Personally, I think 'balance' is highly over-rated...




Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
It really is astounding that Fulcrum Shift hasn't seen its day in court yet given it lets the user skip damage enhancements because the buff is so high. But from dev comments about other powers it appears they are less concerned with +damage powers than actual attacks, at least at the moment. Fulcrum Shift is one of those powers I'm happy to use (abuse?) atm but every time the game updates expect to be modified. The other offender is Phantom Army, which is well and truly ridiculous (would you let your Tankers be invulnerable to all damage, mezzes, controls, and secondary effects? then why someone's pet? "because you can't buff them" is just a recipe for trouble on an AT with access to huge debuffs.)
One of the reason the devs do not worry about +damage as much, is that every AT and pets all have damage caps, so they can only get so much extra damage. So if they get the powers balanced right being at the damage cap is not broken. Now that doesn't change how people view fulcrum shift as overpowered or not, just lowers it's importance.

I have always been a bigger fan of human tanks over pets. PA is stuck using the game AI which is lacking, and it's damage self heals. Now I do see what you mean, and also wouldn't be surprise to changes to either power, but since ED, GDN, and the aoe control changes I seldom get shocked when powers are adjusted.




Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
It really is astounding that Fulcrum Shift hasn't seen its day in court yet given it lets the user skip damage enhancements because the buff is so high. But from dev comments about other powers it appears they are less concerned with +damage powers than actual attacks, at least at the moment. Fulcrum Shift is one of those powers I'm happy to use (abuse?) atm but every time the game updates expect to be modified. The other offender is Phantom Army, which is well and truly ridiculous (would you let your Tankers be invulnerable to all damage, mezzes, controls, and secondary effects? then why someone's pet? "because you can't buff them" is just a recipe for trouble on an AT with access to huge debuffs.)
Fulcrum Shift has seen two nerfs IIRC

Originally Posted by Dirges View Post
PA is stuck using the game AI which is lacking, and it's damage self heals.
it pretty much only heals the basic, unslotted damage



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
It really is astounding that Fulcrum Shift hasn't seen its day in court yet given it lets the user skip damage enhancements because the buff is so high. But from dev comments about other powers it appears they are less concerned with +damage powers than actual attacks, at least at the moment. Fulcrum Shift is one of those powers I'm happy to use (abuse?) atm but every time the game updates expect to be modified. The other offender is Phantom Army, which is well and truly ridiculous (would you let your Tankers be invulnerable to all damage, mezzes, controls, and secondary effects? then why someone's pet? "because you can't buff them" is just a recipe for trouble on an AT with access to huge debuffs.)

If you are serious about this, or if any other new poster comes along and THINKS you are serious, there's a big difference between buffs / debuffs and attacks.

In the case of Fulcrum Shift, it's one of the few powers in the game that can damage cap a player. It's the only player in the game that I'm aware of that can damage cap a team. Basically, it's designed to be the ultimate in damage boosts.

In the case of Phantom Army, again, it's designed to be a "semi" tank. Remember, the entire game is balanced largely against SO's, something I believe Positron has commented on with his own blog. It's only with extensive IO work that an Illusion controller can perma Phantom Army. Against an SO build, Phantom Army has an extensive down-time. Phantom Army also lacks direct damage, as enemies will eventually heal away a large percentage of the damage Phantom Army can inflict.

There's a big difference between designed imbalance, and incidental imbalance. Now, I don't think you are serious. I think you are trying to make a joke, and honestly, it's a bad one. So, I probably shouldn't be taking the time to spell this out. However, since I can't risk a new player coming along and thinking that you are serious because they just don't know any better, I am going to have to spell it out.

Designed Imbalance is when a power, or combination of powers, deliberately causes a breakage of "normalized 1 to 1 power balance"

Giant Monsters, Rikti MotherShip raids, Hamidon, and even high level Task Forces are all based on the concept of Designed Imbalance. Mob powers, archvillians, Giant monster's, elite bosses, and so on are all designed to tax the limits of a team's mix. Rikti Mothership raids are best accomplished when everybody is at Soft-cap defense, and everybody is at max damage. Lady Grey Task Force pits players against the high-level rikti, that could shred a single player on their own. I could detail each situational event where the game is balanced against the idea that a player is "super-buffed" but I shouldn't have to.

