Catastrophic Defense Failure: thinking out loud

Adeon Hawkwood



This is a split from the BoTZ thread. Because I have a belief and I want to see if the math supports it. I will list all the assumptions I can think of in my modeling, and if any of them are dramatically wrong I'm sure someone will mention it.

The claim is, essentially, that "any defense without debuff resistance is useless" and I think that's entirely specious. Any defense without debuff resistance will sometimes fail catastrophically. I agree with that. But the question should be asked: how often does that happen, and how fast?

First, it has to be an enemy with defense debuff- Cimerrorans and Council are the most common level 50 enemies I can think of with DefDebuff. Am I missing something obvious? Probably. Malta, maybe.

Let's consider two melee builds here. Both have mez protection. One is Generic Resistance + IO Defense and the other is SR. Both are exactly at 45% Defense. One has the SR "bag of goodies" and the other has 66.7% resistance to incoming damage (most attacks with def debuff are lethal) and one significant heal (Dull Pain, Healing Flames, Dark Consumption, whatever) for 50% HP (3D).

Let us approximate enemy attacks as follows: Eight enemies with 1.6 accuracy modifiers firing in perfectly synchronized waves every four seconds. All attacks have a 10% Defense Debuff that lasts 9 seconds. (That allows doublestacking, unless something interferes.) Damage for the attack is some variable "D". We will say the player has 6D hit points. I don't know how good a model this is; feel free to suggest a better one.

Let us also assume fairly bad luck on the player's part; after all, players go through hundreds of spawns, and the fights with good luck are irrelevant for our purposes. And let us pretend the players have just given all their insps to a worthy cause.

Round 1: Both targets are at 45% Defense, with a (1.6 * .05) 8% chance of getting hit by each attack. As the 8 attacks are perfectly synchronized, there's a (.92^8) or roughly 51% chance that the entire first volley misses.
If none of the eight attacks hit, round 2 is just like round 1.
We will assume one of them hits.
SR is at 91% chance to be missed by each of the next volley and has taken D hit points of damage.
Generic Resist (GR) is at 82% to be missed by each of the next volley and has taken .333 D .

Round 2: SR gets hit by one attack 53% of the time. Generic Resist (GR) gets hit by about (.18 * 8) 1.44 attacks. Let us assume each, again, gets unlucky. Over time, it's the unlucky spawns that determine how you do. SR now has been debuffed by 2% and GR has been debuffed by 30%- it now has 20% defense. SR has been hit for 2D damage (two hits) and GR has been hit by 3 attacks totalling D damage.

Round 3: SR gets hit by one attack 57% of the time. GR has 20% effective defense,for (1.6* .3) 5 hits.
Rounding up, SR has been hit three times for 3D and GR has been hit eight times for 2.666D.

For the next round, "Round 1" debuffs expire. SR is still at 43% defense, GR is at -20% defense (7 debuffs remaining.)

Round 4: SR gets hit by one attack 57% of the time. GR gets hit by all 8 attacks. GR is now getting hit by everyone, forever: enemies are at capped "To hit". SR is getting close to needing their built-in resistance. SR has been hit four times for 4D (out of 6) and GR has been hit sixteen times for 5.333 D. GR uses their heal, lowering damage to 2.333 D.

Round 5: SR gets hit by one attack 57% of the time; at WORST they're at 5D and now have about 30% damage resistance. GR goes straight back up to 5.0D (2.33 existing, plus eight attacks at .333 each).

Round 6: SR is hoping some badguy drops a green soon. GR is dead.

So that took 20 seconds (counting the alpha), with what I think are very aggressive assumptions about enemy capabilities and some bad luck.

It does not include any active mitigation by the players- no enemies taken down, knocked back, stunned, acc debuffed, or held.

In this near-worst-case scenario, it took 48 very accurate attacks to produce catastrophic failure in supplemental Defense. The length of fight is highly variable depending on team vs.solo; most teams I play on are mopping up by second 10.

Am I overlooking anything major in this model? The things that seem weakest to me are the lumped attacks and the homogenous assumptions (no "two-hit" outliers, for instance.)

