Who are the CoH analogs of...

Adeon Hawkwood



I think Recluse fits better with Dr. Doom than Magneto.

Magneto always seemed to have higher ideals/goals, but just wasn't too picky, or ethical, about getting what he wanted. Doom just seemed in it for the power.

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



Survival of the fittest and world domination through superior science and technology combined with mystical arts (which he DOES accomplish in the future) seems perfectly fine to me for a super villain.
Recluse does not have a "survival of the fittest" philosophy. That's just a rationalization, though Recluse might be deep enough in denial to believe it himself. The only philosophy Recluse believes is that Recluse should rule.

As multiple missions that take place in the future (including the 3rd mission of the LRSF), Recluse does succeed in conquering the world
Alternate futures don't count. To swipe a line from normalman, "two almosts almost make one!"

He rules an entire hell hole full of super powered villains and he has managed to keep them in check, while staying in power
He doesn't "rule" anything. He's the toughest guy around in the local pirate's den. That's it. The only reason he's even that is his underlings are too much in each other's way for any of them to take him out. The only reason the whole pirate's den even exists is because other nations have given it recognition for their own purposes -- I'd give the Rogue Isles about twelve hours in an open war with the US. 24 if we're having a bad day.

In fact, since the point of "Time After Time" is that you deter Recluse by beating him at his strongest, the real reason Recluse "rules" anything is because you let him.

I missed the part where Cobra Commander succeeds in his plans and manages to keep his lackeys loyal to him.
Recluse hasn't succeeded in his plans, never will, and his lackeys aren't loyal to him.

Future day Recluse may as well still be in charge after the player character returns to the present
"Future Recluse" is killed -- the battle is said to be "without honor, mercy or pity" -- but it's irrelevant because he doesn't even exist after you return. That timeline never comes to pass.

N.B. that the whole "Time After Time" arc is just more Anti Sue trash anyway. It's claimed that a factional conflict in Arachnos would have such far-reaching repercussions as to bring about the end of the world (which is the handwave reason why you don't just whack Recluse in the present). Arachnos is nothing but a yet another bunch of thugs in bad uniforms that can't even make any progress in Paragon City, but somehow it's so important its political infighting can determine the fate of the world.

Yep. Even if you hold them in contempt, you have to look after them. Darkseid is worshipped as a god by his people. When his lackey Desaad denigrates them and says they are expendable and mere 'worms', Darkseid's response is: "Yes, but they are *MY* worms."
Something Recluse does not do. He allows anyone to do whatever they want so long as they pay their "taxes" and don't directly act against his interests. This is why he's no ruler. Ultimately he's weak, useless and worthless -- like any other common bully. The only reason he's at the top of the heap is because it's written that it's so, which makes him an Anti Sue.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
The only reason the whole pirate's den even exists is because other nations have given it recognition for their own purposes -- I'd give the Rogue Isles about twelve hours in an open war with the US. 24 if we're having a bad day.
The US military has been severely diminished ever since the first Rikti war. It wouldn't surprise me if the Arachnos army is one of the strongest in the world. They even have the threat of nukes, in a roundabout way.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



The US military has been severely diminished ever since the first Rikti war.
That dog won't hunt -- the first invasion was years ago, and the second was much less severe. Not only should the military be rebuilt by now, it should be rebuilt with improved technology.

It wouldn't surprise me if the Arachnos army is one of the strongest in the world.
The Rogue Isles has neither the population nor the infrastructure to support a military force of any real size. I wouldn't count on the superhumans to be of much use either. Not only is it established that superhumans in the City world aren't much use on battlefields (check the WWII historical entries) but you know the vast majority of them would bolt as soon as the balloon went up.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
That dog won't hunt -- the first invasion was years ago, and the second was much less severe. Not only should the military be rebuilt by now, it should be rebuilt with improved technology.
And yet, still, somehow, it hasn't. You know what my best evidence is? The Rogue Isles are still there.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Recluse does not have a "survival of the fittest" philosophy. That's just a rationalization, though Recluse might be deep enough in denial to believe it himself. The only philosophy Recluse believes is that Recluse should rule.
I guess the name of *DARWIN's* Landing is just pure coincidence then. Also, I wonder what Kalinda's entire purpose is...

