Least Played Primary




Well lets see... my 50 corrs.

1. Ice/Rad
2. Rad/Kin
3. Sonic/Cold
4. Dark/Kin
5. Ice/Pain

and a fire/pain that is a 49.

When I am on a TF my most used and asked for toons are my Rad/Kin and my Ice/Rad. My Cold gets a lot of requests too. I doubt I will ever use the fire/pain, unless I move her from Victory. I do not see a need to slot out 2 pains on the same server. I love all of my Corrs though.



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
No, if you reduce the KB mag to <1 you can have the best of both worlds....
...meaning I have to forego slotting standard IO sets in favor of frankenslotting to accomodate KB enhacers/sets? Again, that's limiting versitality I have currently with the set as is.

I get that you would prefer KD. I understand that a lot of other people might as well. What I don't get is why.

When I ask most people they say "scatter is the problem". When I provide a solution they respond with "it's too much effort". You, Silas, have indicated that these aren't the issues that bother you. So what is? What makes Energy Blast so reprehensable?



I said that it being too much effort isn't the problem for me personally. I don't speak for everyone who doesn't like Energy Blast.

My problem isn't the amount of effort, it's that any effort is required to begin with. While that does sound super lazy, I just mean that all the other secondary effects are a nice bonus, not something you have to manage.

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Originally Posted by Briarpatch View Post
When I provide a solution they respond with "it's too much effort"?
Except the solutions you provided don't always work, like when you're out in the open and there is no wall to leverage. Or if the user doesn't have a flight power. I know you can use a Raptor Pack, but a temporary power shouldn't have to be used to solve a problem with a set.

I used to have an NRG/Kin and I liked it, but the only thing I disliked about it was the KB.




Energy is the least played by far. If you wanna enjoy it run solo or find a VG or group of players that isn't all about Min/Maxing. I know people who just play to play, with no herding or pulling. Just kill everything and enjoy playing the game for the game. It's hard to come by these days but they're out there.



Perhaps if the functionality of KB was changed a bit people would find the scatter more acceptable.

Example: in the pen and paper game Champions from the 1980's, Knock Back caused additional damage to the targets based on the distance they were knocked and if they hit something solid along the way. Granted, the current CoH engine would probably not be able to support such a system w/o adding a few different table entries for different types of KB, and the devs would likely dock your exp per mob the way they do when confused mobs contribute damage to a target, but that would be a positive step--right?

As for getting back on topic...

I believe that the desire to play any of the blast sets on a corrupter is related to balance issues. I've done Fire, Ice, Rad, Energy, Electric, and Dark on Corrupters. Fire and Ice were simply head and shoulders above the other sets in terms of single target, AoE and secondary effects. A distant third, IMO, would be Energy. even though I loved the characters, the other Primaries made me feel like I was underpowered in comparison.



leveling up my ar/sonic, the only other ar/ I saw was an ar/traps
leveling up my sonic/rad, the only other sonic/ I saw was a sonic/sonic
leveling up my rad/kin, the only other rad/ I saw was rad/rad
leveling up my elec/kin, I saw a bunch of elec/therms
leveling up my energy/kin, I was the only energy corr I saw

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



I think I've seen... two Energy Corrs in my entire redside experience, and it's been at least a year since I saw the most recent one. One was an Energy/Therm, and one was an Energy/Kin. And yeah, I see Energy Blasters all over blueside, and a handfull of Energy Defenders (My own Storm/Energy included), but for some reason redside just doesn't like 'em the same.

I do agree with Silas that Energy having KB as a secondary effect is only detrimental to itself in that it really is the only secondary effect that can hinder the set or character on its own. Using proper technique to mitigate the KB adds another level of detail to Energy Blast that really isn't countered in any sort of benefit to the user other than the short time it takes for the enemy to get back up. This might not even be good if your enemies are scattered all over the place outside of your control. I'd support a change to KD.

That's probably why so few people play Energy Blast redside. I imagine it's popular blueside because it has that heroic sort of... oomph, I guess.

I also very, very rarely see AR Corrs, which is sad because I absolutely love the AR set. Full Auto is so much friggin' fun.

Wild Streak - Lv. 50(+3) Beast Mastery/Sonic Resonance Mastermind, Amnesty - Lv. 50 Staff Fighting/Dark Armor Stalker



Briar, my main Lightslinger is a level 50 Energy/Energy Blaster, I have a few questions about your tactics.

Even while hover blasting from directly over the groups, I still find my powers rarely just knock the foes down, they still tend to knock them down and away. Sure, the KB distance is greatly reduced but its still knocking the baddies far enough to be an annoyance to melee teammates. Do you know of a solution to this?

I'm not even sure if this is still a problem (been a while since I've played Lightslinger), but back in the day whenever I would hover and attack directly over an opponent, I got the odd jittery spinning problem, like my character couldn't decide which direction to be pointed in, is this still a problem?



