Powerset killed by power _____

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Most limited?
"Most limited," as in doing less damage than it should be, hitting less targets than it should be and exposing you to more danger than practically every other power in the game.

I'm not saying Full Auto is a BAD power. It isn't. However, its current state of neglect is NOT a good thing and it NEEDS to be improved to at least meet what other "mini-nukes" can do. And unless you're prepared to vote for a nerf to either Rain of Rarrows or Hail of Bullets, then AR's Full Auto needs something to happen to it at SOME point.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
"Most limited," as in doing less damage than it should be, hitting less targets than it should be and exposing you to more danger than practically every other power in the game.

I'm not saying Full Auto is a BAD power. It isn't. However, its current state of neglect is NOT a good thing and it NEEDS to be improved to at least meet what other "mini-nukes" can do. And unless you're prepared to vote for a nerf to either Rain of Rarrows or Hail of Bullets, then AR's Full Auto needs something to happen to it at SOME point.
Hail of Bullets is probably fine. However, Rain of Arrows does a bit more damage than I would normally think it would given its other attributes, and Full Auto a bit less.

If we naively balanced both as normal attacks and not tier 9 attacks (and this is only for guidence: tier 9's are not balanced in this way traditionally) then with an AoE spherical area of 25 feet of radius RoA has an AoE factor of 4.75. It should do about scale 2.1 damage to each target. It actually does closer to 3.6 (normalized for blasters). Contrawise Full Auto has an AoE factor of about 3.03 as an 80 foot radius 20 degree arc cone. It should do about 3.29 damage total to each target, and it actually averages closer to 2.854.

Actually, if you made the crit 50/50, it would basically land right on the target damage of a power with that recharge and area of effect.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

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(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Actually, if you made the crit 50/50, it would basically land right on the target damage of a power with that recharge and area of effect.
Like I said, something. Even critical damage will do. Right now, the critical damage is... Not really all that much. Either more of it or a higher chance for it would be swell. A to-hit debuff for the duration of the auto fire would also be nice. Be a little safer for those four long seconds.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I specifically asked Castle if blasters were explicitly intended to stay at range, and he said no.

Wasn't Castle not a part of the original dev team? I coulda swore he was added on later. In which case, he would not be the authority on what the ORIGINAL "intent" of the ATs were. He CAN, however, state what the CURRENT goals and "intent" of the devs are, which may be different than they used to be.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I know that I'm late to the party here, but I'd still like to throw my 2 influence in. Blasters should be at range whenever they can. It enhances their survivability and allows them to create a single uninterrupted attack chain 9 times out of 10.
I'll have to disagree with that. Energy Manipulation is pretty much entirely melee and those stuns work great.

Going the blapper route is all about understanding how aggro works and who has it.



Bonesmasher tends to generate less aggro than fireball.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Wasn't Castle not a part of the original dev team? I coulda swore he was added on later. In which case, he would not be the authority on what the ORIGINAL "intent" of the ATs were. He CAN, however, state what the CURRENT goals and "intent" of the devs are, which may be different than they used to be.
You said what blasters *should* be doing, which implies you were commenting on how they are implemented now. Castle's opinion on that is definitive, becaue he was in charge of giving it to them in I11.

But the subject of the original intent has also been covered many times, and is documented. When the concept of archetypes itself was created, Blasters were conceptualized to be the pure damage archetype:

Because of this, I decided to name the Archetypes with terms that pretty much described what they did. I avoided flashy, heroic names in favor of evocative ones.

Scrapper - a hand-to-hand specialist (Primary Power - Melee, Secondary - Defense)
Tanker - could resist damage (Primary Power - Defense, Secondary - Melee)
Blaster - does tons of damage (Primary Power - Ranged, Secondary - Melee)
Defender - helps protect other teammates (Primary Power - Buff/Debuff, Secondary - Ranged
Controller - can affect AI behavior (Primary Power - Crowd Control, Secondary - Buff/Debuff).

Each of these Archetypes had its own "specialty" - the sorts of things it did best. And all of these Archetypes also had their drawbacks. The Tanker, Scrapper and Blaster were good in combat - but they needed the help of Defenders and Controllers to allow them to survive. The Controller had the incredible abilities of Crowd Control, but he needed the other Archetypes to help finish off the foes; he lacked any potent direct damage abilities. So, while the Controller could root a group of thugs, he couldn't take them all on by himself.