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Alternate futures don't count. To swipe a line from normalman, "two almosts almost make one!"
It can be argued that it's an alternate future as much as it can be argued that it is THE future, so they do very much count. We see futures where Recluse defeats his archnemesis Statesman (which is what successful villains do) but do we ever et to see a future where the good guys win?

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
He doesn't "rule" anything. He's the toughest guy around in the local pirate's den. That's it.
Lord Recluse is the ruler of the Rogue Isles. If we're just gonna start ignoring and disregarding established canon facts for the heck of it, then I'm not sure how to continue the discussion.

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
In fact, since the point of "Time After Time" is that you deter Recluse by beating him at his strongest, the real reason Recluse "rules" anything is because you let him.
You don't beat him at his strongest. If anything it could be argued that you beat him at his weakest, after he's worn out and weakened from the huge Earth-shattering war that only he survived. Compare the Recluse we fight at the end of the patron arc to the one we fight in the STF. Recluse at his strongest? uh, no.

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Recluse hasn't succeeded in his plans, never will, and his lackeys aren't loyal to him.
He kills Statesman and wipes out the Phalanx in the future.

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
"Future Recluse" is killed -- the battle is said to be "without honor, mercy or pity"
We never explicitly get RECLUSE IS DEAD like we do with other characters that have been killed in canon, therefore my point of that "defeat" being abstract still stands.

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
but it's irrelevant because he doesn't even exist after you return. That timeline never comes to pass.
Except that timeline already came to pass in other planes (which can be confirmed by entities who experience time in a non-linear manner). Wether or not that timeline will come to pass in our plane remains to be seen, it would be simply absurd to arbitrarily claim that "it never comes to pass", especially since there's an entire freakin zone in the game where it happened. Notice that you access this zone from a Time Portal, which is a different portal (in both sides) than the ones we use to travel to alternate dimensions



hmm...well, you do go back to the present and give Lord Recluse his own face plate from the future *shrug*

though it's pretty rough comparing a lv50 AV (52 Max) in a regular story line to one that's lv54 and cracked out on buffs on a end game TF...



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
hmm...well, you do go back to the present and give Lord Recluse his own face plate from the future *shrug*
Yes, which means that for all we know he's still alive and in charge after you return to the present, and that the present Recluse agrees to leave you alone; he''ll just have to find someone else to use in Project: DESTINY



Basicly my point is, that while Recluse is no Doom or Luthor, he's also not some one-dimensional, mustache twirling, saturday morning cartoon villain. He's a perfectly fine super villain with a lot of depth and character, but people seem to have forgotten this with the reintroduction of Tyrant and the upcoming shinies in GR.



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
I've done the final Patron Arc twice on two different characters. Going from memory, as I recall it, your journey into the future finds that you perish in the final battle with Recluse:

From Paragonwiki: (Ghost Widow's Arc)

Paragon Wiki: (Scirocco's arc)

Haven't done Black Scorpion or Mako's arcs so I don't want to know how they end, but from those two you can see that even if you don't journey into the future Recluse's plan fails.
GW's arc does suggest that the player character and Recluse kill each other, but Scirocco's doesn't. I'm sure neither do BS's or Mako, I'll have to check the souvenirs on the characters that have done them



And yet, still, somehow, it hasn't. You know what my best evidence is? Cuba is still there.
Fixed. Oh, wait.

The Isles and Recluse's "administration" have been legally recognized by several other nations and the UN. As a result the US can't just go in swinging without causing an international crisis at best and a war at worst.

