Hall of Fame requirements need revisiting




Originally Posted by Wrong_Number View Post
A mini-update since I've never seen the numbers drop this low before.

As of right now there are only 6 arcs with over 100 plays and still at 5 stars. This is an all time low with the previous low being 10 (which was at the start of this month).

5 of the 6 arcs have over 200 plays. The 1 with just over 100 plays is the most recently published.

The split is 3/3 with half the arcs coming from 4/09 (the first month MA was released) and the other half all published all after I15 with the oldest published in 11/09 and the newest 2/10.

Wow, and Teen Phalanx was one of them bumped off the list. That just makes me angry. Here's hoping the system "forgot" my original rating, and I can go in there and give it 5 stars again...


M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)



"Consequences of War" was also one that bit the big one in the last few days. A three, four, and a one or two, all without comment, knocked it back into four star limbo to waste away with its sequel, "Casualties..."

Given that it'll probably take a half dozen fives in a row to put either of them back, I think I'll just shrug and walk away from the AE for now. It's become obvious that, despite the efforts of Wrong Number, Bubbawheat and others, the powers that be simply don't care. The battle's just not worth fighting any longer.

I'm having far too much fun with Dragon Age, and far fewer headaches. You guys have fun. I'll be lurking.

The SOLUS Foundation - a Liberty and Pinnacle SG

"The Consequences of War" - Arcs # 227331 and 241496



That is one of the most infuriating things I've seen that shows that the sorting function wholeheartedly stinks. How in the world can an arc go from 925 plays and 5 stars, the very first arc (non DC/GA/HoF) and after probably 1-2 votes get knocked down to page 21 for 4-star rated arcs? That makes no sense whatsoever!

And I just realized that the default sort order for all arcs goes like this:

Guest Author
Dev Choice
Hall of Fame
5-star arcs
unplayed arcs
1-star arcs
2-star arcs
3-star arcs
4 star arcs

Really? Really? I mean, really?



Community-driven content rating systems are not easy to do right. However, I feel the developers somewhat dropped the ball in failing to look at other existing systems - including the forums of their own game! - and how their design contributed to their success or failure. And they really dropped the ball in assigning a low priority to addressing the issues with the content rating system.

The ideal system would bring fresh, interesting content to the top of the heap, encouraging authors to keep innovating and players to keep playing. The current system has strong disincentives for the most prolific and skilled authors to create new content, and no incentives for the players to seek out new content.

Or, see sig.

Avatar by Toxic_Shia
Why MA ratings should be changed from stars to "like" or "dislike"
A better algorithm for ordering MA arcs



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
That is one of the most infuriating things I've seen that shows that the sorting function wholeheartedly stinks. How in the world can an arc go from 925 plays and 5 stars, the very first arc (non DC/GA/HoF) and after probably 1-2 votes get knocked down to page 21 for 4-star rated arcs? That makes no sense whatsoever!

And I just realized that the default sort order for all arcs goes like this:

Guest Author
Dev Choice
Hall of Fame
5-star arcs
unplayed arcs
1-star arcs
2-star arcs
3-star arcs
4 star arcs

Really? Really? I mean, really?
Here, have some Praetorian maps, and some Praetorian enemies. But not all the enemies, just some. Now stop bugging us.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Thanks for the goodwill Teen Phalanx had a good run on page 3, perhaps it's about time for a new arc to take the top non-DC/non-HoF spot for a bit.

No regrets here. Even a 1-star vote puts me one vote closer to HoF

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
That is one of the most infuriating things I've seen that shows that the sorting function wholeheartedly stinks. How in the world can an arc go from 925 plays and 5 stars, the very first arc (non DC/GA/HoF) and after probably 1-2 votes get knocked down to page 21 for 4-star rated arcs? That makes no sense whatsoever!

And I just realized that the default sort order for all arcs goes like this:

Guest Author
Dev Choice
Hall of Fame
5-star arcs
unplayed arcs
1-star arcs
2-star arcs
3-star arcs
4 star arcs

Really? Really? I mean, really?
I think the idea was to give unplayed arcs a chance to shine.

But the way that's laid out isn't logical. After the unplayed arcs, the 4 stars should follow and on.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Dalghryn View Post
"Consequences of War" was also one that bit the big one in the last few days. A three, four, and a one or two, all without comment, knocked it back into four star limbo to waste away with its sequel, "Casualties..."

