Issue #17: Dark Mirror [Live Release Notes]




Release notes for Issue #17: Dark Mirror.

This issue contains a significant upgrade to the look of the game, some new content, and many quality of life improvements.

Ultra Mode

  • Ultra Mode is a superior graphics rendering process that gives City of Heroes a heightened level of detail in lighting, reflections, shadows, and water effects.
  • Ultra Mode is intended for players who have higher-end graphic cards. Each feature can be enabled or disabled in the graphics menu options and will be scalable. Ultra Mode works on both Macs and PCs. To be specific, it offers dynamic shadows, screen-space ambient occlusion, and dynamic environment reflections (including planar reflections and environment mapping of reflective surfaces).
  • At the log-in screen, there will now be a one-time pop-up window if the client detects that your graphics card can handle Ultra Mode features. You'll be able to chose from Ultra Mode's Quality or Ultra settings or cancel the choice.
  • Some graphic options do not appear until Apply Now is selected. In the Options Menu, the "Apply Now" button will change colors when you select any graphics change that has not been applied yet.
  • Known issue - Catalyst 10.2 drivers have a conflict with Ultra Mode features. After toggling between graphics quality levels and pushing "Apply" in the UI the game framerate may drop dramatically until you quit the game and restart. In order to avoid this issue please update your drivers to the latest 10.4 version.
  • Menu Options for Ultra Mode:
    • "Graphics Quality" slider
      • Previously there were 4 notches in this slider. With Issue 17, we have expanded it to include a 5th notch, "Ultra". The notches currently behave as follows:
        • Minimum, Performance, Recommended - these 3 settings remain unchanged from Issue 16. No new graphics features are enabled.
        • Quality - enables all of the new Ultra Mode features (shadows, building/character reflections, water reflections and ambient occlusion), each in a "fast" configuration.
          • Shadows set to "ShadowMaps" at Low Quality
          • Environment Reflections set to Low Quality
          • Water Effects set to High QualityAmbient Occlusions set to High Performance
        • Ultra - enables all of the Ultra Mode features in a high quality configuration.
          • Shadows set to "ShadowMaps" at High Quality - Real-time shadows and self shadowing. The sun now casts shadows that are relevant to the time of day. Characters cast shadows on themselves.
          • Environment Reflections set to High Quality - Windows and reflective materials mirror the world around them.
          • Water Effects set to Ultra Quality - Water ripples, reflects and moves realistically.
    • "Advanced" settings
      • "Water Effects"
        • The "Water Effects" Option was changed from:
          • None
          • Low Quality: refractions without depth
          • High Quality: refractions with depth
        • To:
          • None
          • Low Quality (same as before)
          • Medium Quality (old High Quality)
          • High Quality: Medium Quality plus some reflections
          • Ultra Quality: Medium Quality plus lots of reflections
    • Full Screen Anti-Aliasing (FSAA) - We have moved this setting out of the advanced graphics options and placed it on the main graphics options pane.

New Power Set: Demon Summoning
  • Issue 17 introduces the Demon Summoning power set. Like Dual Pistols, this set is tied to the Going Rogue expansion, but will be unlocked in Issue 17 for players who prepurchase the Going Rogue Expansion.
  • Demon Summoning is a primary power choice for the Mastermind archetype and is also the power set used by the Going Rogue signature character Desdemona.
  • This power set allows the player to summon elemental demons that can manipulate flame, cold and hellfire. However, what truly sets this power set apart from other Mastermind primary power sets are the summoner's hellfire whip attacks that deal both fire and toxic damage and reduce the target's damage resistance.
  • The Demon Summoning Power Set is comprised of the following powers:
    • Corruption
    • Summon Demonlings
    • Lash
    • Enchant Demon
    • Crack Whip
    • Summon Demons
    • Hell on Earth
    • Summon Demon Prince
    • Abyssal Empowerment