I guess the name of *DARWIN's* Landing is just pure coincidence then.
Look up the word "propaganda". Recluse affects and espouses a "survival of the fittest" ideology but it is clear that he doesn't really believe it, even if he thinks he does himself. He wouldn't exactly be the first "evil overlord" who ran around professing a belief in philosophies he didn't really understand, let alone actually practice. Westin Phipps and Recluse's willingness to let other gangs do as they please as long as they pay him off are the big signs that Recluse's avowed Darwinism does not bear close examination.

It can be argued that it's an alternate future as much as it can be argued that it is THE future, so they do very much count.
The entire point of "Time After Time" is the aversion of the predicted future.

Lord Recluse is the ruler of the Rogue Isles.
As one of my best friend's mentors puts it, "you can glue feathers on a rat but that won't make it a swan". Saying that Recluse rules the Isles does not make it so. He is the ruler in the (mostly useless) sense that other nations have agreed to deal with him as the Isles front man, and that he is (again) the toughest guy with the biggest gang so people are likely to do what he says. He has no real political power or constituency.

You don't beat him at his strongest.
Yes, you do, again, this is explicitly stated in "Time After Time". The entire point of the exercise is to defeat him in the future at his strongest so the present-time one will see that challenging you is futile.

Compare the Recluse we fight at the end of the patron arc to the one we fight in the STF.
Comic-book physics at work; a character's strength is directly proporotional to the strength of whomever he's fighting and/or the needs of the plot. Yes, I agree that kind of lameness is complete Bovine Stuff that has no place in any game, but I'm a simulationist so what do I know.

He kills Statesman and wipes out the Phalanx in a future that does not and will never come to pass.

We never explicitly get RECLUSE IS DEAD like we do with other characters that have been killed in canon, therefore my point of that "defeat" being abstract still stands.
Denial is not a river in Egypt.

Except that timeline already came to pass in other planes
...which are not ours. Thanks for playing.

Wether or not that timeline will come to pass in our plane remains to be seen, it would be simply absurd to arbitrarily claim that "it never comes to pass", especially since there's an entire freakin zone in the game where it happened. Notice that you access this zone from a Time Portal, which is a different portal (in both sides) than the ones we use to travel to alternate dimensions.
Recluse's Victory is an alternate dimension, not a timeline. It's easy to miss that but it's stated in the various intros. N.B. that RV is yet another example of Recluse's Anti Sue nature: a guy with AN ARMY OF TELEPATHS who can SEE THE FUTURE could not prevent his captured researchers from sabotaging the Macguffinizers responsible for RV.

Basicly my point is, that while Recluse is no Doom or Luthor, he's also not some one-dimensional, mustache twirling, saturday morning cartoon villain.
That would be an insult to Saturday-morning cartoon villains everywhere. Really, Skeletor would be an improvement.

GW's arc does suggest that the player character and Recluse kill each other, but Scirocco's doesn't.
They all portray the same future: everyone is dead.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
*A bunch of random ideas that only make sense in his own mind, which are contradicted by established canon*
Then I guess we both percieve the character in different manners and can only agree to disagree *shrug*



If my argument is contradicted by the canon then this is an easy one for you to win. All you have to do is show your work.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Fixed. Oh, wait.

The Isles and Recluse's "administration" have been legally recognized by several other nations and the UN. As a result the US can't just go in swinging without causing an international crisis at best and a war at worst.
Cuba has never sent its army to free prisoners from US soil. If they thought they had a chance the US would have gone to war. They have gone to war over less in the real world.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



You are aware that Statesman's attack on the Rogue Isles is part of the canon right?

You know the one that happened October 26, 2005.(Before CoV released)The one that had no legal jurisdiction. The one That Recluse is using as an excuse for the Arachnos attack on the Zigguraut.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I don't think that is true. My impression is that Nemesis works through so many fronts and intermediaries (these days) that a lot of people *think* everyone is ultimately working for him. But the 5th (Kahn) task force seems to contradict the notion that everyone is ultimately working (consciouosly) for Nemesis.

