



Louie, I enjoy killing your corr over and over and over in RV before you can drone me at vill Base :P



While Louie is certainly fun to kill before he starts to drone at the base, you missed out on something far better.

The now infamous Dahjee showed up in Freedom RV the other night on I believe a Flying, TPing Grav/Psi Dom.

A few things of interest happened :

When the action was in the open field of RV, he spent more time high above everyone else outside the fight, coming down for a second or two only to TP back out of it as soon as everyone saw "A flying Dom"

While he died a good bit and had next to no contribution to the opposing teams offense (I'm not sure if he gets how mez suppression works, and with zones and constant damage spam, its likely somewhere or another a person has already been tagged with a mez. He insisted he was setting up kills for his team though with CM being passed around heal decay was more of a threat than any mez) He Wasn't as bad of a farm target as some of the 1000 HP Vills that would run around. But he did die a good bit more often than other Doms who would run SS/SJ and phase or Hiber.

As I was outnumbered on my Fire/Regen being chased by half a dozen vills, he once TP'ed in front of me and PULLED INTO A MF PSI SNIPE. It was freaking epic, sadly I made it back to the base.

I got to 5 or 6 shot him once with my "Inside the box" Psi/EM as he hovered outside the Hero base while we were really outnumbered. There were some srs procs firing.

At least half a dozen other people (Before teams actually formed up) got to brag bagging a Dahjee Kill. There were even more after we formed up a team (Despite being outnumbered for most of the night) I didn't hear anyone who was defeated by him.

All in all, having finally seen a majestic Flying, TPing, Placate Sniping Dom I have to say its performance was a bit lackluster. When in the open Zone, Teleport is just below PFF as an escape power and barely above it as far as any kind of offense goes. (Not : Only affecting self, but from what I saw, might as well have been)

Good times though!



Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
While Louie is certainly fun to kill before he starts to drone at the base, you missed out on something far better.

The now infamous Dahjee showed up in Freedom RV the other night on I believe a Flying, TPing Grav/Psi Dom.

A few things of interest happened :

When the action was in the open field of RV, he spent more time high above everyone else outside the fight, coming down for a second or two only to TP back out of it as soon as everyone saw "A flying Dom"

While he died a good bit and had next to no contribution to the opposing teams offense (I'm not sure if he gets how mez suppression works, and with zones and constant damage spam, its likely somewhere or another a person has already been tagged with a mez. He insisted he was setting up kills for his team though with CM being passed around heal decay was more of a threat than any mez) He Wasn't as bad of a farm target as some of the 1000 HP Vills that would run around. But he did die a good bit more often than other Doms who would run SS/SJ and phase or Hiber.

As I was outnumbered on my Fire/Regen being chased by half a dozen vills, he once TP'ed in front of me and PULLED INTO A MF PSI SNIPE. It was freaking epic, sadly I made it back to the base.

I got to 5 or 6 shot him once with my "Inside the box" Psi/EM as he hovered outside the Hero base while we were really outnumbered. There were some srs procs firing.

At least half a dozen other people (Before teams actually formed up) got to brag bagging a Dahjee Kill. There were even more after we formed up a team (Despite being outnumbered for most of the night) I didn't hear anyone who was defeated by him.

All in all, having finally seen a majestic Flying, TPing, Placate Sniping Dom I have to say its performance was a bit lackluster. When in the open Zone, Teleport is just below PFF as an escape power and barely above it as far as any kind of offense goes. (Not : Only affecting self, but from what I saw, might as well have been)

Good times though!
cool story bro



i want to join you in laughing at him, but if you are proud of getting kills on zone squishies using regin or psi/ems and mentioning you were emp'd youre not really challenging yourself all that much. definately not worth posting about.



I like that Dahjee has TP foe on a grav dom.



Originally Posted by Solo_One View Post
i want to join you in laughing at him, but if you are proud of getting kills on zone squishies using regin or psi/ems and mentioning you were emp'd youre not really challenging yourself all that much. definately not worth posting about.
What little point there was to the post, I'm afraid you managed to miss it.

