What has to happen for you not to delete a toon?
If the powers I chose dont mesh well (usually know by the teen lvls) then the toon is gone.
If the costume isn't right and its still under lvl 20, it's gone.
Or if it's a PB... Arrggh, why can't I play them!

currently reading: A Mighty Fortress (David Weber)
...In order for me to keep a toon a few things have to happen...
1. The look an feel has to be right. Which means spending a fair ammount of time creating it and going back to the taylor to tweek it... I know some people could care less about what a toon looks like as long as it does what it's meant to do, that is not me ![]() 2. There has to be a connection with the toon I guess this sort of falls into the role playing area, I have to feel a personalty and a presence of the toon, a sort of comes to life type of thing... |
More than anything else, this is it for me as well (even if there's no actual RPing to speak of).
I couldn't care less about the powersets since as time goes by, I find myself increasingly leaning towards the unconventional combinations (read: not FOTM).
As for deleting characters, I used to think I'd keep all my 50s forever.
Now, they really have to have had some "oomph" for me to keep them, since there is still so much more to try and so little slots available in comparison.
█ Players Guide to the Cities
I have to be playing something like Toontown to delete a toon. Since I don't, however, I don't delete toons.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

I used to be a lot more reluctant to delete as well, but then about a month ago I found myself considering buying new slots... again... and I thought to myself, "this would be my last set for this server. What do I do after that?" So I didn't buy them. Instead I took a long, hard look at the kiddies I already had. And some of them didn't look so good anymore.
I did feel a connection to many of them for one reason or another. Too cool a name to throw away, I loved the bio I'd written, good memories of fun times with people I'd met ingame. But it hit me. If I delete the character I can use the same name for the new kid. I can write down or copy-paste the bio. And the memories are attached to me, not the character. None of those were good reasons for cluttering up my slots with characters I don't enjoy playing.
Add to that the fact that I always save any costume I really like, and after over a year of playing I have more than enough inf to buy them new rocket boots or halloween salvage. Plus a freespec and a vet respec lets me put up to 20 good enhancements back into my SG bin for reusing on the new kids. And since I-17 any inf they have on them gets mailed back to themselves and claimed before they even talk to Miss Liberty. (If they're under 10 and can't send mail yet, then asking a friend nicely does the trick as well.)
And I've come to the same conclusions as you about Tanks, Khelds, and most support classes - not my cup of tea. i did keep one of each so I can enjoy a different playstyle when the mood hits me, but mostly I just bit my lip and put them on the bus. "It's time for you to see the world, don't worry you'll love it." However I haven't outright erased a character yet. So far I've just been rerolling them - giving them a different AT or new powersets, but the same name, look and bio. In the last month nearly a third of my characters have been reborn as scrappers and blasters. Probably another third will become brutes and other villain ATs, once I can start them in Praetoria and run them as heroes. Because I've done all the AT experimenting i need to and I've found my preferred playstyle: jump in and hit stuff.
As for badges and whatnot, well I've only gone out of my way to badge hunt on my first and most cherished, Triplash. And believe me, once is enough. Losing stuff like built up charges for day job powers kinda pinches, but I look at it this way - they're pointless anyway if I'm never going to play the character.
I think about the only thing i wouldn't do is transfer them to another server. I've put too much time and prestige into my little one-person sg base, and if I had to do all that again from scratch I probably wouldn't bother. mind you, if I had my time back I'd have started out on a different server... I love Virtue, but during peak hours the server load can get too heavy for my moderate system to run the game properly. But that's another topic
So that's my opinion. Not so much what lines I won't cross, as what lines I'll cross now that I wouldn't before.

I did feel a connection to many of them for one reason or another. Too cool a name to throw away, I loved the bio I'd written, good memories of fun times with people I'd met ingame. But it hit me. If I delete the character I can use the same name for the new kid. I can write down or copy-paste the bio. And the memories are attached to me, not the character. None of those were good reasons for cluttering up my slots with characters I don't enjoy playing.
switch them and brought them back!!! all that so I wouldn't have to delete either one..
Now my 3rd toon is a level 50 Grav/kin

It's better to save the Mystery, than surrender to the secret...
Any toon that's less than 50 that I'm not having fun with gets deleted, I just don't see a point to keeping them around. Once a toon hits 50, I'm a bit more circumspect about deleting them, but some do end up getting deleted even then, mostly older toons that I haven't played in a very long time and can't see myself wanting to play in the future.
Since I don't limit myself to one server, I almost never delete characters. If I think up a new character idea, I have eleven servers to put them on. I'm full or nearly full on Justice, Infinity, and Virtue, though, so occasionally if I have an idea that fits specifically one of those servers, there is pruning to do. It's very rare that one of my character creations requires a certain server, though.
Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com