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Malta don't appear to have much in the way of defence debuff.
I've been running a Malta arc on my L50 SD/SS Tank without issue (+0/x8) - apart from the odd incident of being hit by an unseen Sapper.
That was until last nighr anyway when the mission included Nemesis.
Ran into a mixed room of Malta/Nemesis and used my usual attack chain of Foot Stomp, Shield Charge, Fireball.
I checked my health after about 10 seconds and it was at about 50% and my defense was collapsing rapidly, I popped a couple of greens and oranges, a few seconds later the my defence was in the red as was my health. I died soon after thinking WTF!

My DDR varies between 95% and 70% dependant on stacking.

From what I saw both the Malta and Nemesis had Vengance and tore straight fthough my defense, Nemesis must have quite abit of Defense Debuff.

L50s: Tanks: Cryofission - Ice/EM - Dr Celsius - Fire/Ice - Saint George - SD/SS | Controllers: Psichosis - Ill/Kin - Major Chaos - Ill/Stm | Scrappers - Neutron Crusader - DM/SR

Currently Levelling: Angelic Blade - BS/WP Scrapper | Seeds of Destruction - Plant/Kin Controller



Arachnos have mental scramble, which is defense debuff, and I believe the poison ray of bane spiders also has poison debuff.

On the subject of your math: It seems oversimplifying things a bit, but I don't think much would be gained to go on an all out statistical analysis. Your assumptions seem about spot on.

I've got anecdotal evidence that supports your findings: I have a dark armor / fire melee tank at the S/L softcap. Like your example, I have no defense debuff resistance and no extra mitigation in my secondary. With tough, I have about 70% resistance to S/L. Every 25 seconds I can fill my health bar. Without munching a tiny purple the Cimerorans will kill me. With a single tiny purple inspiration, I don't get hit by defense debuffs often enough for them to stack.

Further, I'd like to say that until I got that softcap, I couldn't take the Cimerorans at all without team buffs. Nothing in the game without +tohit or -defense gives me any pause. So, without defense debuff resistance, is the softcap useless? Hell no.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
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Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Are there still any ugly Thorns at level 50? or do you outlevel most of the really nasty things, the way you do with DE?
Malta and Longbow still debuff at 50. Rularuu eyeballs are hideous about this debuffing, but they're currently fairly easy to ignore. I learned the hard way that some of the Praetoreans debuff badly. Arachnos are hideous about it - Tarantula Mistresses will ruin your day every time, and the Crab Spider guys have a pretty decent debuff in their lash and bullet attacks.

Edit: Malta don't debuff defense heavily, but their Burst clone does do so. In large numbers it can get to be a problem.

I do think it's specious to argue that Def without DDR is useless, but I can see how people get to that hyperbolic statement.

Here's what happens. If you can survive most stuff on traditional solo settings, then adding a good chunk of defense, say 25% or more, probably lets you survive somewhere in the range of, say, 2-5x as many foes. But if those 2-5x as many foes suddenly have frequent defense debuffs, then when one hits you (and one of them will), there's a lot more of them ready to follow up with a better chance to hit you again, and then it goes downhill fast and suddenly you have -60% defense. And you're still fighting 2-5x as many guys as you can survive with no defense, which is probably a problem, since they're actually doing you 190% the average DPS they would against you with no defense.

Does that make the defense useless? You might use that word for the case where the foes actually have prolific debuffs, but even then I think it's a bit strong. But especially if you aren't near the softcap (meaning that first foe to start the debuff cascade has a good chance of landing its debuff), you have to work pretty hard to leverage the +def at all.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Psiphon View Post
From what I saw both the Malta and Nemesis had Vengance and tore straight fthough my defense, Nemesis must have quite abit of Defense Debuff.
Actually it's the combination of Malta and Nemesis. Malta have defense debuffs on their assault rifles but due to the way they cycle through their powers you don't notice it that much on a high defense character since they tend not to use it enough to really stack it against someone with high defense. However vengeance from the Nemesis meant that the attacks they did make were hitting so it did get stacked more.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
So, without defense debuff resistance, is the softcap useless? Hell no.
Yeah... i'm supprised anyone could argue it is frankly. The softcap is a magical thing. I've watched people who are softcapped defender and blasters do ungodly things that'll make your jaw drop... against the Romans, all the time. Yeah, if your really unlucky, it can fail on you quickly, but most people in them situations have stuff to fall back on. Self heals, higer then normal resistence, blaster level damage to kill crap now... a combanation of all that... a TEAM to fall back on.