Mission Architect Changes
  • There have been some upgrades to the Mission Architect system:
    • Mission Architect Experience Rewards
      • Previously, if the player made any changes to make the enemies they face in Mission Architect easier, they would receive zero experience for those enemies. We've made an adjustment to allow players to handpick the powers for custom enemies and still receive experience for them, but not be able to exploit weaker enemies for unfair experience gain. Now, every power for custom critters has been weighted individually.
    • New Mission Architect Maps
      • Approximately 20 new unique maps have been added to the Mission Architect system.
    • Giant Monsters Added
      • Players can now add giant monsters to most outdoor maps in Mission Architect. Defeating Giant Monsters in Mission Architect will not grant any badges associated with them.
        • Arachnos Flyer
        • Deathsurge
        • Caleb
        • Babbage
        • Clockwork Paladin
        • Stropharia
        • Thorn
        • Eochai
        • Kraken
        • Kronos Titan
        • Jack in Irons
        • Ghost of Scrapyard
    • Exit Mission on Complete
      • Mission Architect Authors can now specify that players have to leave the mission manually on completion.
    • Escort Improvements
      • "Lead to Place" technology allows Authors more control over escort objectives
    • File size for missions has been doubled to 200kb.
Peacebringers/Warshades/Soldiers of Arachnos/Widows
  • These archetypes are now unlocked as soon as one of your characters reaches level 20 on the appropriate side, instead of level 50.

Mission Updates
  • Contacts in starting zones (Atlas Park, Galaxy City, Mercy Isle) should, in general, no longer send players into dangerous neighborhoods to reach low-level (1-5) missions. Travel times will often be shorter to reach these mission doors, as well.
  • Players can now have 7 active missions, instead of just 3.
  • Show Last Objective: This allows players to be able to find their last objective on a mission map, making it easier to find something they missed.
  • Contacts give out their cell phone number sooner.
  • In the mission window and when talking to a contact with whom one has a standing mission, there is now an option to abandon that mission. This does not complete the mission. This is not available during "Task Force mode."
New Story Arcs
  • Evil (and good) has a new face. Check out new story arcs for a new kind of enemy.
    • For Heroes:
      • Field Agent Keith Nance has arrived in Talos Island to investigate charges of treason. He realizes he has the wrong suspect so he needs your help to solve the case.
      • Once you've cleared things up with the government and Keith Nance, he directs you to Special Agent Jenni Adair who has just come into some new information.
    • For Villains
      • Dean MacArthur in Sharkhead Isle has some information on the troublesome hero, Ajax, who has been spotted in the Rogue Isles recently.
      • After you are finished with Dean MacArthur, you can look up Leonard Silmon, who is interested in a new group called "Mane Corp".

Task Forces and Strike Forces
  • For Heroes:
    • The Positron Task Force has been updated. Please check out this dramatic upgrade of a classic Task Force.
    • The original Positron's Task Force is available in "The New Recruits" flashback arc. Completing either the new Task Force or the original will grant the Positron's Ally badge.
  • For Villains:
    • The Silver Mantis Strike Force is now accessed via Silver Mantis, located in Sharkhead Isle. (This Strike Force was previously accessed only via mission computer in a supergroup base.) Players will also be able to run this Strike Force from their Supergroup computer. This adjustment makes the Silver Mantis Strike Force accessible to players who are not part of a Supergroup and ensures that the Strike Force is available both in a zone and in a supergroup base.

Task Force Difficulty
  • Notoriety Settings will now affect Task Forces and Strike Forces as follows:
    • Setting level to -1 will set level to +0 (not -1)
    • Setting team size will affect spawn sizes accordingly
    • "Allow Bosses" will always be enabled
    • "Allow AVs" will always be enabled.

  • There are now at least 8 exploration badges in every city zone. Happy hunting.
  • There is now an Accolade for finding all of the exploration badges in each zone (i.e. Atlas Park Explorer, Mercy Isle Explorer, etc.)
  • There is now a badge for finding 500 badges. And one for 750.
  • All new story arcs have badges associated with them
  • The new Positron Task force is split into two halves, each of which grants a new badge. Getting both badges grants Positron's Ally. Players who already have the Positron's Ally badge will keep it, and it is still possible to earn it through the original Positron Task Force via flashback.

