Toons you'd play, but can't (yet?)




Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
I was having a conversation with a friend and we got talking about the characters you can't play that would be a lot of fun - we conceptualised a few, and came up with some interesting combos and twists on old ideas.

I'd love, for example to play a Force Fields/Sonic Shield defender. Almost nothing in the way of attacks but guaranteed a slot on every team

Or an Illusion/Poison controller - that would give a thugs MM a good run for the money I reckon.

I'm not a fan of Kinetics personally (as a player I should add, I'm fine with SB and FS ) but a kin/thermal might be interesting too, or maybe something like a domiscrapper - some ranged holds and then melee attacks?

What odd builds would you like to see that can't be played yet?
Not so much an odd build, but a DP/KIN!!! I just can't play it untill they turn SB into a 4 minute buff instead of 2min.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Ice/Ice Brute, if only because I have a terrible pun name to give him.

I don't remember what the snafu was with cold brutes and fury-building, but surely it can be overcome. Killer snowmen and yetis everywhere are crying out for equal time!

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



Put me down for a plants/poison controller(1) and a shield/sword tanker(2), and maybe an illusion/energy(3) dominator and an ice/ice brute(4). I'd also like a shivan summoning/radiation emission mastermind.(5)

(1) "Poison isn't very heroic." And Dark Blast, Dark Miasma, Dark Melee, Dark Armor, Umbral Blast, and Umbral Aura are? Besides, you're going to have poison-wielding heroes by the end of day one of Going Rogue; at that point, the only remaining question is whether the only heroes who get to use Poison are masterminds, or not.

(2) I really do want it more for concept reasons than for game mechanics reasons. But I admit Castle is probably not wrong to be terrified (if, in fact, he is terrified) of giving Parry to a tanker. And the concept of a reflexes/broadsword tanker just makes me grin like an idiot; the only thing left in the whole game that could hit that would be Hamidon.

(3) "Domination won't do anything for illusionist dominators." As opposed to what it does for gravity dominators? And yes, yes it will: it will still give them the ability to auto-hold and auto-confuse bosses. If it doesn't do anything for Phantom Army, fine.

(4) "Recharge debuffs decrease incoming fury." And Cloak of Fear and Oppressive Gloom in Dark Armor don't?

(5) There's no reason to give masterminds Dark Miasma and not give them Radiation Emission. And Shivan Summoning really is low-hanging fruit; one developer could knock it out in an afternoon. No new models. Only two powers, and their animations and FX could be copied from the Necromancy ones and recolored. Take all of an hour to decide which powers the Shivans, Shivan Smashers, and Shivan Destroyers get with each upgrade. Powers: (1) Summon Shivan (1) Neutrino Bolt (2) X-Ray Beam. (6) Upgrade Shivans (8) Electron Haze (12) Summon Smasher (18) Summon Decimator (120 second duration, 15 minute cool-down, immune to recharge buff) (26) Summon Destroyer (32) Empower Shivans. Oh, and if Summon Decimator is too much? Even with that duration and cooldown? Fine, replace it with (18) Shiva Detonation (a version of Fallout that only works on dead Shivan pets). C'mon, do it! Even after Demon Summoning, masterminds will still lag everybody in powersets.



Spines/Shield Scrapper.

Or better yet, Spines/Shield Brute



I also forgot to mention duel Katana/Pistol ala Spark Blade

Member of GGRRR, a SG on Defiant - check out our website - GGRRR
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



A Super Reflexes/Energy Melee Tanker. As that's what Kiken was supposed to be waaaay back before we actually found out who was getting what powersets.

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



While fiddling around on the test server, I discovered that my AR/fire blaster, created that way for no other reason than "I want fire and guns," is MUCH better off and more fun to play as a bots/thermal MM (I've fallen in love with the Retro Rifle and also, wahey, flaming robots!). However, I don't want her to be a villain - at worst she should be a vigilante. Needless to say, she'll be rerolled come July. Hopefully, MMs will get a fire APP too, so I can blast right along with my bots.



a Dual Pistols Scrapper is still the top of my list- look at any "Gun-Fu" tyoe character and think of what their 'secondary' powerset is: either more melee, or something like Willpower/ Regen/ Super Reflexes- things that increase thier survivability.

Also, Sonics as a secondary for MMs, so I can make my rock star and his groupies.

Also, I have to say this, though it may be unpopular, but I don't think they should give Dark Miasma to Controllers. Taking the most control oriented Defender set and giving it to controllers would just be another kick in the shins to Defenders in the whole "Controllers are better than Defenders" argument.



