Change to AV scaling in the 6/8 Patch

Adeon Hawkwood



Hey everyone,

I wanted to pop in to speak about changes made to scaling enemies in the recent patch. We've disabled archvillains from scaling beneath their minimum level. Regular enemies, minions, lieutenants, bosses, etc, will still scale down beneath their minimum level. We made this change because combat scaling affects Archvillains/Hero class critters much more than other foes. This leads to strange numbers at the extreme low end, numbers that were never designed for or balanced against. Coupled with the rewards of defeating an AV, a fix was necessary.

I hope you all understand the reason why this was changed. Please feel free to let me know if anything isn't working as it should be or if anything is unclear!

Dr. Aeon

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Oh good, no more big reds, I presume?

Can we have some new lower level versions of the Sig characters though?



Weatherby made a good suggestion. Many AVs in game to scale down to Elite Bosses, which the XP and other rewards seem fine for.

Maybe AV at less than minimum level -> automatically an Elite Boss, not AV. Should take care of at least some reward problems. They'll still be available for story reasons but won't give larger rewards that AVs normally do.

Just my 2 cents.


Posted if I enter an AE mission @ lvl 23 designed to scale to that level, and the AV used does not scale to that level, then I could be facing a 30, 40, 50+ av?

And this is a good idea? I can see how scaling on these creatures could be abused, knowing how creative players can be, but I can also see this driving people (me in particular) all kinds of crazy when I've invested time in an arc and then am suddenly facing a vastly higher lvl AV than myself.

Bad enough that AE does not recognize my difficulty preference, now It can not recognize my lvl with no warning?

Are mission arcs that will be affected by this going to be marked in some way? Or de-activated

Originally Posted by Dr. Aeon View Post
Hey everyone,

I wanted to pop in to speak about changes made to scaling enemies in the recent patch. We've disabled archvillains from scaling beneath their minimum level. Regular enemies, minions, lieutenants, bosses, etc, will still scale down beneath their minimum level. We made this change because combat scaling affects Archvillains/Hero class critters much more than other foes. This leads to strange numbers at the extreme low end, numbers that were never designed for or balanced against. Coupled with the rewards of defeating an AV, a fix was necessary.

I hope you all understand the reason why this was changed. Please feel free to let me know if anything isn't working as it should be or if anything is unclear!

Dr. Aeon



Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
Weatherby made a good suggestion. Many AVs in game to scale down to Elite Bosses, which the XP and other rewards seem fine for.

Maybe AV at less than minimum level -> automatically an Elite Boss, not AV. Should take care of at least some reward problems. They'll still be available for story reasons but won't give larger rewards that AVs normally do.

Just my 2 cents.
That's a good suggestion. This is kind of an annoying change for me since it means I can't use Adamastor anymore - I use him in two arcs, both of which scale him down.

Astoria in D Minor, a horror arc. Arc ID: 41565 - The Beating Heart of Astoria: A Play in Five Acts. Arc ID: 170547 - Ignition of the Machine, a story with robots. Arc ID: 318983
Captain Skylark Shadowfancy and the Tomorrownauts of Today. Arc ID: 337333 - Signal:Noise, where is everybody? Arc ID: 341194
@The Cheshire Cat - Isn't it enough to know I ruined a pony making a gift for you?

12 second horror stories - a writing experiment.



Originally Posted by The_Cheshire_Cat View Post
That's a good suggestion. This is kind of an annoying change for me since it means I can't use Adamastor anymore - I use him in two arcs, both of which scale him down.
You were using him for story reasons, but there were many exploitative farms out there scaling him to level 1 for an easy kill and big xp.



Ah, well, it seems as though their focus will continue to be to tilt at the exploiter windmill instead of doing things that might increase MA's popularity again. This would have been the greatest tool in the history of online gaming for the player population. Now, unfortunately, it is sadly dead.



Originally Posted by Sister_Twelve View Post
Ah, well, it seems as though their focus will continue to be to tilt at the exploiter windmill instead of doing things that might increase MA's popularity again. This would have been the greatest tool in the history of online gaming for the player population. Now, unfortunately, it is sadly dead.
Its still a great tool. Sadly, it was exploitability of the AE that made it so popular in the first place (along with the new feature smell - aaaaah).

My friends and I still use and enjoy it. Some folks really enjoy making stuff for it, but I think most people probably figured out that mission making isn't for them (I don't care for it).



Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
Weatherby made a good suggestion. Many AVs in game to scale down to Elite Bosses, which the XP and other rewards seem fine for.