  • Crafted Temporary Powers - added several new recipes for Temp Powers, and shifted these recipes in the crafting UI to make them easier to find.

Tailor Updates
  • Updated Costumes - certain costume sets have been specially updated to take advantage of Ultra Mode features:
    • Armored
    • Cyborg
    • Enforcer
    • Tech Sleek
    • Valkyrie
    • Vanguard
    • Metallic
  • New Costume Part: Animated Tails - most types of tails in the game now have a version that moves.
    • The original tails remain available. Both versions can be found in a brand new costume part, separate from belts.
  • Depending on which costume part you are changing, the zoom button now creates new views and stances to better see that section of your character.
  • There are new weapon options for Dual Pistols
Auction House User Interface Improvements
  • Improved Sorting Options
    • Your Consignment House transactions are now sorted into separate tabs for each category, such as Selling or Bidding. Each tab will indicate how many transaction slots are being used by that tab. There is also an All tab, where you can find all of your transactions. You can resize the transaction pane by dragging the border separating the search pane from the transaction pane.
  • For Sale and Bidding Radio Buttons
    • Search results can be further filtered by the "For Sale" and "Bidding" radio buttons. For example, with Bidding toggled on, the Consignment House will only show items with bids. With both "For Sale" and "Bidding" toggled on, only results that are both for sale and with bids will be shown.
  • Text Autocomplete
    • The search bar now supports auto-completion of text. Start typing, and press Tab to auto-complete the current word. When you are ready to search for the item, press the Search button. If you turn off Autocomplete (by unselecting the radio button), searching will function as it did prior to Issue 17.
  • One Click to find all Salvage used in Recipe
    • Search results for salvage now provide for one-click searching for any recipes that use the salvage. Just click on the text, "Search for Recipes that use this salvage".
  • The "More" Button is Replaced
    • Instead of the More button, simply click on an item in your transaction inventory to bring up information on that item. Click on the Find button to search for that piece of auction inventory.
  • Warning if Selling salvage that is used in a recipe that is owned.
    • When selling salvage that is used in a recipe you own, you now receive a warning message.
  • Item Level Dials
    • We replaced the item level drop-down lists with up and down arrows to dial-in the desired level range. Alternatively, you can type directly over the level number.
  • Tintable Window Border
    • The Auction House window is tintable, just like other interface windows. Window color can be changed in the "Graphics and Audio" section of the Options Menu. The Auction House window can also be made transparent.

Email Improvements
  • The email system can now send to @global names.
  • Global emails can have influence or items attached
    • Heroes can only send emails with attachments to Heroes, and Villains can only send emails with attachments to Villains
  • The UI for writing emails has been slightly improved

Audio Updates
  • Sounds now position in 3D space in both Sound Playback Modes.
  • 3D Sound option now properly supports 5.1 Surround Sound.
  • The Music Volume slider now correctly controls all music in the game.
  • Many new and updated sounds (footsteps, vehicles, citizens, flight, swim).
  • Cleaned up a number of old sound bugs.

Vigilance for Defenders Upgraded
  • The Vigilance inherent power has been improved to give benefits to Defenders who are not in groups. To that end, in addition to the increasing Endurance discount in groups, Vigilance now adds a damage buff which only applies fully when solo. The damage buff degrades as more team members are added. The buff starts small and increases until it is a 30% increase to (unenhanced) damage at level 20 and above, minus 10% per additional team member.

New Emotes
  • Dig
  • Picklock
  • Spraypaint
  • Jackhammer
  • Warmhands

Arena Updates
  • Added a button that displays the score of an Arena match while the match is still being played.
  • Exiting an arena match is now a two-step process: first you open the score window, and then choose to exit the match from there. You can no longer leave the match from just clicking on the Exit button in the navigation window.
  • The arena UI no longer resets some settings to their default values between matches during the same client session.
  • The options within the upper left master dropdown in the arena window have been broken up into multiple separate dropdowns, allowing for further player customization of match settings.

And more fixes/changes:


Auction House
  • Influence from sold items cannot be claimed and Bids cannot be canceled until doing so will not put the character's total influence over their cap (Normal accounts capped at 2 billion, Trial accounts capped at 50k).