Heh. My main pice of advice to noobs who seem to be having a hard time with a boss or EB is, "choke down about 3 or 4 small purples and try again." That's been my running advice for 6 years now... cause it's worked perfectly for 6 years.. LOL.

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Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I do think it's specious to argue that Def without DDR is useless, but I can see how people get to that hyperbolic statement.

Here's what happens. If you can survive most stuff on traditional solo settings, then adding a good chunk of defense, say 25% or more, probably lets you survive somewhere in the range of, say, 2-5x as many foes. But if those 2-5x as many foes suddenly have frequent defense debuffs, then when one hits you (and one of them will), there's a lot more of them ready to follow up with a better chance to hit you again, and then it goes downhill fast and suddenly you have -60% defense. And you're still fighting 2-5x as many guys as you can survive with no defense, which is probably a problem, since they're actually doing you 190% the average DPS they would against you with no defense.

Does that make the defense useless? You might use that word for the case where the foes actually have prolific debuffs, but even then I think it's a bit strong. But especially if you aren't near the softcap (meaning that first foe to start the debuff cascade has a good chance of landing its debuff), you have to work pretty hard to leverage the +def at all.
I think what most people forget for some strange reason is that despite their relative prevalence, if you want to simply avoid defense debuffs can.

Rikti, for instance, have no defense debuffs to speak of, IIRC. At worst, the Mentalists can avoid positional defense with their Mind Control abilities.

And as was touched upon above, I also think that people also tend to forget that every single character in the game gets access to a basic resistance (or rarely, defense) toggle. Not to mention potentially having access to heals, the benefit of mezzes, to-hit debuffs, etc etc etc.

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The SR is capped to all 3 positions.

Just what did you give up on your generic resist to get all three positions ?

Just at a rough calculation if you slot both defense uniques, take combat jumping, weave, and maneuvers, You need 27% more defense in 3 positons

A guassians in build up will give you 2.5 percent in all three positions bringing you down to 24.5% def still needed in all three positions.

You still have 2 power pools, 54 slots, and 16 picks, you can probably manage it but you are going to be foregoing things that the sr doesn't have to.

If the Generic resist is not capped to all three positions. The attacks coming from the uncapped vectors dramatically accelerate defense failure.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post

The SR is capped to all 3 positions.
Obvious statement is obvious.

Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Just what did you give up on your generic resist to get all three positions ?

Just at a rough calculation if you slot both defense uniques, take combat jumping, weave, and maneuvers, You need 27% more defense in 3 positons

A guassians in build up will give you 2.5 percent in all three positions bringing you down to 24.5% def still needed in all three positions.

You still have 2 power pools, 54 slots, and 16 picks, you can probably manage it but you are going to be foregoing things that the sr doesn't have to.
My previously mentioned dark armor tank has softcapped S/L/E/N. He uses cloak of darkness, weave, and CJ for the majority of his defense. I have one unique, and the rest comes from set bonuses in attack powers, which are all slotted to ED cap damage and recharge. I have given up nothing to achieve this.

Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
If the Generic resist is not capped to all three positions. The attacks coming from the uncapped vectors dramatically accelerate defense failure.
This is irrelevant. Especially with regards to the example, which assumes all defense debuffs come from S/L sources.

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Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
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Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Am I overlooking anything major in this model? The things that seem weakest to me are the lumped attacks and the homogenous assumptions (no "two-hit" outliers, for instance.)
Not so much overlooking as looking at a specific example with the model. It may even have more detail than is necessary to prove the point.

Let's start very simple and look at the claim: any defense without debuff resistance is useless.

Well, that's pretty obviously not true: I'm sure there's at least one or two perma-elude veterans that would dispute that. I know cascade defense failure is a real possibility (since I coined the term and all) but for your defense to cascade fail you actually have to get hit first, and the higher your defense is the less often that will be true.

