Army of Me badge.....whew




Now that was a fight! Eight clones of my main villain badge hunter all summoning their bots and mowing me down with laser fire

Things to have for this:

1. Purples: OH lots and lots of purples!
2. Demonic Aura ready!
3. Slot up and prepare all temp powers including day job accolades that you may have charged up.
4. Shivans? eh, didn't have any but I suspect they may have helped.

But the one temp power to have that will significantly tilt the odds BACK into your favor and help mow down the clones? Vanguard Heavy. Get one if you can before doing this mission.



Yeah that was a tough one. First time I ran it on my Dark/Kin Corr.. my ToHit went negative so fast, recharge and damage were floored. I had no speed to even run away... TOAST!

An inventory full of purples went a long way. "You can't debuff me if they can't hit me!" lol

I wish anybody luck when going for this one, especially if they are running it solo. It might be helpful to take the advice of the mission and bring some friends along. haha

And Gratz! for getting that one out of the way early.



this was tough on my ninja/dark mm, x8 darkest night and x8 tar patch and 40 mm pets doesnt make it easy lol, my average tohit was -35%, i ran this on -1 with no bosses and still died 3 times

when i ran this with my dark/stone brute, i did it on +0 with bosses and only died once lol



Yeah, I say definitely bring friends. My sonic/therm corrs worked shockingly well with each other and just buried me and my friend.



Mercs/Traps here. THis is gonna be awful. Traps gets converted to devices.



Originally Posted by Scene_EU View Post
not looking forward to this on my bot/dark mm tbh, especially if all 8 are also tankerminds @_@
Expect them to be tankerminds. Also, expect the -1 setting to not help much.

Egads......I just had a sick thought......8 clones of my mind/energy Super Permadom 3.......oh man I need to think of a plan for that fight....

Hmmmmm and I think I just thought of one......will have to test this later. Devilishly clever if it works.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
this was tough on my ninja/dark mm, x8 darkest night and x8 tar patch and 40 mm pets doesnt make it easy lol, my average tohit was -35%, i ran this on -1 with no bosses and still died 3 times

when i ran this with my dark/stone brute, i did it on +0 with bosses and only died once lol
Have the exact same build and it was annoying. I recommend the Vanguard HVAS suggestion or at least a Shivan. My clones don't last that long with a mech at -1 and no bosses. Although this arc is the first time I felt like a successful villain with my own base and the first time I didn't feel like a villain. In LGTF and ITF, the villain is helping to save the world so there is a world to conquer or destroy. What is the point of someone else destroying the world when you want to do it. In the last mission, there is a morality choice that you have to make. I won't spoil it, but I choice the good ending. This felt like my first step from being a villain that was in it for the money or destruction to a rogue that does what he feels is right.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Has anyone confirmed that this is a direct copy of your character with enhancements or does the server look at your powersets and costumes and create a character that looks like you, but is just as powerful as you making a clone in the MA system? Meaning a fully IOd character would make short work of these clones.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Yeah that's what I'm wondering, does it have set bonuses and such that you have from crafted enhancements?



Originally Posted by Hazzard_County View Post
Yeah that's what I'm wondering, does it have set bonuses and such that you have from crafted enhancements?
It's effectively a MA clone, probably at Hard, if not Extreme, of the character. My ss/stone brute's clones had Minerals active, even though I didn't have access to it at 29(+5)

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It's not nearly that complex from what I can see, it looks at your charater, copys the cotume, and adds powers sets of your character like the MA custom critters,

Truthfully it doesnt seem to do power copying at all, in fact, you'll often have clones use powers you dont even have, just because they're at the right level and automatically get them as custom bosses. And as far as enhancements, I doubt they have them, or set bonuses, after all, they do enough damage with player attacks+boss damage mods

Anyway, I personally didnt have much trouble with this one at even level with my ss/inv brute, but then again, i had near sturated Invincibility where they only had me, and ~70% smashing resistance where they only had ~40%(they don't get tough/weave) and most pertinent of all, they didnt have Fury



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
Has anyone confirmed that this is a direct copy of your character with enhancements or does the server look at your powersets and costumes and create a character that looks like you, but is just as powerful as you making a clone in the MA system? Meaning a fully IOd character would make short work of these clones.
Well my character last night was a fully IO'd MM, but all the clones summoned THEIR bots.....eight clones worth of MM bots all blasting with their lasers....



Fire/Rad corrupters with stacked AM. anyone know if the AI will unleash the wave of AMs or if only one will go off?

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
Has anyone confirmed that this is a direct copy of your character with enhancements or does the server look at your powersets and costumes and create a character that looks like you, but is just as powerful as you making a clone in the MA system? Meaning a fully IOd character would make short work of these clones.
When I did it, the clones had powers that I never even picked, and even had access to powers I was EX'd from.. so it's definitely not an exact copy.



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
When I did it, the clones had powers that I never even picked, and even had access to powers I was EX'd from.. so it's definitely not an exact copy.
Indeed, more like an overamped AE version.



Somewhat related, I just ran the first hero arc on my lvl 26 Ice/Ice tanker and my double threw an Ice Bolt at me. I forgot to check the combat log, but it was definitely an ice projectile and we were well outside Frost range. Made me somewhat confused to see that (then I realized he was a noob anyway as he got Icicles instead of Wet Ice and spent most of the fight flopping on my Ice Patch )

Icelock - Ice/Storm Controller
Command Bot 1 - Bot/Traps MM



Anyone know the name of the arc Hero side? Is it called Army of Me?



Originally Posted by Hazzard_County View Post
Anyone know the name of the arc Hero side? Is it called Army of Me?
There is no "Army of Me" badge on Heroside... but there are still 2 new arcs.

In Ouro, look for "Twisted Reflections" in the middle of the 25-29 list.
Completing it will unlock "Looking Through the Glass" right above it on the list.

On Villainside, look for "Me, Myself, and my Other Selves" also in the middle of the list.
Completing it will unlock "Good Villains Never Die" further down.
- While running "Good Villains Never Die", select "8 clones" during the first mission to earn the "Army of Me" badge.



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
There is no "Army of Me" badge on Heroside... but there are still 2 new arcs.

In Ouro, look for "Twisted Reflections" in the middle of the 25-29 list.
Completing it will unlock "Looking Through the Glass" right above it on the list.

On Villainside, look for "Me, Myself, and my Other Selves" also in the middle of the list.
Completing it will unlock "Good Villains Never Die" further down.
- While running "Good Villains Never Die", select "8 clones" during the first mission to earn the "Army of Me" badge.
Thank you for the info, can't wait to try this out.

So, do you still fight 8 clones on the hero side arc, but just don't get a badge?



Originally Posted by Hazzard_County View Post
Thank you for the info, can't wait to try this out.

So, do you still fight 8 clones on the hero side arc, but just don't get a badge?
no, you dont have any instances in the heroside contact arcs where you fight 8 clones at once

in new posi tf parts though, if you have a team of 8 you will have a doppelganger for every member of team



Good thing you don't fight 8 clones hero side...I could only imagine the disaster it would be on my ill/rad troller. 24 unaffected phantom army, 8 phantasms, 8 spectral terrors, and rad toggles. That would be horrid!



Originally Posted by Hazzard_County View Post
Good thing you don't fight 8 clones hero side...I could only imagine the disaster it would be on my ill/rad troller. 24 unaffected phantom army, 8 phantasms, 8 spectral terrors, and rad toggles. That would be horrid!
When the time comes, go Rogue and you'll be able to experience it!

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
When the time comes, go Rogue and you'll be able to experience it!
Ha, now that would be crazy!