Creative Caption Craziness! 4/16/10




Hey all,

Welcome to Creative Caption Craziness -- a fun weekly forum game. Every Friday, we’ll post up a new pic for you to write your most creative caption for. You’ll have until 5:00pm Pacific (7:00pm Central / 8:00pm Eastern / 1:00 am BST/ 2:00 Central European Summer Time) to post it, then the judging will commence. The winner will receive the forum title of “Caption Champ [date]” and the Costume Code of his/her choice from one of the following:

  • Carnival of Shadows Harlequin
  • Freakshow Tank Boss
  • Paragon Police Department Hardsuit
  • Carnival of Shadows Ring Mistress
  • Knives of Artemis Lt.
  • Praetorian Clockwork

The winning entry will be re-posted in the thread (along with the author’s name), as well as in a thread we have created consisting ONLY of the winning entries as they are picked, so that people can see all the winners at a glance if they want to. It will be your chance to achieve some small measure of forum immortality!

Now just a few rules, to keep things civilized:

1) Reply in the official City of Heroes® forum ( thread created for each weekly Creative Caption Craziness” with your caption submission.

2) Your reply must contain a single caption to the picture posted in the thread. Entries with more than 1 caption will be disqualified.

3) Your submission must also contain the following statement. Please note that your submission will be disqualified if this statement is not present in your post:

If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.

4) To enter the contest weekly, as of January 15, 2010, you must be 13 years of age or older. If a winner is under 18 or a minor in his or her state/province/country of residence, his or her parent or guardian must also sign any applicable releases and documentation.

5) Please note, only 1 (one) entry per forum account will be accepted. If you post a second time, you'll get disqualified, so make your one entry count!

6) Entries must conform to the Official City of Heroes Message Forum Rules and Guidelines.

7). If you win the City of Heroes® Creative Caption Craziness Contest one week, you are not eligible to do so again for the next 8 weeks. This is to allow other people the opportunity to win. Please be courteous to others and refrain from participating during the weeks you are not eligible to win.

Visit here to read Official Rules and Conditions for the Creative Caption Craziness Contest!

So without further ado, here is this week's picture!

Good luck, and have fun captioning!



Okay, is it Men's, Women's, Huge? Or Women's, Men's, Huge? Or Huge, Women's, Men's?

If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



"Bolt was thunderstruck when he realized that his family had moved while he was fighting the Council.....and they didn't leave a forwarding address!"

If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.



Originally Posted by theOcho View Post

If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.

What do you mean, the steps aren't straight? I'm a hero, I'm great at DIY!

The Purple Party Pagan of Paragon

Globals: @Morgana Fiolett / @Genevieve Moore

Altoholic with too many characters to count now I have all these shiny servers...



If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.

This is what your supergroup base looks like without Ultra Mode. Any questions?

AE Arcs: #10482 N00b Rescue Duty, #164100 The Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Dannan



If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.

The Ocho begins to think twice about his received invitation to the 'Ebil' Marketing Headquarters of the new forum red-named Marketing Brand Manager, "Black Pebble".



A note on the door reads, "Your princess is in another castle."

If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



Ocho, in a fit of nostalga, takes one last look at the Taj Mahal before Ultra Mode.

If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.



The Ocho never knew he had an estranged wealthy great uncle, but when the will said all he had to do was spend the night in his mansion to get the inheritance he thought, "What could possibly go wrong?"

If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.



It was only when Ninja Master got close did he realize it was just a grainy photograph instead of a real building.

If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.

Tygyr Tygyr Burning Bright



Originally Posted by theOcho View Post

If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.

"This is the LAST time I buy real estate online sight unseen!"

Ashes to ashes,

The Cape Radio

"It's good to have friends. Wish I did." - Troy Hickman



Good luck to everyone this time, see you in seven weeks!

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



"I'll take door #1 Bob. No! Door #3! Man, wish I had X-Ray vision!"

If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.

-Virtue's First Naughty Girl-



Now which door did Azuria tell me not to open? Was it door #1 with all the zombies or was it #3? Decisions, decisions...

If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.



The Ocho came to investigate complaints there was an italian plumber running around in overalls and a green hat vacuuming/screaming at two in the morning. This was the place.

If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.



"Somewhere deep inside, that tiny little voice was telling The Ocho that he should have known better than to agree to a blind date with a girl named Lucrecia VonEvilstein."

If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.



It was here where TheOcho would confront the most terrifying and diabolical supervillain in the history of the world-his Mother-In-Law.

If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Hey theOcho! Come out and play!

If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.



If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.

*Seeing the Spectral Pirates run into the creepy looking house gives theOcho a brief flashback to one of his favorite childhood shows, only this time the ghosts are real.*



If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.

TheEchos thougths as the following had happened. Car broke down in the middle of nowhere and a thunderstorm is brewing. "Oh what luck, people. I'd better get in, what could possibly go wrong?"

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Did you ever get a foreboding feeling about a blind date?

If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



One superhero. One not-so-super house. And 24 hours to go from FAB! Paragon Studios presents MAKEOVER MADNESS: BASE EDITION! Coming this Spring.

If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.

#60898 - Rugrat Rampage & #331977 - Darkness Falls (work in progress)
end of line



Pizza Delivery... I bet on a joke.

If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.



Out on his run as a Singing Telegram, theOcho started to wonder if he picked a good Day Job.

If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.

I have gone to find myself. If I get back before I return, Keep me here!



At that very instant, TheOcho realized that he had accidently loaded Fatal Frame in his superbase's holodeck program. The very same holodeck which is malfunctioning now.

If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.

In the Arena of Logic, I fight unarmed.