What was your Funnest Bug you ever had




I was thinking back before AE, before IOs, before Vet Powers, Before RWZ ( it was when Rikti Crash Sight and you had to be lvl 45). I was on my tank just joined a team with some friends in CF. I had SJ and he was heading to the mish when he got stuck in a grate. I tried to use /stuck and nothing happened. I told my friends about it and asked if anyone had TP but no one did. My friend Sid had to switch toons to TP me out. If my old comp had not crashed I would still had the screen shot of it.

I would like to know if anyone had similar or some other bug that has happened that is funny like this.



Being ambushed by a lone Rikti Monkey

Justice Server
Global: @Abraxxus



Long ago, I logged in once and my tank was stuck under Talos island.



I used to enjoy exploring underneath Cimeoria before they patched it.



A friend and I exited a villain-side mission and somehow ended up stuck in the doorway geometry (the door itself missing) face to face with our bodies collided together at the hip in ways that would make Statesman blush. Twisting and wriggling failed to separate us but generated a great deal of giggling.

Still have the pictures somewhere.

"He may be arrogant, but he happens to be correct" - Ellis
"The server is full of crazies" - New_Dark_Age

Rainbow Arcana / Diamond D: Legion of Freedom - Virtue



Originally Posted by Rainbow Avenger View Post
A friend and I exited a villain-side mission and somehow ended up stuck in the doorway geometry (the door itself missing) face to face with our bodies collided together at the hip in ways that would make Statesman blush. Twisting and wriggling failed to separate us but generated a great deal of giggling.

Still have the pictures somewhere.
Did they have to get out the hose to separate you two?



Not really a bug per se, more of just wackiness with the physics engine. Lost the original screenshot but I still have the avatar I made of it a long time ago:

Other than that, more recently there's a few situations where the whirling sword or the lotus drops animations will be replaced by the whirlwind animation. It looks wicked sweet. Using it while flying (whirling sword) or when getting hit by a repel power (the lotus drops) are the only two ways I've consistently repeated it.



Not to me personally, but my wife saw her character get stuck in ice during the first Winter Event's "freeze over" as she had logged out the night before leaving it in a lake in the Hollows.

She was halfway stuck in the ice and a teleporter had to get her out.

Players Guide to the Cities



I enjoyed the Michael Bay bug when it was around (ex. when rikti drones and council hoverbots would explode 12 times when defeated)

But my favorite was on test during DP Beta, which, since it was test, I don't know if it really counts, but each time I'd play my DP/Devices Blaster, instead of the animation for planting a trip mine or summoning seeker drones, He'd get REALLY excited and go into an endless spin costume change emote. Like, full wonder woman. I could even move around like that. Attacking or jumping stopped it, but I called it the "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Bug.

Current Main: Thudd. 36 SS/Invul Brute on Justice
50's - Bitter Hatred Bots/FF/Mu MM - Rogue Wyvern Arch/Elec/Elec Blaster - Stonewerk Stone/Stone/Stone Brute - GB Nasty Thugs/Storm/Lev MM

Power and Chaos!



Either the bug that let people come into PD hostile to the other faction or the bug that let people enter door missions the other faction owned and become hostile.

The first, a blaster started attacking vills in PD. I sk'd a friend on a brute and some other people buffed him up. He then proceeded to wipe the floor with the blaster repeatedly.

The second, someone got his second accound stalker and a friends stalker into a hero mission. They were randomly inviting people to do the mission, then ganking them. They made the mistake of inviting Pum and myself. The ensuing antics were quite entertaining.



One time, I logged out in a police station for the day job badge. When I logged back in, my toon was in the station...in the interrogation room. The door doesn't work. I could see the rest of the station through the window, but I couldn't get out. Used my Pocket D pass to escape.



There is another now that I think about it...

While trying to zone into my VG's base, the loading time took longer than normal. Once I had entered, I found myself in some random Hero group base.

Justice Server
Global: @Abraxxus



Originally Posted by Abraxxus View Post
There is another now that I think about it...

While trying to zone into my VG's base, the loading time took longer than normal. Once I had entered, I found myself in some random Hero group base.
Oh yeah, that happened to me a couple times. Always pretty hilarious.



Originally Posted by Quatermain View Post
Either the bug that let people come into PD hostile to the other faction or the bug that let people enter door missions the other faction owned and become hostile.
Had that happen with a door mish once. Heroes walked into the warehouse, rounded the corner, and came face-to-face with a bewildered villain. We all had a good laugh and no one took a shot, the villain just logged out.

My favorite though, as a new wide-eyed-with-wonder player back around 2005, was a bug that was exploited by a team lead. Had a team lead sign us up for the big Atta mission. We got inside the cave and were asked to wait under unusual circumstances. Team lead dropped, went outside, grabbed an entire 'nuther team, and brought them all back in. We switched to local chat. 15 players with wall-to-wall trolls. Man, was that fun! Having since become a vet player with better understanding, I cannot condone exploits. (but, man, was that fun! )



being in a mission with my team but noone could find each other. we were all in the same room but some kind of a different dimension



Entering a mish, running round killin stuffs and then bump into another team in the mish map

We were all like "um....hello"

My LotG sold for 65mil and I'm spending it all on hats

Needlepoint and Hobbytex Champion 1984

Blaming others since 2003



Oh i've seen lots of great ones I have screens shots too, i'll have to upload them all somewhere.

1) zoning into Galaxy, all the Traffic (Cars/Trucks etc) were in the sky O.O driving around on invisible roads

2) I watched 3 boxes sliding down the street, make a few turns, then open up the door to a shop and dissapear inside

3) Watched a bunch of Hellions just standing waiting in a tram station, then when a tram pulls up, they all went bezerk and rushed inside

4) costume creator bug, I had a dual pistols dual blades scrapper! O.O how long have we waited for one

5) was defeated in a Safeguard mission, I clicked goto hospital.. nothing happened, I suspected lag but clicked again... nothing happened, but then I pressed the forwards button... my defeated body starts sliding around. Eventually i SLID to the darn Gurney and waited for my character to get up

Combat Kangaroos, Justice Server. First 50's
Jirra Roo Plant/Storm/Stone/Musculature Controller
Combat Kangaroo Rifle/Energy/Mace/Spiritual Blaster
Kung Fu Kangaroo Martial Arts/Reflexes/Body/Spiritual Scrapper
Tribal Arc Shield/Elec/Mu/Spiritual Tanker



I had a council mission where if I angled the camera overhead looking down at my character I could see through walls. Came in handy while looking for the last kidnap victim. =)

I've had Steamy Mist cause NPCs to start following enemies. This was particularly gratifying on Gaussian's arc when WM Detrich started following the enemy and I got to beat her down. I so wish she was killed instead of Tendaji.

In AE it happens fairly often that leaving a mission you appear inside the mission entrance column. I always like that one.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
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Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.