I don't personally view Nemesis as either a Mary Sue (Marty Stu) or Anti Sue. I see him as more of a failed Xanatos. He makes highly complex and elaborate plans that ultimately fail, with the exception that the one thing he's good at is planning back doors for himself to escape with. Its like Nemesis started off as Cobra Commander and is working his way up to being Dr. Doom, and we caught him in the middle of his evolution.
I'm talking about Recluse.

Alternatively, Nemesis is an awesome villain. He's proto Dr. Doom with more style, and steampunk is fun.

While it's weird that he has loyal minions, every group does, and that's villain cliche. What makes him better than Recluse, other than actually demonstrating mental power rather than being a brute cast as a mastermind, is that players aren't assumed to be among those minions, and neither are high level AVs, or tons of text in newspapers and such.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Cuba has never sent its army to free prisoners from US soil. If they thought they had a chance the US would have gone to war. They have gone to war over less in the real world.
I'm just repeating what's been said before by devs (particularly Manticore, if you want to try your search-fu the posts might still be around). Yes, it doesn't make sense that the Zig raid drew no real response (other than perhaps Longbow's "interest" in the Isles), but nothing else makes sense around here either.

I suppose the fanwank explanation is that Recluse denied any "official" Arachnos involvement in the raid and blamed it all on the "rogue" faction operating out of Warburg.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
Yes, which means that for all we know he's still alive and in charge after you return to the present, and that the present Recluse agrees to leave you alone; he''ll just have to find someone else to use in Project: DESTINY
That's the impression that I got from the various arcs - you're too much for his project,he'll use someone else... the only problem is that the arcs generally end with him saying "ok, you're the big bad, go wreak havoc!" and then you go on to... keep playing the game, instead of becoming a world wide terror. Oh well.



That's the impression that I got from the various arcs - you're too much for his project,he'll use someone else...
There isn't anyone else. You are the Destined One, that's why you're able to use the Destiny Portal in the first place.

Remember, the story is only read once. Once Project Destiny ends with "Time After Time", it is over.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
I'm talking about Recluse.

Alternatively, Nemesis is an awesome villain. He's proto Dr. Doom with more style, and steampunk is fun.

While it's weird that he has loyal minions, every group does, and that's villain cliche. What makes him better than Recluse, other than actually demonstrating mental power rather than being a brute cast as a mastermind, is that players aren't assumed to be among those minions, and neither are high level AVs, or tons of text in newspapers and such.
I don't know about Recluse's minions being completely disloyal. They do seem to fall in the Destro, or a little under Starscream, type, where they'll do what he says, and every so often try to usurp his position.

As for Nemesis? Which one? I mean, there's who knows how many Fakes running around and then there's the issue of Mender Silos. That seems a little too on the nose, right? Almost seems a Kang/Immortus situation there.



So far I think we've learned that, among the many multiple alternate dimensions out there, there's at least one where Recluse is a smart, competent supervillain who deserves to be on top.

Just not here, based on the evidence at hand.

Anyway it's an interesting argument but this thread has strayed quite a ways from the original post.

What we all really want to know is... who is Fusionette based upon?

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Fusionette sort of reminds me of Spoiler in the Batman: War Games arc.

Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia



So far I think we've learned that, among the many multiple alternate dimensions out there, there's at least one where Recluse is a smart, competent supervillain who deserves to be on top.
There are infinitely many parallel worlds in which Recluse wins.

There are infinitely many where Recluse loses.

There are infinitely many where Recluse doesn't even exist.

This is why alternate worlds don't count.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
This is why alternate worlds don't count.
Praetoria is an alternate world (Upsilon Beta 9-6)
Shadow World is an alternate world (Zeta Tao 7-63)
Clockwork World is an alternate world (Epsilon Tau 27-2)

You access these through a dimensional portal.

Recluse's Victory is a potential future for Primal Earth (our world) which you access through a time portal, learn the difference.

Edit: also by your logic Praetoria doesn't "count" either, making the whole GR expansion pointless. Have a nice day!