Neat trick you pulled with the transfer-name change! I'll have to remember that if they ever bring them back.
Oh and, weird coincidence, Triplash is a DM/Regen Scrapper. Ironically, it took me about 30-odd levels before I did like her name, and another ten to find a look I wanted to stick with. I even renamed my global to something else so I wouldn't be saddled with the name forever, and now I wish I could change it back, hehe. These days I like her so much I'm already planning her Praetorian alternate, a DM/Regen Stalker called Traincrash. The part that disturbs me though, is I'm considering getting a second account just so the two of them can one day meet in-game.
Every day's a struggle for an altoholic...

I think I've only ever deleted a few characters over level 30 (and only one 50, but that was because it hadn't even been slotted I could get a replacement to 50 suitably fast so as to not really miss it). Usually I delete characters that I have little prospect of ever getting to 50 because they're not useful for what I'm doing.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
It used to be "any toon that I could re-level in a non-annoying amount of time can be deleted". Generally this has meant sub-10. But now I'm looking at my level 29 Plant/Thorn Dom and wanting to re-roll him as Plant/Earth, after trying the combo out on another server I'm still not sure what to do. He has anniversary badges 4, 5, 6, and the CoV anniversary badge, and I think was among the first few villain toons I ever made (languishing at level 9 until the Dom buff).
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Another open slot on the server.
Well, also the reasons OP has. Particularly if there is a connection to the toon. I have deleted to reroll a character. If there is no connect and it's just no fun to play, it goes away.
If I've put a lot of time and/or IO's into the character it tend to linger even if the connection is lost.
The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU
The only characters completely safe from being deleted are those that are already at 50. The highest I've deleted was a Lv. 45, and that was just to reroll the character for whatever reason. I typically delete for rerolls and just change powersets/ATs/origins, but occasionally I'll delete a character if it just stops being fun and I can't see myself ever really enjoying it in the future. I typically just reuse the names I have though; I'll very rarely delete a character and then put a completely new character in it's place.

Wild Streak - Lv. 50(+3) Beast Mastery/Sonic Resonance Mastermind, Amnesty - Lv. 50 Staff Fighting/Dark Armor Stalker
For me the question is: What has to happen for me to delete a character? I rarely delete characters - mostly because I spend a lot of time creating them and getting the name just right... the costumes - well, after having played for over 4.25 years, I have plenty of Veteran costume change tokens, so that won't normally drive me to delete a character once it's at or above level 4.
To each his own. :-)
Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm ...
Before Transfer was available, it took me filling up all 12 (at the time) slots on Victory and wanting more toons (although I did remake even one of those later). Now, with all these slots and Transfer, I never delete any.
I have deleted a couple below level 5 for the sole reason that I misspelled their name, but I immediately remade them with the correct one.
EDIT: Oops, misread the "not" in the OP. Same reasons, different wording.
Dec out.
First and foremost, I have to find it enjoyable to play. Then, the proper aesthetic has to be there. Finally, if I only marginally like the character and I find myself in need of a slot it might go on the chopping block.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
For me, there are several things:
1. Character must have a unique combo of powersets. I generally won't make duplicates of powersets unless I've used them all up or something.
2. Character must have an interesting appearance. No randomising!
3. Character must have a connection to an existing character. I don't RP, but I do write bios, and as a result, all of my characters are somehow connected to each other, haha.
Here's a character relationship tree thing. It's a bit out of date, but it shows it all.
Yikes! XD
The highest level character I've deleted is a level 40 Ice/Kinetics controller, and this was due to the superteam he was in dissolving, as well as an extended change of powers (character was last used in issue 4, returned in issue 7, making his playstyle completely different due to no multiple Jack Frosts or stacked Ice Slicks, and more). I haven't had the heart to delete my very very first character, a Fire/Devices blaster. I like Fire, but Devices is just poo nowadays, haha.
Ideon's Paragonwiki page
Member of Paragon/Rogue Knights
Arc: 60092 - Supa Rumble in the Park
"Keep living the dream, and never let any jerk tell you what to do."
-- High-Roller
All kidding aside, talk about really being involved with a character, pretty nice Ideon, I have no idea what it means but cool none the less