Invention[list][*]Blessing of the Zephyr: This set's bonuses were significantly decreased as the 2 and 3 piece set bonuses were far too powerful, allowing players to easily stack 5 copies of these buffs for minimal slot usage.
  • Decreased the 2 piece set bonus from this set from +3.125% Ranged Defense, +1.563% Energy and Negative Energy Defense to +1.25% Ranged Defense, +.625% Energy and Negative Energy Defense.
  • Decreased the 3 piece set bonus from this set from +3.125% AoE Defense, +1.563% Fire and Cold Defense to +1.875% AoE Defense and +.938% Fire and Cold Defense.


  • Player Buff fix. Some buff powers had been recently changed to affect a max of 16 player allies (including pets), which had implications in some groups and in large outdoor fights. These are now fixed to affect up to 255 targets. The powers affected are:
    • Power Pool - Flight/Group Fly
    • Power Pool - Leadership/Maneuvers, Tactics, Assault, Vengeance
    • Power Pool - Teleport/Team Teleport
    • Arachnos Soldier - Teamwork/Training and Gadgets Tactical Training/Assault
    • Arachnos Soldier - Teamwork/Training and Gadgets Tactical Training: Maneuvers
    • Arachnos Soldier - Training and Gadgets Tactical Training/Leadership
    • Arachnos Widow - Fortunata Teamwork/Mind Link
    • Arachnos Widow - Fortunata Teamwork: Tactical Training: Vengeance
    • Arachnos Widow - Teamwork Tactical Training/Leadership
    • Cold Domination/Arctic Fog
    • Cold Domination/Heat Loss +Recovery effect
    • Dark Miasma/Howling Twilight Rez effect
    • Dark Miasma/Shadow Fall
    • Dark Miasma/Twilight Grasp Heal effect
    • Empathy/Healing Aura, Recovery Aura and Regeneration Aura
    • Kinetics/Transfusion Heal effect
    • Kinetics/Transference +Endurance effect
    • Kinetics/Fulcrum Shift +Damage effect
    • Kinetics/Siphon Power +Damage effect
    • Pain Domination/Nullify Pain, Soothing Aura, World of Pain
    • Peacebringers/Luminous Aura Group Energy Flight
    • Plant Control/Spirit Tree +Regeneration effect
    • Police-bot +Perception effect
    • Robotics/Protector Bots Dispersion Bubble
    • Storm Summoning : Steamy Mist
    • Traps/Force Field Generator Dispersion Bubble
    • Traps/Triage Beacon +Regeneration effect
  • Dual Pistols\Dual Wield (All): This power now accepts Knockback IO sets.
  • Mystic Fortune buff is now automatically granted. There is no longer a pop-up window to accept or decline the buff.
  • Stealth and Invisibility powers will now cause your character to cast no shadow. This does not apply to the Stealth from SuperSpeed.
  • It is no longer possible to use Teleport Foe on enemies while they are inside Hospital recovery rooms.
  • Dual Pistols (All)/Bullet Rain: Fixed a bug that would cause this power's secondary damage effect to be slightly higher than normal in PvP.
  • Dual Pistols (All)/Empty Clips: Fixed a bug that would cause this power's secondary damage effect to be slightly higher than normal in PvP.
  • Dual Pistols(All)/Swap Ammo: Fixed a bug that would cause the ammo powers granted to the player by Swap Ammo to not apply if the player was in an environment where temporary powers are disabled.
  • You now respawn with full health and endurance when you spawn in a hospital in Bloody Bay, Siren's Call, Warburg, and Recluse's Victory.

User Interface
  • The color of the splash notices for recipe drops now correspond to the color-coded rarity of the recipe: White for common; yellow for uncommon; orange for rare; and purple for very rare.
  • Now when you respec, there is a "Current Respec Level" counter in the upper right when you're picking powers
  • Fixed a bug which sometimes caused the cursor not to appear in fullscreen mode for Windows Vista.
  • The command "show_bind <key>" shows what commands are bound to the key



  • Dual Pistols/Piercing Rounds: Fixed a bug that would cause this power's PvP damage to be lower than it should be.


