Issue 17: Badges

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Bottom line, imo: the game needs new Mo badges like we all need to have a hole drilled through our heads. I'm sure they can come up with something better in terms of new badges.
A few days ago I had two people in the closed beta thread tell me that the Mo badges build community.

From my point of view, they promote:
  • IO snobbery. If you don't have a pile of set bonuses, you are deemed somehow less of a player and are less likely to find a Mo team.
    • Sub-category is lack of Purple or PVPIO slotting.
  • Blaming people on the team for the least little mistakes.
  • Hurt feelings from those that are either blamed or who doesn't have a right build.
  • AT snobs (I've heard "we don't want any blasters on this attempt" and that is just one AT that suffers from shunning.)
  • An "Us vs Them" mentality when it comes to badges. <-This is NOT good for the community as a whole.

I suspect that when the Incarnates system comes in that you'll be less likely to be admitted to a Mo team if you are not an Incarnate.

Then there is the problem of creating a team. Most people are interested in quick merits. This means speed runs of ITFs, LGTF (the irony here is thick), even speed Positrons (the flashback version is going to get its merit rewards nerfed to nothingness, as I know people are already saying that they'll do them under 90 minutes), and others.

Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
The Mo badges cause more frustration and bad feelings than any other part of the game. Getting to the last boss on a Mo SF/TF makes everyone severely irritated at the person who died.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Bottom line, imo: the game needs new Mo badges like we all need to have a hole drilled through our heads. I'm sure they can come up with something better in terms of new badges.
I'm perfectly willing to accept that I'm in a minority, but I really like the Mo badges. I still don't have MoSTF on my main badge character, but on the other hand, I know I can still get it, some day. Plus, there's always plenty of inf and a chance of a nice drop on each attempt. I'd be happy with an Mo for all the main TFs, at least.

I only have one serious badge character, though. I'm sure Mos must be a lot more annoying for people who badge on multiple characters, and I can see why people don't like them.

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Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
A few days ago I had two people in the closed beta thread tell me that the Mo badges build community.

From my point of view, they promote:
  • IO snobbery. If you don't have a pile of set bonuses, you are deemed somehow less of a player and are less likely to find a Mo team.
    • Sub-category is lack of Purple or PVPIO slotting.
  • Blaming people on the team for the least little mistakes.
  • Hurt feelings from those that are either blamed or who doesn't have a right build.
  • AT snobs (I've heard "we don't want any blasters on this attempt" and that is just one AT that suffers from shunning.)
  • An "Us vs Them" mentality when it comes to badges. <-This is NOT good for the community as a whole.

I suspect that when the Incarnates system comes in that you'll be less likely to be admitted to a Mo team if you are not an Incarnate.

Then there is the problem of creating a team. Most people are interested in quick merits. This means speed runs of ITFs, LGTF (the irony here is thick), even speed Positrons (the flashback version is going to get its merit rewards nerfed to nothingness, as I know people are already saying that they'll do them under 90 minutes), and others.

Build community? Who was the "person" that said that? The only community I've seen built from the Mo's is the Community of Haves vs Have Nots, and a plethora of primadonnas. "How dare you ask questions, follow orders and shut up! This mission is always done this way, blah blah I don't want to hear another strategy! Kiss my feet or don't run with us ever again! I don't like the way you run your character, go to blazes!" etc. Definitely not good for the overall community.

IO Snobbery: agreed. Too many people with the attitude of "Build your toon the way I say or you won't run with us and I'll boycott you from the server!" mentality.

AT Snobs: I agree with this too. Wasn't easy or fun at times to get all 6 of my Khelds all 3 Mo's due to anti-Kheld bigotry and stupidity. Luckily I know some enlightened minds that don't have AT bias and realize its the player that counts more then the AT.

Hurt feelings? More like bruised egos from some. "Oh great, so and so was standing the spot randomly chosen by the game for the ambush to spawn after we blew up that cyst and their squishy toon got killed, he won't run with us again!"

The Mo badges have been a bad idea since day one, adding more was a worse idea. Frankly, I don't think I'd care much if they decided to YANK them from the game and strip them from all that won them.

I'd rather they raise the rikti monkey badge requirement to one million rather then add any more Mo badges.