The real question ultimately is how many hits on average does it take to induce cascade failure near the soft cap. Its generally a number greater than one for most critter groups unless you are facing large numbers of foes. The higher that number is, the longer the soft cap will hold up against debuffing. For the strongest debuffers like vanguard and cimerorans, it might be close to one at times and then even the soft cap without defense debuff resistance can fall apart quickly. But even so, is the soft cap "worthless?" Only if your perceived value of the soft cap is to be a magic bullet that makes most attacks go away all the time.

In any case, this is also mostly irrelevant. The notion that something that is extraordinarily powerful in one situation is perfectly fine if there exists another one where its not is simply wrong on its face, and any assertion resting on that foundation is simply automatically dismissable.

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That analysis really only applies to Scrappers, Brutes, and Tanks. Even moderate defense on a high-resist character provides a significant boost in mitigation, and even if the defense collapses somewhat you still have resists. Layered protection is the best mitigation, which is why Stone Armor and IOed Invulnerability are so good.

Try running that analysis again assuming either zero or around 30% resist since that is what most softcapped squishies run. Also assume more than 8 enemies since the main reason to softcap a squishy is to handle large spawns (like +2/x8). So figure one hit on average per round of attacks against a non-debuffing enemy, and 4-5 hits allowable before faceplanting. That gives enough time to wipe out most of the spawn (the minions) before they can hit often. Now look at defense debuffing foes... figure 1 hit the first round, 2 the second, and death on the third. That allows a lot less time to wipe out the spawn, and more importantly the odds of being mezzed goes up significantly as you get debuffed, and with a non-held +2 boss around mez = faceplant in many cases. Even if the minions are wiped by round 2, with only 25% defense or so the boss's third attack is much more likely to land (especially if there are multiple bosses). Bosses only have to hit a squishy a couple times to kill them.

Granted, squishies fighting +2/x8/bosses spawns are usually pushing the absolute limits of survivability, but that's where you see the so-called "catastrophic defense failure" occur. With the exception of a handful of enemies like Longbow and their 40% or so defense debuffs, softcapped defense generally doesn't get completely negated. But if you're pushing so close to the edge that losing 5% defense triples your odds of faceplanting and losing 15% all but guarantees it...

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
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FAR too many non-50 alts to name

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First of all, I don't think anyone is claiming that defense without defense debuff resistance is 'useless'. I believe the argument is that it's not nearly as good, which is especially true when you start running into def debuffers, lol.

Secondly, I know you love calculators, but simply take a level 50 SR toon into an itf, then take a softcapped def toon with little to no def debuff resistance. The difference will be obvious and glaring. I remember back when I was unfamiliar with def debuff resists, and I took my freshly softcapped DA scrapper to the wall, where he was repeatedly abused, lol.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
This is a split from the BoTZ thread. Because I have a belief and I want to see if the math supports it. I will list all the assumptions I can think of in my modeling, and if any of them are dramatically wrong I'm sure someone will mention it.

The claim is, essentially, that "any defense without debuff resistance is useless" and I think that's entirely specious. Any defense without debuff resistance will sometimes fail catastrophically. I agree with that. But the question should be asked: how often does that happen, and how fast?
As one of the people who was involved in the mentioned discussion, I've gotta stick my head in and say that I wasn't claiming "defense without DDR is useless," but rather that it's simply prone to cascading defense failure much moreso than defense that's got DDR along with it. While I am not disagreeing with your numbers (I think it's a good analysis of the situation), and I know from personal experience that softcapped defense without DDR is really really nice (hello, RSF and STF runs with Colds and Bubblers stacking crazy amounts of +def on the whole team), it's worth pointing out that a non-defense-based build whose player decides to build for defense (i.e. a Fiery Aura character building for the smash/lethal softcap) will sometimes have to sacrifice other build goals to get that defense, and should enough defense debuffs stack, that portion of their build will have been invalidated entirely.

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Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Let's consider two melee builds here. Both have mez protection. One is Generic Resistance + IO Defense and the other is SR. Both are exactly at 45% Defense. One has the SR "bag of goodies" and the other has 66.7% resistance to incoming damage (most attacks with def debuff are lethal) and one significant heal (Dull Pain, Healing Flames, Dark Consumption, whatever) for 50% HP (3D).
Dull Pain isn't really a heal that is going to provide a substantive benefit because it's on too long of a recharge. The primary advantage of DP is the addition of functional resistance by increasing your max hp (which, essentially, decreases the amount of damage you're taking by the proportion of your previous max hp to your current max hp). Of course, the heal portion of DP lands before the +hp portion, iirc, and you keep the same proportion of hit points, so the actual heal benefits of Dull Pain are actually closer to a 128% heal.