  • Traps/Caltrops - this power no longer accepts Melee AoE Enhancement sets.

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Tailor UpdatesUpdated Costumes - certain costume sets have been specially updated to take advantage of Ultra Mode features:
  • Armored
What is meant is "Armor Plate" because there is no piece simply called 'Armor' and not all skins under the heading of "Armor" have been updated for UM.

New Emotes

* Dig
* Picklock
* Spraypaint
* Jackhammer
* Warmhands
  • pamphlet
  • vendor
  • batlookout (hold bat in the quickmenu)

User Interface

* The color of the splash notices for recipe drops now correspond to the color-coded rarity of the recipe: White for common; yellow for uncommon; orange for rare; and purple for very rare.
* Now when you respec, there is a "Current Respec Level" counter in the upper right when you're picking powers
* Fixed a bug which sometimes caused the cursor not to appear in fullscreen mode for Windows Vista.
* The command "show_bind <key>" shows what commands are bound to the key
  • Global Channel Timeout Command: New command: /chan_timeout <channel name> <duration> [listed in Known Issues as not working properly]
    • This is a command to help Moderators manage channels. When the channel timeout is set, users that have not logged in within the duration specified will be removed from the channel
    • The duration is in days
    • Setting duration to zero means there is no limit
    • 7 is the minimum time allowed to be set
    • Only channel moderators can use this command
    • Example: The command below will kick all members of AwesomeChannel who have been logged out more than 30 days:
/chan_timeout AwesomeChannel 30
  • Apply Now Button Status: In the Options Menu, the “Apply Now” button will now change colors when you select any graphics change that has not been applied yet. Previously, some players were confused by the fact that certain changes require you to select Apply Now before they appear.
  • Chat Hidden: If a player is in a window that cannot display the Chat Window (such as the respec screen) and does not have an /afk message set, the game automatically responds to any /tell with "Chat Hidden".




* Dual Pistols/Piercing Rounds: Fixed a bug that would cause this power's PvP damage to be lower than it should be.
  • Dual Pistols > Hail of Bullets: Increased this power's overall average damage scale from 3.034 to 3.63 by increasing both the damage done per tick from .444 scale damage to .454 scale damage as well as increasing the chance for this power to deal damage per tick from 50% to 60%. Additionally when using this power, the user will gain a moderate bonus to their melee, ranged and AoE defense for 5 seconds. This defense bonus is unenhanceable and will only apply to the caster if it hits an enemy target within range. Specifically, Blasters gain 9.75% M/R/A, Corruptors gain 11.25% M/R/A, and Defenders gain 15% M/R/A.
  • Fix Unenhanceable Special IOs: The following special IO Enhancements were incorrectly being increased in effect by outside buffs and debuffs. These effects have been changed to be constant and unaffected by Buffs or Debuffs.

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Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
[*]Mystic Fortune buff is now automatically granted. There is no longer a pop-up window to accept or decline the buff.
Oh, this I don't like. Is there a way to have your character never allow this power then. I always refuse this and do not like that I can no longer do so.

Be a hero!!



  • The email system can now send to @global names.
Speaking of globals, does anyone know if we'll get the usual 'global rename' token with this issue release?



Originally Posted by Avatea
[*]Mystic Fortune buff is now automatically granted. There is no longer a pop-up window to accept or decline the buff.
Originally Posted by Drakos View Post
Oh, this I don't like. Is there a way to have your character never allow this power then. I always refuse this and do not like that I can no longer do so.
the following is not a rant, but a calmly worded explanation of my opinion:

I have to admit. This is the kind of change that squashes my good time when I log in. As soon as this happened the first time, it made me rather disappointed.
We go out of our way to make characters with different concepts and such and power customization and all that...
And any character that buys this booster can throw a 20 minute buff on others that has a flashing and humming magic card effect.
I seriously despise that visual (And audio) effect and I wish this change didn't go through. It is these kinds of effects that spoil a great screen shot. I just enjoy the visual aspect so much and these sprite-like emblem effects muddy it up.

