What's your favorite character archetype/power combo?




I am currently playing a tank with willpower and mace. It's a ton of fun.

I also like Blasters with Radiation Blast and Energy Manipulation. They are pretty flashy, and really 'feel' like superheroes.



Empathy/ or /Empathy anything. Not as a "healer", but Empathy has some ridiculously tasty buffs, mang.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Energy/energy blaster. Hands down.


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Thugs rool.



I like playing a lot of combos, but I have particularly enjoyed Earth/Storm on a Controller. Took 2 of them to 50.

Right now I am quite enjoying an Ill/Rad Controller. It is a very flexible and powerful combo.

Of all the Blasters I have run so far, Ice/Ice was my favorite ranged combo and Elec/Elec was my favorite blapper combo. The former had holds and slows and the latter had End drain and some wicked punches, so I imagine the Controller-ish elements appealed to me.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Originally Posted by dbuter View Post
I am currently playing a tank with willpower and mace. It's a ton of fun.

I also like Blasters with Radiation Blast and Energy Manipulation. They are pretty flashy, and really 'feel' like superheroes.
Warshades at the very top. (Since there isn't a different "power combination" for Khelds, it works for both.) PBs close behind.

My Plant/Thorn dom always makes me grin (taking on Scrapyards followers solo at 25-26 and coming out with something like 100:1 kill ratio? Yes! And yes, in my favor) as does my Mind/Fire Dom. Come GR, I expect to make several Heroic-leaning Doms.



The Scrapper is my favorite AT. Favorite combo is Martial Arts and either Regen or Willpower. Lately I can be found playing my Dark/Shield Scrapper, who just got Shield Charge, and it's a hella fun and powerful combo.

Second choice is a hard call between Controllers and Dominators. For sets it's either Fire/Storm or Mind/Storm 'trollers, or Gravity/x or Fire/x Doms.

I'm a fan of Ranged in so many other games, but here I dig melee. It's not just the status protection issue either.



Ice/Ice Blaster is still my favorite. Nice combination of ranged damage and control, and does a great job of killing bosses solo.



Illusion/rad conrapper

He controls, he scraps, hes the rejunivated son of a lady

You ambush he go boo!

You hide he decoy ya behind

You fight through and punch? Kick to the groin! KAMAAALLAAAAA!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



The toons in my sig are the ones that have stuck.

My Earth/Storm troller is probably the most fun I can have in game, if not a little boring. He just holds the hell outta everything. So much chaos is just plain fun!

My new Dark/Dual Defender is my current favorite. It's just the perfect balance of damage, debuff and flashiness. So much fun to play.

Caveman Etc: Inv/Stone Tank, Hyperdrive Etc: Gravity/Kinetics Controller, Terra-Storm Etc: Earth/Storm Controller, Cpt. Thunderstrike: Energy/Electric Blaster, Psicada: Sonic/Energy Blaster, Neon Ranger: Archery/Electric Blaster, Devlin Hellshot: Dark/Dual Pistols Defender



Just because it's the very first combo I tried, Martial Arts/Super Reflexes (Scrapper). Then it would be Katana/Regen (Scrapper), Fire/Fire (Blaster), and Fire/Kinetics (Controller).



Variety is the spice of life, every time I play one of my higher level characters that I hadn't played in a while I always think to myself "I had forgotten how much *fun* this character is". From my fire/fire/Soul Brute, to my Trick Arrow/Ice defender, or blastroller as I call her, to my storm/dark defender, to my Fire/Fire/Fire blaster, they are all tons of fun everytime I play them. That's why I enjoy this game so much.



Hero side: Martial Arts/Super Reflexes. Villain Side: Thugs/Traps.



Kinetics. A lot of the time I'll go "I want to make a character that shoots energy/fire/ice etc." hover over the Blaster tab, remember Kinetics, and pick Defender instead.

AR/Dev - It's like a ranged Stalker with an AOE Assassin's Strike.

Broadsword/Katana (Parry and Divine Avalanche are just stupidly wonderful.)

Dark Melee/Willpower BRUTE. He builds Fury in a second, his HP is huge, his damage is exotic, he's blinding the enemy and taking their stuff, and he's got excellent defense to pair it with. He's synergistic, stupidly powerful, gets everythings' attention, and easily one of my favorites.

