whats so great about fire/kins?
The thing is, you are mostly correct. Fire/kins are pretty boring till 32, then chaos comes with the imps. It fills out when you get fulcrum shift to have high damage pets, with one of the best active support sets for melee. You have a decent heal, free endurance and resistance with increase density.
I think some people are just being sheep, but even those can be good at farming by accident. It doesn't mean they are good players by any stretch, but that they can capitalize on the easy-to-grasp strengths of the set. I made mine because nothing went with fire when he was created, and I was thinking of the unpredictable nature of fire. Kinetics made me think of how a small fire can end up burning down a whole building, just as the set gets stronger the longer a battle wages. Someone asked me if I was a farmer one day and then I read up on how I was apparently a FotM. Didn't change my playstyle or powers. I just found out I was capable of killing small stuff really fast and not just team support.
A well played Fire/Kin is very good against large numbers of soft targets and can wipe them extremely fast. This is why Fire/Kins make good farming toons. Not to say that there are other powerset combinations that are comparably good or even better at it.
And if you combine farming with PLing you won't have issues with L1-32 either.
However, there are many Fire/Kins out there that are being played just because the people on the other side of the screen have fun with them. They are very nice additions to teams of all sizes and levels and make teams considerably stronger through their buffs and crowd control.
I started my one and only Fire/Kin geez, gotta be 2 years ago now maybe longer. I had her parked at level 21 for a long time... until last week. I started playing her again (lvl 27 now) (not a farmer obviously) but I love it! I love to see those bad guys choking on my soot. I love debuffing and it's got a great heal. I'm really enjoying her so I'm sure there are many other Fire/Kins that feel exactly same way.
I'm also biased towards controllers though. (my favourite Archetype).
Its because Fire imps turn into badgers when they are speedboosted and everyone loves badgers. Now if it were pandas they wouldn't be as popular cause pandas suck.
I hope this helps
They make godly farmers
Fire is preferred because of the ranged aoe containment + aoe disorient + imps
Kinetics is a given because of Fulcrum Shift. Siphon speed helps nicely too for recharge
If you are farming as F/K:
You aren't wasting time speed boosting your imps. Many F/K farmers don't even take SB
You generally don't wait to Fulcrum Shift after your imps finally catch up
Imps are gravy damage, not the main source (Hot Feet is)
Imps main function when farming is to help cleanup the bosses/stragglers
By the way, Earth mastery has higher dmg than all the others (yeah fire and ice have higher base dmg but Earth recharges much quicker, and it isnt a cone >.>) so take that epic pool, especially if you slot a Force Feedback proc into fissure, which is GODLY.
Fire/kins are the best farmers period.
Also they are the cheapest ones too, because of inherent recharge bonuses like siphon speed, no endurance worries and a self heal, plus fulcrum shift that can cap their damage, this way making them able to farm on SO's unlike all other farmers (maybe except for a SS/Will Brute).
And they are great for teams too, a mix of good control+damage and the awesomeness of /kin on any team, BUT a lot of people just PL their f/ks to 50 and learn how to farm, so they faceplant a lot in challenging content, that's why f/ks get a bad rep.
A fantastic combo for teaming, soloing and farming if you get to level one properly like I did and learn when you can use your powers in teams instead of charging into any mobs and going splat like some purpled out farmers who are used to mow down specific enemy groups
A high-level fire/kin is a blast to play.
The great thing is, a firekin COMBINED with an elec/shield in tandem probably farms about 3-4 times as quickly as either could on their own because they complement each other so well.
I have 1 fire/Kin, built before I started reading the forums, and was never intended as a farmer.
I was told, by an uninformed individual, that controllers were lousy damage and could't kill anything...so I debated and came up with a character I thought would be fun and went to show them...
They no longer think that way, and this was around issue 4, trollers have only gotten better since then...
He hasn't seen much play recently, and is stalled in his 20s, but I do enjoy taking him out and playing him occassionally...
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'Well, I found the "fight" button, so lets do that.' Bun Bun
My Characters
I resisted making a fire/kin for a long time, for a couple reasons:
1) I have very little patience for controllers. I've had an Ill/FF stalled at 25 for quite a while now. I just have a hard time getting into a
2) I didn't want to play the same thing everyone else seems to be playing. I play mostly scrappers....not a single Shield Defense character in my roster.
Finally I said "Screw it, I'm not letting other people's opinions decide what I do and don't play". As it turns out, I rather like the synergy of the two sets, and am p[lanning on going with Stone Mastery....for Seismic Smash. According to Mid's Seismic Smash will do over 1000 damage with a full Fulcrum Shift and Containment. AND it's a mag 4 hold. Sounds like a nice power to have
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Mids lists contained damage for epic powers. It is good for about 600 and change. About the same as a damage capped tank version.
And yes it is awesome on a kin. Stone APP took my plant/kin from impressive to "this can't be ok in the dev's eyes".
