



Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
Btw who is Louie? Keep hearing about him. What toon(s) does he play?
Louie Kaboom, some traps (?) corr who mostly drones (not that there is anything wrong with that.)



Originally Posted by Mercury_Down View Post
Louie Kaboom, some traps (?) corr who mostly drones (not that there is anything wrong with that.)
I thought he was an AR/Dark who spent tens of billions on a PvP build only to find out it still sucks. Rather than re-roll and strip him down, he'll hang near the Vill base and drone whenever someone gets too close. Sounds like a Viable build to me!



Originally Posted by JKwervo View Post
Dahjee is raging because Lib saw him in action.......and it was lackluster. LOL

Nah no rage. I admit though getting lied on is irksome.

"Situational power? Sure. Although in a sense... all powers are situational. It's just that some situations occur more than others." Understand the situation needed in order for the power to be most effective... and make that situation happen.



So then you know why people are somewhat irked at your advice........because they are lies.......

I still say...... EXPOSED



Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
Btw who is Louie? Keep hearing about him. What toon(s) does he play?

Ar Dark pro rager with his own myspace. And his new ba wp brute is now lvl 40 and should be in rv soon. He promises when he sinks all his billions of influence into it that it will be unbetable. At last check the build had no travel and all of the leadership pool so be warned he is coming. Its name is 'a Chicken'

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



All of you pale in comparison to the Virtuous Vanguard when it comes to TPing enemies in PvP zones. You can stop now.



Originally Posted by Silit View Post
All of you pale in comparison to the Virtuous Vanguard when it comes to TPing enemies in PvP zones. You can stop now.

Git wormhold sun, srlsy.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



Originally Posted by ConFlict View Post
Ar Dark pro rager with his own myspace.
I checked it out. Wow, you guys really need to stop making fun of him. He seems the type that can go on a killing spree at any moment. And I don't mean in the game.



He's so much fun, though.



Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
I checked it out. Wow, you guys really need to stop making fun of him. He seems the type that can go on a killing spree at any moment. And I don't mean in the game.
It's like a 70's horror movie about to happen.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Louie was funny when he had his gimmick, /bc rapping. But he got banned and won´t do it anymore.

Now he is just fishing for reactions while droning people. Though since people hate getting droned i guess he is succesful in that aspect.

Also he is pretty proud of soon to be his raid-ready base even though raids are disabled. Doesnt help when CS have limited ingame knowledge and are telling him that he is missing an item of power when they can no longer be aquired.



Originally Posted by Dahjee View Post
I doing my job. I don't brag or talk **** In-Game so no... t
You whine like a zone scrub though.
"I´m not teamed"
"There were 4 of you"



The same rules don't apply to him like that. Its very common for people who disassociate so much. He is always the victim, if the side he is on did good it was because of him. But if someone else is in the exact same scenarios and best him or keeps him from being successful they did it wrong. In medical terms they call this being a baddo. Anyone ever notice dodgy and downs both start with d? weird.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



Originally Posted by Dahjee View Post
TP Foe is a power pool pick... there is no conflict what so ever with having both. If pehaps you saw me stupidly flying around with TP Foe on a Grav/ that skipped wormhole... you'd have a point. That however is not the case so please get off this ridiculous point of wormhole being better than TP foe. Such a comparison is not applicable.

BTW how could Wormhole be better in all situations when it recharges like 10 times longer than TP foe? TP foe is better when the situation involves wormhole not being recharged. Don't forget to read my sig.

If you have both, you 1 wasted a power, 2 and or wasted slots. So you could have either picked up a power the is not redundant to what you already have and you would have been better off getting a power to be an IO mule.



Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
Btw who is Louie? Keep hearing about him. What toon(s) does he play?
idk if you still go to RV anymore, but louie is a farmer with a heavy and hover. He's a AR/Dark corruptor who doesn't have phase nor hiber, tends to come out when the zone is not busy and when there is signs of trouble he resorts to droning. One time i was chasing down a blaster who couldn't even sprint since i had drained all his end and had him webbed. At 10% hp, the blaster ran toward villain base to drone himself (those guys are the worst). Anyway, when i turned the corner to scourge the blaster, louie, instead of firing one bullet to finish off the blaster, freaked out and droned him. I said "you know, you don't have to drone every MFer that comes near you, especially when they have no end and less than 25% health."



hehe I actually haven't really played in like 2-3 weeks.

That's funny though, those type of people are the stupidest. I've had plenty of times when I'm fighting like 1v5 in front of the vil base, I'm a second from dying from being spiked 5v1.....and some 6th baddo drones me. I say thanks.



Originally Posted by ConFlict View Post
Even fliers get fall time. Not as much as jumpers. Even so an extra second in pvp is a long time.
agreed. wormhole wrecks my life...



Originally Posted by Neeto View Post
If you have both, you 1 wasted a power, 2 and or wasted slots. So you could have either picked up a power the is not redundant to what you already have and you would have been better off getting a power to be an IO mule.
Just guessing here but I'm thinking you never rolled a PvP toon with TP as a Travel. YMMV so this isn't me saying you should. My set up requires much less investment in Travel power slots than a standard SS/SJ'er and offers a lot more room for investment elsewhere. My TP foe has the standard slot with the Winters Gift proc in it. ACC and Range bonuses do the rest.

Again these powers offer two very different uses. Aside from the differences between range, recharge, stun, KB, AoE vs ST and total range from A to B... there lies the very distinct purpose of one being able to bring peeps to you... while the other is designed to put peeps where you want them.

Using both... can only build upon and enhance the reason you are using one in the first place.

"Situational power? Sure. Although in a sense... all powers are situational. It's just that some situations occur more than others." Understand the situation needed in order for the power to be most effective... and make that situation happen.



Originally Posted by Dahjee View Post
Just guessing here but I'm thinking you never rolled a PvP toon with TP as a Travel.
Why would you?





My best experience with Dahjee.

He's on my team, I am calling targets, I come out of hiber to spike a blaster. . . Dahjee wormholes the blaster into the hero base.

That time was also riddled with many dahjee-caged-the-mfing-spike-target-wtfbbq-barrier-rage-moments.



Originally Posted by Not_Epsilon View Post
I come out of hiber to spike a blaster. . . Dahjee wormholes the blaster into the hero base.
Fool! You don't get the logic behind that move? It gives your teammates more time to spike!



Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
Fool! You don't get the logic behind that move? It gives your teammates more time to spike!
I get its a joke, but just trying to understand any type of logic where that makes sense, hurts my head. Ughhh

SM, play HoN, do eet.




I'm really looking forward to Fallout New Vegas



Originally Posted by Supermax View Post

I'm really looking forward to Fallout New Vegas
I don't beleive I have ever been angrier about xbox 360's being pos's, mine got the RRoD, I sent it in and the Customer support people said a fried cpu isn't covered by the warrenty. . . .

But, just askin, u ever played Warcraft 3 SM?



lol just do what i do to micon on virtue, web grenade, snow storm repeat. if phased then do it again in 5 seconds. but yeah micon i laugh because most people can't do anything to you....in both freedom and virtue; enjoy the niche.