Dark Consumption isn't a heal either. It's the endurance recovery power. You may be thinking of Dark Regeneration, but that is, similarly, not really applicable because it's pretty much a guaranteed 100% heal every 10-15 seconds, assuming we're talking about a well IO'd build.

Let us approximate enemy attacks as follows: Eight enemies with 1.6 accuracy modifiers firing in perfectly synchronized waves every four seconds. All attacks have a 10% Defense Debuff that lasts 9 seconds. (That allows doublestacking, unless something interferes.) Damage for the attack is some variable "D". We will say the player has 6D hit points. I don't know how good a model this is; feel free to suggest a better one.
I have a bit of a problem with these values. 1.6 Acc mod suggests that you're fighting uplevel enemies. 8 enemies suggests that there will also be different ranks of enemies. Assuming a reasonable distribution of enemy ranks for your 8 enemies (1 boss, 2 lts, 5 minions), you're going to have an average 1.075. Using this normalized rank mod, this means that the assumed level of the group of enemies is 4 levels higher than the target (1.5 * 1.075 = 1.6125 average acc mod).

Now, getting even more involved, we begin to delve into the effects of the level upon the debuffs themselves. Assuming a base def debuff value of 8% (which is standard for the Cimerorans last I checked), the level adjusted debuff is going to be 44% higher for a total of 11.52. 11-12% would be a better number to assume for your debuff assumption considering this.

Am I overlooking anything major in this model? The things that seem weakest to me are the lumped attacks and the homogenous assumptions (no "two-hit" outliers, for instance.)
Honestly, there isn't really much aside from your given assumptions that really presents a problem with your model (though you forgot to assume the lack of kill assumption). The one thing I might point out is that you're similarly assuming that absolutely every enemy is debuffing defense whereas in most groups only a few enemies within the group debuff defense. Another assumption is that there are no auto-hit defense debuffs being used (CoT Earth Thorn casters, some Longbow iirc, etc), though that's an assumption that is going to hit SR a lot softer than others. Neither of these assumptions is really going to skew the information in any particular direction because you've stated multiple times that you're only looking at the situations of cascading defense debuffs.

Of course, it gets a bit more complex because there isn't really a "Generic Resistance" set. Your model isn't really going to mean much to a Dark Armor character because a well IO'd DA is going to be able to use Dark Regeneration once every 3 rounds of attacks or so. Similarly, it doesn't mean much to an Invuln because Invuln has more resistance (thanks to both higher resistances and Dull Pain) along with a modicum of defense debuff resistance. It might be more applicable to look at the generic capabilities of each set that can IO for softcapping independently when subjected to the situations of a defense debuff cascade.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
The claim is, essentially, that "any defense without debuff resistance is useless" and I think that's entirely specious. Any defense without debuff resistance will sometimes fail catastrophically. I agree with that. But the question should be asked: how often does that happen, and how fast?
Hi. I went after one of your posts in the BoTZ thread, because you made some comments I felt were flat out wrong.

I like the idea of starting over in a new thread, because the BoTZ one is just overloaded and any decent discussion just ends up getting avalanched.

First I'd like to address "The claim" that without DDR is useless.

Who's claim? I'm not sure who made this claim in particular, but I don't agree with it.

I agree with the second point. Your defenses will fail at some point.

How often and how fast is an extremely difficult question to answer, considering you can tailor what enemy groups any particular character of yours is going to face.

Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
First, it has to be an enemy with defense debuff- Cimerrorans and Council are the most common level 50 enemies I can think of with DefDebuff. Am I missing something obvious? Probably. Malta, maybe.
As others have said, Arachnos and Longbow as well - CoT also have def debuffs and run around Grandville. I think Rikti might actually have some level of def debuff but it's infrequent enough to not be an issue.

I'd also like to point out, that while they don't pack Defense Debuffs groups like Carnies, Malta, Rikti, CoT pack debuffs or mezz of some kind.

