PvP IO Drops




I remember back when they were first implemented that you could only get like one every 10 minutes-then they changed it, but I don't remember how. What are all the rules for a pvp io drop these days?





It's still attached to a 10 min timer but now has an additional eligibility by attaching it to the rep system as well. You are eligible if you are eligible for rep and that timer is 5 min now. If you get a drop you have a 10 min timer till you can get another. They also reduced the drop rate from when they first came out.

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Hmmmm the rep timer...does that mean you can't even get them anymore in Arena or does it mean that it's 5 min per chance at getting one in ANY pvp?




Originally Posted by Doctor_Asinine View Post
Hmmmm the rep timer...does that mean you can't even get them anymore in Arena or does it mean that it's 5 min per chance at getting one in ANY pvp?
You get a drop for any kill that would hypothetically give you rep. (including the arena, even though you don't get rep in the arena.)



i think keeping loose track of the d8 and d6 matches for the league - there maybe ...maybe have been 2 drops in all the matches....



Originally Posted by B_Witched View Post
i think keeping loose track of the d8 and d6 matches for the league - there maybe ...maybe have been 2 drops in all the matches....
Castle has directly commented on that.

It's working as intended.



I just finally got my first PvP IO drop today after months of having numerous toons in there.

i say not only is it not working as intended, niether is castle.