



Originally Posted by Not_Epsilon View Post

But, just askin, u ever played Warcraft 3 SM?
nope! Never liked any of that stuff.



Hey Dahjee, if you love to fly and long-range snipe people, why don't use just use a peacebringer? Better range, and better fly. (And dwarf has inherent teleport which you seem to love as well)

Forgive me if this was already posted as I do not have the testicular fortitude to read 3 pages of this thread.



Making Fly work for me on toons is usually based on that toon's ability to drop flyers. Grav/ seems to do this quite well. Even hovering opponents get dropped in just a few seconds, while jetpackers and other flyers are dropped far before or soon after they get within range of Micon.

Miconscience can get kills but isn't made for it. It's made to serve kills up from a safe spot. Like most other doms... Blasters are usually the only real threat it has... very determined blasters with boost range actually.

"Situational power? Sure. Although in a sense... all powers are situational. It's just that some situations occur more than others." Understand the situation needed in order for the power to be most effective... and make that situation happen.



Wow dodgy is ******* stupid.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



3 pages about Dahjee on a post entitled "louie"

Great work, D. Keep it up.



Originally Posted by Dahjee View Post
Making Fly work for me on toons is usually based on that toon's ability to drop flyers. Grav/ seems to do this quite well. Even hovering opponents get dropped in just a few seconds, while jetpackers and other flyers are dropped far before or soon after they get within range of Micon.

Miconscience can get kills but isn't made for it. It's made to serve kills up from a safe spot. Like most other doms... Blasters are usually the only real threat it has... very determined blasters with boost range actually.
what? lol shut up




Originally Posted by Decepticreep View Post
3 pages about Dahjee on a post entitled "louie"

Great work, D. Keep it up.
Apparently I have the ability to turn any thread into one solely about Me. I'm just that interesting to you all.

"Humble as a mumble in the jungle of shouts and screams" - OutKast

troll hard3r.

"Situational power? Sure. Although in a sense... all powers are situational. It's just that some situations occur more than others." Understand the situation needed in order for the power to be most effective... and make that situation happen.



Originally Posted by Dahjee View Post
It's made to serve kills up from a safe spot. Like most other doms...
Weren't you the retard who insisted we should be playing our characters in PvP according to what's at the character creation screen? In case you forgot, here's a snippet of the AT description for Dominators:

Dominators can also smite their foes with a selection of single-target melee and ranged attacks
Doesn't seem to say "hide and set up kills" anywhere in there, nor anywhere in the rest of the description.

lol, hypocricy

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by Dahjee View Post
Apparently I have the ability to turn any thread into one solely about Me. I'm just that interesting to you all.

"Humble as a mumble in the jungle of shouts and screams" - OutKast

troll hard3r.
snack crackle pop drop n lock it



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Doesn't seem to say "hide and set up kills" anywhere in there, nor anywhere in the rest of the description.
That's because you snippet'ed... lol

A CC primary desgined soley to get kills and ignore teammates in PvP you say? I lol to you good sir.

Also. I don't hide... I just hover above the max jump height of just about everyone in zone.

Leave the trolling to the professionals Mac.

"Situational power? Sure. Although in a sense... all powers are situational. It's just that some situations occur more than others." Understand the situation needed in order for the power to be most effective... and make that situation happen.



Originally Posted by Dahjee View Post
That's because you snippet'ed... lol

A CC primary desgined soley to get kills and ignore teammates in PvP you say? I lol to you good sir.

Also. I don't hide... I just hover above the max jump height of just about everyone in zone.

Leave the trolling to the professionals Mac.



Originally Posted by Dahjee View Post

Also. I don't hide... I just hover above the max jump height of just about everyone in zone.
Base height of SJ = 115 feet
1 slotted : 162
2 : 207
3 : 225

Range of a standard /EM blaster with boost range : 128
Range of /EM blasters with one range IO in their 80 foot attacks : 160

Range on Grav Dom abilities - 80
Range of Psi Assault ranged attacks - 100
Assuming 1 range IO 100, 125 respectively.

So to be safe from your average ranged toon (of which there are plenty) you need to be anywhere between 335 and 385 feet in the air? To be effective you need to be 100 to 125 feet away from your target outside of your snipe.