Heavy Debuffs is just one of the many factors that pushes Resistance based builds to want/need softcapping as having high defense simply lets you ignore those attacks to begin with as opposed to "toughing it out" which I think is the intended difference between resistance sets and defense sets (thought it just doesn't work that way in actual play on SOs)

I can't really address your math, but there are other points about this issue I'd like to discuss.

Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Good point. I've dived into a big batch of them on a Invuln brute and seen both my S/L res AND my S/L Def go well into the red... one of those "a second is a really long time" moments.

Are there still any ugly Thorns at level 50? or do you outlevel most of the really nasty things, the way you do with DE?
Do you mean redside?

Redside you never out level most of the really nasty things. Actually, for the most part it tends to get worse.

Slight divergence:

My response (#950) to your post (#944) in the BoTZ thread never got a reply, but this thread seems to be a continuation of the train of thought you put forth in that thread.

Instead of rehashing that stuff, there was one main point that I was hoping would be addressed but never was.

Originally Posted by Fulmens
Is fixing BoTZ enough? Will that aloneput a good separation between the shields, the SRs, the ice tanks (the people who actually gave up half their character for mitigation through Defense) from the Dark armors...
I don't play blueside very often, so I lack enough knowledge of Ice Armor to speak about it.
  1. Fixing BoTZ has mostly to do with positional (edited: I goofed here) defenses and therefore little to do with resistance sets - most of whom build for typed defenses, not positionals.
  2. Neither SR nor Shields "gives up half their character" for mitigation. Those secondaries are dedicated to the single best source of mitigation in the game and also get DDR to go along with it.
  3. The biggest threat to Defense sets is not resistance sets that build for Defense. The biggest threat is Shields.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
My previously mentioned dark armor tank has softcapped S/L/E/N. He uses cloak of darkness, weave, and CJ for the majority of his defense. I have one unique, and the rest comes from set bonuses in attack powers, which are all slotted to ED cap damage and recharge. I have given up nothing to achieve this.
I'd Just like to point out, that while a Tanker can do that - Scrappers and Brutes can not.

They must make build sacrifices to achieve softcap even to just SM/L.

I'm also going to go out on a limb and say that you didn't get that "just" from slotting attacks.

I brought up ED Capped CJ, Weave and Cloak of Darkness for a Tanker in Mids and it's showing Almost 20% defense to all positions and typed defenses. (I'm currently leveling my first Dark Armor, I'm not sure if Cloak suppresses it's defense amount in combat, does it?)

I'd be very interested in seeing your build if you're willing to post it because I'm not sure how you were able to get 25% Smashing, Lethal, Energy and Negative defenses "just" from slotting attacks. (If you did that it would be great to see as it would help my own build, but I don't think there is that much to be had from just attacks).

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I have given up nothing to achieve this.
I'd like to point out that this is extremely subjective, and is an opinion.

What one person considers as "nothing" or not important - might very well be considered by another player as important to a build.



Cloak of Darkness does not appear to suppress.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Cloak of Darkness does not appear to suppress.
The +def does not suppress.



Malta have decent +ToHit don't they? I guess you could consider that a defense debuff



EDIT2: Removed the first section because I think there was a mistake. Need to go through it again.

And while I was at it I tried to compare the basic survivability of both contestants. The worst that can happen to the GR is to be debuffed to zero defense while the best that can happen to the SR to not be debuffed at all.

We then have GR with 66.7% resistance and a 50% heal which is up every 40s (unslotted Healing Flames – Dark Regeneration would be 30s and DP 360s but comes with +HP which is a bit more complicated than a simple heal) and no defense, and SR with 45% defense. And lets assume SR and GR both have a regeneration rate of 0.42%/s (this is the basic value if you have no powers or anything that improves regeneration). Our attackers have an accuracy modifier of 1.6 (a +2 boss would have 1.56).

