Which side has more fun AT's in you opinion and why?

Adeon Hawkwood



i myself like the villian ATs more

* corruptors have a nice in herit as compared to defenders

* Dominators are what contollers should have been and have a uniquie power set

*All the villain ATs are more solo friendly.

*I can come up with more concepts for the villian ATs( not all villan concepts )



I guess I'm pretty much undecided since my two favorite ATs are Blasters and Masterminds, and my next favorites are Scrappers and Brutes.

I like solo-capable characters so redside would normally have an edge since all their ATs can solo pretty well, but as it happens I'm not a big fan of Defenders or Tankers (or Stalkers for that matter) anyway for other reasons so all the ATs I actually play solo pretty well. And I've never seen any redside character I enjoy funning in teams with as much as my Plant/Storm Controller.

So really, I consider both to have a lot of fun ATs and both to have some I just don't enjoy much.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



In general I think the villain ATs offer a much better mix of solo and team abilities than the hero ones. That being siad I mostly play hero side since I enjoy the hero side more from a thematic point of view.



Hero side easily.

I hate active inherants like domination and fury (Though I can just about manage to live with fury). I hate how corruptors do poor damage aside from scourge which is next to useless against non av's. I hate all MM's but bots. Lolstalkers. VEATs are boring.

Blue side you have tanks which are boring to me but at least do their job. Scrappers which are what everything else wishes it was. Controllers have good control/buff/debuff sets which work well together (Though domination is overpowered which hurts controllers a little bit). Defenders do their job very well. Blasters are a bit on the gimped side, what with similar damage to scrappers and much more squishiness. Khelds are great fun, though a bit of an acquired taste.

Did I miss any?

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Hero side easily.

I hate active inherants like domination and fury (Though I can just about manage to live with fury). I hate how corruptors do poor damage aside from scourge which is next to useless against non av's. I hate all MM's but bots. Lolstalkers. VEATs are boring.

Blue side you have tanks which are boring to me but at least do their job. Scrappers which are what everything else wishes it was. Controllers have good control/buff/debuff sets which work well together (Though domination is overpowered which hurts controllers a little bit). Defenders do their job very well. Blasters are a bit on the gimped side, what with similar damage to scrappers and much more squishiness. Khelds are great fun, though a bit of an acquired taste.

Did I miss any?
Odd - I feel excatly the opposite about domination and fury - while I think fury is a perfectly workable mechanism, I don't always like having to chase after it and that means I can only play my brutes for so long before getting tired of constantly maintaining the fury bar and switching to something else. I love the new domination because you don't HAVE to use it to be effective. It is now a nice mez booster/mez resistance/end filler power that you can use when you need it instead of having to chase it all the time, so dominators are currently one of my favorite redside AT's.

I love veats, hate khelds - I find VEAT's to be a nice combination of soloability and team support and the khelds shape shifting to be far more work then they are worth - it doesn't help that I SUCK at flying in squid shape - i get stuck on every little stupid corner and edge and then beaten up and killed while trying to maneuver.

As far as defenders vs corruptors, I really have trouble playing either one - low damage, low soloability AT's just don't do it for me, although I tend to prefer corruptors since they DO have more base damage than dominators, get better attacks early on and thier inherent atually does something.

As for other AT's, I enjoy both sides about equally. I find scrappers and controllers to be a blast to play but I also like masterminds and stalkers. I don't like most tanks (would rather play a scrapper) but have a shield/SS tank whose damage level is close enough to scrapper/brute levels that I enjoy playing her.

Mind you, the fact that Princess and I can have completely opposite opinions about several things and still enjoy the game just goes to show you the flexibility of CoX.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Originally Posted by pikkon15 View Post
i myself like the villian ATs more

* corruptors have a nice in herit as compared to defenders

* Dominators are what contollers should have been and have a uniquie power set

*All the villain ATs are more solo friendly.