Here is the deal... It's not just an AT with their powerset that can cast this buff... it is any AT (And a lot of players have this booster pack).
Most importantly, it lasts 20 minutes! What other player-cast ally buff lasts that long?

If this power is now going to play with the same rules of auto accepting as other player cast buffs... then give it a 4 or 5 minute duration.
Otherwise, this stinks for those of us that don't like the effect of it (As well as the varying element of the buff).
I don't care if anyone thinks not liking the visual effect is dumb or pointless or whatever. If visuals were pointless, we could all play a text game. It detracts from my enjoyment, so I am expressing it.
An Ice shield is part of a powerset that deals with using cold and ice... Fire, kinetics, force fields, etc and all that stuff... there's an AT theme and those powers only last a short while.

This Mystic Fortune had a different aspect to it from the beginning, that's why it had the prompt.
If you're going to remove the prompt... change the power, because this stinks for a lot of us.

Yes, some are happy that they no longer have to click accept.
Some are unhappy that we will auto accept a 20 minute buff. No option whatsoever.

Options > No options in my book. Allows for greater happiness among the varied preferences.

I've clamored and applauded most everything else in this Issue and that the Devs do for this game.
This change annoys me. Not in theory, but in practice. I look at the numbers, I look at the visuals, I hear the audio effect and I see the prevalence and common practice of the players and this power... and this change goes against my tastes.

Thanks for all the great stuff besides this one change.
Now change this one thing to my satisfaction please

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Umm, What happened to The Chantry and the Storm palace? The giant sphere buildings, the outer wall used to be see through, now it's opaque and white, is this a bug or is this an art decision? Doesn't look as good now IMO.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Originally Posted by Drakos View Post
Oh, this I don't like. Is there a way to have your character never allow this power then. I always refuse this and do not like that I can no longer do so.
I don't really understand why people don't want the great buffs that Mystic Fortune gives, but it does seem odd that they would remove the option to not take it. It's good to have that option for those that want it (or if they have The Fool cast on them and they want it to expire, not be renewed).

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
I don't really understand why people don't want the great buffs that Mystic Fortune gives, but it does seem odd that they would remove the option to not take it. It's good to have that option for those that want it (or if they have The Fool cast on them and they want it to expire, not be renewed).
Electric-Knight said it ruins his/her concept.

And as some may or may not have caught my arguement within a few threads, concept=gimp.

They don't want a small buff because it ruins their concept.

Their concept is to be gimp.

That'll do 'er.



They should just add a option under team option like they did with "prompt team teleport" and "Collaborate missions". With this this hole problem will disappear and then well have the added bonus of not being prompted every time someone cast this.

Knowledge is power.
Power corrupts.
Study Hard. Be evil.



Originally Posted by Malin0001 View Post
They should just add a option under team option like they did with "prompt team teleport" and "Collaborate missions". With this this hole problem will disappear and then well have the added bonus of not being prompted every time someone cast this.
Not really. Then everyone who dislikes ALL player-cast buffs (Speed Boost, ice/fire shields, FF bubbles, etc) will start clamoring to have options to decline them added.

What we really need is a prompt/auto-accept/auto-decline option for all player-cast buffs. Which seems like it should be doable. And it should default to 'auto-accept' the way team teleport currently does.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
This change annoys me. Not in theory, but in practice. I look at the numbers, I look at the visuals, I hear the audio effect and I see the prevalence and common practice of the players and this power... and this change goes against my tastes.

Thanks for all the great stuff besides this one change.
Now change this one thing to my satisfaction please
I tried to make this work while leaving the Accept/Deny option available, but doing so left an exploit in place which allowed players to stack multiple copies of the buff on themselves. The only way to fix that was to remove the prompt. I'm very sorry that it negatively impacts your play experience.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I tried to make this work while leaving the Accept/Deny option available, but doing so left an exploit in place which allowed players to stack multiple copies of the buff on themselves. The only way to fix that was to remove the prompt. I'm very sorry that it negatively impacts your play experience.
Castle, would it be possible to have the option to either auto-accept always or auto-deny always? Leaving out the prompt option? It's still not perfect, but maybe a better compromise.