It's better to save the Mystery, than surrender to the secret...
I have to feel a 'connection' with a character to play it past 20, typically. I only have 2 50s that I doubt I'll ever play seriously again, one is "Lord Niveous", a Cold/Rad Defender. I [censored]ing hate /Rad blast after playing it with this character to 50. I can not adequately describe it, really. The other is my Dark Blast/Cold Domination Corruptor, a different take on the character that replaced Lord Niveous (a Cold/Sonic) that I enjoyed for the most part but just find bland at 50. I can't really explain it too well, I don't hate the character I just don't feel any level of immersion while playing the character, it's almost like work. Not fun.
There are only 2 characters that I regret deleting. One was one of my first characters, a Fire/Storm controller. This was waaaaay back when the game first started and I got him to level 23-ish before deleting him to make a new character. I loved his backstory then, and I love it now.... in fact, the new character I made was a continuation of his backstory when he became a Warshade. Then, when I got tired of the Warshade (I hate the shapechanging and didn't care for the human form's weak damage) I decided to reinvent him again by inventing a storyline where he was forcibly separated from his kheldian and then turned by Arachnos brainwashing. Now he's a Fire/Psy dominator and I'm enjoying the character even if I don't play him often.
I see I'm not the only one who feels a connection to these characters. I get very fond of them, and deleting those would be like losing a friend...I always try to make them unique in looks, bio and they all have a 'personality'. I have deleted some, but it was because that special connection wasn't there, so I didn't play them much. I still have the very first toon (with original costume) that I created six years ago. Healix and I have been through a lot together, and I'll never delete her.

I see I'm not the only one who feels a connection to these characters. I get very fond of them, and deleting those would be like losing a friend...I always try to make them unique in looks, bio and they all have a 'personality'. I have deleted some, but it was because that special connection wasn't there, so I didn't play them much. I still have the very first toon (with original costume) that I created six years ago. Healix and I have been through a lot together, and I'll never delete her.
It's better to save the Mystery, than surrender to the secret...
What has to happen for you not to delete a toon? |
I deleted my level 50 Peacebringer. He was one of the first non-PLed Kheldians on Pinnacle to hit 50. I deleted a level 50 EM/FA Brute, my first villain to 50. He had all the power buff accolades.
Only my main is safe from the delete button.
Be well, people of CoH.

I don't believe I've ever deleted any of my characters. Even a couple of random characters I created for testing are still sitting over there on Triumph.
I have replaced a couple of characters, though. Loopy Loup Garou, my werewolf Brute, was originally EM/Inv. I recreated him as EM/Willpower. I recreated him on Pinnacle, though, but once GR comes out I'm planning on creating him again as Claws/Will. So I will delete the oldest version of him.
I also deleted my old Dark/Dark Defender when I recreated him as a Corruptor. And actually, in one case I changed the name of a character and altered his height and appearance rather than delete him, when I changed his Power Sets. I wanted to keep the old combo because it was still fun.
With the ability to move characters from server to server, though, available slots is no longer a problem. I've got lots of characters laying around below level 10 that I don't play, but haven't deleted. I guess that may be the question, not what keeps me from deleting it, but what keeps me from leaving it around unplayed.
I know people make toons for various reasons, be it Farming, Role Playing, to join a SG

Pling, PVP, an so on.
In order for me to keep a toon a few things have to happen...
1. The look an feel has to be right.
Which means spending a fair ammount of time creating it and going back to the taylor to tweek it...
I know some people could care less about what a toon looks like as long as it does what it's meant to do, that is not me
2. There has to be a connection with the toon
I guess this sort of falls into the role playing area, I have to feel a personalty and a presence of the toon, a sort of comes to life type of thing.
3. The right AT
I have made toons that I thought would be fun to play but I was not able to get a feel for them, such as Tanks, Peacebringer, Warshade and Emps
Not saying they suck because they don't. I have seen people rock with them.
They are just not for me and my playing style.
4. How it's leveled
My first few toons were hard leveled, meaing they were not pl'd.
With Nitra I pretty much was learning the game so I went through most if not all the content and to be honest it was fun the first time around. Nitra is my first toon so I would never delete her ever!
It's hard for me to delete a toon I have put time into, this is why I think pling is a good thing, you get a toon to 50 fater than the content route, and for me there is less of an attachement. I have no problem deleting a pl'd toon even if it's 50 if it's not working for whatever reason.
I know there are people out there that would never delete a toon and would rather tranfer it to another server first and then there are people who will delete a toon no matter what
Is there a line you will not cross for deleting a toon? Be it level, time spent on it, inf spent building it or whatever? I'd like to hear other people's thoughts on what makes you keep a toon over deleting it...
It's better to save the Mystery, than surrender to the secret...