*I can come up with more concepts for the villian ATs( not all villan concepts )
It's gotta be a mixed bag based on play style...
My favorite ATs are Blaster, Soldier, Peace Bringer, Stalker... probably in that order. Blasters and Stalkers just do so much sheer damage out of the box. Well done, they are making others feel silly for a whole 49 levels.

Peace Bringers and Soldiers I like because the sick versatility. Properly built, they can go toe to toe in melee or do above average ranged damage. They are so unique.

It's pretty subjective though. Brutes doll out a ton of damage, too, I'm just not as into them. I am not a big fan of Warshades, but that's mostly in "light" of Peace Bringers.

If I had to pick a side, I'd say hero over all. I find Corruptors to be this awkward inbetween -- not keeping pace with a Blaster and not as team oriented as a Defender. I get a similiar feel about Dominators in light of what Controllers can do. The only 1:1 correlation that I really have to give Villains is I'd rather play a Stalker or Brute than a Scrapper.

It's so subjective though.

I play heroes on Champion.
I play villains on Virtue.



Neither side. I like Controllers and Dominators - I'll be making plenty of both on both sides come GR. Melee, I don't play much (except tanks - I'll run a tanker before a scrapper any day.) MMs have nothing similar blueside. Love Khelds, can't stand VEATs.

I like both sides. *shrug*



I'd say Hero side for me.

I like Blasters and Defenders over Corrs since they feel like they really excel at their one thing as opposed to being (comparatively) meh on both.

I like Peacebringers the best out of all the EATs for being different enough from the base ATs and just for being cool looking.

I like Dominators more than Controllers because I find the Controller style od death by DoT to be dull as hell.

Stalkers are my favorite melee AT since they have a good punch, but still are weak enough defensively to keep things interesting.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
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I like debuffers of all kinds in both sides. I probably favor Corruptors the most.



Red. Can easily solo with each and every AT from lvl 1. I like blue side a lot, but ugh.... trying to solo with a tank/fender/troller is such a grind for the first 30 levels :P

Aside from being able to solo, at level 50 I'd have to say both sides have fun AT's.
I love doms and trollers, fenders and corrs. I also enjoy scraps and stalkers.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



I think Villain by far. I love Masterminds (Doctor A is one) and I think dominators and corruptors are awesome as well. Their sets mesh well together and are easily used solo and team-wise. Heroes just seem too...one sided with all their archetypes. I've played some (mainly because I wanted a Kheldian, and really, it didn't disappoint-I love my warshade and can't wait to take him Villain) but they just don't hold my interest long. The only Villains I can't totally get into, despite liking the concept, are stalkers. I just haven't found a good formula for them yet.

This, of course, makes me wonder why so many people go blue. I think red has better missions (I loathe all the 'go kill XX number of YY that blueside has to deal with) and, quite frankly, I'm nice in real life so I don't want to play a nice guy in my video game escape :-p





Brutes; gotta love fury,you make 'em mad and they hit harder.

MM; c'mon what can you say against them other then the pets are retarded once in awhile,secondaries are awesome.

Stalkers; probably the weakest out of redside but you know what, get a good build and gank some lolheroes in SC or RV and let the hilarity ensue!

Domi's; wow probably the best low lvl toon(no end prob's) and all around great solo.Ever been on a 8 person all domi tf...sheesh talk about power.

Corr's; some say meh they have low dmg output,I say ppsshh drop some debuff's,buff your allies,and once in awhile blast some dying enemies.

VEATS; compare them to Heats haha....I have a Bane and that toon is a freakin destroyer.

In addition you can solo or team them up just as easily,sorry biased here I hate heroes and started straight on redside.