And there's the story of Archetypes.
- Jack Emmert, City of Heroes Development Diary Volume 3

This is the Word of God definition of the Blaster archetype as originally conceived: does tons of damage. He called Scrappers the "hand to hand" specialist. If he thought Blasters were the Ranged specialist, there is zero question in my mind he would have said so there, because there's no reason not to: Scrapper: hand to hand; Blaster: ranged. He doesn't, because that is not what he is thinking.

In fact, Jack's brainstorm shows this in the same article:

So, I began thinking of heroes in comic books and on the silver screen. I thought about the types of combinations that seemed to fit at least the majority of heroes that I could imagine. They were:

Melee and Defense
Melee and Ranged
Ranged and Buff/Debuff
Crowd Control and Buff/Debuff

Then, I opened up the floor for anyone to imagine their hero - just from a background point of view. Could this rather simple system capture the heroes that the Cryptic staff had always wanted to play? We found that yup, it succeeded on that level.

We tweaked it a little bit though - we decided to break down the combinations into a primary and a secondary role. In particular, we found that melee heroes came in two particular flavors - the big, strong type that could absorb enormous amounts of damage, and the master fighter type. So, we created two combinations, one where Defense was primary, the other where Melee was primary.

Now, there are other possible combinations. For instance, one Archetype has Buff/Debuff as its primary power category and Range as its secondary - we could have easily done an Archetype that had Buff/Debuff as its primary power category and Melee as its secondary. What I did is consider it from a comic book reader's point of view - how many heroes fit into that type of combination? If there weren't many, I just shelved the combination for the time being. The great thing about MMORPGs is that there's plenty of time to open up other opportunities later.
Important to note two things. First, he's just listing things so you can't take order *too* importantly, but he does originally conceptualize blasters as Melee/Ranged and not the reverse. Secondly, his discussion of Defenders and proto-Corruptors actually hints at something that would become forum debate fodder years later. Some people suggest that because a powerset is *primary* that is de facto the whole purpose of the archetype: the secondary is just that: secondary. Clearly, Jack thought differently. If he actually *saw* a reason to emphasize the difference, he did (Scrappers and Tankers) but if he *didn't* see a reason to emphasize the difference, he didn't bother (Defenders and what would eventually become Corruptors). And that means its just as likely that Blasters have Ranged as the primary set for practical reasons, and not definitive ones. Because if the conceptual distinction was important enough to the developers at the time, there would be a Melee/Ranged archetype as well. There isn't, because they didn't think it was needed.

So, just to recap: Blasters were conceptualized to be the focused damage dealers dealing melee and ranged damage at the beginning of time (literally the moment archetypes themselves were invented), they were originally implemented that way, they were modified to add utility but were never claimed to be ranged only in beta (as far as I know), released as the focused damage dealer with both ranged and melee options, and have been balanced as such up to the last moment when the archetype was revisited, when it was declared to be the damage dealer with ranged and melee options and implemented on the assumption that both options were valid.

* ORIGINAL INTENT: Lots of Damage
* ORIGINAL IMPLEMENTATION: Ranged and Melee Damage
* RELEASED DESIGN: Ranged Damage, Melee Damage, Utility
* LAST ARCHETYPE BALANCING: Attempt to balance melee and ranged options, increase survivability through enhanced ability to deliver damage.

Was there ever a moment when the dev team either conceptualized, designed, implemented, adjusted, balanced, or declared the Blaster archetype as being ranged-focused or melee was not a valid option for damage dealing? As far as I'm aware, never, for any moment in time that the Blaster archetype existed at all.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



That does nothing to explain why blazing aura can't have the same size radius as lightning field for blasters...

Great info though. Neat to look back through the fog of time and peer into the thought processes.



As evocative names go, "Blaster" typically evokes the image of blasting, which itself is an activity that tends to happen at range.

Offhand, I can't think of any individual power that kills a powerset for me. The closest I can think of is Granite or Rooted. Or perhaps click mez protection, which has very nearly put me off of Shield Defense and Super Reflexes before.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Not power specific, but I loathe redraw. My bane nearly makes me uninstall the game after each time playing it. The only reason I've stuck with it this far (44) is because it has the potential to do redonculous damage. Like double that of a good scrapper. And because they are so cool. But man oh man does it drive me up the wall.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Both together ensure that I will never, EVER play an AR/Dev Blaster again until something happens to BOTH sets. And it's even worse because I played one to 50 already...
I rolled one to 50 as well. Set him up with a (in comparison to my other characters) pretty good background, and actually worked to set up a thematically appropriate way for him to hit 50. Since he was supposed to be an escaped Arachnos, he dinged off of defeating Lord Recluse in the STF. I even had to take a screen shot of the event as he managed to actually GET the kill shot, a feat I probably won't be able to repeat. And yet as soon as I found out that actual Arachnos Soldiers are supposed to be allowed to switch sides in GR I scrapped him and rerolled in a heart beat. Why?

