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  1. It's good to hear -something-

    I actually have hope. Not a ton but for someone who is pretty pessimistic about this kinda stuff it's huge.

    Assuming the debs WANT to keep the game going I think there is a definite shot. It's already made, they have the most loyal fan base I've ever seen in an MMO, and (most importantly for investors) e game was MAKING MONEY (which is the main reason why I have no idea what happened...why get rid of one of the few MMOs that is actually in the BLACK?!?).

    As some others, I'd be willing to invest if they need capitol. I definitely not a millionaire or even have hundreds of thousands to throw around but I'm fairly sure I could help. If any des wanna talk PM me guys.

    Looking forward to hearing more. Let's do this people!!! How can I conquor Paragon City if there IS no Paragon City...

    -Doctor Asinine
  2. Almost all of my characters do similar things-varies based on power slots I have "left over".

    1). Hasten-always save most MMs. I hate the FX but I think I've learned to tune it out. It'll be perfect once (if?) we get pool customization

    2). Concealment-Generally get this. Especially true for power sets w/o stealth included. Even ones that do generally get this for LotG mules (unless heavy defense build w lots of defense powers to throw LotG in)

    3). Leadership. Often try to fit in Assault and Manuevers. Both help me solo and teams. These are only taken if I need a bit more DEF to softcap OR have the END/power choice to spare

    4). Others. Generally CJ is in there if I need DEF or another LotG slot. -Normally- don't take any travel powers anymore as ninja run/sprint/raptor packs are had. If I do it's anything that fits conceptually -except- Super Speed as I normally want travel powers to easily get over things. I loathe SS. I normally get SJ or Teleport (key bound of course)

    That's about it. For the first time I got aid self on a character recently (Stalker) and it's okay-first time since beta I've used it. I don't have a problem using -any- pool though if it fits conceptually-concept/coolness > all else.
  3. Yes, still happening and incredibly frustrating. I might stop playing until it's resolved. It makes it almost impossible to play.

    -Doctor A
  4. Same here. I don't know what happened but yesterday I was perfectly I'm getting mapserved all the time. It is making the game impossible to play. I hope they have a fix on this really, really soon else I won't be able to play until it is.

    -Doctor A
  5. Hey all,

    So, is it -exactly- one week for claiming a signature story arc reward, down to the minute? If you are twenty minutes early are you hosed? I've never checked as I didn't want to waste 15 minutes. I assume the latter-that it is down to the minute once/week.

    Anyone try it?

    -Doctor A
  6. Doctor_Asinine

    Colored Titles

    No no no I don't care what others look to me. I mean mine. It doesn't start as the default-it starts as pitch black.

    So yeah, what I'm gathering from this is that there is no way to have the default colors (ie the color the titles were before you unlocked the colored titles) after you unlock colored. Lame. Thanks for the responses.

    -Doctor A
  7. Doctor_Asinine

    Colored Titles

    Hey everyone... it's neat that at the certain Vet/Reward Point tier you get to have colored titles. Yayee. However, I really, really don't like it. It bothers me-for me. I couldn't care less if other people do it.

    Is there a way to 'default' your title? Like it would be if you didn't have the color title option?

    Thanks all!

    -Doctor Asinine
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
  9. Seriously, no TW again? The dog for 500PP?


    After the patch last week you think they'd try to at least give us something good on the market...hells I'd have forgotten all about the bugs had TW been released. Instead we get an overpriced vanity dog.
  10. Doctor_Asinine

    PvP Arena-IOs

    Do IOs still drop in arena PvP?

    What level difference can you be? If I remember it used to be within 5 levels, but I could totally be making that up. Yayee terrible memory!

    Thanks guys!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Can anyone else confirm that this is occurring for them?
    As I said above, yes, tested and confirmed. All of the knockbacks are...pathetic, to say the least. Knockups are even more sad-the knockup on Knockout Blow is like you just tickled them and they jumped a bit from the shock.
  12. Okay a couple of opinions...