Stalkers. Any Stalker, really, I got like 7 of them.

Peacebringer - I wasn't really expecting to like this guy, but once I got to know him, he's really quite a charming young chap. I don't use Nova, but I enjoy switching from Blapper to Tanker in any given situation.

Necro/Dark Mastermind - I control, debuff, heal, deal damage, and tank. I am everything you ever hoped to be, and everything you never will be.

Darkness in general. To To-Hit debuffs they give really coincide with my desire to build for defense, and Darkness abilities make this easier than anything else I can think of.



im gonna have to say its a tie for me, between

anything with the word stalker in it

Earth/sonic troller

Chat Handle: @Aether Crash -- Guardian
Zkorva the Exiled (50) , Squallshot Maiyamin, Aether Crash, Vhogge the Skyshaper

Villains: Katsuo Tentei (50), Lumilian Dhosan, The Cobalt Tempest, Executioner Adan



ma/sr scrapper. it is just fun. dragons tail pops up groups of enemies like popcorn, crane launches enemies enjoyably, and the eagle's claw when it crits with a focused ki, its wonderful.

redside, it is a plant/thorns dominator. throwing out a full blast of carrion creepers, vines and stranglers with domination and watching the spawn in front of you into a forest(ofter throwing seeds of confusion out and turining their alpha on themselves, of course).



I love me some stalkers.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



Oh jeez, that's a tough call - I have about three "favorite" AT/power combos, for all different reasons.

1. Flying Broadsword/Shield scrapper, with Body mastery EPP. First, shield charge shield charge shield charge shield charge yeahhhhhh! Playing this character, I feel like a blender on legs. A favorite combo is build up+shield charge+whirling sword, often from above; I wipe out most of a +2 spawn with this.

2. Flying Gravity/Energy dominator with Ghost Widow PPP. Knockback everywhere! This is the character I wish my Blasters could be.

3. Teleporting Kinetics/Electric defender. In a word, Sapper. In more words than that, AOE Sapper. This is one of the most survivable characters I've ever played, and with Fulcrum Shift he does near-Blasterlike damage.



Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
Seconded, and adding brutes as well.

With the exception of Fire/Elec.
Sigh....My Cinderwatt is a Fire/Elec Brute. So far she is doing great....what do you not like about the pairing??? And what level are you???

Lisa-Very curious

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



My favorites so far:

Mind/Psi/concealment/soul dom- able to control from invisibility, lock down anything but a giant monster, feed off the souls and minds of all who stand before her...'tis nice.

EM/Dark/soul brute- able to lockdown bosses as he smashes them to death. Able to come back from the brink of death at any point, and when that fails, come back from death.

Kin/elec/elec defender- able to sap enemies into tired helplessness, refill hp and endurance, buuf damage to the hilt, debuff damage to the hilt, buff speed, buff recovery, hold targets twice, and shock foes to death with a refuelable nuke.

Crab Arachnos soldier- AoE's to the hilt, huge defense and buffs to self and team, armor, dull pain, summanable pets, a hard hitting debuff...life is good.

Archery/Energy/munitions blaster- death from afar...enmass. boost range>buildup>aim>Rain of arrows>explosive arrow> rejoice over the fallen foes.

Robotics/forcefield/medicine/leadership/mace mastermind- it can handle most anything in the game so safely that notching things up is about a necessity.

There are many more, but those stood out as being fun enough to make me giggle with glee.



So far, it's been a Super Strength/Electric Armor Brute. I was REALLY able to play around with the power selection with those two sets, so it allowed me to fit in Kick, Tough and Weave, making for a very interesting fighter. The character's quick, resilient, and once he gets his blood going, he REALLY starts hurting his enemies.

Second place is currently my Dual Pistols/Energy Blaster who's also using Ninja Run as his travel power (freeing up space for other power choices). He's currently being bolstered by Kick and Tough, which has done wonders for his survival rate solo. Plus, he almost NEVER runs out of Endurance. If he ever starts running low, I just pop Conserve Power and BAM! Back to full blue.

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