Radio missions causing stupidity




Originally Posted by Organica View Post
As far as the rushing ahead on a Task Force goes, communication goes a long way.

Example One: The SG I'm in, Hero Force on Virtue, run a LOT of TFs. I know when MG is running the TF we're going to stealth as much as we can (probably because we want to run 3 more TFs that day, heh). This is usually true when others in the SG are running too. But the leader will TELL people that we're stealthing this mission, MG's toons are almost always equipped with recall friend no matter the AT so that we can summon the rest of the team, and people in the SG generally know what to expect if they've been on more than a couple of TFs with the SG. (And when I respec'd Mouse Police I built her to have superspeed very early and equipped her with a stealth IO, and I have ATT so I can stealth and teleport the team at least once on a TF).
Organica, this is the flip side of the coin.

I have been invited to TFs where the leaders are just GREAT. The Crimson Order on Liberty runs very helpful TFs where they generally give folks a heads up on what is expected, and I have been on some (dare I say it?) WONDERFUL PuG TFs that were a sheer pleasure to run because the leaders actually led.

It is like anything else in CoH: if the team communicates and works to each other's strengths (and a deserved compliment for good play to those doing a great job goes a long way when expressed in team chat) then the group will roll right along. Folks will give you wakies when needed, pop you a fast heal if you are on the brink and pull baddies off of you when needed and you will be doing the same in return. I always hate to have to log when I am part of a team like that.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Agonus has the backwardses:

As far as Radio Mission only people and AE babies, what I want to know is what started the Rush Mayhem trend that I've seen waaay too much PUGing redside.

Not fighting to the bank. Nooo, that would be too easy. Now a lot of players seem to think that running/stealthing straight to the bank (a la Safeguards) is the way to do a Mayhem mission.

And, as I've had players tell me, it's a 50/50 chance you'll complete the mission because of the big Longbow ambush that magically pops up when you get to the bank, so it doesn't matter how you do the mission.
Hee, yeah, like Electric said, they sound too used to Safeguards. Had the opposite a couple of weeks ago, where in a Kings Row Safeguard the leader insisted we fight anywhere but to the bank. When I asked if that wasn't backwards, she said she didn't want people to quit after the bank, even though another member had spammed TEAM about five times not to hit quit after the bank. But I followed along, watching the time creep down and down until someone "accidentally" (wasn't me) tripped the bank trigger and we had to fight the robbers outside on their way to escape. Barely got them before the time was up and then the leader continued to fly off in the middle of fights and say "here" with the rest of the team a little busy and then wonder why everyone didn't magically appear where she was. We finally ran out of time with us engaged in battle and her standing somewhere near a side mission trigger. Weirdest SG I've ever done.

Dec out.



I have not many problems running PUG's maybe cos there are usually 1 or 2 people I know in there, but the few time's I've tried to run TF's I've had nightmares.

First was the Ice tank that insisted the empaths sole job was to heal her. First time I've ever failed the ITF.

Then there was the PUG New Posi where after the first mission one of the players just said 'Thanks for the team' and logged before we could even type 'WTF?'



Arcs certainly seem weird to some players.

I run PUGs all the time and I use a mixture of radio missions and arcs, the other night as I was in Steel and level 17 so I decided to run the Midnighter arc.

After spending some time assembling a team, I managed to get a fairly nice balance and after waiting what seemed like an age for some players to get to the mission from Atlas we were ready to go.

Whilst waiting I looked at some of the players info, hmm mixture of vets and newbies, should be ok I thought…

Well I soon realised that our tank (despite his vet badges) was one of those just stood there waiting for someone to do something and despite having scrappers and blasters, my defender ends up drawing all the agro as no one else will do anything. I politely explained that perhaps my fender shouldn’t “tank” and talked about agro, but no dice.

Somehow I manage to survive through most of the missions, one or two defeats excepted and erm I’m sorry Lady Jane. Anyway I go on to craft the lost cure and despite constant communication with the team it’s clear no-one has a clue what’s going on, so I end up doing the final part almost solo.

I then suggested that perhaps we should go to Faultline and do the Jim Temblor arc, as Fusionette will no doubt need some assistance (again), no laughs…it seems the none of the team have heard of Fusionette? I explain to the team that the arc is good and has AV’s etc. The team seems keen, however after 10 minutes of waiting, half of the team hasn’t arrived as they have no idea how to get to faultline (these were not all new players), they seem keen to get on a train, I explain that there is no train line to Faultline, and that either get the train to Skyway, use Pocket D, base TP or mission TP if you have it. After 5 more minutes 3 players quit in a row, no doubt because (despite my polite instructions and offer to use my base) they can’t find Faultline.