Given that it'll probably take a half dozen fives in a row to put either of them back, I think I'll just shrug and walk away from the AE for now. It's become obvious that, despite the efforts of Wrong Number, Bubbawheat and others, the powers that be simply don't care. The battle's just not worth fighting any longer.

I'm having far too much fun with Dragon Age, and far fewer headaches. You guys have fun. I'll be lurking.
I'm really sad to hear this, but completely understand where you are coming from being fed up. I suspect this will get more common as we move forward if actions are not taken.

Even though a couple of my arcs are hanging on for now, I've been out of arc slots for going on six months now. As Eva hinted at, new maps or NPCs are low on the MA want/need list and not so useful to many of us that are out of slots.

I've really hoped that some comments would be made about the numerous critical issues in MA. We have discussed them to death and come up with lots of creative solutions. Some of these, like lowering HoF would be easy to implement. It's hard for me to understand why what many consider a jewel of CoX is seemingly ignored.


Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



Originally Posted by Wrong_Number View Post
Even though a couple of my arcs are hanging on for now, I've been out of arc slots for going on six months now. As Eva hinted at, new maps or NPCs are low on the MA want/need list and not so useful to many of us that are out of slots.
Being out of slots is only a problem for a few authors. It is also completely irrelevant from a player's perspective. The things that are relevant to EVERYONE, authors and players alike, include the crappy search function and ratings system. They are broken. They are not WAI. Adding new maps and NPCs is like slapping fancy decals on your car when your brakes aren't working reliably.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Being out of slots is only a problem for a few authors. It is also completely irrelevant from a player's perspective.
It will eventually become noticeable when authors they like start leaving or just can't/won't write new arcs. I do feel this would be much less of a problem if the hour or so it would take to lower HoF was spent and if DCs were actually awarded regularly by more than one person.


Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



Originally Posted by Wrong_Number View Post
It will eventually become noticeable when authors they like start leaving or just can't/won't write new arcs. I do feel this would be much less of a problem if the hour or so it would take to lower HoF was spent and if DCs were actually awarded regularly by more than one person.

And/or add two or three more slots through vet rewards. And let people buy more than five if they want. That's probably even easier.

Still won't fix the other HoF problems though, which affect far more people than the one or two that are out of slots or nearly out of slots and have a snowball's chance in hell of attaining HoF if the requirements were lowered. Still won't fix the bigger problem of getting more people to play AE arcs, getting more people to play a greater variety of AE arcs, and making it as easy as possible for those people to find stuff they want to play.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



While I sympathize with some of the sentiments expressed here, I don't think lowering the bar on Hall of Fame is a magic bullet that would cure all of Mission Architect's ills.

If they lowered the threshold to 800 plays, 500 plays, even 200 plays, the order that story arcs are presented in the default search would be exactly the same. The 5-star arcs vaulted into the Hall of Fame would be in exactly the same place in the search -- just below the current Hall of Fame arcs, just above the arcs with 5 stars and slightly less plays. This would give the authors who got recognized a warm fuzzy feeling and another arc slot, but IMHO this would do nothing to address the major problems Mission Architect currently has.

Since I'm on a soapbox already, here's what I think Mission Architect's major problems are:

1. Most players think Mission Architect is for farming. Efficient farms get infinitely more plays than well-written stories. This problem requires changing people's perceptions, and will be hard to solve. Stomping the various exploits as the devs have been doing is good for curbing the bad behavior, but I think the devs also need to do a better job of rewarding good behavior (i.e., more promotion of story-oriented arcs).

2. The players who do want to play well-written stories have a hard time actually finding them. As stated earlier, randomly looking through the current MA search tool results in a lot of farms, unfinished arcs, and low quality arcs. This could be solved by improving the search interface, changing the rating system, clearing out deadwood, adding favorites lists ... many possible ways, really. I created the "Contact Tree for MA" project specifically to try to help with this problem; this only reaches people willing to read this forum, though. The best solutions will require user interface changes that need to come from the devs.

3. Mission Architect is old news now, and no new content encourages you to do MA. MA was so very hot in I14. But now in I19, hardly anyone still cares; players don't go in MA except to farm. We got a few new maps, but aside from that, none of the new I19 features are integrated with MA. As a result, interest in MA is stagnating.