Maybe AV at less than minimum level -> automatically an Elite Boss, not AV. Should take care of at least some reward problems. They'll still be available for story reasons but won't give larger rewards that AVs normally do.

Just my 2 cents.
That seems to be a reasonable compromise, if Elite Bosses genuinely don't suffer the problem to a sufficient extent.

I do wish people would stop acting surprised when the devs take action to address exploitation, though. It suggests that there is any other alternative that has any non-zero chance of happening in this or any other MMO. Quite honestly, that's like being angry at gravity when you trip and fall, as if gravity could simply choose to act differently for your benefit, and you're disappointed it never does.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Do you mean 6/15? 6/8 was last weak? I don't remember reading anything about AV scaling last week.

@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
That seems to be a reasonable compromise, if Elite Bosses genuinely don't suffer the problem to a sufficient extent.

I do wish people would stop acting surprised when the devs take action to address exploitation, though. It suggests that there is any other alternative that has any non-zero chance of happening in this or any other MMO. Quite honestly, that's like being angry at gravity when you trip and fall, as if gravity could simply choose to act differently for your benefit, and you're disappointed it never does.
The difference is that gravity is a natural force. It cannot choose to behave in any other way than it does. Developers are people who have choices about what they prioritize and what they do not. Over a year and entire issue was spent developing AE. At this point, because of choices they made between then and now, pretty much all of that time, energy and effort was completely wasted, because the choices they have made have managed to destroy any interest that 99.9% of the playerbase have in this feature.

They had alternatives. They chose not to exercise them. I do not generally 'cry doom' about the game or announce that I am going to quit in a fit of nerd rage or any of those things. I just think that well meaning people so often seem to lose the forest for the trees the way that has happened in this case. I think there was a window of opportunity earlier in the year for them to revitalize the feature, but not anymore. The things they have chosen to prioritize in the interim have caused that window of opportunity to close.



Originally Posted by Blood_Beret View Post
Do you mean 6/15? 6/8 was last weak? I don't remember reading anything about AV scaling last week.
It was put in the last patch, but missed the patch notes. Some people were understandably upset about this. I was not aware the scaling had been changed until I read two posts from people who had used Adamastor in a non-exploitative way (scaled down to the 20s or 30s, where he can still be a threat).

Simply disallowing high-level AVs to be scaled down to ANY level, even at a point where they are still a threat, is again a ham-fisted overly harsh fix that again unfairly punishes legitimate arcs. The problem was with people farming Adamastor at level 1, because he is wimpy for an AV, and because AVs in general don't scale well to level 1.

EBs give the same XP as a boss, don't they? So what would be the point in farming them? Flagging scaled-down AVs to always be EBs seems like a good solution to me. Or, just prevent them from scaling down into the extreme low end. Set a minimum level to which AVs are allowed to scale down, one where their damage and regen/HP is comparable to a standard AV of that level, and don't allow them to go any lower. There are no dev-created AVs below level 10, why should there be in AE? Or, fix how they scale, so when a team of level 5s walks into their Adamastor farm they get footstomped into oblivion.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Sister_Twelve View Post
The difference is that gravity is a natural force. It cannot choose to behave in any other way than it does. Developers are people who have choices about what they prioritize and what they do not. Over a year and entire issue was spent developing AE. At this point, because of choices they made between then and now, pretty much all of that time, energy and effort was completely wasted, because the choices they have made have managed to destroy any interest that 99.9% of the playerbase have in this feature.

They had alternatives. They chose not to exercise them. I do not generally 'cry doom' about the game or announce that I am going to quit in a fit of nerd rage or any of those things. I just think that well meaning people so often seem to lose the forest for the trees the way that has happened in this case. I think there was a window of opportunity earlier in the year for them to revitalize the feature, but not anymore. The things they have chosen to prioritize in the interim have caused that window of opportunity to close.
Ignoring exploits is not an alternative. The biggest mistake the devs ever made with the AE was launching with exploits they did not consider to be important enough to close prior to launch. Essentially all AE problems ultimately derive from that one singular mistake. That's the punishment for ignoring exploitability. And every time the devs ignore that rule, the universe will punish them again. And they will deserve it. They could sooner opt out of the force of gravity.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by The_Cheshire_Cat View Post
That's a good suggestion. This is kind of an annoying change for me since it means I can't use Adamastor anymore - I use him in two arcs, both of which scale him down.
I know, I have to rewrite the finale of "All Consuming" AGAIN.