When I played him I felt like I was doing less damage than my comparatively slotted Tanker.

I'm not kidding, either. My Blaster felt weaker offensively than my Tanker. It was a really simple metric, too. I took the most powerful single target attack, Sniper Rifle for one, Knock Out Blow for the other, and slotted them up similarly, one Accuracy, three Damage. I then used all powers that boosted damage available to just the primary and secondary powers of each character, in other words Targeting Drone and Rage. I then turned the attack on an even level minion. In pretty much all cases, the Tank one shot the minion. The Blaster didn't.

Yes, I realize that Rage is a fairly hefty damage boost, while using Targeting Drone with Sniper Rifle at 50 adds like ten points of damage, but that's not the point. The entire point, at least what I was led to believe anyway, is that Tankers give up damage to be the most resilient characters in the game, while a Blaster has nothing BUT his damage. The fact that a Tank can outshine another AT at pretty much the Blaster's only reason for existence for any reason really says something to me.

That's not the only problem I have with the set, just the easiest to explain. So yeah, I'd have to say the power the killed AR for me was Knock Out Blow. Oh, and Foot Stomp.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
I rolled one to 50 as well. Set him up with a (in comparison to my other characters) pretty good background, and actually worked to set up a thematically appropriate way for him to hit 50. Since he was supposed to be an escaped Arachnos, he dinged off of defeating Lord Recluse in the STF. I even had to take a screen shot of the event as he managed to actually GET the kill shot, a feat I probably won't be able to repeat. And yet as soon as I found out that actual Arachnos Soldiers are supposed to be allowed to switch sides in GR I scrapped him and rerolled in a heart beat. Why?

When I played him I felt like I was doing less damage than my comparatively slotted Tanker.

I'm not kidding, either. My Blaster felt weaker offensively than my Tanker. It was a really simple metric, too. I took the most powerful single target attack, Sniper Rifle for one, Knock Out Blow for the other, and slotted them up similarly, one Accuracy, three Damage. I then used all powers that boosted damage available to just the primary and secondary powers of each character, in other words Targeting Drone and Rage. I then turned the attack on an even level minion. In pretty much all cases, the Tank one shot the minion. The Blaster didn't.

Yes, I realize that Rage is a fairly hefty damage boost, while using Targeting Drone with Sniper Rifle at 50 adds like ten points of damage, but that's not the point. The entire point, at least what I was led to believe anyway, is that Tankers give up damage to be the most resilient characters in the game, while a Blaster has nothing BUT his damage. The fact that a Tank can outshine another AT at pretty much the Blaster's only reason for existence for any reason really says something to me.

That's not the only problem I have with the set, just the easiest to explain. So yeah, I'd have to say the power the killed AR for me was Knock Out Blow. Oh, and Foot Stomp.
That... Is pretty much the sum of my experience with my AR/Dev, as well. One day, after struggling for my life and dealing what felt like barely any damage, I switched over to my Stone/Stone villainside. I don't know how it happened, but I managed to deliver a Seismic Smash to an enemy for easily twice the damage my Blaster had been doing with Sniper Rifle. And then I got to wondering - if my Brute can partially out-damage my Blaster AND have tons more survivability... Why am I playing Blasters, again?

This has been what has always bugged me about Blasters. Yes, they do the most damage in the game. But their damage has never been proportional to their survivability. They simply give up far, FAR more survivability than they get damage in return. I don't know what "deal" it is that this balance keeps to, but I feel like I'm getting ripped off.

Again - Blasters deal a lot of damage. I'm not denying it. But several other ATs do, as well, and don't face nearly as much peril.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
Not power specific, but I loathe redraw. My bane nearly makes me uninstall the game after each time playing it. The only reason I've stuck with it this far (44) is because it has the potential to do redonculous damage. Like double that of a good scrapper. And because they are so cool. But man oh man does it drive me up the wall.
I scrapped a Archery/EM back in I5 because of the redraw. I don't know whether it got any better. (And I wasn't sure about Trick Arrow at the time, so I didn't try a TA/A Defender.)