Even if you aren't dealing with a blaster, you still need to be 207 feet off the ground (Conservatively) to avoid a Melee character, leaving you another 82 feet you still need to move to be in range so you can actually do anything. (I'd also note almost every Melee character also has ranged attacks with at least 50 foot range)

So you are either.... a sitting target (who yes, does stun, hold, ground, etc) in range one of the top 3 most popular builds in zones. Or you are above the action not contributing to the fight.

Personally, I think you get the illusion that being "Way up there" makes you safer. There are more targets on the ground and for the most part they are a larger threat. I find myself much more worried by something like a Mind or Grav with SS/SJ who is not only going to mez me, but be spamming damage as I try to wade through travel suppression, knowing I can't pop greens or rely on heals because of HD.



Hey Mr.Liberty. Why not just ask the person who's been doing this for years instead of trying to figure it out in your head how it could or could not be done?

Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
Range on Grav Dom abilities - 80
Range of Psi Assault ranged attacks - 100
Assuming 1 range IO 100, 125 respectively.
Range of Miconscience ST Grav/ powers - 172
Range of Miconscience AoE Grav/ Powers - 172
Range of Miconscience Psi/ attacks - 213
Range of Miconscience Snipe - 374

Start over with this in mind please.

Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
Personally, I think you get the illusion that being "Way up there" makes you safer. There are more targets on the ground and for the most part they are a larger threat. I find myself much more worried by something like a Mind or Grav with SS/SJ who is not only going to mez me, but be spamming damage as I try to wade through travel suppression, knowing I can't pop greens or rely on heals because of HD.
Being way up there is safer... and allows for a much better oppourtunity to CC a zone simply because I can stay in one spot as opposed to hopping like mad all the time. Being able to see incoming threats to teammates or myself and drop them or wormhole them 300 feet from where they were etc... I can aggro 6-7 heroes at a time with AoEs and fear no retribution while other villians can mostly just hop in and out of base trying not to get spiked etc. It's not foolproof but far safer than a much more visible and accessable SS/SJ'er leaving a nice visible trail everywhere they go. The only bad part about all this is that currently there are no dedicated support toons to look after me... luckily I've learned to live without.

"Situational power? Sure. Although in a sense... all powers are situational. It's just that some situations occur more than others." Understand the situation needed in order for the power to be most effective... and make that situation happen.





^^^^^^ This ^^^^^^

"Situational power? Sure. Although in a sense... all powers are situational. It's just that some situations occur more than others." Understand the situation needed in order for the power to be most effective... and make that situation happen.



Originally Posted by Dahjee View Post
Hey Mr.Liberty. Why not just ask the person who's been doing this for years instead of trying to figure it out in your head how it could or could not be done?

Range of Miconscience ST Grav/ powers - 172
Range of Miconscience AoE Grav/ Powers - 172
Range of Miconscience Psi/ attacks - 213
Range of Miconscience Snipe - 374
You really are a dim bulb.....

Look at your numbers? Even though you slotted for that much range... (Which explains a few other things) you have to be 172 -213 feet above a target to engage them. Jump height is usually around 217 feet (With hurdle). Meaning even the dumb regen crowd can reach you with whatever 50-80 foot range attack they have as well as any melee attack they want. Granted its going to be one attack at a time..... buuuuuuuut if its something like webnade or something with -fly they'll get a few more attacks in after that. Blasters need to jump a massive 12 to 44 feet to hit you. You may not realize it but most of the time you are well out of the fight compared to Dom's on the ground who play a much more active role, especially in the open zone.

no dedicated support toons to look after me... luckly I've learned to live without.
You really really haven't. You die less because of how often you are out of range from the action whether you realize it or not. I can't count how many times I'd see you hovering there... have to jump (with 2 slotted SJ and hurdle) to the jump cap and then turn on the jet back to fly even *further* just to get with in the 140 range needed to land an attack. Look at the numbers again, pretty please? Jump height, attack ranges, etc.



Originally Posted by Dahjee View Post
Range of Miconscience ST Grav/ powers - 172
Range of Miconscience AoE Grav/ Powers - 172
Range of Miconscience Psi/ attacks - 213
Range of Miconscience Snipe - 374
OK genius. Please explain to me how you more than doubled the range on your powers. You are really bad at numbers it seems and other stuff.



