Issue #17: Dark Mirror [Live Release Notes]




In another MMO I play, you can simply right-click buff icons to deactivate the corresponding buffs. That would be a nice thing to have in CoH too.



I do kind of wish Mystic Fortune didn't constantly pulse with the sound effect and floating cards all the time. It's spaced out just far enough that you can't tell at a glance that you're still buffed, and there's no indication when it wears off, so there's little reason for constant FX. Just do an animation when it's put on you, and when it expires.

But seriously, you guys hate getting buffed. That is the opposite of making sense. Just tap the doggone keyboard when you're Speed Boosted and use [F]ollow a lot so the computer moves precisely for you. Oh noes, the Invisible Woman put a forcefield around Daredevil, his concept is RUINED.

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



Originally Posted by Monkey_King View Post
But seriously, you guys hate getting buffed. That is the opposite of making sense.
Well in my case (I can't speak for anyone else) it's kind of like people are saying that my own powers aren't good enough. I solo around 99% of the time, so I enjoy trying to get by on my own powers (and inspirations in some cases) alone. Having a bunch of buffs that I didn't ask for on me takes away from that.



Originally Posted by Monkey_King View Post
But seriously, you guys hate getting buffed. That is the opposite of making sense. Just tap the doggone keyboard when you're Speed Boosted and use [F]ollow a lot so the computer moves precisely for you. .

I don't pay 15/month to alter my playstyle because someone is too ignorant not to cast something on me that I don't want, don't need and actually INHIBITS my gaming.

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I can understand the unwanting of player buffs. I dislike ice shield buffs 'cos I cant see my char underneath it and don't particularly need the extra defence buff anyway. So yeah, I'm all for a built-in option to auto-decline buffage. They're not always desirable, Mystic Fortune especially can be annoying.




Originally Posted by Pious View Post
Speaking of globals, does anyone know if we'll get the usual 'global rename' token with this issue release?
Unlikely. And that's definitely not 'usual' practice. We've only gotten them when the chatserver has had a meltdown major enough to reassign people's global names.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



If I were going to create a way to get around this I'd setup a list under options with each power that can buff you. I'd put three checkboxes for each where you could pick from 1) Auto Accept 2) Accept with no Visuals(in non PvP zones only) 3) Auto Decline

Classic Dungeon Crawl Arc ID: 2232-"A satirical look at your average dungeon"
Down the Rabbit Hole Arc IDs: 24346 24397-"Rescue a little girl from an insidious dream invader."



Originally Posted by Counter_Agent View Post
If I were going to create a way to get around this I'd setup a list under options with each power that can buff you. I'd put three checkboxes for each where you could pick from 1) Auto Accept 2) Accept with no Visuals(in non PvP zones only) 3) Auto Decline
That would be a ... prohibitively long list, I think.



Originally Posted by FreckledAvenger View Post
That would be a ... prohibitively long list, I think.
Yes. And I'd set them all to auto-decline anyways. Lots of clicking between my 18 heroes and 12 villains. Up until now I've been managing to avoid the un-refusable tarot buff, but while I was fixing my power customization (since I17 broke that on all slots except the first one) on one of my characters some player ran by and hit me with it. Cue 20 minute downtime while I'm waiting for it to wear off so I can go play again. Some kind of fix is needed, and soon.



Originally Posted by Arctic Man View Post
Well in my case (I can't speak for anyone else) it's kind of like people are saying that my own powers aren't good enough. I solo around 99% of the time, so I enjoy trying to get by on my own powers (and inspirations in some cases) alone. Having a bunch of buffs that I didn't ask for on me takes away from that.
Receiving a Fortune injures your ego?