I think it's not so much the redraw time as much as the redraw style for me. I like Dual Pistols because the character doesn't reach behind them to draw the weapon with that weird creaking sound.

Speaking of sounds, another thing that was almost killed by sounds: Mind Control. After incessantly hearing the WEEEEOOOOOOO and SCRREEEEUUUUOOO of the early powers, I just set my sound to mute. If I had to listen to that all the time, no way I'd have played that powerset.

Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Again - Blasters deal a lot of damage. I'm not denying it. But several other ATs do, as well, and don't face nearly as much peril.
My comparison with Blaster damage has been my Dark Melee Scrappers. It could be due to my very weird luck with crits (quite streaky), but against a single target, my Dark Melee Scrappers felt like they could consistently dish out at least as much damage as all my Blasters over a period of time.

Now, I know the retort: my DM Scrapper does poorly in damaging large groups. (Survival-wise, obviously the Scrapper can stand up easier than the Blaster, but that's a false comparison anyway.) But I don't fight large groups. This is basically along the lines of "I don't team"; it's just not something I find enjoyable.

So I am assuming that the advantage of Blasters, which they give up for survivability, are their AoE capabilities. And perhaps that "thrill of being on the edge" which is obviously a draw for some, just as "thrill of being in control" is a draw for me.

EDIT: And the last time I brought Masterminds into this discussion I got a lot of "but MMs don't count" due to some reason or other.

Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~



Originally Posted by DKellis View Post
So I am assuming that the advantage of Blasters, which they give up for survivability, are their AoE capabilities. And perhaps that "thrill of being on the edge" which is obviously a draw for some, just as "thrill of being in control" is a draw for me.
Actually, that's a fairly safe assumption to make. Assault Rifle has many powers that target groups, while many of the melee sets are more single target focused. It's certainly the case with the Super Strength Tank I mentioned earlier, who only has the one AoE attack.

The thing is, the Tank wins out in the numbers game, too, at least while solo. The AoE doesn't really do a Blaster a lot of good with the return fire from three or more enemies can easily red line a Blaster. Meanwhile, the Tank has herded up (or bumped the difficulty) and is at the agro cap, and can tear through the minions, which form the bulk of the herd usually, with two or three Foot Stomps, saving the single target attacks for the Lieutenants. Granted, the mission isn't going any faster this way, but the numbers are rolling quicker.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Originally Posted by DKellis View Post
So I am assuming that the advantage of Blasters, which they give up for survivability, are their AoE capabilities. And perhaps that "thrill of being on the edge" which is obviously a draw for some, just as "thrill of being in control" is a draw for me.
Here's the thing, though - that's not always how it works out. OK, admittedly, AR is better at AoE than most, but there are two things that get in the way:

1. The easiest and most efficient way to leverage large-scale AoE is to scream "Wolverines!" and let rip. That's basically the only real way to deliver your full potential of AoE damage. Blasters, as I have been made PAINFULLY aware, just don't work well with that tactic because they don't have enough survivability to survive long enough to get all their AoEs out, or to survive what they get in return even if they do.

2. This comparison doesn't work well with certain Scrapper and Brute sets, specifically sets with additional damage and damage auras like Shield Defence, Fiery Aura, Spines, Claws, Battle Axe and so forth. Certain melee characters can deliver OBSCENE levels of AoE damage at pretty decent range that, even if they don't exactly exceed Blaster damage, do tend to come close.

I'm currently looking forward to an Axe/Shield Scrapper which should be... Kind of scary, actually, considering what my Sword/Shield Scrapper does.

EDIT: And the last time I brought Masterminds into this discussion I got a lot of "but MMs don't count" due to some reason or other.
Yeah, just... Don't bring Masterminds into this. We really don't want to bring developer attention to them, and they REALLY muddy the waters of expected performance Put it this way - even I'm not crazy enough to ask for Mastermind-level performance from... Pretty much anything that's not a Mastermind.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Yeah, just... Don't bring Masterminds into this. We really don't want to bring developer attention to them, and they REALLY muddy the waters of expected performance Put it this way - even I'm not crazy enough to ask for Mastermind-level performance from... Pretty much anything that's not a Mastermind.
Ha, yes. Weirdly, I've seen variations: my Bots/Dark, Thugs/Poison, and currently Demons/Thermal are massive overperformers as usual (well, at least compared to my Blasters), but my Ninja/Storm has some of the most shameful performance I've ever seen on a non-Kheldian. I suspect it's the Ninja aspect, since every time I try to suggest it could be Storm, or perhaps a combination of Ninja and Storm, I get so many retorts to the contrary I am forced to retract my guess.

