i17 new costumes?





Well, I am not getting much out of Ultra Mode MAYBE a bit of water shine so I guess it is aimed at people who have better vid cards.

What I would like is to know about extra costume stuff. I cannot seem to find any. Can anyone please tell me the name of a few pieces to look up?




Originally Posted by Dark_Inferno View Post

Well, I am not getting much out of Ultra Mode MAYBE a bit of water shine so I guess it is aimed at people who have better vid cards.

What I would like is to know about extra costume stuff. I cannot seem to find any. Can anyone please tell me the name of a few pieces to look up?

Besides the new animated tails (under the lower body section) and new dual pistol options, there aren't any new pieces that I'm aware of. Some of the metalic pieces they updated to reflect using the new ultra mode tech. Stuff like tech sleak, metalic, valkyrie, cyborg, etc. Those sets are listed in the patch notes.

Though I could be wrong, but haven't seen any other info on new pieces.



Mutant pack comes out soon apparently but thats a paid pack, there doing exactly what i feared and moving away from free content to more paid stuff :/

They are a company after all, it was to be expected eventually but still sucks.



Originally Posted by Predatoric View Post
Mutant pack comes out soon apparently but thats a paid pack, there doing exactly what i feared and moving away from free content to more paid stuff :/

They are a company after all, it was to be expected eventually but still sucks.
They've been doing this almost 2 years now. Wedding pack, etc. It's bonus stuff that does *not* impact the play of the game itself, but if you want it it's there. It's also extremely inexpensive. So... *shrug*

I'm happy with the tails being off the Belt area!

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There moving where now. The booster packs have bin coming out for a while now. The resin little in the way of new costumes being released is because the art team are busy on a little thing called Going Rouge. We are talking about a whole new world with new zones, enemies, ATs, the mysterious Incarnate system, new story lines and of coarse costume pieces. So much so that as they have stated they have little time for responding to forum questions But even with there heavy workload they still found time to add new mission arias. Be a little more grateful and a lot more patient. Or my brand spanking new demons will eat you. : P



Originally Posted by Predatoric View Post
Mutant pack comes out soon apparently but thats a paid pack, there doing exactly what i feared and moving away from free content to more paid stuff :/

They are a company after all, it was to be expected eventually but still sucks.
*stops playing I17, which was free*

*looks at 16 other free content updates, vs. GR and a few boosters*


There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
They've been doing this almost 2 years now. Wedding pack, etc. It's bonus stuff that does *not* impact the play of the game itself, but if you want it it's there. It's also extremely inexpensive. So... *shrug*

I'm happy with the tails being off the Belt area!
Funny I find stuff like the Ninja Pack to impact my game play for the better. That isn't a trivial power :P

To answer the OP: No new costume parts but they did add Armored pattern to almost everything now, tights etc..

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



When I first popped out my spines, they were the ugly boney ones. When I went to Icon, I couldn't find the option to change them. No weapon option. But when I exted out, not cancel but OKed nothing, my spines were back to black metallic.

I didn't mess witih CoH last night though. Tried to see a reflection in anything, then logged.



Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
There moving where now. The booster packs have bin coming out for a while now. The resin little in the way of new costumes being released is because the art team are busy on a little thing called Going Rouge. We are talking about a whole new world with new zones, enemies, ATs, the mysterious Incarnate system, new story lines and of coarse costume pieces. So much so that as they have stated they have little time for responding to forum questions But even with there heavy workload they still found time to add new mission arias. Be a little more grateful and a lot more patient. Or my brand spanking new demons will eat you. : P
Few new costumes in GR also.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by Predatoric View Post
Mutant pack comes out soon apparently but thats a paid pack, there doing exactly what i feared and moving away from free content to more paid stuff :/

They are a company after all, it was to be expected eventually but still sucks.
Look at the bright side, when I last played Everquest, they were coming out every three months with new expansions at about $20-30 a pop at least the issues in COH are free And they have new content even if you don't buy the booster packs. Everquest, you got almost nothing for free
Unless you bought a new expansion...but then you really didn't get anything for free because you bought the expansion lol.

When patch time came, The Everquest team @ S.O.E. (Sony Online Entertainment) would have to make a patch to patch the patch ( if we were REALLY lucky, they would need a patch to patch the patch that was supposed to patch the patch)

COH even with it's (minor) issues is a dream compared to Everquest and S.O.E.