I have 4 "farmers" on blue, just to spice it up.
Shield/SS tank
Fire/Shield/Pyre scrap
Fire/Kin/Stone Trollah
Plant/Storm/Fire Trollah
Whenever I get bored of one, I just cycle through them.
<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]
Which one do you find the fastest? I have a f/k and am leveling up a fm/sd/blaze because f/k farming tires me (I don't mind all the clicking when doing challenging content tho). I'm asking because Fury said shields are the 'kings' now but I haven't seen a faster shielder (I have seen a ZOMG Warshade farming at +4/x8/bosses but the build must have costed more than 5 bil, I only saw the bonuses).
Having a few farmers is just nice so you don't get too bored >.> When I'm really lazy I use my plant/storm and just slowly farm.
Oh yeah, wanted to ask: How fast was the warshade on that setting? My fire/kin and shield scrap can run +4/8/bosses with ease, just seems to take a little too long to bother.
<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
i mean i hear how good they are at farming but i still dont see why alot of ppl make them(espicially with dumb names)
i, for one, find controllers dull to lv to 32 since the is alot of DoTs,except ill rad (id rather lv a ff/ defender solo ) do alot of ppl actuall like this build or is this just people being sheep? |
Try a Plant controller. Planties aren't dull from about level 12, once you've gotten some DOs into Seeds. The pet on the other hand is a wuss. My Plant/Emp has been a joy to level and I'd never have thought I'd enjoy an Empathy controller.
A Plant/Rad would be excellent for those who don't like pre-pet grind.
There was a boom of /SD sets when the exploits were rife, now there pretty much dealt with, a lot of them have no idea how to use them now. Personally I find /SD horrible to farm with, other than my SS/SD brute. Primarily cause Foot Stomp keeps the pace up, with the FF proc in it too.
Elec/SD has two main AoE's which with an incredible amount of effort and influence/infamy spent can be brought to about 25s. In my opinion that's pretty poor. Fire/SD reminds me of SS in a way, but still don't like it and never have. Personally I've always used Fire/Kin/Earth(or)Fire because I find them quite speedy, I run with two other toons so I can run +4/8/B'on.
You can farm with it with SO's its that simple.
Also the advent of the BoTZ nerfs may mean that /SD will have to recover some bonuses too for DEF, my /SD doesn't use BoTZ but just saying.
I haven't read the whole thread but this is what I think.
First, people are sheep, and many jumped on the bandwagon.
Second, the bandwagon started in the first place because the set has everything you need to farm (except perhaps mez protection). It can do AOE damage, it can heal, it can recover endurance, and it can boost its own damage. It can do some incoming damage mitigation with controls.
Third, it is cheap. It can do what it needs to do on the cost of SOs only.
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Ah, didn't realize Mid's accounted for Containment. Still though, 600+ damage for a ST attack on a troller that is also a mag 4 hold is nothing to sneeze at.

The fact that every single time the troller uses Seismic it produces that much damage is just game changing.
It makes me not hate the remaining tough single targets on my plant/kin, so on a fire/kin that can already produce strong st damage it has got to be astounding.
I found it weird that they nerfed troller app's damage not that long ago and then turned around and gave them back the ability to produce ludicrous damage much more recently.
The old blasts let them produce blaster like damage which was obviously too strong. But the new seismic lets them produce high fury brute numbers, which can't be all that much better.
All well, I love it and I'm not complaining about it, that's for sure.
I have both. A fire/kin purpd out and an Elec/SD purpd out. I farm both.
Elec/SD is fun to play but farms slower than my fire/kin. Mainly due to siphon speed to run from mob to mob and i dont use SS for my travel like most ive seen. At 0x8 i can 2 shot the whole mob with my charges on my scrapper. He's soft capped with no travel and can handle +4x8 on a BM farm. (without bosses and w/o 1 w/ the SD)
I've found my fire/kin isn't anything more special than any other toon BUT when i add my fire/sonic to follow it allows me to kill +4x8 (with bosses) just as fast as my Elec/SD killing 0-+1x8. (with bosses)
When it comes to just plain farming i use my /kin because it feels much faster than the elec/sd or my arch/mm.
I really dont like the electric powerset other than the L. Rod. Most are single target and the damage don't seem very high for the bosses even with purps on the attacks. Feels like forever to kill the bosses that the charges don't kill. At higher levels, that is. Killing 50's don't count. lol.
See, I never played as one, but I always figured that Fire/ was the highest damage set 'trollers got, and /Kin boosted that damage even more.
i mean i hear how good they are at farming but i still dont see why alot of ppl make them(espicially with dumb names)
i, for one, find controllers dull to lv to 32 since the is alot of DoTs,except ill rad (id rather lv a ff/ defender solo )
do alot of ppl actuall like this build or is this just people being sheep?