Everyone knows Psi/Em's and Regen scrappers are good. Everyone knows they should be able to beat a flying, TPing Dom.

Also, I kept waiting to get wormholed too, but randomly TP'ed was much nicer without the 8 second stun.



Tip:dont stand near base?



Originally Posted by Terror1 View Post
I like that Dahjee has TP foe on a grav dom.

Its pretty much as outside the box as thinking gets.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
The now infamous Dahjee showed up in Freedom RV the other night on I believe a Flying, TPing Grav/Psi Dom.
Miconscience is the name. It plays the role of Dominator almost perfectly. I recieved about 6 tells that evening commending me on either my range, leadership, my build, or a GF. I find it odd that you seem so aware of what I was doing... I mean were you focused on only me... like the 8 or so others in the zone?

Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
When the action was in the open field of RV, he spent more time high above everyone else outside the fight, coming down for a second or two only to TP back out of it as soon as everyone saw "A flying Dom"
My Dom has one melee attack: Drain Psyche. Every other power sits at 140ft range or more (even my AoEs). I don't come down for any other reason other than to spam DP on a target and get them killed quickly. I got one IO drop and about 15 kills the other night while playing Miconscience. I died plenty, but mainly from spikes from more than 2 or 3 at a time. I'm guessing you were on your cookie cut Psy/EM blaster at the time: MKUltra, because I remember several times causing you to flee to base and/or killing you, causing you to Hibernoob, and/or getting you wrecked once I got a team together. I recall seeing you as a non-threat simply because you could only jump so high.

Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
While he died a good bit and had next to no contribution to the opposing teams offense (I'm not sure if he gets how mez suppression works, and with zones and constant damage spam, its likely somewhere or another a person has already been tagged with a mez. He insisted he was setting up kills for his team though with CM being passed around heal decay was more of a threat than any mez) He Wasn't as bad of a farm target as some of the 1000 HP Vills that would run around. But he did die a good bit more often than other Doms who would run SS/SJ and phase or Hiber.
You assume that getting back to base equals some sort of skill in a zone. With SS/SJ that's pretty much all one can do when overwhelmed... while leaving a nice SS trail on the way mind you. You zone as if you're in arena and kills mean something which is fine. However you should not convince yourself that you are good because you know how to base hug.

Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
As I was outnumbered on my Fire/Regen being chased by half a dozen vills, he once TP'ed in front of me and PULLED INTO A MF PSI SNIPE. It was freaking epic, sadly I made it back to the base.
Wow. Again you seem to have convinced yourself that you are skilled becasue your /Regen was able to evade me by hiding in base. I make no claims of being a killing machine when playing my Dom. I know my role and play it well. I don't make kills... I make them easy and I did just that... moreso once I gathered a few to team with me. As I do with most of my PvP toons.

Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
I got to 5 or 6 shot him once with my "Inside the box" Psi/EM as he hovered outside the Hero base while we were really outnumbered. There were some srs procs firing.
I know for a fact I killed MKUltra more than a few time. I got MKUtra killed more times than that. I remeber because I was aiding in $Target calling. You speak of me and wish to report on my performance... but you fail to mention yours.... Mr. "I got a kill on Dahjee once with my "Psy/Em blaster" Be more of a robot, and don't forget to QQ and reroll when they mke a change to the proc, Cookie.

Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
At least half a dozen other people (Before teams actually formed up) got to brag bagging a Dahjee Kill. There were even more after we formed up a team (Despite being outnumbered for most of the night) I didn't hear anyone who was defeated by him.
I make no claims of being able to withstand aggro from 4-6 players at one time. I'm actually flattered at such attention because it lets me know I doing my job. I don't brag or talk **** In-Game so no... there was little reason for one to call out that they were killed by me. I'm not a child so I haven't got that whole " copy/paste my kills in Bcast" method atttached to my ego. I'm sure one day you might grow up too. If I recall though... I entered the zone with heroes camping the villian base... very soon after however I was target number 1 and found myself in front of the hero base with many heroes leaving.

Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
All in all, having finally seen a majestic Flying, TPing, Placate Sniping Dom I have to say its performance was a bit lackluster. When in the open Zone, Teleport is just below PFF as an escape power and barely above it as far as any kind of offense goes. (Not : Only affecting self, but from what I saw, might as well have been)

Good times though!

Wow. What a load of BS.

If you are not a fiction writer in RL, then I would encorage you to attempt to be so.

You should indeed step away from the cookie cutter and explore what else is possible in zone PvP. You clearly know very little other than what you've been told is best and seem somewhat afraid to be defeated in PvP. I don't want to call you a noob... but it seems you have it written all over you.

"Situational power? Sure. Although in a sense... all powers are situational. It's just that some situations occur more than others." Understand the situation needed in order for the power to be most effective... and make that situation happen.



Originally Posted by Terror1 View Post
I like that Dahjee has TP foe on a grav dom.
Again. Such a tactic when most foes attempt to outrun your range is not a bad idea. When you've got 57% range bonus in PvP... and your TP foe sits at over 300ft. One can find a way to make it work.

TP foe on a jumper 200 ft above ground means that jumper can only hope to fall forward. This panic action I find when teamed allowes for teammates to simply turn around and concentrate fire. It works more often than it doesn't. Especially on a spiked target.

Furthermore. As mention my dom is a specialty build with extreme range. Kiting one to a small portion of HP and using TP foe from a great distance to get them in range for another 3-4 attacks is viable and has worked plety for me. Perhaps not always on tougher foes, but the mitigation itself can be enough to disorient many players.

Finally, TP Foe does not equal Wormhole. Considering the two to offer the identical effect is a sign of a very misinformed player... ie fing Robot.

"Situational power? Sure. Although in a sense... all powers are situational. It's just that some situations occur more than others." Understand the situation needed in order for the power to be most effective... and make that situation happen.



This is amazing That i didn't know Drain Psych was melee lol and that you can use 140ft AoE attacks in PvP thats like blowin' up the whole zone!! watch out MMs it's comming for ya... I guess TP foe is PWN 4 PWN Better than Wormwhole since TP foe is interuptable and has no 8 stun with it.



Originally Posted by Dahjee View Post
Finally, TP Foe does not equal Wormhole. Considering the two to offer the identical effect is a sign of a very misinformed player... ie fing Robot.
You're right. Wormhole can affect multiple targets and has a huge stun; summary, it's better.



Finally, TP Foe does not equal Wormhole. Considering the two to offer the identical effect is a sign of a very misinformed player... ie fing Robot.

Remember how I keep using caging the spike target as an example of how bad the advice you give is? Well I will be adding this gem because its actually worse than that. Wormhole is like the one reason to use grav.

Man I wish you had gotten that toon that one time you were going to teach me how to play grav control.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



Originally Posted by Spizzie View Post
You're right. Wormhole can affect multiple targets and has a huge stun; summary, it's better.
Just because simple minds can only think in terms of better/worse based on one situation doesn't mean those of use that like to use our brains have to.

Duh! Use both! You know because they do two differnt things, have different recharge times, different range, both take universal travel IOs.

TP foe is a prereq to Teleport... would you all say Recall friend is better than TP Foe from 300+ ft?

TP foe is up every few seconds.... and well nevermind. There is no point of me really being here.
Originally Posted by ConFlict View Post
Remember how I keep using caging the spike target as an example of how bad the advice you give is? Well I will be adding this gem because its actually worse than that. Wormhole is like the one reason to use grav.

Man I wish you had gotten that toon that one time you were going to teach me how to play grav control.
Actually that was another case of you intentionally miswording my statements to convince your robots I give bad advice. I never use cage on a spike target, I used it once BEFORE the spike! I stated before that it worked so what is there to argue about?

Since you refuse to give credit where it is due for some reason... let me spell this approach out for you.