Luckily I recruit a couple more players and we begin, in the first mission we find Fusionette and the player leading her out doesn’t seem to get the idea and after lots of prompting, seeming starts to move towards the exit, however ends up going completely the wrong way running into the last remaining mob on the map, faceplants and then suddenly quits without a word.

Work is less effort sometimes

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2 simple fixes and story arches wouldn't be annyoing at all, and far superior IMO to paper missions.

1. Keep the zoning to an absolote minium. Only zone if it makes since to do so. (IE, you need to speak to a contact in a different zone). Outside of that, keep them all in zone.

2. Give us the phone number right off the bat. Screw this trust thing. I get telemarketer calling me on my cell phone... phone numbers are not usually a big private trust earning deal, and if you trust me enough to put peoples lives in my hands by god you should trust me enough to give me your cell phone number...

You do that, and I'd never touch paper missions again. Frankly, i don't DO paper missions red side at all usually, cause the missions are all pretty much in the same zone, and you get the cell phone eairly. (though, IMO, you should just be giving it at the start like in the RWZ)

But hero side, where the contacts love to send me all over the map for each mission? Screw that. I'll run papers. (or i guess, scanners..) Hope the dev's do the new missions for the new zone more like CoV and a lot less like CoH.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
Arcs certainly seem weird to some players.

I run PUGs all the time and I use a mixture of radio missions and arcs, the other night as I was in Steel and level 17 so I decided to run the Midnighter arc.

After spending some time assembling a team, I managed to get a fairly nice balance and after waiting what seemed like an age for some players to get to the mission from Atlas we were ready to go.

Whilst waiting I looked at some of the players info, hmm mixture of vets and newbies, should be ok I thought…

Well I soon realised that our tank (despite his vet badges) was one of those just stood there waiting for someone to do something and despite having scrappers and blasters, my defender ends up drawing all the agro as no one else will do anything. I politely explained that perhaps my fender shouldn’t “tank” and talked about agro, but no dice.

Somehow I manage to survive through most of the missions, one or two defeats excepted and erm I’m sorry Lady Jane. Anyway I go on to craft the lost cure and despite constant communication with the team it’s clear no-one has a clue what’s going on, so I end up doing the final part almost solo.

I then suggested that perhaps we should go to Faultline and do the Jim Temblor arc, as Fusionette will no doubt need some assistance (again), no laughs…it seems the none of the team have heard of Fusionette? I explain to the team that the arc is good and has AV’s etc. The team seems keen, however after 10 minutes of waiting, half of the team hasn’t arrived as they have no idea how to get to faultline (these were not all new players), they seem keen to get on a train, I explain that there is no train line to Faultline, and that either get the train to Skyway, use Pocket D, base TP or mission TP if you have it. After 5 more minutes 3 players quit in a row, no doubt because (despite my polite instructions and offer to use my base) they can’t find Faultline.

Luckily I recruit a couple more players and we begin, in the first mission we find Fusionette and the player leading her out doesn’t seem to get the idea and after lots of prompting, seeming starts to move towards the exit, however ends up going completely the wrong way running into the last remaining mob on the map, faceplants and then suddenly quits without a word.

Work is less effort sometimes

There's a bunch of people that have reactivated their accounts in anticipation of Going Rogue getting released. So it isn't surprising to find people that can't find Faultline even tho their account says they are vets.



Originally Posted by KingSnake View Post
2 simple fixes and story arches wouldn't be annyoing at all, and far superior IMO to paper missions.

1. Keep the zoning to an absolote minium. Only zone if it makes since to do so. (IE, you need to speak to a contact in a different zone). Outside of that, keep them all in zone.

2. Give us the phone number right off the bat. Screw this trust thing. I get telemarketer calling me on my cell phone... phone numbers are not usually a big private trust earning deal, and if you trust me enough to put peoples lives in my hands by god you should trust me enough to give me your cell phone number...

You do that, and I'd never touch paper missions again. Frankly, i don't DO paper missions red side at all usually, cause the missions are all pretty much in the same zone, and you get the cell phone eairly. (though, IMO, you should just be giving it at the start like in the RWZ)

But hero side, where the contacts love to send me all over the map for each mission? Screw that. I'll run papers. (or i guess, scanners..) Hope the dev's do the new missions for the new zone more like CoV and a lot less like CoH.

I hope they devs never do that. This game doesn't need more AE babies that have no idea how to leave Atlas Park or Mercy Island.