Specific example: I19 makes you go to Ouroboros to do Mender Ramiel's arc, and sends you to talk to Lady Grey in RWZ (from I10) to do a mission for her. Once you have the Alpha slot unlocked, getting salvage to make boosts encourages you to do the ITF (from I12), LGTF (from I10), STF (from I9), RSF (from I7), Cathedral of Pain (from I18), and the Kahn/Barracuda TFs (from I15). Tons of content from previous issues get tied into the current story, but you'll note that none of this stuff comes from Mission Architect or ties into MA in any way. I don't think you can even get incarnate shards in Mission Architect. Everyone I know is hot to get incarnate salvage and craft boosts for their alpha slot right now. Why would anyone want to spend time in MA right now? I love MA and even I have a hard time justifying doing anything MA related until I catch up with the I19 content.

Anyway, that's my opinion on the main things that are holding Mission Architect back. It is such a cool feature - I wish they would do a little more to keep it alive.

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"



Originally Posted by PoliceWoman View Post
While I sympathize with some of the sentiments expressed here, I don't think lowering the bar on Hall of Fame is a magic bullet that would cure all of Mission Architect's ills.
No one else does either as far as I know. At least I certainly don't as demonstrated by the various threads I have started to addressed the many issues in MA like the ratings system, HoF and the search feature.

As far as people right now being busy with I19 goes, while that is true it's neither here nor there since there is always new stuff like I16, I17, I18, etc. Bottom line is if MA problems are not addressed and if MA is not included in new issues, it will crumble more as time goes on.


Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



Originally Posted by Wrong_Number View Post
As far as people right now being busy with I19 goes, while that is true it's neither here nor there since there is always new stuff like I16, I17, I18, etc. Bottom line is if MA problems are not addressed and if MA is not included in new issues, it will crumble more as time goes on.

MA simply being included in new issues results in things like a lot of people not knowing, months after the fact, that the ally XP nerf had been rolled back. MA is not new, not shiny, and doesn't let you color your Shadowfall puke green or annihilate a mob of Council Empire three seconds faster.

We go months between issues. Those are perfect times for the devs to devote a teeny bit of attention to promoting MA, just as everyone is getting bored with the new shiny and thinking of letting their subscriptions lapse until the next issue comes out.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



January 2011 update. Lost a several this month and picked up one new one.

As of January 1st we now have the following breakdown of arcs with 100 or more plays and that are still rated at 5 stars.

Of note this month is that this is the first time post I-15 arcs outnumber MA month one arcs on the list.

Arcs Published Pre-15 - 3 (All of these were published in April 09)
Arcs Published Post I-15 - 4

Total Number of arcs out of 69,728 arcs - 7

Put another way: .0001003% of the arcs in the system have more than 100 plays while still maintaining a 5 star rating.

Percentage of current HoF Arcs Published in 4/09 - 100%

May - 12 (11/1)
June - 14 (11/3)
July - 14 (11/3)
August - 11 (8/3)
September - 11 (7/4)
October - 10 (8/2)
November - 13 (10/3)
December - 10 (7/3)
January - 7 (3/4)

Also of note this month is that it has been a year now since our last DC not given out as part of a contest was awarded.


Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



Hmmm . . . what do you attribute the drop in the total number of HOF arcs to? We had 10 -14 and now we only have 7.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
Hmmm . . . what do you attribute the drop in the total number of HOF arcs to? We had 10 -14 and now we only have 7.
We have had 6 HOF since pretty early on and a 7th was added like six months back. All are from 4/09. The number I report is the number of arcs that have 100 or more plays and are still at 5 stars.


Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



My bad. What do you attribute the drop in 5 star x100 play arcs?

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



I think part of the problem at least is that there are no requirements for creating MA missions. At least no requirements to make story oriented arcs the only arcs available.

I personally have gotten to the point where I only do arcs advertised on the forums or already have HoF, Dec Choice, or whatever the other one is that I can't think of the name of right now.

The majority of any arc with a 5 star rating seem to be mainly farms which makes it difficult to find anything worth doing that wasn't just designed to be a farm.

Farms can be easily spotted though as the enemy groups tend to only spawn bosses. There should be some kind of requirement demanding that every custom group have Minions, Lt., and bosses in them. This would prevent arcs that are only farms from being published in the first place.