Originally Posted by Lightslinger View Post
Briar, my main Lightslinger is a level 50 Energy/Energy Blaster, I have a few questions about your tactics.

Even while hover blasting from directly over the groups, I still find my powers rarely just knock the foes down, they still tend to knock them down and away. Sure, the KB distance is greatly reduced but its still knocking the baddies far enough to be an annoyance to melee teammates. Do you know of a solution to this?

I'm not even sure if this is still a problem (been a while since I've played Lightslinger), but back in the day whenever I would hover and attack directly over an opponent, I got the odd jittery spinning problem, like my character couldn't decide which direction to be pointed in, is this still a problem?
Nope, that's basically how it still is. KBing something from directly above it only minimizes the KB, doesn't fully mitigate it.

Your character will still try to always face whatever you're shooting at, so you will still see the jittery spinning. If you're blasting something that is standing still you won't see it, but if the mob is running around at all (especially under you), which most mobs will do if you're hovering above them, it'll happen.

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Sadly it is Energy/

I love my Energy/Thermal Rad and I have never had any real problem with team mates but I often lead teams and I'll just kick whoever is BI***ing about KB but even that happens rarely. ITF/LGTF I run often and never lead even that I have no problem there eather.

In the end its player skill that matters the most with KB many people don't realise that not attacking is an option as well. OFC that makes the Min/maxers all kinds of upset but who caries about them

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



From my limited experience (I have a few lvl 50 Corrs but haven't teamed up with random peeps too much lately) the least prevalent sets are as follows:

AR, Energy Blast and Dark Blast

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
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Originally Posted by Mr_Grumpums View Post
What I REALLY don't see that often, and this surprises me, is Ice corrupters and defenders.

Ice/Dark/GW here-- by far my favorite character



I'll just kick whoever is BI***ing about KB
Hear, hear. The killjoys who whine about knockback need to get a grip. Knockback is an integral part of four-color comics, and I for one have no patience for people who care more about their damage figures than my fun.



I don't know much about certain powersets but i might make a energy/sonic corr could be fun and i figured if i just knock targets against walls and whatnot it would cut back the annoance factor. and i do have a fire/dark corr atm i'm fooling with so i already have sort of a keeper for a corr lol.



The most fun team i've ever been on was in the old days (been playing since 04) and it was an all energy blaster team (except me). There was so much KB and chaos gong on that it was a blast. Nothing could stay on its feet. But that was when peeps would put specific teams like that together just for the fun of it. Oh, and i was the only controller, I was a stormy, so more KB fun!!!



still curious how I managed my Sonic/Dark Corr to lv39...nothing wrong with Dark Miasma, but something about Sonic Blast...



It took me a very long time to embrace sonic. I love my sonic/therm. For /dark it was between fire and ice and I went ice.

I still haven't fallen in love with rad blast.



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
Can I has Rarity Points for being the proud owner of a Cold/Ice Defender?
Cold/Ice 50 here, as well. First and only defender I've ever been able to get to 50, no less. I love playing support, but I just can't stick with it for some reason...



Ice is a tough one as well but once one gets Blizzard they forget all of the struggle...well for the few seconds the power is going off at least hehe.

Sonic took a while for me as well...heck the sounds were enough to turn me off.



I would say Energy Blast Corr is the most rare and for a good reason as many of you have stated.

Other than that, you don't see many high level Electricity Corrs. I did see quite a few when the set was ported to us.

There are some high lvl Sonic blast corrs.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
I'm on Justice, and I can't remember the last time I've seen an energy blaster or corruptor.
Lvl 18 NRG blaster here I quite like it. I had to really learn how to position myself when on teams so that the KB was knocking into walls and not out of AOE etc. Fun toon!


The Trust



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
Ice is a tough one as well but once one gets Blizzard they forget all of the struggle...well for the few seconds the power is going off at least hehe.

Sonic took a while for me as well...heck the sounds were enough to turn me off.

I don't really see what the issue is people have with Ice. It has great single target damage, and decent AoE even pre-blizzard, if you don't skip Frost Breath.

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Originally Posted by Dysmal View Post
I don't really see what the issue is people have with Ice. It has great single target damage, and decent AoE even pre-blizzard, if you don't skip Frost Breath.
Ice (In my opinion) can be hard as your first Powerset. I remember when I started playing I was told by many to re-roll and that Ice didn't put out good dmg by any means. Also if you are bad at slotting correctly Ice can be quite a burden, it uses up a lot of end if you're not careful.

Even currently amongst new players most see ice as "weak" and that it lacks aoe so they normally go for fire. I for one love the set and once I found a SG to teach me the ropes my toon hit 50 in a mater of weeks.