Originally Posted by FreckledAvenger View Post
Castle, would it be possible to have the option to either auto-accept always or auto-deny always? Leaving out the prompt option? It's still not perfect, but maybe a better compromise.
That's a question for the engineers; it's not something the powers system can deal with, currently. I'll pass the suggestion along.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I tried to make this work while leaving the Accept/Deny option available, but doing so left an exploit in place which allowed players to stack multiple copies of the buff on themselves. The only way to fix that was to remove the prompt. I'm very sorry that it negatively impacts your play experience.
Actually, wasn't there talks about the ability to delete buffs at Herocon? Whatever came of that? I know... in the case of mystic fortune, it would allow players to pick and choose which random buff they would keep. You can remedy that by leaving an undeleteable (yes, it's not a word, but you get the idea) buff that prevents more mystic fortunes to be cast on the player for 20 minutes. But I think it's another solution to consider.

If somebody you're arguing with goes off the deep end, don't follow.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
That's a question for the engineers; it's not something the powers system can deal with, currently. I'll pass the suggestion along.
Awesome -- thanks!



Originally Posted by FreckledAvenger View Post
What we really need is a prompt/auto-accept/auto-decline option for all player-cast buffs. Which seems like it should be doable. And it should default to 'auto-accept' the way team teleport currently does.
I can't imagine anyone would possibly want to be prompted for every player-cast buff. Say I'm in the middle of a big fight, where defenders and controllers are cutting loose with Recovery Aura, Regen Aura, Accelerate Metabolism, Speed Boost, Clear Mind, Fortitude, etc.

There are technical issues of having to queue an arbitrary number of dialogs for these buffs. No one would ever want to deal with that many popup dialogs, and in the heat of combat no one would be able to pick and choose which ones they actually want. Which means no one would ever actually turn this option on, except perhaps people who only solo and don't like getting spam buffed at the market or in Ouroboros.

The only workable solution is for there to be an option with two values: decline or accept all friendly buffs. A popup dialog for all buffs is simply not a viable option.

Another possibility would be another option to reject all non-team buffs. That way you could stop hit-and-run spammers without affecting team play.



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
I can't imagine anyone would possibly want to be prompted for every player-cast buff. Say I'm in the middle of a big fight, where defenders and controllers are cutting loose with Recovery Aura, Regen Aura, Accelerate Metabolism, Speed Boost, Clear Mind, Fortitude, etc.
True. Didn't think of that, because I still don't understand why people want the option to refuse any of these (with the exception of hardware/video card-related Speed Boost issues).

Another possibility would be another option to reject all non-team buffs. That way you could stop hit-and-run spammers without affecting team play.
Except that the people who complain about Speed Boost/shields/fortunes/etc don't seem to care who's buffing them or when (at least the most extreme ones), they don't want them ever.

The only workable solution is for there to be an option with two values: decline or accept all friendly buffs. A popup dialog for all buffs is simply not a viable option.
Looks like this one's in the hands of the engineers now. And I do think it's the most viable and the one most likely to satisfy the greatest number of players.



As far as reading fortunes are concerned: thematically, I thought that a player should request his/her fortune be read and then the reader would have the option to read or refuse but w/e. Probably have the same impact as pre-i17.

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



The only workable solution is for there to be an option with two values: decline or accept all friendly buffs. A popup dialog for all buffs is simply not a viable option.

Another possibility would be another option to reject all non-team buffs. That way you could stop hit-and-run spammers without affecting team play.
You made a good point. Another solution is for players to have a blacklist of buffs they do not want to accept. Kinda like an ignore list for types of buff people want to avoid. But I don't know if this is big enough an issue to warrant the storage required to do this. Just an idea.