Incidental Imbalance is when a power, or combination of powers, unintentionally causes a breakage of "normalized 1 to 1 power balance"

This is where things like Shield Charge fall. Shield Charge was never meant to be as powerful as it was once the AT modifiers were added. So, Shield Charge breaks the balancing in regards to other powers.

Many of the minor power changes made to the game are based on fixing incidental imbalances. From a long term point of view, the last time Deliberate Imbalance was modified involved the across the board buff on Dominator's damage and the modification of Domination to affect mez's only (both those cast on the player and those cast by the player).

Hopefully this will explain to future readers of this thread some of the background behind various powers and their affects across various archtypes.



Originally Posted by Wiggz View Post
I suppose my point is - aren't we reasonably assured that after months of design and months of play-testing, when a set comes out it would be +/- %20 relative to other power sets in effectiveness?

And players aren't really historically proven to be good at judging this either.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
The other offender is Phantom Army, which is well and truly ridiculous (would you let your Tankers be invulnerable to all damage, mezzes, controls, and secondary effects? then why someone's pet? "because you can't buff them" is just a recipe for trouble on an AT with access to huge debuffs.)
If the Phantom Army was a mastermind pet, it would be problematic. As it is, they make poor tankers because you can only really use them as alpha strike tankers when you first cast them. After that, they quickly become scatter-brained and also follow behind you rather than lead in front of you. They are explicitly part of the "chaotic control" design of Illusion, which has very few hard controls (Blind and Flash are pretty much it) and few actual attacks (Blind and Spectral Wounds are pretty much it). The Phantom Army was explicitly intended to be part of the control of the set, and part of the damage of the set.

They are unkillable, but then again Earthquake is unkillable. Volcanic Gasses is unkillable. Bonfire is unkillable.

Illusion just happens to have a reputation for excelling in interesting corner cases, such as AV fights where the PA can be focused on a single dangerous target. Try using it on an AV that has or spawns minion support, or moves around a lot, and things go pear-shaped rapidly. But actually, in "normal" missions Illusion's chaos counter-balances its strengths to a sufficient degree to make the set interesting to play, but not overpowered. In fact, its performance is only average outside of singular hard targets.

Incidentally, in my opinion the best "unkillable" controller pet in existence today isn't the PA: its Carrion Creepers.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Hamidon laughs as what's unkillable for everyone else (yes yes, I know it's a extremely specific encounter)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
If the Phantom Army was a mastermind pet, it would be problematic. As it is, they make poor tankers because you can only really use them as alpha strike tankers when you first cast them. After that, they quickly become scatter-brained and also follow behind you rather than lead in front of you. They are explicitly part of the "chaotic control" design of Illusion, which has very few hard controls (Blind and Flash are pretty much it) and few actual attacks (Blind and Spectral Wounds are pretty much it). The Phantom Army was explicitly intended to be part of the control of the set, and part of the damage of the set.

They are unkillable, but then again Earthquake is unkillable. Volcanic Gasses is unkillable. Bonfire is unkillable.

Illusion just happens to have a reputation for excelling in interesting corner cases, such as AV fights where the PA can be focused on a single dangerous target. Try using it on an AV that has or spawns minion support, or moves around a lot, and things go pear-shaped rapidly. But actually, in "normal" missions Illusion's chaos counter-balances its strengths to a sufficient degree to make the set interesting to play, but not overpowered. In fact, its performance is only average outside of singular hard targets.

Incidentally, in my opinion the best "unkillable" controller pet in existence today isn't the PA: its Carrion Creepers.

I understand what you mean but I don't agree with all of your interpretations. Earthquake is unkillable, but enemies also won't attack it. Carrion Creepers is indeed a great power though.