Take it as you will but:

Scrapper: love them
Tankers: sure their fun for a while, but I feel like minions take half an hour
Controllers: Oh my lord my troller is fun!
Defenders: Uhm, I have 12 of them...
Blaster: Ok, fun and all. A bit squishy, but still a blast (pun intended)
Warshade: Love my 'shade
Peacebringer: Meh, not as fun as a warshade

Brutes: Brute Smaaash... and bored
Stalkers: boring
Dominatiors: Love my dom
Corrupter: ok... can I have my yummy debuffs now? No? Well fine then. I'll play a defender
Mastermind: Oh my lord their fun
Soldier: blast to play
Widow: meh, their ok.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



On the whole redside feels like it has more fun archetypes. Blueside provides some basics, and then the redside ATs added a few interesting spins or just balanced them out a bit better in the case of Corrupters.

I prefer Controllers to Dominators on the whole. I like the buff/debuff sets a lot for their variety.

Brutes and Stalkers are both heaps of fun, but I'm not too sure about their longevity for me. Both revolve heavily round a mechanic that will be exactly the same for every alt I make of these archetypes.

Masterminds are definitely fun, and have a lot of replayability in that I feel I could easily make 5 or 6 and not get bored.



Originally Posted by Rush_Bolt View Post
Stalkers are my favorite melee AT since they have a good punch, but still are weak enough defensively to keep things interesting.
If your Scrapper is too safe to be interesting, it just means you need to find harder enemies...

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



That is, until your claw/super reflexes scrapper hits 45% defense to ranged, melee, and aoe WITHOUT elude. Then you play it cause being a bad motha (shut yer mouth) is fun.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



While I like Redside AT's more, I often feel they have no idea what they're doing when they get together, so I rather like blueside because I feel they have better synergy together and more defined roles.

I imagine once you mix 'em all together it'll be gravy. Or the end of all days. Could go either way.



For me it's not as clear cut as blue or red. I like (and dislike) some ATs on both sides.

Blasters are amazing and villains have nothing comparable.
I love scrappers, but brutes are everything scrappers are and more.
I enjoy both dominators and controllers for different reasons.
I'm pretty ambivalent about stalkers
I'm not fond of tanks, and neither defenders no corruptors interest me.
Masterminds bore the crap out of me.
I can't stand the epic ATs on either side.

I play mostly blueside though, since I prefer teaming and it's harder redside. There's less people, and there seems to be a lot more soloers redside. That, and redside teams don't tend to work as well as blueside ones in my opinion.



For me, I think the redside ATs are a lot more interesting and fun. I really enjoy active Inherents like Fury, Domination and Scourge. Blasters are about the only Blueside AT I can really enjoy anymore, but I still find them a bit two-dimensional compared to redside ATs.

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(All opinion)

Redside by far. Trollers are boring to play, tanks are ultraboring to play, Khelds are garbage. I love scrappers, enjoy defenders, and like blasters. Of those three, defenders often feel too weak damagewise and blasters are all chewy centre with no crunchy shell.

Redside we have brutes, with the greatest inherent ever, Doms, like controllers only not boring and don't promote lazy play, and corruptors, with enough damage and buff/debuff to make things fun. Then you have Masterminds, a unique AT with great variety and utility. Stalkers are ehhh, but just like Dark Miasma and Black Hole, you gotta have one stinker VEATs are awesome, they are proof the devs learned from the mistakes made with Khelds.



Redside here. I've tried Tankers and Defenders repeatedly, and I just can't stand them. I know some people can do amazing things with those ATs, especially at high levels, but I frankly can't "hang in there" long enough to get to a point where it doesn't feel like I'm playing in extreme slow motion with them. (It doesn't help that I mostly solo. Yes, it's possible to build Defenders and Tankers that can solo. It's still much, much easier to build Brutes and Corrupters that can do the same thing, at least for me.)



I despise Brutes. Fury is the opposite of how I want to play.

Stalkers are probably my favorite normal AT, and it makes me sad how underappreciated they are. I can't really play Scrappers any more, though I don't actually have anything against them.

Tanks are fun. I enjoy being able to stand in the middle of something stupid and not die.

