I want from the NCsoft Store!
check amazon and ebay. i got 2 of them off of ebay for $20 a piece.
But then I would be buying the whole game all over again just for the code for the extras.
Wouldn't it be logical to sell the bonus stuff separately from outdated versions of the game?
What you want would end up costing you $10-20 from the NCStore anyway. if you can find it that cheap on Amazon or eBay, there's no difference, either way you're upgrading your account with a code for access to goodies.
That said, it would be nice if they put that pack up, it's the only "perk" that is currently unobtainable.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Anyone knows where can I find the Code for the COV Collector Edition Cape and the Code to access the Mu Helmet?

I'd love it if things in the in-game store were available from the NCSoft store. I'm talking about extra character slots, respecs, and extra AE story slots.
But then I would be buying the whole game all over again just for the code for the extras.
Wouldn't it be logical to sell the bonus stuff separately from outdated versions of the game? |
Bonus pack: $10
Total price: $25
Box set: $20
Free Month: $15 equivalent
Bonus pack: $5 equivalent
Total Price: $20
It's cheaper to get the box... Mac Edition is better value than the Mac Item Pack. I bought the Architect Edition just so I could get the Magic pack for $5 cheaper.
Light of the Phoenix - lvl 50 Fire/Emp Controller; Snow Panther - lvl 50 Cold/Ice Defender; Dragonfly. - lvl 50 Willpower/Fire Tanker; Magic Minx - lvl 50 Ill/Rad Controller; Dust Walker - lvl 50 Storm/Dark (Sand) Defender; And more...
Anyone knows where can I find the Code for the COV Collector Edition Cape and the Code to access the Mu Helmet?
However, all 4 preorder helmets are unlocked with the 51-month veteran reward.
amazon uk there. think thats what u mean...

At one time they offered the City of Heroes Collector DVD Hero Kit in the NCSoft store for $20. It included all of the extras that was in the box (Hero Clix figure, mini comic, map.) I'm willing to bet that they don't have the box extras to offer anymore. I would still pay $20 for the CoH:Collectors code if it included the 1 month of game time and ingame extras like the other box codes do, even if I didn't get the box extras.
�Let there be truth, happiness, and waffles�
-Vagabond, Dark Lord & Avatar of Gnarr
The Justiciars
I'd like to see the Costume codes added to the NCsoft Store.... They were sold individually at Hero Con, so I don't see why they couldn't do it permanently.... At $20 a pop, they'd probably make for a decent source of income....

- AT & Origin logo shirts
- AT and Origin button sets
- Pint glasses
- Costume codes
- Vet pet plushies or PVCs
- CoH Mousepad & computer accessories
Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!
I want the all 4 preorder helmets. 51 months is a Long ways for me! D'oh!
I always hear about these code given out at herocon, or won at herocon. Well there has been no herocon in my area, so I couldn't buy, or win any. It would make sense for myself, and others in the same situation of either not having herocon in their area, or not being able to attend it for them to offer costume code packs for sale. Just like the expansions sets like Ninja, and Magic. Why not have code sets say 4 codes for X dollars.
Bet they would sell quite a bit.
Just my thought.
I always hear about these code given out at herocon, or won at herocon. Well there has been no herocon in my area, so I couldn't buy, or win any. It would make sense for myself, and others in the same situation of either not having herocon in their area, or not being able to attend it for them to offer costume code packs for sale. Just like the expansions sets like Ninja, and Magic. Why not have code sets say 4 codes for X dollars. Bet they would sell quite a bit. Just my thought. |
I saw a few of the costume codes on ebay before (i live in toronto and they never have any conventions here or even close with any coh stuff

i think i have all the other codes (or equal to) except for the helmitshad the base coh , then got the collectors dvd of cov (arachnos cape) found the coh vs cov edition on ebay for $5 (someone bought multiple copies but found out the free month from the same edition wouldnt stack so was selling them off cheep) also found the DVD of coh with the sheer cape on ebay (would have cost me $40 including shipping but had him take out the code and comic and send it to me came out to $25 CDN or so) and got the vet reward to get all the sprint options
i THINK the only thing left is the helmits if i have missed anything else i'd like to know
(also on xmas STEAM had a 50% off sale for the architect edition since i had the magic and cyborg packs already got it for someone else though equal to $15 free)
if the time i paid for gave me vet badges early i'd probably buy 2-3 months at a time untill i was caught up (it is may 31st and my account info shows my 30 month vet is waiting for me on april 4th then it's 3 long months till i get my first staff lol)
There are a few things I so want from the NCsoft store.
One is the City of Heroes Collector DVD/Hero Kit Bonus Power Prestige Power Slide!
Heck put up all the bonus gifts from the Box versions that been put out. I'm sure like me many would pay an extra charge for these bonus goodies.