If somebody you're arguing with goes off the deep end, don't follow.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I tried to make this work while leaving the Accept/Deny option available, but doing so left an exploit in place which allowed players to stack multiple copies of the buff on themselves. The only way to fix that was to remove the prompt. I'm very sorry that it negatively impacts your play experience.
Right, I heard about this in beta and understand that there was good reason behind making the change (I was hoping that pesky toggle could be changed to prevent the exploit instead).
I do indeed understand though, Caste, and I truly appreciate your reply and your sentiment (And the fact that you tried different ways). I hate saying anything negative, because I do appreciate and understand the complexity of everything involved and all and never wish to come off as an ingrate

Originally Posted by Castle View Post
That's a question for the engineers; it's not something the powers system can deal with, currently. I'll pass the suggestion along.
And thanks for this. I truly hope they can make it happen!

To those that don't understand:
A 20 minute annoyance is a long annoyance. Apparently people missed that as my main point in my long-winded post. The effects last 20 minutes. That's a while to wait for them to wear off if you're taking screenshots or just not planning to get into any fights (Not everyone plays just to fight as much, as quickly and as efficiently as possible).

Still... I love the new Issue (Tweaked my settings even more to get a bit more performance out of them while keeping the great new visuals... and I'm on a single core system at the moment).

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by milehigh77 View Post
Electric-Knight said it ruins his/her concept.

And as some may or may not have caught my arguement within a few threads, concept=gimp.

They don't want a small buff because it ruins their concept.

Their concept is to be gimp.

That'll do 'er.

You made your self look moronic with that drivel you posted. Concept does not equal gimp. People make their characters they way they want and, this a shocker, will not always like everyone that is available. What is "gimp" are the annoying people that cast fortune during battle.

Just think before you post stupid comments please.

Valaraine: Master Archer & Electricity Whiz.
(Archer - lvl 50, swordswoman - lvl 50, Elec zapper - lvl 35, Ice/DB tank - lvl 50, Arch/En - lvl 26, Lvl 33 Blade wielder, trick archer - lvl 34, flame tank - lvl 30, rad specialist - lvl 44.)
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Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Right, I heard about this in beta and understand that there was good reason behind making the change (I was hoping that pesky toggle could be changed to prevent the exploit instead).
I do indeed understand though, Caste, and I truly appreciate your reply and your sentiment (And the fact that you tried different ways). I hate saying anything negative, because I do appreciate and understand the complexity of everything involved and all and never wish to come off as an ingrate

And thanks for this. I truly hope they can make it happen!

To those that don't understand:
A 20 minute annoyance is a long annoyance. Apparently people missed that as my main point in my long-winded post. The effects last 20 minutes. That's a while to wait for them to wear off if you're taking screenshots or just not planning to get into any fights (Not everyone plays just to fight as much, as quickly and as efficiently as possible).

Still... I love the new Issue (Tweaked my settings even more to get a bit more performance out of them while keeping the great new visuals... and I'm on a single core system at the moment).

Would toggling the 'walk' power remove the SFX of the buff?



Castle, why not just flag the Temporary Powers granted by Mystic Fortune as Deletable? IIRC, that functionality already exists within the current powers system, and would seem to be a decent workaround for the folks who don't want to be stuck with the buff for 20 minutes.



Originally Posted by Juteboxhero View Post
You made your self look moronic with that drivel you posted. Concept does not equal gimp. People make their characters they way they want and, this a shocker, will not always like everyone that is available. What is "gimp" are the annoying people that cast fortune during battle.

Just think before you post stupid comments please.
And "embarrassed" is when you cast Mystic Fortune in the middle of a battle where you meant to cast Fortitude or Clear Mind.



As I can not get on currently, (at Work) I have two questions,

1) Does/Can the Walk power Deactivate/Suppress external buffs?

2) Following that what is the Feasibity of the creation of a slash command of canceling or suppressing (all) Toggles and Buffs on the player. Not exactly the most elegant solution, but would help for when you didn't want the extra powers to be running. (Ie Screen shots)

I'd Ask #2 to Television, but last time he turned me in to a TV. (But then that may of been from hitting him was a bat and shouting 'Up with Aeon' >_>)

~ I am Mender Sirbil Xe I do not know who this Ex Libris is that you speak of. ~