...backwardses? o.0

Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
I've heard complaints about how to do mayhems since I started playing.
I dont really get the angst some players have when mayhems fail. Often you still grab the badge, you miss out on a temp power of variable worth (wow a jet pack). Seen a lot of teams disband 'cause we failed bank, or teamwiped along the way, when if that happened in a normal paper mission, it would be hositpal & reenter no drama.
I don't care if a Mayhem fails. Don't even really care that much about the badges, as I tend to forget about them once I hit the 20's anyway.

What annoys me is when a PUG leader, who acts like they know what they're doing, selects at Mayhem, and then any one of a number of the following happen.
1- The mission difficulty is still set insanely high.
2- When the team wipes in the first 2 or 3 mobs, the team gets stuck in jail due to massive amounts of Longbow and PPD eagerly waiting to fill their police brutality quota on us.
3- The leader doesn't clearly establish how they want to do the Mayhem, chaos ensues. See number 2.
4- The leader does say how they want to run the mission, but some Stalker or another player runs straight to the bank anyway. See number 2.

The whole thing then ends up being an annoying waste of time and an exercise in futility.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Originally Posted by Agonus View Post
1- The mission difficulty is still set insanely high.
2- When the team wipes in the first 2 or 3 mobs, the team gets stuck in jail due to massive amounts of Longbow and PPD eagerly waiting to fill their police brutality quota on us.
3- The leader doesn't clearly establish how they want to do the Mayhem, chaos ensues. See number 2.
4- The leader does say how they want to run the mission, but some Stalker or another player runs straight to the bank anyway. See number 2.
This pretty well outlines why I avoid PUG mayhem missions when I can. Damn, do those things suck most of the time.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Agonus View Post
...backwardses? o.0

I don't care if a Mayhem fails. Don't even really care that much about the badges, as I tend to forget about them once I hit the 20's anyway.

What annoys me is when a PUG leader, who acts like they know what they're doing, selects at Mayhem, and then any one of a number of the following happen.
1- The mission difficulty is still set insanely high.
2- When the team wipes in the first 2 or 3 mobs, the team gets stuck in jail due to massive amounts of Longbow and PPD eagerly waiting to fill their police brutality quota on us.
3- The leader doesn't clearly establish how they want to do the Mayhem, chaos ensues. See number 2.
4- The leader does say how they want to run the mission, but some Stalker or another player runs straight to the bank anyway. See number 2.

The whole thing then ends up being an annoying waste of time and an exercise in futility.
"Crime does not pay."

In all seriousness, though, it makes one wonder when folks just take off and do their own thing when part of a group. What is the point of being on a team, then? It is a puzzlement.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Originally Posted by KingSnake View Post
2 simple fixes and story arches wouldn't be annyoing at all, and far superior IMO to paper missions.

1. Keep the zoning to an absolote minium. Only zone if it makes since to do so. (IE, you need to speak to a contact in a different zone). Outside of that, keep them all in zone.

2. Give us the phone number right off the bat. Screw this trust thing. I get telemarketer calling me on my cell phone... phone numbers are not usually a big private trust earning deal, and if you trust me enough to put peoples lives in my hands by god you should trust me enough to give me your cell phone number...

You do that, and I'd never touch paper missions again. Frankly, i don't DO paper missions red side at all usually, cause the missions are all pretty much in the same zone, and you get the cell phone eairly. (though, IMO, you should just be giving it at the start like in the RWZ)

But hero side, where the contacts love to send me all over the map for each mission? Screw that. I'll run papers. (or i guess, scanners..) Hope the dev's do the new missions for the new zone more like CoV and a lot less like CoH.
Didn't they do that, to a lesser degree, in i17, at least at low levels?

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by KingSnake View Post
2 simple fixes and story arches wouldn't be annyoing at all, and far superior IMO to paper missions.

1. Keep the zoning to an absolote minium. Only zone if it makes since to do so. (IE, you need to speak to a contact in a different zone). Outside of that, keep them all in zone.

2. Give us the phone number right off the bat. Screw this trust thing. I get telemarketer calling me on my cell phone... phone numbers are not usually a big private trust earning deal, and if you trust me enough to put peoples lives in my hands by god you should trust me enough to give me your cell phone number...