(I know why my Kheldians suck: it's because I don't team.)

Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~



Originally Posted by DKellis View Post
(I know why my Kheldians suck: it's because I don't team.)
Yeah. Semi-on-topic, what ruins Kheldians for me is their dependence on teaming. If it had to come down to one power, it would have to be Cosmic Balance. Because this is expected to have such a huge effect on Kheldian performance, their basic performance is... Let's say "underwhelming" and leave it at that.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Arcana totally PWNED me. O SNAP!



You're not used to that by now?



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
That does nothing to explain why blazing aura can't have the same size radius as lightning field for blasters...

Great info though. Neat to look back through the fog of time and peer into the thought processes.

Fire Manipulation also has Hot Feet, Which has the same radius, AND does more damage than Lightning Field out the box... so you're wondering why /Fire doesn't have even MORE AoE potential than every other set?

Not that I'd be opposed to /Fire having two 20' radius damage toggles...

But it already tops the AoE list in blaster secondaries by having 3 PBAoE attacks and 2 PBAoE damage toggles. Even if one of those toggles has a paltry 8' radius... it still has far more than any other secondary offers, So might be a bit unbalanced if they extended the radius of Blazing Aura on top of that.



Originally Posted by DKellis View Post
Ha, yes. Weirdly, I've seen variations: my Bots/Dark, Thugs/Poison, and currently Demons/Thermal are massive overperformers as usual (well, at least compared to my Blasters), but my Ninja/Storm has some of the most shameful performance I've ever seen on a non-Kheldian. I suspect it's the Ninja aspect, since every time I try to suggest it could be Storm, or perhaps a combination of Ninja and Storm, I get so many retorts to the contrary I am forced to retract my guess.

(I know why my Kheldians suck: it's because I don't team.)
I can't offer any input on Ninjas/Storm, but my Ninjas/Dark is pretty nasty... If my memory isn't failing, I think he's died less than 10 times total in his lifetime and is now level 29. Then again, /Dark can be awesome all by itself

Totally agree on khelds though, I've only gotten one past 20, and can't help but hope it'll get better as it matures in levels... I've seen them do pretty amazing things, but it just doesn't feel like it's going anywhere right now, and it's soooo slow when solo... worse than controllers before they get their pet(s) and that's saying something.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
That does nothing to explain why blazing aura can't have the same size radius as lightning field for blasters...
No reason why it can't, but also no reason why it should. Blazing Aura is a derivative of tanker damage auras, and has the same radius by default. Lightning field, on the other hand, seems to have been intended to be a damage mitigator (drain) that happens to deal damage, and has a larger radius as a result. In fact, I believe its almost certainly the case that while Blazing Aura was borrowed from Tankers and added to Blasters, Lightning Field was borrowed from critters and added to Blaster at the beginning of time (to save time in the mad rush to create the powersets that archetypes required). its radius is an artifact of that, and because the two powers have different intentions there's no impetus to normalize them against each other after the fact.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
No reason why it can't, but also no reason why it should. Blazing Aura is a derivative of tanker damage auras, and has the same radius by default. Lightning field, on the other hand, seems to have been intended to be a damage mitigator (drain) that happens to deal damage, and has a larger radius as a result. In fact, I believe its almost certainly the case that while Blazing Aura was borrowed from Tankers and added to Blasters, Lightning Field was borrowed from critters and added to Blaster at the beginning of time (to save time in the mad rush to create the powersets that archetypes required). its radius is an artifact of that, and because the two powers have different intentions there's no impetus to normalize them against each other after the fact.
Could you offer some insight as to why the Blaster version of Ice Patch is so small, then? I mean, I don't expect controller-size Ice Patch cast from range, but the Ice Patch Blasters got is... Tiny? And why the swap from ranged summon to player-centric summon?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Could you offer some insight as to why the Blaster version of Ice Patch is so small, then?
Easy: presumably it's the Tanker version of Ice Patch. Arcanaville actually mentioned upthread that a lot of the Blaster secondaries were thrown together at the last minute from existing Tanker powers, and this is presumably one result.

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