The formula for damage is dps*(buffs)*(0.5-def)*(1-res)*time.
We want to know how much damage we can survive so the formula for the SR is
dps*1.6*(0.5-0.45)*(1-0) = 0.42%/s
<=> dps = 0.42%/(1.6*0.05*1)s = 5.25%/s

For the GR it is
dps*1.6*(0.5-0)*(1-0.667)*40s = 0.42%/s*40s+50%
<=> dps = 66.8%/(1.6*0.5*0.333*40s) = 66.8%/10.656s = 6.27%/s

This means GR + heal has better survivability even if he starts with zero defense. In other words the GR do not have to worry about defense debuff if his heal is good enough.
EDIT: Hmm... forgot to factor in SR scaling resists and rereadig the OP it seems to be more an all or nothing situation. Guess basic survivabilitly doesn't mean that much when you get hit so hard and often.

Hope all this makes sense.



Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
I'd Just like to point out, that while a Tanker can do that - Scrappers and Brutes can not.

They must make build sacrifices to achieve softcap even to just SM/L.
I am fully aware that it is the AT modifiers that allow me to do what I've done and I don't deny the sacrifices that are made by others to achieve the protection I have.

Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
I'm also going to go out on a limb and say that you didn't get that "just" from slotting attacks.

I brought up ED Capped CJ, Weave and Cloak of Darkness for a Tanker in Mids and it's showing Almost 20% defense to all positions and typed defenses. (I'm currently leveling my first Dark Armor, I'm not sure if Cloak suppresses it's defense amount in combat, does it?)
Ok, it wasn't just attacks. I already mentioned the +3% defense unique, but there's also three sets of reactive armor. Otherwise, it's all in attacks.

And no, the defense in CoD does not suppress.

Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
I'd be very interested in seeing your build if you're willing to post it because I'm not sure how you were able to get 25% Smashing, Lethal, Energy and Negative defenses "just" from slotting attacks. (If you did that it would be great to see as it would help my own build, but I don't think there is that much to be had from just attacks).
This is the latest version I've posted. I've made some renovations to it since then, but I can't post those until I get home.

Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
I'd like to point out that this is extremely subjective, and is an opinion.

What one person considers as "nothing" or not important - might very well be considered by another player as important to a build.
True enough. Many people might not like my build. Many people might want more damage from the fire epic. Many people would want the stun or fear auras. Many people would want to cram in more recharge to get a better attack chain with more often uses of GFS and Cremate. Most people wouldn't roll a dark armor tank to begin with.

I've built to a different set of goals though. I knew I was building a tank, so the focus was to survive anything. I set out with the intent of building a tank that, without buffs, didn't have trouble anywhere. My number one goal was to survive. When putting the tank together, I knew that surviving the majority of the game could be done with S/L defense. The next thing I noticed was my "hole" to energy damage. At only 31% resist, I needed protection here too. Energy is a fairly common damage type. Rikti drones caused me inordinate amounts of trouble.

What I built (in my opinion) is a tank that fears nothing. Psi defense at 23% and 81% resist. S/L defense at 45% with 70% resist. E/N defense at 44.9% and 31/62% resist. I've plugged the KB hole with 12 points of protection. Sappers and Masks of Vitation don't do a thing because of the built in end drain resist. With any one purple insp I don't have to worry about cascading failure. With a medium or larger, I can tank Recluse on an MoSTF. My biggest hole is to a very rare category of AoE fire/cold damage, of which I'm moderately defended and resist almost half of. Even if the stuff can damage me, I have a full bar heal every 20 seconds.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post

My previously mentioned dark armor tank has softcapped S/L/E/N. He uses cloak of darkness, weave, and CJ for the majority of his defense. I have one unique, and the rest comes from set bonuses in attack powers, which are all slotted to ED cap damage and recharge. I have given up nothing to achieve this.

Sorry I wasn't clear if you look at the numbers I used they are the scrapper values. Seeing as it was SR against Resist I thought the purpose was to compare a scrapper to a scrapper not a tank.

As to what you gave up the powers you slotted for defense could have been slotted for +recharge, or other bonuses or extra damage with procs.

The SR can softcap, get quickness and take other things, A non SR or shield scrapper can't

This is irrelevant. Especially with regards to the example, which assumes all defense debuffs come from S/L sources.
I would look at it again. It just says defense and leaves open the question of enemy group.



Achieveing the 'softcap' is far from useless. Most enemies only debuff Defense when they hit, and if you can have purples on hand to pop to keep yourself above the magic 45% number, you can avoid the infamous cascading defense failure.

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