Originally Posted by Sister_Twelve View Post
The difference is that gravity is a natural force. It cannot choose to behave in any other way than it does. Developers are people who have choices about what they prioritize and what they do not. Over a year and entire issue was spent developing AE. At this point, because of choices they made between then and now, pretty much all of that time, energy and effort was completely wasted, because the choices they have made have managed to destroy any interest that 99.9% of the playerbase have in this feature.

They had alternatives. They chose not to exercise them. I do not generally 'cry doom' about the game or announce that I am going to quit in a fit of nerd rage or any of those things. I just think that well meaning people so often seem to lose the forest for the trees the way that has happened in this case. I think there was a window of opportunity earlier in the year for them to revitalize the feature, but not anymore. The things they have chosen to prioritize in the interim have caused that window of opportunity to close.
And sadly I don't see the upcoming issues and Going Rogue helping things either. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't have another Architect Awards this year as well.



Patching exploits is entirely necessary and all the time spent to do so is also unassailably wise. Can you imagine if the Summoned Husks from Death Shamans were actually to give xp in a direct ratio to the way they actually deal and absorb damage? The game would self-destruct from the horrible imbalance of that equality.

It's too horrible to even contemplate. I'm just glad I don't have to live in a world with untimed warwolf missions.



Totally understand why. Sounds in theory that dropping lower than normal level AVs to EBs would possibly work better, assuming that tech can be put into place, to avoid yet again invalidating genuine arcs of non-exploiting players.

Still waiting patiently on other XP/AE fixes, would like to use it again without fear of drastically reduced rewards.

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Originally Posted by Amarsir View Post
Patching exploits is entirely necessary and all the time spent to do so is also unassailably wise.
Except when you correct the exploit in a manner that ruins things for everyone rather than just the exploiters, who are already moving on to something else. Meanwhile this leaves yet another batch of broken arcs behind that were making legit use of this feature. There were better ways of handling this, but once again the Devs took the lazy route.

Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
Still waiting patiently on other XP/AE fixes, would like to use it again without fear of drastically reduced rewards.
Assuming anyone still wants to write arcs when those fixes finally do arrive, assuming that they ever do.



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
Except when you correct the exploit in a manner that ruins things for everyone rather than just the exploiters, who are already moving on to something else. Meanwhile this leaves yet another batch of broken arcs behind that were making legit use of this feature. There were better ways of handling this, but once again the Devs took the lazy route.
Your complaint should then be that the devs should find better ways to deal with the exploits, not ignore them. And that complaint would be entirely valid.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)




I see a bit of dev bashing, and some pointing fingers at them for not developing well enough to pre-empt them.

In general that is grossly unfair, when you have say 4 variables, you could have 4x3x2x1=24 possible combinations. Now just imagine all the combinations CoH has to offer, and to make it worse, its not a simple combination! For instance say instead of two numbers at a time, CoH is easily a complex conglomeration I would say of no less than 8 sets of numbers (parameters) [ie 00000001, 00000002, 10000001] so the number of combinations is simply staggering. I frankly find it impossible for any dev or group of devs to account for over a billion possible combinations. So there are going to be cracks on the wall, its the nature of the beast. If you really think of it, the fact that there are so few exploits, its a tribute to their professionalism.

Now, perhaps, how they go about fixing these exploits or errors could be done better. But when the dam is cracking, no one cares if the concrete poored on it is of the right color.





If 10% of the population of the game defines "Winning" as "finding something exceptionally easy and rewarding and doing it" the devs are playing defense against 10,000 people.

(none of whom, to be fair, are apparently smart enough or social enough to just run TopDoc style superteams...)


Winning back players' interest in the AE will definetly be an uphill battle for many. Months and months of changes, fixes, and generally unpleasant experiences of overpowered mobs, bad arcs, invalid arcs, low reward arcs have polarized a large percentage of the playerbase against it. Still, it remains usable for telling good stories, as for providing 'fair' rewards always (or almost always) while doing so, that's coming.
I would estimate that 50% of the arcs I've played and not liked were failures for me for reasons that had NOTHING to do with ANYTHING the devs did.