Corrs are good. So are Defenders, but of course the Defender inherent is crap. I remember hearing that it's going to become better soon, so maybe I'll be making more Defenders soon? (One of my few 50s is a Defender...)

Masterminds are okay. They're like crappy Defenders with their own personal team. I like them in theory, but I always seem to get bored eventually.

I love Controllers and Doms. My first 50 hero (Nishastra) was a Controller, and my first almost-50 villain (I really dislike Grandville and tend to stop playing characters shortly after they get there) was a Dom.

Blasters are good. I used to make a lot of Blasters, and the "new" Defiance was a great boon. I've kinda strayed from that, though, and generally prefer a bit more survivability.

My favorite abnormal AT is certainly Warshade. My Warshade is my favorite character overall. I enjoyed my Peacebringer as well, but when they made it impossible to do the double-stomp any more I lost interest, as that was a lot of fun in invasions. I'll get back to her someday.

It's kinda funny how my favorite ATs are the least popular ones in the game. I see that the Soldiers forum actually has the least posts in it, but people generally seem to like them? (I still can't stand Grandville and thus have no 50 villains, so I haven't played one) As evidenced in this very topic, lots of people love to **** on Khelds and Stalkers. It amuses me (in a sad way) just how often people forget that Stalkers even exist. Lots of times I see people talk about the melee ATs and list "scrapper, brute, tank". But alas...

As for the actual question of the topic, I think it evens out. I like Stalkers better than Scrappers, Corrs better than Defenders (if only because of the currently-useless Defender inherent), but I despise Brutes whereas there's no hero AT I hate :P



I like both sides. I love Controllers and MMs (yes, I know they can both be "easy mode" but that's what the Diff Slider is for) although I can find myself getting bored easily with Masterminds and bored solo with Controllers (although I tend to get bored solo with everything bar Brutes).*

I like Brutes but find Fury is a two-edged sword. I love it when soloing when I can set my own pace, hate it on teams.

Defenders and Corrupters I like pretty much equally, when I play one I miss the strengths of the other (if I'm playing a mid-level Corrupter I miss the Support powers I would have had, if playing a Defender I miss the Corrupter levels of Damage).*

My Warshade was my favourite character ever. So many options and roles to switch between in the middle of a battle. "I'm bored tanking this group. Oh look, my Nuke and Pet are recharged...". Haven't had a chance to play the VEATs yet but Fortunas and Crabbys look interesting to me. Dunno if I could take the first 24 levels much though (some powerlevelling might be required to get past them as quickly as possibly).

At the moment I've much love for my Domi, have a combo which suits my playstyle well and my love of interesting power combos.

Don't really like the one-dimensional playstyle of Tanks, Scrappers (my Claws scrapper was fun, my Claws Brute was more fun), Blasters or Stalkers so much. On that basis I suppose the nod has to go Villain side more as there's less ATs I dislike there.



I bounce back and forth. My two absolute favorite characters are my bots/traps MM and my warshade. The MM I like more for his actual character, the warshade for how it plays.

Outside of that, I can't get into brutes or scrappers. I haven't found a dominator I like, but I have made a stalker that's a ton of fun. I like being self sufficient, so I really like my tank and my PB as well. I've got a blaster too that's a lot of fun.

All in all, I think I spend more time blueside, so I guess I have to cast my vote there.

Where to now?
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The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



It's hard to say. I like buff/debuff, which means I love defenders, corruptors, controllers, masterminds, ... and warshades. Oh sure, I know the warshade is selfish and eats all the buffs for himself, but he does debuff the bejeebers out of targets, too.

Some classes are really categories of classes in my mind. Sonic-FF defenders are as different from radiation and kinetic, it's hard to throw out the whole class based on a few of the AT. The same can be said for kheldians and Soldiers of Arachnos. Night Widows are very different from a wolf spider build. I like the soldiers of arachnos, too. They have good debuffs in venom grenade and the defense debuff in the blasts.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
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