have your account open.. to look and type it at the same time without having to switch pages....
Huh. And here I am, on Windows XP, with a constantly refreshing (every 10 seconds, through a Firefox addon) Twitter page, Facebook page, and forum page... and my Master Account page in a second Firefox window, to the side, set to refresh every 45 seconds to keep the login fresh. All I have to do is click once and enter the code and hit enter.

I haven't won one yet, but you're talking like only Win7 folks can do multiple windows.

Originally Posted by Redbone View Post
I do not see how people can type a seemingly random string of letters and numbers that fast. It just amazes me people can do it, and do it accurately. I don't even think I can hit 20 keys at random that fast.
I can button mash 20 keys at random in about a second and a half at most.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Smoking Baby View Post
If a dollar is so precious then how are you able to waste $15 a month not counting internet(cable or dsl) to play an online game?

I don't think the one time fee of $10 is the problem, bud.
This is a valid point. one knows the whole story. My husband and I live with family right now because of financial issues. I am trying to get disability (I am unable to work - severely bad vision) and his hours got drastically cut this year. He's also gone through 2 foot surgeries in the last year alone.

Someone here pays for cable and intenet, we don't. They choose to pay it because they want to use it, too. Its not just an 'oh, you want it...okay...' type of thing. We do not have credit cards and pay with game cards. I have been stuff around here to buy us each a time card per month. 20 bucks at microcenter gets a 60 day card. So that is 40 for 2 months play for 2 people.

Maybe they are living with family. But, if they aren't living with family and are completely on their own...its not wise to be spending 15 a month on a game + more money on an internet connection. If money is that severely precious right now, then use it on life.

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

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Why is it that i have entered 2 codes so far and they both come back as used. The image still has them up meaning that they haven't been used. Then 1-2 minutes later they show up as used. I typed it in 1st twice and it didn't work for me is anyone else having this problem?



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