You know how hibernoob is pretty much a death sentence for someone when a team surrounds them... well caging can create that VERY SAME SCENARIO. Please don't pretend to be dense because I know you are not.

My Grav/ uses BOTH wormhole and TP foe. Yours relies on wormholing hovering targets in the sky for no reason whatsoever. Hey maybe if you took TP foe as well you'd be able to counter your own foolish tactics.

Oh and just a little fun fact but range bonuses affect the placement recticle of TP Foe as well as the TP range... mine is up to about 25ft, like a mini wormhole lol without the stun. I'm sure no one here will see any usefulness in that so I won't bother saying how much fun and useful this can be in the right situation.

"Situational power? Sure. Although in a sense... all powers are situational. It's just that some situations occur more than others." Understand the situation needed in order for the power to be most effective... and make that situation happen.



If you don't know why you wormhole targets off the ground you really don't have a clue.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



Originally Posted by ConFlict View Post
If you don't know why you wormhole targets off the ground you really don't have a clue.
Jumpers Con... not flyers.... because they fall unlike flyers who don't when Wormhole'd.

I have a clue dude. Would you like to borrow it?

"Situational power? Sure. Although in a sense... all powers are situational. It's just that some situations occur more than others." Understand the situation needed in order for the power to be most effective... and make that situation happen.



Even fliers get fall time. Not as much as jumpers. Even so an extra second in pvp is a long time.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



I suppose I can understand why you'd take TP Foe if you plan on taking Teleport anyway (although TP as a whole is pretty awful for PvP). Except if you're a Grav/ Dom, because Wormhole is much better.

Since you're into situational power use, it's worth noting that TP Ally can be used for getting a hibernating squishy out of trouble quickly.

Bottom line, in almost all situations Wormhole > TP Foe.



Every one is dumbed down and terribad in zones. The fact that there is all this e-peen flexing over bad pvp in a bad pvp zone with a bunch of bad pvpr's is amazing.

I will say that Louie is down right amazing and entertaining. The only thing more comical is when "You can't beat the meat" is in zone.



Originally Posted by Spizzie View Post
I suppose I can understand why you'd take TP Foe if you plan on taking Teleport anyway (although TP as a whole is pretty awful for PvP). Except if you're a Grav/ Dom, because Wormhole is much better.

Since you're into situational power use, it's worth noting that TP Ally can be used for getting a hibernating squishy out of trouble quickly.

Bottom line, in almost all situations Wormhole > TP Foe.
TP Foe is a power pool pick... there is no conflict what so ever with having both. If pehaps you saw me stupidly flying around with TP Foe on a Grav/ that skipped wormhole... you'd have a point. That however is not the case so please get off this ridiculous point of wormhole being better than TP foe. Such a comparison is not applicable.

BTW how could Wormhole be better in all situations when it recharges like 10 times longer than TP foe? TP foe is better when the situation involves wormhole not being recharged. Don't forget to read my sig.

"Situational power? Sure. Although in a sense... all powers are situational. It's just that some situations occur more than others." Understand the situation needed in order for the power to be most effective... and make that situation happen.



This thread is ummmm tl dr soo ill just vote by proxy through con. kthxbye.



Dahjee is raging because Lib saw him in action.......and it was lackluster. LOL




If I recall though... I entered the zone with heroes camping the villian base... very soon after however I was target number 1 and found myself in front of the hero base with many heroes leaving.

For anyone that missed it. Dahjee turns the entire zone around with his flying, tping, sniping, perfectly played Grav/Psi Dom, that dies plenty.

I knew I could count on you to deliver Dahjee.



Btw who is Louie? Keep hearing about him. What toon(s) does he play?



Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post

For anyone that missed it. Dahjee turns the entire zone around with his flying, tping, sniping, perfectly played Grav/Psi Dom, that dies plenty.

I knew I could count on you to deliver Dahjee.
The Devs should learn how to program the "dahjee" code into the game - it would finally fix tanks/scrappers/brutes taunt power for PvP.