You do that, and I'd never touch paper missions again. Frankly, i don't DO paper missions red side at all usually, cause the missions are all pretty much in the same zone, and you get the cell phone eairly. (though, IMO, you should just be giving it at the start like in the RWZ)

But hero side, where the contacts love to send me all over the map for each mission? Screw that. I'll run papers. (or i guess, scanners..) Hope the dev's do the new missions for the new zone more like CoV and a lot less like CoH.
Agreed. Maybe add 'get rid of some FedExes and street hunts while you're at it.' I can't stand grinding paper missions, but I'm not fond of running all over creation for outdated story arcs either, so I almost entirely avoid heroside these days.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I hope they devs never do that. This game doesn't need more AE babies that have no idea how to leave Atlas Park or Mercy Island.
? Eh? What in the world does reducing unnessessity time padding to missions (IE, unnessesry travel) have to do with breeding more AE babies? You still got to travel within the zone, and like, when you outlevel the zone, move on... you just don't have to run to Kings, grab a mission that's in prez, go to prez, finish, run back to kings and get in in skyway... and wash and repeat until you get the phone number. Then you just have to call and start hoofing it. I'd rather zones work like CoV's or the newer zones for CoH. (straga, croatoa, ect)

How does that, again, breed more AE babies???

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
Didn't they do that, to a lesser degree, in i17, at least at low levels?
Don't think so. I haven't ran many contact missions hero side unless they are like Hollows or Straga or something that keeps me in the same zone honestly, but, last time i did, a few months back, i ran the freakolimpics i think (always liked that one.) and i was all over the map again. (world map, not zone).

I know some contacts now give there number sooner. Like, the first bar, not the 3rd like they used too. But some will still take like 4 or 5 missions to even get to that.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



Forbin_Project has my voice:

I hope they devs never do that. This game doesn't need more AE babies that have no idea how to leave Atlas Park or Mercy Island.
I know I'm weird, but I find arcs that are all one zone to be kind of boring. It's more fun to move around for me.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
There's a bunch of people that have reactivated their accounts in anticipation of Going Rogue getting released. So it isn't surprising to find people that can't find Faultline even tho their account says they are vets.
Eh, maybe. I think people might be E-Bay'ing accts or something. The things I've seen and heard lately out of 30 and 40 month vets are sometimes pretty damned ridiculous.

Masterminds annoy everybody, sooner or later. Heck, Masterminds annoy themselves.



ChaosExMachina doesn't run:

Didn't they do that, to a lesser degree, in i17, at least at low levels?
They reconfigured the origin-based starter missions in Atlas and Galaxy to not run you all over hell's half-acre and into dangerous territory for your level, but I don't recall them doing anything else like that elsewhere. And those were always contained in the same zone anyway.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
I know I'm weird, but I find arcs that are all one zone to be kind of boring. It's more fun to move around for me.
I agree. Coming from other MMOs, I just don't understand the seeming entitlement of some (ok, most) players regarding zoning. So you have to go to another neighborhood in the same city. Boo-hoo. Games like WoW make you run maybe 8 zones over *on another continent*, after taking a boat to get there, and we think using *superpowers* to travel to the next zone over is somehow a deal-breaker.

Crying about not getting the contact's phone number sooner is equally lame. CoX didn't have to include this at all. Most MMOs make you hoof it all the way back to the contact *every time* just to turn in the finished quest or mission, let alone getting a new one.

To all these "zone martyrs", I say: Try any other MMO and you'll come back to CoX thanking your lucky stars things aren't worse than they are now rather than quitting in nerdrage just because you had to zone once per mission.



Originally Posted by Peacemoon View Post
I try to explain in team chat that we need to do take him to the computer(rest of the team remain silent), which is located on the map, however this guy ignores me and takes him down all the elevators and to the mission door. We then get a load of "???"'s in team chat while I try to explain again why the mission hasn't completed. After I explain, the guy says he is confused and quits the team, leaving the hacker on the bottom floor.
I didn't realize that following a waypoint was such a brain breaking task

Originally Posted by NekoNeko View Post
I agree. Coming from other MMOs, I just don't understand the seeming entitlement of some (ok, most) players regarding zoning. So you have to go to another neighborhood in the same city. Boo-hoo. Games like WoW make you run maybe 8 zones over *on another continent*, after taking a boat to get there, and we think using *superpowers* to travel to the next zone over is somehow a deal-breaker.

Crying about not getting the contact's phone number sooner is equally lame. CoX didn't have to include this at all. Most MMOs make you hoof it all the way back to the contact *every time* just to turn in the finished quest or mission, let alone getting a new one.

To all these "zone martyrs", I say: Try any other MMO and you'll come back to CoX thanking your lucky stars things aren't worse than they are now rather than quitting in nerdrage just because you had to zone once per mission.
WoW doesn't require zoning to get to another area IIRC. Regardless, traveling around from zone to zone gets tedious, though traveling is a bit easier on most players these days with SG Teleporters and Oroboros Portal. But before that? oh hell no...