    ...first, the UI thing. At least it's fixed in a build. That's so annoying it's unbelievable., if this knockback thing isn't a bug I'm going to be pretty upset. Yes, a lot of people have a problem with knockback but, you know, some of the non-vocal people DON'T and like the powers for whatever reason. On my psychic dom I love telekinetic thrust. It's hilarious. I have it slotted for KB because it's awesome to watch them fly. Now even slotted it's...pathetic. I really hope this is a 'bug' or a random test (that will be said was a bug) to see how people react. If they want to do something like this, I'd much rather it be an option to 'tone down' the KB or not.

    ...last, I'm disappointed in no TW. Yes, it's not a Tuesday but this beta and TW have gone pretty much hand in hand. Especially since some people (SMALL few, I know, but still) did get accidental early access. Just release it already and let me give you my money >.<
  13. I have to admit I'm disappointed that there is no Titan Weapons this week. I really thought we were going to see it today-after the latest round of changes to it in Beta last week I thought we were good to go. Ugh.
  14. That seems silly. You think they'd want my money. Hmmmm okay thanks for the replies.
  15. Hey everyone,

    Is there a way to gift paragon points to someone? I have a preemie friend who wants Street Justice so I thought I'd buy 1200 points (the 15 bucks worth) for his birthday...but from my initial looking around I can't find a way to do that. Have I missed something?

  16. It very much does. I love mai reactive on mai 50 Corr beamness. It's hawt. Also I'm speaking like an idiot.
  17. Yeah I know it doesn't take snipe sets, hence the question. I think it has a small cone (5' I think?) and yeah, I've never taken it before, but I was thinking about making a devices dp blaster so thought I'd ask.

    What I -didn't- know was that the drone only helped the assault rifle's snipe. Huh. How weird and limited. Thanks for the info!
  18. Quick question... Piercing Rounds considered a snipe for the extra damage on Targeting Drone? I assume not since it doesn't take Snipe sets. Just curious.

  19. Doctor_Asinine

    Divided We Fall

    Okay, that's what I hoped. Thanks for answering-didn't want to risk a special event title to find you :-p
  20. Doctor_Asinine

    Divided We Fall

    If you got the title during that event, does it get overwritten by a 'regular' title that you can get from a trainer? Or does it stick regardless? I want to keep it but I still want to set a 'regular' title. If it goes away I'll just deal with not having a normal one...anyone know one way or another?
  21. It's not so much that there aren't any Villains, they just don't seem as motivated to do things like SFs. The last few days I've been forming SFs and will continue to do so to try to spur Redside on to do so. Done a few successful ones now that only took within about 15 minutes to form.

    If you are forming something and I'm around (and have time) I'll go; if you are on and see me advertising an SF, join!
  22. That's what I thought. I was hoping there'd be more to it than that since they don't announce their presence or anything. Oh well. Thanks!
  23. Hey all,

    Is there any point to them besides just handing out random missions? I you get badges for doing their missions, good drops...anything? Or is it just random funzies...I'm okay with either, just wondering :-p
  24. I think Villain by far. I love Masterminds (Doctor A is one) and I think dominators and corruptors are awesome as well. Their sets mesh well together and are easily used solo and team-wise. Heroes just seem sided with all their archetypes. I've played some (mainly because I wanted a Kheldian, and really, it didn't disappoint-I love my warshade and can't wait to take him Villain) but they just don't hold my interest long. The only Villains I can't totally get into, despite liking the concept, are stalkers. I just haven't found a good formula for them yet.

    This, of course, makes me wonder why so many people go blue. I think red has better missions (I loathe all the 'go kill XX number of YY that blueside has to deal with) and, quite frankly, I'm nice in real life so I don't want to play a nice guy in my video game escape :-p
  25. Doctor_Asinine

    PvP IO Drops

    Hmmmm the rep timer...does that mean you can't even get them anymore in Arena or does it mean that it's 5 min per chance at getting one in ANY pvp?