Another exploit is the allies being created who have only buffs and heals with no real attack capabilities. This too could be programed so that every custom character must have at least 1 attack capability.

Finally there is currently nothing preventing you from publishing a story arc without testing it first and I feel that story arcs must be tested before they can be eligible for publish.

There are some other things that would make it an obvious farm to a player but that the system may not be programed to recognize or could get confused with legitimate story arcs. For that stuff there is currently a "report" button on story arcs but I think this is more to do with weather or not profanities or copy right claims were violated. I'm not sure if you can use this feature to just flag a story arc as being a farm. I think the report feature could be reworked to operate just like the rating system. Have check boxes for "Trade Mark/Copy Right violation", "Profanity Warning", and "Farm or other exploits" then you can explain what the issue is in the comments section which will be sent to the Author and the devs. I'm thinking every time a story arc is flagged for the same offense by multiple accounts, each time it'll loose a rating and be unable to gain that rating back. (5 becomes 4, 4 to 3, 3 to 2, 2 to 1, 1 to 0, 0 to unpublished) In order to regain ratings if an arc is flagged for fake reasons a petition can be sent to developers to review the arc and remove the flag. (Not if an arch is new and has a 0 rating on the first flag it'll still need to be flagged by 6 or more people to cause it to be unpublished.)



Originally Posted by Rial_Vestro View Post
Farms can be easily spotted though as the enemy groups tend to only spawn bosses. There should be some kind of requirement demanding that every custom group have Minions, Lt., and bosses in them. This would prevent arcs that are only farms from being published in the first place.

Another exploit is the allies being created who have only buffs and heals with no real attack capabilities. This too could be programed so that every custom character must have at least 1 attack capability.
Those already are taken care of to some degree, there is code in place that severely nerfs the rewards if the missions are all bosses and these days an ally with no attacks will not use their buffs either.

Unfortunately that doesn't clear out all the abandoned farms, just discourages the creation of new ones.



February 2011 update. We picked up a new one this month and Teen Phalanx Forever! returned to page 3!

As of February 1st we now have the following breakdown of arcs with 100 or more plays and that are still rated at 5 stars.

Arcs Published Pre-15 - 4(All of these were published in April 09)
Arcs Published Post I-15 - 4

Total Number of arcs out of 70,249 arcs - 8

Put another way: .0001138% of the arcs in the system have more than 100 plays while still maintaining a 5 star rating. THX-1138 anyone? What? I swear I'm not a nerd girl! Did you know that was also Princess Leia's cell number in Star Wars? OK, OK, maybe a little...

Percentage of current HoF Arcs Published in 4/09 - 100%

May - 12 (11/1)
June - 14 (11/3)
July - 14 (11/3)
August - 11 (8/3)
September - 11 (7/4)
October - 10 (8/2)
November - 13 (10/3)
December - 10 (7/3)
January - 7 (3/4)
February - 8 (4/4)

Also of note is that it has been over a year now since our last DC not given out as part of a contest was awarded.


Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



Originally Posted by Wrong_Number View Post
Arcs Published Pre-15 - 4(All of these were published in April 09)
Arcs Published Post I-15 - 4

Percentage of current HoF Arcs Published in 4/09 - 100%
Wouldn't 4/8 be 50% of the HOF? Eight total arcs currently in HOF status and four of those were published in April 2009.

PS. I remember THX-1138. A very strange movie. And I have seen some THX-1138 references in other places but I didn't know about Leia.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
Wouldn't 4/8 be 50% of the HOF? Eight total arcs currently in HOF status and four of those were published in April 2009.

These 8 arcs are not HoF arcs, they are arcs with over 100 plays while still staying at 5 stars. There are 7 actual HoF arcs, all published in 4/09. There has not been a new HoF arc in about a year and the next two that are even in the ballpark are also from 04/09.

Besides pointing out just how insanely out of whack HoF requirements are this thread also demonstrates just how much the star rating system is a failure. 8 arcs out 70,249 are holding at 5 stars +100 plays.


Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



Originally Posted by Wrong_Number View Post
Besides pointing out just how insanely out of whack HoF requirements are this thread also demonstrates just how much the star rating system is a failure.
Quit bumping this thread, it depresses me.

j/k of course