I "grew up" in mid-I6, before I had most of that available to me. I still loved it. Hell, I loved how "the Hollows teaches us to run!".

Explorer types. Not everyone is one.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by NekoNeko View Post
The thing about traveling is, it's not exactly exciting or all that fun. If you're a brand-new player getting to fly over the Rogue Isles or Paragon City might be fun for the first time, but after a year of playing, you saw it all and getting from A to B isn't an exciting sight-seeing tour anymore, it's just something to be done so you can get back to beating up more baddies, the actual meat of the game.

Frankly, I don't buy into the "back in my day, we had to go through the snow uphill both ways to get XP!" talk, either. Yeah, travel time is infinitely longer in other MMOs, and it used to be worse in CoH's early days, too, but so what? I chose this MMO for a reason. Not to mention that the devs' mission isn't to copy other MMO elements because that's what all the cool kids are doing, but to make a fun game.

So, when was the last time you were euphoric about taking the tram from Talos Island to Brickstown or flying over Sharkhead Isle? These simply don't get people excited about the game, and I dare say these aren't the reason people play this game. And the best part? The devs agree with this. All the starter-arcs now have much-reduced travel times and from what I've been told, since I17 blue-side contacts give their phone number much earlier, too.

Feel free to keep waving your walking cane at us and telling us to get off your lawn, but I personally quite like that the devs learn from their mistakes and questionable mechanics instead of desparately clinging to archaic MMO design decisions.



Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
The thing about traveling is, it's not exactly exciting or all that fun. If you're a brand-new player getting to fly over the Rogue Isles or Paragon City might be fun for the first time, but after a year of playing, you saw it all and getting from A to B isn't an exciting sight-seeing tour anymore, it's just something to be done so you can get back to beating up more baddies, the actual meat of the game.
Sorry, but since Ultra Mode... it IS fun to travel. Everything is so new and shiney. I always loved it anyway, but this makes it even more so!



Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
Oh wow that post is awesome. More interesting scanners (maybe tips will provide such?), and less them darn kids these days. Pre-I8 hero arcs are ridiculously convoluted and not in an interesting or challenging way.
True, doesn't change the fact that some people simply are to stupid to follow simple instructions (both ingame and provided by me) and then blame it on the game.

My kid brother plays this game since he was 11 years old (13 now) he doesn't speak English as a first language (he learned a lot through this game though, he's currently reading a novel in English ) and still he never had problems with doing anything in this game.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
I "grew up" in mid-I6, before I had most of that available to me. I still loved it. Hell, I loved how "the Hollows teaches us to run!".

Explorer types. Not everyone is one.
Mid I6? Try running FF missions Per I1 and having every... single... one of them send you to Brickstown... back when there was no tram in FF so you had fly to Talos tram and connect to bricks.. only to finish the mission, and fly back.. cause you didn't get the phone number till you nearly maxed the bar... only to be sent to bricks AGAIN... and AGAIN... and AGAIN...

This is epic game, let me assure you, but it is not an "explorer" game IMO. I've played many an MMO that i'd consider true "explorer" MMO's. Back in my AC days, (Asherons Call, the original poormans Evercrack) we'd run for hours to get anywhere, big raid teams, running a cave quest in the diers would buff up, and have a marithon run, like 20 guys, booking accros the landscape for 20 mins. it was kind of awsome really... And it was accually pretty fun. (to an extent) Runing east to get to the dierlands, running by caves you'd never seen, jumping in and exploring them, getting mangled by mites in said cave.. losing every worldly possession you own... been sent back in shame to your home viliageto beg for a magic wand so you can do SOMETHING and start rebuilding yourself.... !@#$@#$ evil little mite sons of @#$@!@#~!s .....



Ok ok, i'm better now... that was repressed memory coming to the surface...

anyways.. no visiable loading screens, new and shifting horizens and landscapes. It had an epic, you lost in the woods feel to it, and was FUN. SWG, for all it's flaws, was an epic explorer game. Huge planets. Hidden gems. Epic space tavel. Crawling into Rancor nests to try and steal there cubs... faily and running for your life... ah.. good times...

CoH, does not, even with the new shinny ultra mode, live up to THAT. (IMO of course). Now doen't get me wrong, I'm still playing CoH and have played it longer then all my other MMO's combined... it's my FAV game, but it's not an explorer's MMO. All missions are relitively static selfinstenced missions. Each zone may have one zone event, some may have 2 at most.. they are relitively small when comparied with SWG's plantes or AC's world map in general. And... there's really nothing to "discover"...

But, it's just not that style of game. The adventure of a superhero MMO imo doesn't come from exploring the city, but saving it. (IMO of course)

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...