interview with Melissa War Witch Bianco

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Slashman View Post
My issue is that mostly I'm seeing people talking about moving characters from red to blue. Pretty much every poll response in the Going Rogue Side Switching Poll thread was about people moving from red to blue.
The problem is that the usual poll often doesn't address why, for example, I'm going to move my characters from red to blue.

In my case, it's because I like playing the hero more, and it makes me feel better to do so. When I play morality-choice games like Mass Effect I often end up so far into the "light side" I out-light the representative Light Side character.

So there's very little that villainside can do to make me prefer it more than heroside, assuming ATs are common to both, without turning villainside into heroside.

It's a personal, subjective thing.

Whereas I've read posts from some which talk about how they prefer the Ancillary Power Pools on blueside, or how they like blueside zones, or some such. Weirdly, I've not seen posts about preferring the blueside markets other than posts complaining about posts like that, but then I don't exactly read every post on the forums, especially if they look like they're going into a rant.

So the devs can work on redside, but for people like me, I don't see how they can change redside and still keep it redside, and not a carbon copy of blueside.

Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~



Originally Posted by DKellis View Post
The problem is that the usual poll often doesn't address why, for example, I'm going to move my characters from red to blue.

In my case, it's because I like playing the hero more, and it makes me feel better to do so. When I play morality-choice games like Mass Effect I often end up so far into the "light side" I out-light the representative Light Side character.
And that's fine. You're more the 'Golden Girl' type. My post wasn't about people who have some emotional reluctance about committing evil acts in a make-believe world. I'm talking about the people who have other issues with redside but have chosen to stick with it anyway. Or people who are new who might want to try redside and are told that it is better to go to blue because blue has so-and-so while red does not.



GG, a simple INF bonus is a good possibility. Makes sense, for certain.

Something I was realizing... I am hoping (If not upon release, later on) for Blueside Content on the Isles and Redside Content in Paragon City.
And not just on mission maps.

Rather, True Blues and True Reds getting missions that require them to actually travel to the opposing side.

We know Vigilantes and Rogues can cross back and forth...
And they play both sides a little bit (How much content there is for them on both sides is uncertain)...

But it would be nice to see True Heroes and Villains capable of visiting the other side for some action that is purely in line with their moral compass.

Ever since I began playing this game... I wanted to do villainous things in the nice clean Paragon City... And I wanted to help defend the innocent in the Rogue Isles (There are some!).

So, anyways... This would not be cheating the idea that True Heroes/Villains would be cut off from what Rogues/Vigilantes and Side-Switchers get to do... It would just allow for them to experience some of the other zones through arcs, events, certain game mechanics/accomplishments... whatever they design.


I have no idea if they plan any such thing nor if they would be for or against it.

I just realized this was something I was hoping for, in the back of my mind.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain
I havent logged onto the game more than 6 hours for the entire last year... Not play session.. I mean play period. 365 days in a year, means 8760 hours... and only 6 were used playing CoX. 8754 hours I was playing or doing something else.
So you've spent more time complaining about the game last year than playing it. I am not surprised at all.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
GG, a simple INF bonus is a good possibility. Makes sense, for certain.

Something I was realizing... I am hoping (If not upon release, later on) for Blueside Content on the Isles and Redside Content in Paragon City.
And not just on mission maps.

Rather, True Blues and True Reds getting missions that require them to actually travel to the opposing side.

We know Vigilantes and Rogues can cross back and forth...
And they play both sides a little bit (How much content there is for them on both sides is uncertain)...

But it would be nice to see True Heroes and Villains capable of visiting the other side for some action that is purely in line with their moral compass.

Ever since I began playing this game... I wanted to do villainous things in the nice clean Paragon City... And I wanted to help defend the innocent in the Rogue Isles (There are some!).

So, anyways... This would not be cheating the idea that True Heroes/Villains would be cut off from what Rogues/Vigilantes and Side-Switchers get to do... It would just allow for them to experience some of the other zones through arcs, events, certain game mechanics/accomplishments... whatever they design.


I have no idea if they plan any such thing nor if they would be for or against it.