Obviously we all are never going to agree 100% about which powers are overpowered--especially since the notion of "overpowered" depends on a relationship to the game world. I don't particularly want the power changed, because like I said I'm happy to use it as long as its a "legal" tactic. Whether it should operate as it does is another question. If we concern ourselves with balance and comparing sets side by side, having one that is simply invulnerable to everything should not allow it to sidestep a comparison to +defense, resistance, mezz absorption and the like. Whether you want to take the argument that far is up to you--my take on it is I'm happy to have it but won't be terribly shocked or upset if its taken away from me one day, because I can see how someone would think it bypasses checks and balances imposed on other sets.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I understand what you mean but I don't agree with all of your interpretations. Earthquake is unkillable, but enemies also won't attack it. Carrion Creepers is indeed a great power though.

Obviously we all are never going to agree 100% about which powers are overpowered--especially since the notion of "overpowered" depends on a relationship to the game world. I don't particularly want the power changed, because like I said I'm happy to use it as long as its a "legal" tactic. Whether it should operate as it does is another question. If we concern ourselves with balance and comparing sets side by side, having one that is simply invulnerable to everything should not allow it to sidestep a comparison to +defense, resistance, mezz absorption and the like. Whether you want to take the argument that far is up to you--my take on it is I'm happy to have it but won't be terribly shocked or upset if its taken away from me one day, because I can see how someone would think it bypasses checks and balances imposed on other sets.
Which checks and balances do you think occur at all that the Phantom Army bypasses? I'm personally unaware of any specific design rule that the PA violates that any other controller set is required to follow, unless you think one of the rules that other controller sets are required to follow is "is not allowed to have the phantom army."

Moreover, Illusion breaks this rule three times. The Spectral Terror is indestructible. Phantasm decoys are also indestructible and draw aggro (they taunt).

A lot of people assume that the PA was made indestructible purely by accident, or without forethought into what it meant for them to be indestructible But I do not believe that to be true. They are looked upon - and have been used as - "indestructible tanks" but that's not the whole story of what the PA is. The PA is really an entity that takes a lot of control away from the controller and gives it to an uncontrolled entity. Its a keeper of Illusion control power.

Indestructible pets are certainly better than destructible ones. Replace the Phantasm with an indestructible version, and of course it gets better. But the PA is not a replacement for a destructible pet. Its a replacement for powers. Controller powers are not "destructible." Certainly, the controller can die, but that's also true for the Illusion Controller. When the PA is cast, its designed to do two things: attack things for damage, and draw some aggro from some of the NPC attackers.

*Both* things are replacements for powers Illusion control doesn't have. It only has two attacks (Blind and Spectral Wounds) and only two explicit control powers (Blind and Flash - although you could also count deceive). The rest of the hard and soft control a controller would normally have is split up into the Spectral Terror (also indestructible) and the PA. The PA "controls" by drawing aggro, and it serves a similar function: hard mez turns damage off. The PA sends damage > /dev/null: the damage goes into a bottomless pit.

Is it "fair" that the PA can just sit there and take an unlimited amount of damage? Well, if you compare that to a tank, it seems like not. But when you compare it to a mez which is what it actually replaces, you're comparing *taking* an unlimited amount of damage with *turning off* an unlimited amount of damage. And in both cases there is an actual limit: mez eventually expires, and so does the PA.

Its important to remember what the PA and the Spectral Terror are. They are not "extra" indestructible pets that Illusion got for free. They are actually thieves: they hijack powers the Illusion controller should have gotten and take them over, granting the benefit that the Illusion controller doesn't have to cast them or burn endurance on them, but dealing the penalty that the controller has no control over how they are used. They are both indestructible because in a very real sense the intent is to simply hijack the control of the powers from the Illusion controller, not to give those powers to pets the Illusion controller has to baby-sit.

Given how Illusion is designed, it would actually be broken if either the PA or the Spectral Terror could be killed. If they were killable, both pets would have to be either significantly stronger or recharge significantly faster (moreso for the PA than the ST). And particularly in the case of the PA, where the aggro drawing is replacing a hard mez. Mez cannot be broken by damage. If the PA can be, it would be weaker than the mez it was intended to substitute for.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Arcana as always you have interesting thoughts. I agree in part with your conclusions, but I'm not completely convinced. Not that it matters. I think we just got through talking about why devs shouldnt always listen to player's opinions (meaning mine). As it happens for me, I am a small time game designer--just a hobbiest really outside of lame educational Flash games--but the lesson of Phantom Army has actually impacted me in some design decisions. It may or may not within this game. In the meantime I'm happy to use it.



