Least Played Primary




Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Wow, really? On my server it seems that Energy is second only to Fire in popularity.

Which makes me a sad panda. Because most Energy blasters fail at using their KB well or minimizing it.
Hehe, yeah, perhaps it is my regular server, but I rarely see energy Blasters. Fire is the most common, then it splits off to archery, ice, and the new flavor of DP. But admittedly, I don't do much blue stuff to start.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



Originally Posted by magikwand View Post
Hehe, yeah, perhaps it is my regular server, but I rarely see energy Blasters. Fire is the most common, then it splits off to archery, ice, and the new flavor of DP. But admittedly, I don't do much blue stuff to start.
I'm on Justice, and I can't remember the last time I've seen an energy blaster or corruptor.

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Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
I'm on Justice, and I can't remember the last time I've seen an energy blaster or corruptor.
Champion here. I don't think I've ever seen an energy Corr except for the Energy/Thermal I tried out before I realised I don't hate myself quite enough and rerolled it.

Energy Blasters I see all over the place. Or at least I did, I've not played heroside much at all recently. If there is a god, maybe they've gone down in popularity :3

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Originally Posted by Vermain View Post
I have never, ever seen a single Radiation Blast Corruptor.
I have a Rad/Kin corruptor, and it was underwhelming for 50 levels. I eventually was able to softcap him for S/L defense and he become much more fun.

But my Fire/Dark was fun the whole time.



My favorite corruptor is an AR/Kin. Its a very late bloomer. Way too much fun though. Solo he does well with basic attacks and the occasional immob/ignite combo for some fun. My favorite thing to do with him is still getting him on tfs and using FS/ignite on anything I can get immobbed. What can I say? I really like ignite.

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
I think it's because it's a fairly late blooming set. You see Dark, Rad and Kin the most. Dark and Rad get their key powers very early and while Kin gets its best power at 38, SB is at 20 and Kin is popular enough to swing it :P

Fire/Cold was pretty terribad until I got Sleet. Mostly because Sleet meant level 35, and level 35 meant ITFs, which helped me get up to 38 for Heat Loss.

And Heat Loss is boss.




I've seen a few low lever ARs. But I have never seen aother 30+ AR corruptor. I'm sure they are out there though.

"Un-Common" is tough to define. I think overall, except for 1 or 2 builds for every AT, all the others are pretty evenly represented.



Originally Posted by JohnX View Post
I've seen a few low lever ARs. But I have never seen aother 30+ AR corruptor. I'm sure they are out there though.

"Un-Common" is tough to define. I think overall, except for 1 or 2 builds for every AT, all the others are pretty evenly represented.
My AR/Sonic corruptor just hit level 30.

I haven't seen many Archery or AR corruptors around on Union.




I rarely see AR, Arch, Energy, Sonic or Ice. I have a Cold defender and he's amazing...Heat Loss turns me into a blaster.

Ice/ is great as well. I have an Ice/Dark that is amazing on teams. I still chuckle to myself when I lay down My AOE Icyness of doom.

Tar Patch+Aim+Frost Breath+Ice Storm+Blizzard...Wait, oops did I accidentally kill the EB and two mobs surrounding him? I DO apologize.



My very first Corruptor was an Energy/Dark. It was quite fun. Until I ETed everything out of my Tar Patch and away from my anchor target. I promptly deleted it. That was my first and last Energy Blast character.

I see AR around every now and then but never Energy. Can't say for Archery as I just returned and haven't been over Redside much but I'd also put Ice Blast down. Ice/Rads used to be everywhere. I kinda envied them, being Fire/Rad(Ha! I showed them!). Most of what I see is Fire, Sonic and Elec. I remember once upon a time when Ice had a solid, fluid attack chain. Then they screwed with the animations and my Ice/Cold has gather dust ever since



My only redside toon to make it to 50 is an Elec/Pain Corruptor.

Apparently this is not supposed to happen?



My friend and I have a corruptor duo on Justice that we have run up to 41. We're going to try to run ITF's to get to 45. I'm Energy/Kin and he's Rad/Rad. We turbo-charge any team we are on.

"I have a cunning plan..."
Heroes-Justice: Neutronium Man (50 Grav/FF), Silver Spider (50 MA/SR),Masked Arrow (50 Arch/Dev)
Villains: Sundragon (50 FC/FA): Justice, Mech Lord V (50 Bots/FF): Protector, Erl King (50 SS/Inv): Justice



I have a DP/Traps and a Dark/Kin. That's about it for me corruptor-wise.

I rarely see Energy, and the only Electrics I ever see are in RV. Come to think of it I don't think I've seen an Archery corruptor yet, but that may be because I don't play redside all that much.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Gilia View Post
I duoed over the past 5 months or so with a Sonic/ corruptor. We only saw one other Sonic/ corrupter the entire time. This was on Virtue. We teamed with corruptors almost constantly.