I just realized this was something I was hoping for, in the back of my mind.
I'm almost totally sure that pure Heroes and pure Villains won't be able to visit the other side, apart from the current Safeguards/Mayhem missions, plus occasional outdoor maps on some arcs.

But I do think that some, maybe even all, of the side switching content will take place on Primal Earth rather than Praetoria - like I think a Hero will be able to fall without needing to set foot in Tyrant's empire.

The four new zones cap at 20, and as side switching can't start until 20+, so I think it would seem to make more sense to add however much 20-50 side switching content there is into the current zones that would match the levels, rather than sending players to run around zones capped at 20.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Yeah, I don't think they will be releasing GR with True Heroes and True Villains visiting the opposite zones... I just think it could be cool and hopefully a possibility for the future (Although, we could be wrong and there is planned content for such a thing... I do doubt it though!).

Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But I do think that some, maybe even all, of the side switching content will take place on Primal Earth rather than Praetoria - like I think a Hero will be able to fall without needing to set foot in Tyrant's empire.

The four new zones cap at 20, and as side switching can't start until 20+, so I think it would seem to make more sense to add however much 20-50 side switching content there is into the current zones that would match the levels, rather than sending players to run around zones capped at 20.
Oh I agree... When I said about the Trues being able to visit new zones, I just meant "new" to them... being the opposite side (Red/Blue).

And, again... not freely traveling back and forth or anything... Just some set content for such a fun thing. *shrugs*

I just don't see a reason to be completely closed off about that, so I am curious if they do (Or if anyone else does).

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



The problem with reds visiting blue is the "hey! there's a villain committing villainy! I'll get em...or not.." issue, since we don't have (and nor should we) open pvp. I don't think it's something we'll ever see outside of instanced missions.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But I do think that some, maybe even all, of the side switching content will take place on Primal Earth rather than Praetoria - like I think a Hero will be able to fall without needing to set foot in Tyrant's empire.
I actually made a comment about this in another thread, but it was one that was pretty much dead, so I hope no one minds if I repeat myself here:

Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
Sorry about dragging up an old point, but I did finally realize one good reason to have the side switching missions in Praetoria, rather than Primal Earth. If the character switches in a neutral(ish) zone, then it's no more difficult for them to exit from the door on the right, or the one on the left (think RWZ). However, think about what happens should a character switch sides in Peregrine Island, or the Hollows? I'm not sure the Police Drones in Hero zones are different than the ones in PvP. If they are the same entity, then they will shoot player Villains on site. Same goes for Heroes and Arachnos Drones. Now consider that there's at least a pair of them at every zone entrance and tram/ferry.

Now it's possible that the dev might change the 'no enemy factions in Super Groups' rule, which means that they can at least get to safe transporters. Thing is, I seem to remember Drones at all the PvP zone doors, too. Of course, you could always use the RWZ or Pocket D porters, if your group has them. Or maybe go through the Midnighter's Club, if they've opened that door. Or at the VERY least hit the Pocket D porter...if they have the GvE pack on their account.

Unfortunately, even with all of these options available, and we don't even know for sure if they are all available in GR, there will be people who swap sides, who's only method of getting to their new home is through the mediporter.

Originally Posted by Furio View Post
The problem with reds visiting blue is the "hey! there's a villain committing villainy! I'll get em...or not.." issue, since we don't have (and nor should we) open pvp. I don't think it's something we'll ever see outside of instanced missions.
Ooh, the PvP aspect of it is something I never even considered.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Originally Posted by Furio View Post
The problem with reds visiting blue is the "hey! there's a villain committing villainy! I'll get em...or not.." issue, since we don't have (and nor should we) open pvp. I don't think it's something we'll ever see outside of instanced missions.
See, I understand this, but there are a few more things about this that bother me...
We will have player-controlled Villains in Paragon City and Heroes in the Rogue Islands as Rogues and Vigilantes will still be seen more as one or the other, no matter what zone they are in. I mean, we do already have that as it is. When Captain Death-Maker is spamming in Atlas Park about how big and bad he is in the Rogue Isles, we can't do anything about it.
I do understand the difference of seeing Villains attacking Longbow in Atlas Park and not being able to fight, though.