If I may quote Teresa Nielsen Hayden's analysis of the slush pile:
1. Author is functionally illiterate.
2. Author has submitted some variety of literature we don’t publish: poetry, religious revelation, political rant, illustrated fanfic, etc.
3. Author has a serious neurochemical disorder, puts all important words into capital letters, and would type out to the margins if MSWord would let him.
4. Author is on bad terms with the Muse of Language. Parts of speech are not what they should be. Confusion-of-motion problems inadvertently generate hideous images. Words are supplanted by their similar-sounding cousins: towed the line, deep-seeded, dire straights, nearly penultimate, incentiary, reeking havoc, hare’s breath escape, plaintiff melody, viscous/vicious, causal/casual, clamoured to her feet, a shutter went through her body, his body went ridged, empirical storm troopers, ex-patriot Englishmen, et cetera.
5. Author can write basic sentences, but not string them together in any way that adds up to paragraphs.
6. Author has a moderate neurochemical disorder and can’t tell when he or she has changed the subject. This greatly facilitates composition, but is hard on comprehension.
7. Author can write passable paragraphs, and has a sufficiently functional plot that readers would notice if you shuffled the chapters into a different order. However, the story and the manner of its telling are alike hackneyed, dull, and pointless.

(At this point, you have eliminated 60-75% of your submissions. Almost all the reading-and-thinking time will be spent on the remaining fraction.)
8. It’s nice that the author is working on his/her problems, but the process would be better served by seeing a shrink than by writing novels.
9. Nobody but the author is ever going to care about this dull, flaccid, underperforming book.
10. The book has an engaging plot. Trouble is, it’s not the author’s, and everybody’s already seen that movie/read that book/collected that comic.

(You have now eliminated 95-99% of the submissions.)
11. Someone could publish this book, but we don’t see why it should be us.
12. Author is talented, but has written the wrong book.
13. It’s a good book, but the house isn’t going to get behind it, so if you buy it, it’ll just get lost in the shuffle.
14. Buy this book.
I saw a lot of 1,2,4, 7, 9 and 10 - none of which the devs can stop- when my SG decided to try a "We will level only in AE" group and I somehow ended up talent scout. (we made it to about level 35-ish.) Now I didn't actually PLAY the really illiterate ones for the same reason I didn't play the obvious farms or the jedi love fests, but there were a lot that I tried which were just poor storytelling. (I lowered my estimate from 80% to 50% after considering how very many failed for "12 webgrens stacked on me" or "stalker kill-alls" or "omnistuns".There are 50 ways to turn a good story into a terrible mission, but there are 5000 ways to not start with a good story.)

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post

I do wish people would stop acting surprised when the devs take action to address exploitation, though. It suggests that there is any other alternative that has any non-zero chance of happening in this or any other MMO. Quite honestly, that's like being angry at gravity when you trip and fall, as if gravity could simply choose to act differently for your benefit, and you're disappointed it never does.
I agree with this (both the AVs scale down to EBs idea being suggested, and the sentiment regarding the silliness of expressing surprise that if something is being exploited, something will be done to stop it). Plus, the gravity example actually made me laugh out loud.

EDIT: Cool! My first negative rep. "you sir are an idiot, just like her"

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
Assuming anyone still wants to write arcs when those fixes finally do arrive, assuming that they ever do.
If will come, ...eventually. They've promised as much. It's just one of those things they unfortunetly can't/haven't been able to get published yet, and we have to wait.

Winning back players' interest in the AE will definetly be an uphill battle for many. Months and months of changes, fixes, and generally unpleasant experiences of overpowered mobs, bad arcs, invalid arcs, low reward arcs have polarized a large percentage of the playerbase against it. Still, it remains usable for telling good stories, as for providing 'fair' rewards always (or almost always) while doing so, that's coming.

Member of:
Repeat Offenders Network - The Largest Coalition Network in the Game, across Virtue, Freedom, Justice and Exalted. Open to all, check us out.

Current Team Project: Pending



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Your complaint should then be that the devs should find better ways to deal with the exploits, not ignore them. And that complaint would be entirely valid.
That is my complaint. Slapping on a ham-handed fix to kill the exploit NAO is fine and good if a fix for the fix is brought out in a timely manner, NOT half a year later as an afterthought along with the new shiny.

Originally Posted by Stormfront_NA View Post

I see a bit of dev bashing, and some pointing fingers at them for not developing well enough to pre-empt them.
Nope, I'm pointing fingers at them for throwing in BAD FIXES and leaving them rather than coming up with something better, when the non-exploiting players have come up with a better solution within an hour of Dr. Aeon's post.

Now, perhaps, how they go about fixing these exploits or errors could be done better. But when the dam is cracking, no one cares if the concrete poored on it is of the right color.
What if the concrete poured on it is leaking toxic chemicals that affect everyone around the dam, do people care then?

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World