Hold onto Your Mission Computers!!!




Now I am curious!

"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"



okay that sounds like marketing is holding them back again...now I just need to get one for my hero base????

Yeah I have it in the Red Side and Ironblade your right the arcane one is just plane cool



You know, it would be nice that if the Mission computer was removed from Control items, it would be placed in Decorative items.



It sounds to me like they may just be giving the Mission Computer a purpose... or have plans to get SOMETHING attached to it Soon™. Maybe something to do with the upcoming Incarnate Zone Events/Levels?



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
It sounds to me like they may just be giving the Mission Computer a purpose... or have plans to get SOMETHING attached to it Soon™. Maybe something to do with the upcoming Incarnate Zone Events/Levels?
I took it the other way. As in "If you like the way they look, hang onto them, because we're getting rid of them."

But your idea has more merit.



Alright, but it better be soon, or I'm getting rid of my mission computer at the next garage sale >:|



While I wouldn't delete mine because I like the looks, heroside it's useless for function. In the past, I've suggested a multitude of uses along with everyone else who loves our bases.

Now Castle alludes to new uses for it, but I've heard of this mysterious Coming Soon™ for so many years now that I think of it as a Herald of
the BackBurner. Obviously, it's a tidbit of hope to shut us up again and whip us back into the drooling BaseSheep we're supposed to be.

We've held on through promises of Base Love, the devotion and then redirection of Sunstorm's position as the Base Dev, and we've even gotten as far as the free form editing that we have now that may not be guaranteed not to break should Base Raids return from the far universe. We're expected to just hold our breath and bear the brunt of this insidious Coming Soon&0153;. I say Nay!! I say we stand and Fight Marketing here and now and force them to tell us the truth about why we should hang on to our Mission Computers. I want to hear it from the *shot by a lone Marketeer from a Grassy Knoll*


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I'm not entirely sure "marketing" is to blame.

I brought this up in another thread. While talking with Television about "proper widescreen support", he advanced the offer that if enough players had Eyefinity / TripleHead setups, or would be obtaining Eyefinity / TripleHead setups, then the programmers would push back another feature scheduled for Going Rogue / I18 in order to get Eyefinity / Triplehead support out in time for the retail package launch.

The key point here is that with 4 months to retail launch the development staff was willing to consider the possibility of shifting resources around and dropping features. This indicates that the actual development of Going Rogue is still very much in a changing state. We also know, thanks to a closed beta leak, that Castle finally got around to dealing with some other "longstanding" game issues, specifically the BoTZ IO enhancements. This as well indicates that the development staff has been busy at other tasks, and only now are resources becoming available to work on content / features outside the scope of Going Rogue.

Given the announcement of Issue 17, and the release of Dual Pistols, Demon Summoning, and Ultra Mode before the retail launch of Going Rogue, it's very likely that the development staff is pushing out features, and telling players about those features, as soon as they can. Everything so far fits in with what I've been saying for months now: too many players are shifting the development of Going Rogue too far ahead of it's actual state.

Ergo, it's very possible that Castle can't say anything else about SuperGroup features because there are no concrete plans about SuperGroups. There's been a lot of cool ideas tossed around these forums that involve SuperGroup computers. I should know, I've made quite a few of them.

While I wouldn't be so quick to blame marketing for not doing / saying anything right now, as their hands may be tied by the lack of concrete development plans... I would be very quick to look for concrete plans after Going Rogue launches.



Mission Computer functionality? After years? I'll believe it when I see it. Just sayin'

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
I'm not entirely sure "marketing" is to blame.
Where have you been? Marketing is always to blame. (I'm only partially kidding.)



There was some speculation in that other thread that Castle was referring to the long-hinted at revamp of the Cathedral of Pain. I agree, though, that we're not likely to see anything about it until after GR, or even after i19.

I think it would be nice if it was more functional than just having the one TF... y'know, for us non-raid SG's.

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The one TF is going available to all in I17. Making the thing useless. But, I will keep mine, 'cause it's out of the way, and looks goood where it is. If they actually do something with it...YAY!!!!!! I don't intend to hold my breath though.

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Well, it is unfortunately obvious that, since no improvement is coming to bases (now, or later), by telling us that we should hold onto our mission computers, they are letting us know that the mission computers will be removed from the base editor...

Just sayin



Originally Posted by Goldenbeard View Post
Well, it is unfortunately obvious that, since no improvement is coming to bases (now, or later), by telling us that we should hold onto our mission computers, they are letting us know that the mission computers will be removed from the base editor...

Just sayin
What you have to remember is this: they haev a base item whos sole purpose can not be used at this time. So, yes, they could scrap it OR they could reallocate the computer to incorporate PvP Arena, AE, Costume Editor and/or Whentworths.

I believe that latter mostly because it would give more purpose to be in your base other than editing and the few groups that hold meetings.

And as far as other items like the Raid Porter... that could easily be turned to the teleporter to Praetoria since I doubt that base raiding will be added back. think of all the stackers whos bases would be heavily effected by a raid.

And I dont see our devs stifiling that type of creative mind.

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Originally Posted by Dead_West View Post
What you have to remember is this: they haev a base item whos sole purpose can not be used at this time.
Correction: Redside it has a soon-to-be-redundant purpose: Silver Mantis Taskforce.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
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Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
Correction: Redside it has a soon-to-be-redundant purpose: Silver Mantis Taskforce.

I don't think it ever did anything hero-side, did it?

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What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
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