If these missions I suggest had timers and/or ambushes, it could alleviate the potential trouble of seeing villains and not being able to attack them. Everything does have the potential to be another can of worms, though.
However, that also shouldn't preclude good ideas from taking form.

Also, Police Drones and the like would keep things more controlled (And much more dangerous) than we might fear. (Plus other clever safeguards and such to help, if they implemented any such ideas)

Speaking of which...

Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
Ooh, the PvP aspect of it is something I never even considered.
See, I have... And, as someone who never PvPs... I have to admit that I think a Challenge and Accept mechanic of open zone PvP could be a great thing. It would definitely have to include an "Auto Decline" Option (And maybe default as "auto decline" until someone goes in and changes their settings to allow the option).

Is Paragon City the "city of heroes" or a city of villains and chaos?
With all of the villains and bad stuff every single half a block in the city... I think allowing mutually agreed upon duels could be great.

Of course, I know there are some who despise PvP so much that they don't even want to see it.

Anyways... I am no campaigning for any of this... Just sharing some thoughts as I wait for some compiling to finish...

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Furio View Post
The problem with reds visiting blue is the "hey! there's a villain committing villainy! I'll get em...or not.." issue, since we don't have (and nor should we) open pvp. I don't think it's something we'll ever see outside of instanced missions.
I don't know about you, but I've flown by so many gray-con muggings with indifference over the years that I've lost count. What you described would actually not be much different.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by Crimson Vanquisher View Post
So you've spent more time complaining about the game last year than playing it. I am not surprised at all.
I paid to be here... suck it up.



“there’s always choices. (laugh) See how I said something? But didn’t say something?” Let the speculation begin!
I see what you did and also didn't do there, War Witch.

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain
I paid to be here... suck it up.
Yeah you paid to be here, look how much you're getting out of your money.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
i was under the impression that 1 tileset was 1 map (1 sewer, 1 office building, 1 cave) not bunches of different.

for me Praetoria is a zone, but when we go in instanced missions those have maps that the devs call tilesets?
A tile sets is what it is. A set of tiles, which can be USED TO MAKE maps.


So don't freak out guys, we will get more maps!



I thought that the most interesting new info was that GR is going to use new enemy spawning, as mentioned in the massively article:

We were informed that the maps in Going Rogue will use a different spawn structure and hopefully be more enjoyable to play through, with hints of new spawn patterns and enemy arrangements.
Given that part of the problem that can lead to CoX feeling stale is overfamiliarity with spawn points it'll be interesting to see if GR brings something new and less predicatble.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
I don't know about you, but I've flown by so many gray-con muggings with indifference over the years that I've lost count. What you described would actually not be much different.
This is precisely what another friend and I had come to realize when discussing the possibilities of Villains in Paragon City (And PvP options for challenging and accepting duels in open zones).

So, thanks, you said it more concisely than I did.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
I don't know about you, but I've flown by so many gray-con muggings with indifference over the years that I've lost count.
I do too - but only if I'm on a team, and they're waiting for me - otherwise, I like to help out

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
I don't know about you, but I've flown by so many gray-con muggings with indifference over the years that I've lost count. What you described would actually not be much different.
I don't think my villain has done any street crime what so ever. In fact all they have been doing is acting in self-defense against fascist regimes, invading militias, assorted otherwordly horrors, stopping robberies, and saving some poor schmucks from the mob no less.

A Penny For Your Thoughts #348691 <- Dev's Choice'd by Dr. Aeon!
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Originally Posted by Tangler View Post
I don't think my villain has done any street crime what so ever. In fact all they have been doing is acting in self-defense against fascist regimes, invading militias, assorted otherwordly horrors, stopping robberies, and saving some poor schmucks from the mob no less.
Have you met Westin Phipps yet?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



We did also get a bit of a hint as to how the system would work, as Melissa explained that the Incarnate system would “reward you for stuff you’d be doing at endgame anyway.”
Farming demons?