PA "tanks" about as well as my traps powers. They absorb an alpha well (not as frequently as seeker drones though) and pull a bit of aggro onto themselves (seekers, acid mortar and ffgen)

PA sucks at tanking spawns, they only use single target attacks and as a result only keep 1 or 2 foes on them each. PA is excellent at tanking tiny spawns, but then what controller can't lock down tiny spawns with ease?

PA is the best controller power against single hard targets, but at the same time Illusion as a whole is weaker than other control sets against large spawns.

As a control power PA is very good in some situations, ok in others, and barely has any impact in others still. Is that a problem? no, that sounds WAI to me.

As a damage power hopefully we all understand how PA works. If not, it has a static value that will be healed back after 5 seconds. PA is immune to effects such as player buffs and enemy debuffs, so the only way to impact their performance is through slotting and by debuffing targets. There are some decent synergies found in the secondaries that will improve the damage PA does, but you'd need to present a pretty compelling case that said synergy is stronger than some of the other pet synergies such as shields on stoney and damage buffs on fireimps.

FWIW, animate stone also taunts with its attacks, so that isn't unique to PA (or decoy). Some sets can push it up to 90% res to most damage types. And while that isn't invulnerable for most applications it is pretty close to the same result.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
High performance shouldn't come as a result of choosing something at the powerselection screen. Copycatting someone elses build and playstyle or that of scores of others is not a sign of higher intelligence.
So go play fps. I like my twitch free, cruise control gameplay thank you very much.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Also, copycatting someone else's build doesn't mean that person knows how to play it...



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
So go play fps. I like my twitch free, cruise control gameplay thank you very much.
soo... you like Halo then?



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Ask about what happened with APPs and PPPs when they tried to replace "powers that almost no one uses."
My ears are STILL ringing...

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
soo... you like Halo then?
No idea, never cared enough to get an Xbox.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by Wiggz View Post
I'm just saying. I've been playing here from the beginning and have leveled literally hundreds of characters into their 30's, but only have a couple of level 50 characters. I don't suffer from altitis because I'm desperately trying to find the 'uber-build', I do it because I'm inspired by different looks, different backstory ideas and different power set combos. I absolutely love the variety of this game, and suspect there would be even more of it if the dev's weren't bound by some kind of covenant to ensure 'balance' in all things.

Facts are facts. Someone will always be stronger, faster, more capable... people didn't love Wolverine or Spider-man or Batman or The Flash because they were so 'balanced' against one another and the foes they fought. Entire teams would get together to conquer a threat Superman could level with one punch. Superman and Geen Arrow were on the same team - the SAME TEAM - and they seemed to make it work okay. That's the way the world works, in comics and in real life.

As far as the gaming world works, there will always be the min/maxers, the hardcore players willing to spend exhaustive amounts of time and influence perfecting or even exploiting aspects of the game. Let them. They make up by far the smallest percentage of players so who cares if, in their little circle, their IO's out build is 'teh uber'? The benefits to the game to constantly scaling back characters to 'balance them' and disappointing more casual gamers (the larger number by far) who never had any intent to exploit anything seem to be a case of diminishing returns. In my opinion the dev's time would be much, much better spent looking into individual powers so bad that no one ever takes them, and replacing them with options that will make the power sets even more diverse (Temperature Protection, I'm looking at you buddy).

Anyway, my two cents. If a power can pass the design and play-testing phase, then the only time to really look at it is when new complimentary powers sets or new, easily available IO enhancements become available. Data-mine a bit to find out what powers nobody ever takes and improve upon those, give players more options, rather than taking options away that they've already worked hard to earn.
If you want to play a fun not so balanced super hero game, I'd suggest trying out Champions. I've played it before and its a fun game, fast paced fighting, and nice graphics and costume creator. The mechanics weren't my favorite so I stayed here, but you should try it out.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
If you want to play a fun not so balanced super hero game, I'd suggest trying out Champions. I've played it before and its a fun game, fast paced fighting, and nice graphics and costume creator. The mechanics weren't my favorite so I stayed here, but you should try it out.
He's complaining about powers changing too much and you're trying to send him to champions? That's just mean. They don't even have a cottage rule there - my power to pull enemies together into a bunch turned into an AoE slow.