I love it I love it I love it.

We shall defend our game, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the forums, we shall fight on the news, we shall fight on Facebook and in twitter, we shall fight on the internet and at the corporate offices; we shall never surrender.

-Inspiration from Winston Chruchill



Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
When I first popped out my spines, they were the ugly boney ones. When I went to Icon, I couldn't find the option to change them. No weapon option. But when I exted out, not cancel but OKed nothing, my spines were back to black metallic.

I didn't mess witih CoH last night though. Tried to see a reflection in anything, then logged.
They're under Powers. Not Weapons. Unless that didn't show either?

Currently playing:
The Domestic: Broom/WP
Shadowhex: Dark Control/Dark Affinity
Defenestration Lass: Grav/Kin

"See, this is what happens when you have to shove all this stuff into your pockets: it's easy to misplace a suborbital warhead." -Arcanaville, on how crowded our power trays are getting lately



Originally Posted by Predatoric View Post
Mutant pack comes out soon apparently but thats a paid pack, there doing exactly what i feared and moving away from free content to more paid stuff :/

They are a company after all, it was to be expected eventually but still sucks.

6 free issues released
0 paid pack releases.

1 paid pack released: GvE items pack
2 free issues released

3 free issues released
0 paid pack releases

2 free issues released
3 paid pack releases (Wedding, Cyborg, and jetpack)

3 free issues released
4 paid pack releases (Magic, Science, Mac Items, Martial Arts)

I can't say that 1 more paid release than free release in either 2008 or 2009 warrants much of a concern that they're moving away from free content and more toward paid.

Thank you, Champion.



As far as I'm aware, I had to pay them 15 bucks every month. I'm not sure why you guys get to play for free, but I want in on this deal.



Originally Posted by Alexandria2000 View Post
They're under Powers. Not Weapons. Unless that didn't show either?
I found it when I had to fix another costume with it's powers messed up.

Also had it wrong on a blaster who only shoots white fire. Really threw me off. But not all costumes had lost their custom color.

The Enforcer boob-cover chest detail armor is too shiny for my rusted and stained Wetlander Drone costume now. Life is rough.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
As far as I'm aware, I had to pay them 15 bucks every month. I'm not sure why you guys get to play for free, but I want in on this deal.
That's just the subscription to play the game. It doesn't necessitate them releasing any updates/expansions at all. Which is to say that if they didn't release any of the Issues the game would still be $15 a month, and thus any Issues that have been released sans extra charge can be said to be "free content".

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Art department's been kinda busy.

While it's a shame for people who can't take advantage of UM, the costumers did update 7 sets to take advantage of it for free.

While the new pistols were mainly for the Dual Pistols users which is a GR pay-for set, Thug MMs get to use them for free.

Art department also gave use some new, unique NPCs and unique TF maps in I17 for free.

The rest will cost you some for premium costuming. The Mutant pack will have new costumes. Demon Summoning gave us new art assets (their not costumes, but at least you can see where the art department's been spending their time).

And Going Rogue will have A LOT of new costumes. And who knows, maybe some of it will be made freely as part of I18.

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Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
That's just the subscription to play the game. It doesn't necessitate them releasing any updates/expansions at all. Which is to say that if they didn't release any of the Issues the game would still be $15 a month, and thus any Issues that have been released sans extra charge can be said to be "free content".
I understand where you are coming from but I don't really agree that it's free. The devs are making this content while being paid wages coming from the money we pay. Also if they weren't adding new content not only would there be far less veterans few people would be willing to pay as much as $15 per month.

The bottom line is we are paying money which NCsoft is using to make extra content. Which doesn't make it free to me. Part of that money is to pay for servers etc obviously. But only part.



Originally Posted by Bramphousian View Post
1 paid pack released: GvE items pack
2 free issues released

2 free issues released
3 paid pack releases (Wedding, Cyborg, and jetpack)

3 free issues released
4 paid pack releases (Magic, Science, Mac Items, Martial Arts)

I can't say that 1 more paid release than free release in either 2008 or 2009 warrants much of a concern that they're moving away from free content and more toward paid.
Note that the GvE items and Mac Special Edition items were merely a pac to get you the stuff you could have gotten by purchasing a different version of the game. And the Mini-Booster rocket pack is part of the game card, which is simultaneously a means with which to create an account, and a means to pay your monthly subscription.




Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
That's just the subscription to play the game. It doesn't necessitate them releasing any updates/expansions at all. Which is to say that if they didn't release any of the Issues the game would still be $15 a month, and thus any Issues that have been released sans extra charge can be said to be "free content".
I would rather doubt that my 15 dollars a month is being used entirely to keep the servers going or the dev team supplied with "happy meals", and isn't being used to purchase resources required to continue updating the game. I'm *definitely* not going to pay 15 dollars a month for a game that doesn't update its' content.

I could theoretically call the decoder ring that came in my cereal 'free', but I still had to pay $4.95 to get it.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I would rather doubt that my 15 dollars a month is being used entirely to keep the servers going or the dev team supplied with "happy meals", and isn't being used to purchase resources required to continue updating the game. I'm *definitely* not going to pay 15 dollars a month for a game that doesn't update its' content.

I could theoretically call the decoder ring that came in my cereal 'free', but I still had to pay $4.95 to get it.
That box of cereal over there is the exact same cereal, the exact same size/amount, and does not come with a decoder ring. It also costs $4.95. Your decoder ring was free.

City costs $14.99 (or less, depending on sub) a month, regardless of how many or how few issues come out. There was six months (seven months?) worth of no issue updates between Issues 6 and 7. The game still cost $14.99 (or less, depending on sub) a month. Our issue updates are free content. They don't have to release new issues. Just because 'you wouldn't play 15 dollars a month for a game that doesn't update its content' doesn't mean that a game that costs $15/mo and doesn't update its content is invalid.

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City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
That box of cereal over there is the exact same cereal, the exact same size/amount, and does not come with a decoder ring. It also costs $4.95. Your decoder ring was free.

City costs $14.99 (or less, depending on sub) a month, regardless of how many or how few issues come out. There was six months (seven months?) worth of no issue updates between Issues 6 and 7. The game still cost $14.99 (or less, depending on sub) a month. Our issue updates are free content. They don't have to release new issues. Just because 'you wouldn't play 15 dollars a month for a game that doesn't update its content' doesn't mean that a game that costs $15/mo and doesn't update its content is invalid.
Was it really free? Is it acceptable for me to just rip open the cereal box in the isle and take the decoder ring? How about I just do this with all the cereal in the isle then, taking the free prizes and leaving discarded cereal boxes in my wake? After all, the prizes are labeled as 'free' so it should be alright to take them, right? Of course not. The decoder ring is not free because I had to pay something to get to it. That the other 'cereal' is costing me more for less content doesn't somehow disprove this.

But let's move away from this analogy before I have to make a theme of it.

In order to get to this games content, you must pay a subscription fee, and this money helps update the game. Pray tell, where else did you think they get the money to update the game from, magical fae-folk?

Even during that 'six to seven month' period of no updates didn't mean the devs weren't working on something, and to assume such is asinine.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Was it really free? Is it acceptable for me to just rip open the cereal box in the isle and take the decoder ring?
Exactly as acceptable as it is for you to rip open that other cereal box without paying for it.

EDIT: Also, updates happen before you log in, so you can technically get the free update without the subscription.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Exactly as acceptable as it is for you to rip open that other cereal box without paying for it.

EDIT: Also, updates happen before you log in, so you can technically get the free update without the subscription.
You are so willfully ignoring the point that it hurts. We can pretend your paying for the box, the point remains, unless you pay for it, you aren't getting what is inside it.

But I digress, go cancel your subscription and try logging in. You might be quite amazed to find that all your "free" content is suddenly barred from your use. More than this, you would then be quite shocked to discover that, upon reactivating your subscription, your free content is suddenly restored! It is almost as though the two are connected in some unfathomable way.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
That's just the subscription to play the game. It doesn't necessitate them releasing any updates/expansions at all. Which is to say that if they didn't release any of the Issues the game would still be $15 a month, and thus any Issues that have been released sans extra charge can be said to be "free content".
While technically true I also don't "have" to get the oil changed in my car. It comes with similar implicit risks that you are very likely drastically shortening the expected life cycle.

One could also make a very very strong argument that if no new content was being added the price would indeed drop because whether you (generic you) want to face reality or not there is more than one subscription based alternative on the market.