Originally Posted by Musey View Post
OK genius. Please explain to me how you more than doubled the range on your powers. You are really bad at numbers it seems and other stuff.
PvP IO bonuses have + range I think, plus all his slotting I am guessing.

Doesn't negate the fact that while his ability to participate in PvP is not in question, his effectiveness in PvP is. I would be willing to wager that if you take a period of time with Dahjee in a zone and out of a zone, you would find the side he's supporting doing no better either way.

Its embarrassing to say this, but Dahjee's approach is quite similar to what dUmb used to do when we were learning the PvP ropes. The big difference is we didn't A)pretend our occasional successes made us PvP forum gods B)gave advice to people based on our occasional successes only to have them get farmed and C)when we were met with legitimate counters to our inexperienced vision, we tested the counters and moved on.



Being I pretty much suck at pvp I decided to just watch dahjee this past week or so in the zone.

1. You are normally flying way to high to contribute much of anything or even impact what is going on in the zone.

2. Yes you do occassionally get in a hold/attack etc which occassionally does help set up someone for the masses in the zone to kill.

3. The frequency of those holds/attacks are probably about 10% of what the average dom/troller with SJ/SS manage to do on the ground.

4. The only reason you may die less than the average person on the ground is simply that you are out of reach a great deal of the time. I noticed when you do come down in reach you almost always die.

5. If you die 80% less often than the average joe but you contributed 90% less than the average joe then you still pretty much phail.

6. Claiming powers to be "situationally" good in an enviroment where you have no control over anything is a moot point. Situational powers or techniques are only effective when you have some control. For example doing arena matches where you control exactly what powersets you will fight or what maps you will fight on. In zone we are all dumbed down equally and the ONLY situational power that is effective is tp foe or wormhole to drone people. Otherwise if you are out in the open zone you either have the ability to be equally as effective or ineffective as anyone else or like in your case you just fly high and don't contribute or impact the zone one bit.



Originally Posted by Musey View Post
OK genius. Please explain to me how you more than doubled the range on your powers. You are really bad at numbers it seems and other stuff.
Unless I'm missing something, 5 x 7.5% Range increases + 3 range slotted in an 80 foot range Grav ability is only 157 Range.



Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
Being I pretty much suck at pvp I decided to just watch dahjee this past week or so in the zone.

1. You are normally flying way to high to contribute much of anything or even impact what is going on in the zone.

2. Yes you do occassionally get in a hold/attack etc which occassionally does help set up someone for the masses in the zone to kill.

3. The frequency of those holds/attacks are probably about 10% of what the average dom/troller with SJ/SS manage to do on the ground.

4. The only reason you may die less than the average person on the ground is simply that you are out of reach a great deal of the time. I noticed when you do come down in reach you almost always die.

5. If you die 80% less often than the average joe but you contributed 90% less than the average joe then you still pretty much phail.

6. Claiming powers to be "situationally" good in an enviroment where you have no control over anything is a moot point. Situational powers or techniques are only effective when you have some control. For example doing arena matches where you control exactly what powersets you will fight or what maps you will fight on. In zone we are all dumbed down equally and the ONLY situational power that is effective is tp foe or wormhole to drone people. Otherwise if you are out in the open zone you either have the ability to be equally as effective or ineffective as anyone else or like in your case you just fly high and don't contribute or impact the zone one bit.
PWNED.....yet again.

I enjoy watching Dahjee get destroyed time after time after time. You gotta admit...the lil booger is persistent. The Troll Spray is refilled though.



Obviously he slotted 7.5 times 7.5% range bonuses.

That is the same kind of outside the box thinking people were using to get 155 recharge out of 8 purple sets and 10 lotgs.



Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
Unless I'm missing something, 5 x 7.5% Range increases + 3 range slotted in an 80 foot range Grav ability is only 157 Range.
3 level 50 range IOs is 76.5 and 5*7.5=37.5

76.5 + 37.5 = 114

80*2.14 = 171.2.

The problem is that he is not accounting for ED. ED reduces 76.5 to 58.5 which puts you right around your 157.

I'm also not sure if there is any DR on range. I don't think there is but I'm not certain.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Range is not DRd