I didn't pay nearly as much attention to the others, but I would guess Energy/ is the only other we saw so rarely. I'm a advocate of Energy Blast for Blasters, but even with that in mind, I don't think it'd work well for a Corr.

Archery, Dark, Fire, Radiation, and now DP are so commonplace, those are the five I'd avoid if you're trying to stand out. The rest are rare enough. YMMV of course.
I agree with your Sonic experience, and I can only guess that Virtue's Blasters and Defenders have been so heavily over-saturated with Sonic Blasts that it's killed the redside enthusiasm for them. The sound and visual effects are also an issue for people playing heroes; I'd imagine those objections are only stronger redside.

I see Energy all the time when I'm playing 1-32, but they drop off in popularity after that point. My impression is that it's even worse with Radiation Blasts; I don't think I've seen more than a half-dozen Rad Blast Corrs above 32.

I see lots of ARs in the very early levels, but few of them make it past the 20s. There were a lot more around, even in the end-game content, but the massively-sparkly, FOLM DP seems to have stolen anyone drawn to gun-touted characters.

I don't Dark/ very often. Tenebrous Tentacles, its most noticeable power, is still commonplace because there's a lot of /Dark's and Fluffy casts TT. But actual Dark Blasts? I almost never see them.

In my experience:
Common - Fire, Archery, Dual Pistols (at the moment), Energy, Ice
Uncommon at 50 - Elec, Rad, Dark, AR, Sonic
Uncommon at all - Elec, Rad, Sonic (but Sonic is very common blueside and RWZ/Cim)



Honestly, now that i sit and think about it, the least played I've seen are NRG. I can't recall the last time i've seen one... of anything really. Blaster, defender, or Corr. Haven't seen it in a while. *shrug* I seem to be an odd ball when i say this, but i never ever like how the set looked, so i never had any desire to run one. Knockback doesn't bother me really. But i think it does alot of other people. So when you mix average damage with annoying knockback and (IMO) ugly graphics, i can understand why you never see them now a days.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
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I have an Ice/cold, Sonic/Dark Miasma and an Elec/Storm. The most fun I have had is with my Sonic/Dark, he is in need of a serious respec'in. The issue with sonic is that it is a strong ST damage dealer and for most people that is a turn off.

I am still a wild advocate of Castle making Toxic Blast as a new primary.




Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
I have an Ice/cold, Sonic/Dark Miasma and an Elec/Storm. The most fun I have had is with my Sonic/Dark, he is in need of a serious respec'in. The issue with sonic is that it is a strong ST damage dealer and for most people that is a turn off.

I am still a wild advocate of Castle making Toxic Blast as a new primary.
I LOVE sonic blast. I have a Rad/Sonic and an Emp/Sonic fenders. IMO, being TF toons, i enjoy knowing that i'm really contrubuiting to the "hard" fights. (AV's, GM's, ect) I leave the AoE and minion melting to the blasters and scrappers.

As for a corruptor, i'd already ran 3 sonic blaster users. (the 2 fenders and a Son/NRG blaster) so, wanted something different. Ended up making an AR/Cold instead of Son/Cold and a DP/Rad instead of a second Son/Rad. Sure, not as effetive as they could have been -res stacking the blasts, but more then good enough.

I'm honestly suprised so few corr's use the set. I've seen them, but they are kind of rare. Unlike energy blasters of which i haven't seen a hint of one in years. heh.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



Over on Union think the main Energy Blast Corrs were from like day one, rarely seen any since. Course, Corrs in general on Union is a rareity regardless of sets

My Corrs at level 50 are AR/Traps and Rad/Cold - the second being probably the least fun, most frustrating and awful villain I've played. AR lost alot of cool points when Ignite got nerfed with the longer recharge.

Anyway I digress, Energy is easily the least seen primary for me when in all honesty, its gimmick works best when it was old school blasters or defenders trying to solo.

Nova is still a nice nuke tho.



My characters and playing is odd. My Corruptors on Virtue are as follows:

50: Fire/Storm (Meh, dusty but not slotted out really either)
50: Archery/Sonic (Fairly enjoyable, he can duo Silver Mantis with a ST Claws/Willpower Stalker)
37: Rad/Kin (dusty due to A: People's yelling about how to play kins and B: Major Endo problems when I was playing her more)
5: Elec/Dark (Fun so far, duoing with a Rad/Cold Corr; he's also based on my Dark/Elec Defender concept)

These are on Virtue. Overall, I expect my Elec/Dark to rank up wtih my Archery/Sonic on fun; however, I still enjoy my tons of Defenders more.