I'd rather they put the extra zero back into the Empath badge requirement then add more MO badges

I'd rather they CONSOLIDATE THE SERVERS then add more Mo badges.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Build community? Who was the "person" that said that? The only community I've seen built from the Mo's is the Community of Haves vs Have Nots, and a plethora of primadonnas. "How dare you ask questions, follow orders and shut up! This mission is always done this way, blah blah I don't want to hear another strategy! Kiss my feet or don't run with us ever again! I don't like the way you run your character, go to blazes!" etc. Definitely not good for the overall community.
I had one person from Victory * (regular poster in this section and another from the Victory who is a very frequent poster in this section that agreed with him) and another from Guardian (not a frequent poster) that disagreed with me when I said "the Master of badges are a great way of splitting the community rather than bringing them together." I went on to say "that they need focused teams, and if someone has a badge character that isn't 'perfect' they get shoved to the back of the team line."

The initial response was:
they have been a great source of teamwork and people giving to others.
Yeah, I didn't understand that reasoning either.

* Trying to follow closed section rules by not repeating full closed conversations or posting exactly who said what.

Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Hurt feelings? More like bruised egos from some. "Oh great, so and so was standing the spot randomly chosen by the game for the ambush to spawn after we blew up that cyst and their squishy toon got killed, he won't run with us again!"
I know of one person that hasn't got the MoSTF yet, but almost no one is willing to help her get it. She is trying her best, but people rather farm merits through speed runs than to try a Master badge run on Triumph.

Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
The Mo badges have been a bad idea since day one, adding more was a worse idea. Frankly, I don't think I'd care much if they decided to YANK them from the game and strip them from all that won them.

I'd rather they raise the rikti monkey badge requirement to one million rather then add any more Mo badges.

I'd rather they put the extra zero back into the Empath badge requirement then add more MO badges

I'd rather they CONSOLIDATE THE SERVERS then add more Mo badges.
I'm not going to agree with either the monkey or empath changes, but I'd get behind the other two.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
I know of one person that hasn't got the MoSTF yet, but almost no one is willing to help her get it. She is trying her best, but people rather farm merits through speed runs than to try a Master badge run on Triumph.

I'm not going to agree with either the monkey or empath changes, but I'd get behind the other two.
I had the word person in quotes since it was the nicest word I could post, wasn't doubting that you had someone say that to you.

Those were simply some outrageous examples of what I'd rather see over more Mo badges. Here's some more:

"I'd rather SOLO A HAMI RAID then see new Mo badges added"

"I'd rather see Enhancement Diversification's effects TRIPLED then see new Mo Badges"

"I'd rather be permanently trapped in a PVP zone then see new Mo badges"

"I'd rather face Statesman, Recluse and Ghost Widow combined with my toon stripped of all IO's AND DEBUFFED, then see new Mo badges"

For the person on Triumph I'd suggest jumping servers.

However rest assured that despite the fact that my 21 Mo badge hunters are triple Mo winners, I am QUITE serious when I say yank the badges and strip em from those that have them.



i dont mind the current Mo badges (at least for LRSF and STF) because those are signature tfs, however, i wouldnt be thrilled if more master badges were added (i wasnt exactly gleeful when they added the 2 new master badges in i16)

stating that, an LGTF would be extremely difficult to master, as well as some others (think of master of abandoned sewer trial )

master badges are fine, but they shouldnt be overdone, i agree the ones they have now are plenty enough, but no more should be added beyond what they already have



I dunno who it was from Guardian who said that, but I'm from Guardian, and I can say that when it comes to the Mo Badges, we're very relaxed. We don't care who has them or who doesn't, what AT anyone is, or anything like that.

In general, an Mo run is planned by someone, they start a thread about it in the forums, and have a sign up there, along with reserves signing up. One of our players, Ariel' by name, started a thread, and it took 5 or 6 tries, week after week, before they managed to run a succesful MoBarracuda. That was followed by a MoKhan, and then an MoITF. The entire time, there were no hard feelings when they missed it by 1 death.

We have another guy, Swift I think, who will take anyone on a MoSTF, and from what I've heard, he always manages to complete it.

Currently, Pyber is running nightly ITFs, and if enough people want it to be a Mo run, it is. If it fails, oh well. There's always the next night.

I was on an attempt at a MoBarracuda, and someone died before the first mission was over. We just said, "Oh well", and restarted. We still failed the Mo run, becasue quite a few of us died in the last mission, but we didn't care.

I was on an attempt at a MoITF. I died in the 2nd mission (or whatever one the one with lag hill is). The healer said, "Sorry. My fault. I wasn't paying attention." We shrugged it off, and went on. That was the only death we had.

As I said, when it comes to the Mo badges, we're very relaxed on Guardian. As a matter of fact, we're pretty much relaxed about everything we do. I've yet to get a single Mo badge, but I know that eventually, I'll have a chance, and I'll get them.