Originally Posted by Arctic Man View Post
Yes. And I'd set them all to auto-decline anyways. Lots of clicking between my 18 heroes and 12 villains. Up until now I've been managing to avoid the un-refusable tarot buff, but while I was fixing my power customization (since I17 broke that on all slots except the first one) on one of my characters some player ran by and hit me with it. Cue 20 minute downtime while I'm waiting for it to wear off so I can go play again. Some kind of fix is needed, and soon.
just rp that you dont have the buff and keep playing

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
just rp that you dont have the buff and keep playing
Not the same thing. Just as some people are hardcore about the "no defeat" thing and delete the characters if they are defeated (I think there's an SG like that on one of the servers), I am hardcore about not having external buffs when I am soloing (because having buffs from others isn't truely soloing).



Originally Posted by Pious View Post
I can understand the unwanting of player buffs. I dislike ice shield buffs 'cos I cant see my char underneath it and don't particularly need the extra defence buff anyway. So yeah, I'm all for a built-in option to auto-decline buffage. They're not always desirable, Mystic Fortune especially can be annoying.

I'd still prefer to be able to turn the buffs off after I get them. I appreciate the random buffing, but when someone has colored the ice shields to be bright white, it's blinding and I'd get rid of those because they do interfere with my playing.

While I respect someone's viewpoint that getting random buffs interferes with their choice to not get buffed, telling others that they can't pass out random buffs interferes with their choice to do so. You can't have it both ways, really.

Lvl 50 fire/rad troller Wantonya - Infinity
Too many other alts and servers to bother counting



If we have no way to opt out any longer then can we change The Fool? Having received the "buff" twice in a row, nearly consecutively, without invitation, was quite annoying. I never asked or took the risk at having my to-hit debuffed. Now I have to go through 20 minutes more of game play with a negative game mechanic and the only choice I made was logging on.



I don't understand the Hail of Bullets +defense thing if you hit at least 1 enemy. This should open the door to giving the same bonus to other rain type powers or potentially more than that. It just doesn't make sense just to give it to this one power. And they're not just giving it defense against the enemies you hit, it's against all enemies.




Originally Posted by Counter_Agent View Post
If I were going to create a way to get around this I'd setup a list under options with each power that can buff you. I'd put three checkboxes for each where you could pick from 1) Auto Accept 2) Accept with no Visuals(in non PvP zones only) 3) Auto Decline
This is a good idea, except that I think you would have to make an accross the board choice, not an individual one. That list would be HUGE and would take forever to set up for each character.

I especially like the option of supressing the Special Effects. While some are ok, most do ruin the look of my toons, especially ones like ice sheild and many of the fire buffs.



Originally Posted by Monkey_King View Post
But seriously, you guys hate getting buffed. That is the opposite of making sense. Just tap the doggone keyboard when you're Speed Boosted and use [F]ollow a lot so the computer moves precisely for you. Oh noes, the Invisible Woman put a forcefield around Daredevil, his concept is RUINED.
When someone paints you neon green so that you'll be safer crossing the road, I don't expect you to complain.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by Megami-Neko View Post
When someone paints you neon green so that you'll be safer crossing the road, I don't expect you to complain.
Analogies are analogies: stupid. This is a game, not an interpretation of our own lives - he has a valid point. I think analogies have been the most ill-used English use of expression thanks to the interwebz.




the re-installation of accept/decline mystic fortune is extremely annoying - especially when you are in the middle of battle. When receiving the buff, I will go through the animation for giving the buff, and cannot use my other powers in the meantime. Personally, I cannot see what the big deal is for minor buff/debuff for a minor amount of time. I would prefer to do away with the option entirely. If you want to put a setting in the options menu, then that would be the place to do it - just like accepting teleports from teammates. This business of "stop what you are doing and deal with this" needs to go. It is annoying at the best of times, and counter-productive at the worst of times.



I love how I send in a petition to someone who is paid to do there job and I get a generic response ""

Make Mystic Fortune an option to auto accept so for people who don't want it don't have to take it just like TP and Gifts are.

AND Y is it the same prompt as TP ???? thats my Beef!! You could have made it look Mystical!!! LOL



Well, if you sent in a petition about the Mystic Fortune prompt, that's WAI and nothing to do with the GMs. I might have sent you more specifically to the Suggestions board,

Dec out.