Defenders (Dark Blast, Psychic Blast x2, Elec x3, Archery x2, Sonic, Ice, AR)
Blasters (Rad and AR)

Which means I'm missing Energy and DP. I didn't prepurchase GR, so Energy is the only one I have access to that I don't have a character of. I do have a Emp/Energy on Liberty (32) but I'm mostly on Virtue now. I had a Cold/Energy Defender, but I was wanting it to be like my Storm/Dark and it wasn't happening (obviously after the fact).

Overall, I see Elec, Archery, AR, Energy, Ice, and Sonic the least. Dark usually paired with Dark, Rad paired with Kin or Rad, Fire and DP paired with anything.

I must say, my Kin/AR Defender is rather fun (especially with teams that don't yell at how to play Kinetics).

50s: Bla- Arch/Mental Cont- Mind/FF, Earth/Cold, Ill/Therm, Earth/Rad Dominator- Plant/Psi, Elec/Earth Corr- Fire/Storm, Arch/Sonic, Rad/Kin, Beam/Sonic, Psi/Time Stalker- Elec/SR Def- Storm/Dark, Emp/Psi, Dark/Elec, FF/Arch, TA/Ice, TA/Elec, Kin/AR, Cold/DP, Traps/Psi Scrap- Fire/Shield Tanker- Dark/Mace, Ice/Kin Brute- Claws/WP, SS/Energy, BS/Elec



"Fixing" Energy would be dirt simple if the devs cared to do so. Set all the KB to KU effects. Go home.

Now, such a fix wouldn't make everyone happy. There are people who like the KB effects of Energy as a repositioning ability. However, it would absolutely solve the "we won't group with you because you'll scatter everything wildly" stigma Energy blasters face "in the wild".

Part of the reason you see so few is that people shun them for KB they can't control, leading to glacial leveling pace and widespread discontent among their players.



Originally Posted by Twilight_Archon View Post
"Fixing" Energy would be dirt simple...
Energy is fine; I'd say fix the players.

One way to change you KB to KD is hovering over the target group. Another is knock them against a wall. Both of these methods work like a charm in regards to mitigating KB. Unfortunately this is too much effort for some.

My Energy Blast Corr has a pain secondary, and I love it.



Originally Posted by Briarpatch View Post
Energy is fine; I'd say fix the players.

One way to change you KB to KD is hovering over the target group. Another is knock them against a wall. Both of these methods work like a charm in regards to mitigating KB. Unfortunately this is too much effort for some.

My Energy Blast Corr has a pain secondary, and I love it.
It's not a question of too much effort. It's not difficult at all the position yourself to KB usefully or minimize the KB.

The point is that regardless of how little effort it is, you have to take measures to mitigate/minimize your secondary effect, or cause havoc. You're saying KB is fine, but then advocate how to minimize it?

The other secondary effects may be of questionable utility depending on the situation/build, (-def from Rad, -tohit from Dark, slows and -rech in Ice), but at least you don't have to take measures to manage them.

IMO all the Energy Blast stuff should be changed to KD. That way if someone loves their KB, they can slot a single KB IO or KB set IO and have it, but people who don't want it can enjoy the set.

I don't think changing the KB to KD would be overpowered, since stuff being KDd takes them off their feet for less time than KB, (knocked on butt + get up time vs fly through air + knocked on butt + get up time).

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Originally Posted by Silas View Post
You're saying KB is fine, but then advocate how to minimize it?
That's exactly what I'm saying. I enjoy having the versatility of KB AND KD depending on the situation.

If someone is getting beat on in melee I throw all the KB I have at the mobs doing the damage. Likewise when soloing KB is a boon.

On teams that want to 'group things up' or that react poorly to scatter I shift into KD mode.

If you reduced the mag of the EB attacks to <1 making it all KD you would actually reduce my versatility thus making the set less fun.



Originally Posted by Briarpatch View Post
That's exactly what I'm saying. I enjoy having the versatility of KB AND KD depending on the situation.

If someone is getting beat on in melee I throw all the KB I have at the mobs doing the damage. Likewise when soloing KB is a boon.

On teams that want to 'group things up' or that react poorly to scatter I shift into KD mode.

If you reduced the mag of the EB attacks to <1 making it all KD you would actually reduce my versatility thus making the set less fun.
No, if you reduce the KB mag to <1 you can have the best of both worlds. People who want KD can leave the attacks as is, if you want the KB you can put in a KB IO/SO/Set IO.

If you want KB most of the time but KD sometimes as you've said, slot some KB enhancement in your blasts but hover above stuff when you want it to be KD just like you would now.

It doesn't reduce your versatility at all. If you want KB, you slot for it. If you wanted KB so you slotted for it but sometimes want effective KD, do the exact same stuff you do now to turn your KB into KD.

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