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Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
I dunno who it was from Guardian who said that, but I'm from Guardian, and I can say that when it comes to the Mo Badges, we're very relaxed. We don't care who has them or who doesn't, what AT anyone is, or anything like that.

In general, an Mo run is planned by someone, they start a thread about it in the forums, and have a sign up there, along with reserves signing up.
I'm on Freedom, and that's is how we do it too (or at least the people I usually run with). Many of us just sign up with random toons that need the badge. Sometimes we switch to toons we think might be more helpful once we see what the team looks like, even if it's a character that already has the badge. We don't normally care what AT or powerset people have.

The only time we ever really got sore on somebody was when they were clearly not even trying and just sandbagging for the badge and being disrespectful to the team in general, but that situation didn't necessarily have to do with "Mo", but the person not being a team player in general.

For the most part when we lose, we joke about it and learn from the mistake and try again the following week. I started giving out an honorary "I phail" award to the first person that dies. Some people like to "secretly" compete for it. I lightens the mood and makes for some good jokes. haha

I'm not going to sit here and say that everybody else on Freedom is the same way though, cause I know that's not the case. lol



About the only time the people I run with would get sore at anyone is someone who decides to act like a pompous primadonna or a fool.

Case in point: last week on a MoSTF, we had a great team until in the last mission the Blaster must have taken a stupid pill since they tried to dive into an arachnos mob right as the flier was approaching. They refused to get out of there and were tp'd away since as a minor rule we ask for everyone to turn off the TP prompt. They then chose to claim the flyer had just respawned when it was still 3 minuts from respawn and tried to move to attack it. They were tp'd back and warned by the star holder to knock it off or be booted. They then settled down and aided against the Flyer then sat AFK right at the Flyer spawn point while the rest of us smashed the towers and started fighting Relcuse. Needless to say they got a boot from the team and then proceeded to cry boo-hoo about it.

Then there are those whose unmitigated arrogance can't handle being asked simple questions about how a mission or target operates or what their usual strategy is, or they get bent out of shape when suggestions/advice are kindly offered. Such people are not worth running with since they arbitrarily assume that such kind advice is being offered under the impression that the giver of the advice must think them an idiot when the giver of the advice is simply trying to help ensure the WIN.

The Mo badges have done a great job at creating division and battle lines between some players.

Also I would rather face an army of 100,000,000 KRONOS TITANS backed by a fleet of Arachnos Flyers with my squishiest toon then see any new Mo badges added.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
About the only time the people I run with would get sore at anyone is someone who decides to act like a pompous primadonna or a fool.
The last person I got annoyed with on a Master run was a tank that waded through a couple of mobs in front of the door to the Thorn Tree. I was at said door trying to get a couple of squishies inside (ok, I was on my FF/Ice controller, but I'm generally less squishy than others). I didn't really appreciate having several bosses, LTs, and minions descend on me. On the other hand it didn't matter as someone inside the cave tried to unsuccessfully stealth to the tree.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I have only tried one MO TF. A STF... it failed because after the third mission one of our Tanks had an emergency creep up and had to leave and some of the fights got a bit more lethal after that :P

Have been in a couple unplanned "almost" MO TFs, the most recent being a Khan TF, right up until almost to the door to Reichsman's room and the DP blaster could no longer contain his inner stupid and started gun-fuing everything and died.

"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"



I actually kinda wished there was a master of lg, until I remembered that you couldn't use raptor packs or vetports >.> Yeah, don't add it :P

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
The last person I got annoyed with on a Master run was a tank that waded through a couple of mobs in front of the door to the Thorn Tree. I was at said door trying to get a couple of squishies inside (ok, I was on my FFF/Ice controller, but I'm generally less squishy than others). I didn't really appreciate having several bosses, LTs, and minions descend on me. On the other hand it didn't matter as someone inside the cave tried to unsuccessfully stealth to the tree.
Here's one, I'm tanking a MoSTF and on the Tree mission the leader asks me to get the thorns to use against Aeon. Standard strategy.

Then before I grab them, the scrapper on the team has a psychotic episode and grabs them and then lol's and logs off. Chat and video logs sent as part of petitions against the imbecile and then we restarted. Managed to win the restart.

Here's another example of unmitigated arrogance: Master Khan run. The TL is a tank and they mentioned how Reichsman only needs to be shot once with the dimensional gun as its a permanent effect. Having not heard this before and figuring maybe there was a change or a bug I asked politely: "Really? When did that start happening?" Their snooty response: "SINCE ALWAYS AND DON'T QUESTION ME, BLAH BLAH BLAH". A few minutes later they had "Accidentally" lost track of their endurance and powered down in a mob and got killed and decided to abort the run. Sadly I just don't believe in coincidences.