Originally Posted by Wiggz View Post
How many Fire tanks (or Brutes or anyone else) do you know who uses Temperature Protection? For sets, for fire resistance, for anything?
Slow resistance saves lives.

What shall claim a Sky Kings' Ransom?

PPD & Resistance Epic Archetypes



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
If you want to play a fun not so balanced super hero game, I'd suggest trying out Champions. I've played it before and its a fun game, fast paced fighting, and nice graphics and costume creator. The mechanics weren't my favorite so I stayed here, but you should try it out.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by MechaCrash View Post
Sadly, not even close. Most fire/kins I've teamed with don't speed boost anybody at all, if they even have the power. They do it because wading into a pack of enemies with Hot Feet on, locking them in place with Fire Cages, and then hitting Fulcrum Shift while your imps are clawing their junk does absurd amounts of damage.
Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
this sounds about right...

I'd argue this point

But this is better

And less effort for me.



Originally Posted by Wiggz View Post
How many Fire tanks (or Brutes or anyone else) do you know who uses Temperature Protection? For sets, for fire resistance, for anything?

I don't recall proposing 'my definition' of what might be viable or better. There are smarter people than me to figure that out.

But a 2nd grader could improve on a power no one takes.

By "no one" you mean not a single player, out of over 80,000 accounts, has EVER taken that power? That is what you are literally saying, that there is not a single character anywhere in the game with that power.

Bull****, and provably so. I have Temperature Protection on both my Spines/Fire scrapper and my Fire/DM tanker. It serves a useful purpose on both of them, it is a mule for my Steadfast Res/Def, and it provides slow resistance so that slows will not be as likely to prevent me from using my heal when I need it.

There isn't a single power anywhere in the game that no one has ever taken, THAT I can guarantee.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
I'd argue this point

But this is better

And less effort for me.
No, that is not better, because it doesn't prove "most people take fire/kins for speed boost." All it really shows is that my choices are wannabe scrappers and prima donnas.

You want to argue a point? Try making one instead of linking to a thread of someone who expects you to beg them to actually use their secondary.



Originally Posted by MechaCrash View Post
No, that is not better, because it doesn't prove "most people take fire/kins for speed boost." All it really shows is that my choices are wannabe scrappers and prima donnas.

You want to argue a point? Try making one instead of linking to a thread of someone who expects you to beg them to actually use their secondary.

It did completely destroy your point about kins never taking speed boost especially since its a topic that comes up regularly, and the entire point of the thread wound up being kins talking about how and when to speedboost. Also the desire for quality of life improvements in speedboost comes up fairly regularly on the boards as well w, kind of odd for a power you say people aren't taking.



Originally Posted by Wiggz View Post
How many Fire tanks (or Brutes or anyone else) do you know who uses Temperature Protection? For sets, for fire resistance, for anything?
Most of mine. For (a) a nice place to fit a KB protection IO, and (b) for the slow resist they added into it. If they don't *have* it, it's planned for them. (Note, the slow resist is called a "buff." Note also they can do so without replacing a power.)



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
It did completely destroy your point about kins never taking speed boost especially since its a topic that comes up regularly, and the entire point of the thread wound up being kins talking about how and when to speedboost. Also the desire for quality of life improvements in speedboost comes up fairly regularly on the boards as well w, kind of odd for a power you say people aren't taking.
how did it completely destroy his point? why are you trolling him even. what you linked to was a discussion about a person not giving out sb until they were asked and thanked for it that turned into a stupid debate over making SB an AoE and other things of that nature. people do not make any kin/? or ?/kin toons just for SB. if that was the case, you wouldn't see alot of the other kin powers in their picks.