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
--many more hero badges... what else is new?!
Since most of the badges are the new exploration badges, it can be blamed on heroes having more zones. It seems that CoV is CoH done right. Hardly any hunt missions, most arcs have their missions in the same zone, and shorter arcs make CoV better than CoH. At least from a mission perspective. Whether CoH or CoV is better is something I don't want to debate about since each has their own benefits and disadvantages.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
You realize that Villains got one of the neatest missions of all: Defeat 8 clones of yourself that comes with a badge?

People who play hero-only will be howling about that.
Yup. Quality over quantity. With the Going Rogue system, there will be quite a few heroes that have access to villainous content. Also, depending on how the PvP zones will work, there will be quite a few RV farms since it should be possible to have Blackguard and Justiciar.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
With the Going Rogue system, there will be quite a few heroes that have access to villainous content.
I am betting that it will rather be "quite few" not "quite a few". In fact, I'll be surprised if it hits double digits on most servers.

The number of people moving from villains to hero however, I expect to be catastrophic.

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Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
I am betting that it will rather be "quite few" not "quite a few". In fact, I'll be surprised if it hits double digits on most servers.

The number of people moving from villains to hero however, I expect to be catastrophic.
Considering that it is far easier to go just rogue or vigilante and have the freedom to access both areas of the game would mean that there would be few people that go hero to villain or villain to hero unless there is an RP reason. Most badgers will have their main badger as a vigilante or rogue so we will see tons of rogues/vigilantes and very few that crossed over completely. Although one or two of my characters will be probably cross over the line enough times to get a badge for it since they are just that crazy.

Although, if you are talking about the market, then there will probably be a few villains that will become vigilantes so they can access a more stable market system.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



About market
For now I do not see that as a problem. Last I checked a vigilante/rogue could only cross over to the other side and team with people. They could not use the other sides market. In other words a vigilante can use Wentworth only, but go to the Rogue Isle. This vigilante can not use the Black Market.

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
About market
For now I do not see that as a problem. Last I checked a vigilante/rogue could only cross over to the other side and team with people. They could not use the other sides market. In other words a vigilante can use Wentworth only, but go to the Rogue Isle. This vigilante can not use the Black Market.
Correct. Though a market merge would be fantastic imo, they've made it clear that it won't happen.



Originally Posted by starphoenix View Post
Considering that it is far easier to go just rogue or vigilante and have the freedom to access both areas of the game would mean that there would be few people that go hero to villain or villain to hero unless there is an RP reason. Most badgers will have their main badger as a vigilante or rogue so we will see tons of rogues/vigilantes and very few that crossed over completely.
I was under the impression that just like being able to access only one side's market, we'd still only be able to access one side's Ouro and contacts as well. This might make completely switching over a requirement for some TF/SF or mission badges. We'll have to see.



Possibly. Though if "going rogue" allows us to hop into the other side's zones, then we should be able to join up with the TF/SF's over there and partake of the merits and badges.

Now granted, I can see fully switching as a necessity for Ouroborus unless they somehow merge the two Ouro's.

Still....they do promise exclusive rewards for not switching, or staying as a "pure" hero or villain, makes me wonder if the upcoming INCARNATE levels are that reward?

Of course if that is the case, then the Incarnate levels better be a tremendous power boost to make it worth the while.

Hm, I can almost see an Incarnate as a character that is no longer bound by enhancement diversification......ah to go back to the old days when a tank could tank the whole map......

Just speculation, of course.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Possibly. Though if "going rogue" allows us to hop into the other side's zones, then we should be able to join up with the TF/SF's over there and partake of the merits and badges.
Yeah, that's what we are all hoping. Being able to team with the other side and doing most of the content together (running their missions) shouldn't be a problem, but as far as TFs themselves go...
Something about the internal mechanics of a TF counting each member as a "mission owner" might prevent the TF from starting and it does make one wonder if we'll get the "One or more of your members does not fit the requirements of this TF" when we attempt to get it rolling. Hopefully that wont be the case though.

Trying to use Ouro to travel while on a TF might be a problem too if the TF isn't programmed to accept "co-op" teams. We'd end up in an invalid zone and booted from the team. I recall a bug like this happening to some people even on Live, which is the reason I think the TFs are programmed that way.

That, and at least Efficiency Expert might be impossible for a Hero/Vigilante to acquire if we can't talk to contacts on the other side.

Of course, this is far too early to start worrying about it. The way things work internally are always subject to change, especially with the side-switching mechanic itself coming out. We still have plenty of time to see actual details as they are released before we start disagreeing aout how it might affect any of us. haha