Super-Reflexes/Tai-Chi Tanker.



Originally Posted by Heartbreaker View Post
Also, I have to say this, though it may be unpopular, but I don't think they should give Dark Miasma to Controllers. Taking the most control oriented Defender set and giving it to controllers would just be another kick in the shins to Defenders in the whole "Controllers are better than Defenders" argument.
That is an argument for buffing Defenders, not for forbidding a powerset to Controllers.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
Put me down for a plants/poison controller(1) and a shield/sword tanker(2), and maybe an illusion/energy(3) dominator and an ice/ice brute(4). I'd also like a shivan summoning/radiation emission mastermind.(5)

(1) "Poison isn't very heroic." And Dark Blast, Dark Miasma, Dark Melee, Dark Armor, Umbral Blast, and Umbral Aura are? Besides, you're going to have poison-wielding heroes by the end of day one of Going Rogue; at that point, the only remaining question is whether the only heroes who get to use Poison are masterminds, or not.

(2) I really do want it more for concept reasons than for game mechanics reasons. But I admit Castle is probably not wrong to be terrified (if, in fact, he is terrified) of giving Parry to a tanker. And the concept of a reflexes/broadsword tanker just makes me grin like an idiot; the only thing left in the whole game that could hit that would be Hamidon.

(3) "Domination won't do anything for illusionist dominators." As opposed to what it does for gravity dominators? And yes, yes it will: it will still give them the ability to auto-hold and auto-confuse bosses. If it doesn't do anything for Phantom Army, fine.

(4) "Recharge debuffs decrease incoming fury." And Cloak of Fear and Oppressive Gloom in Dark Armor don't?

(5) There's no reason to give masterminds Dark Miasma and not give them Radiation Emission. And Shivan Summoning really is low-hanging fruit; one developer could knock it out in an afternoon. No new models. Only two powers, and their animations and FX could be copied from the Necromancy ones and recolored. Take all of an hour to decide which powers the Shivans, Shivan Smashers, and Shivan Destroyers get with each upgrade. Powers: (1) Summon Shivan (1) Neutrino Bolt (2) X-Ray Beam. (6) Upgrade Shivans (8) Electron Haze (12) Summon Smasher (18) Summon Decimator (120 second duration, 15 minute cool-down, immune to recharge buff) (26) Summon Destroyer (32) Empower Shivans. Oh, and if Summon Decimator is too much? Even with that duration and cooldown? Fine, replace it with (18) Shiva Detonation (a version of Fallout that only works on dead Shivan pets). C'mon, do it! Even after Demon Summoning, masterminds will still lag everybody in powersets.
Actually, I don't see Parry doing ALL that for a Tanker, anymore than it does for a /SR Scrapper who has parry to stack on with the softcapped defenses.

Tankers would just soft cap easier, and likely have the same +Def buff for DA/Parry as Scrappers. So more hit points, but less damage.

Shivian, probably take longer than that, but *shrug* unsure.

Who knows on Poison. Would be nice to see Corrupters get it at least.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I'd like to see a sword/pistol blapper - but that's possibly a whole new AT & power set in its own right

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Man, I thought I was asking for a lot just hoping for the ability to pair shields with spines, and maybe have spines proliferated to Brutes, but my desires seem rather conservative after reading the rest of the thread.

Though I still think a spines/shield scrapper or brute would be nuts



I would like sonic for MMs, for the same reason as someone else listed above. Except mine would be a spoiled diva, probably a teen pop star and her posse.

I'd also like to see spines for brutes, and ice melee and armour for stalkers. Though I don't have any character ideas for these ones yet.

Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
(5) There's no reason to give masterminds Dark Miasma and not give them Radiation Emission. And Shivan Summoning really is low-hanging fruit; one developer could knock it out in an afternoon. No new models. Only two powers, and their animations and FX could be copied from the Necromancy ones and recolored. Take all of an hour to decide which powers the Shivans, Shivan Smashers, and Shivan Destroyers get with each upgrade. Powers: (1) Summon Shivan (1) Neutrino Bolt (2) X-Ray Beam. (6) Upgrade Shivans (8) Electron Haze (12) Summon Smasher (18) Summon Decimator (120 second duration, 15 minute cool-down, immune to recharge buff) (26) Summon Destroyer (32) Empower Shivans. Oh, and if Summon Decimator is too much? Even with that duration and cooldown? Fine, replace it with (18) Shiva Detonation (a version of Fallout that only works on dead Shivan pets). C'mon, do it! Even after Demon Summoning, masterminds will still lag everybody in powersets.
I agree it would be cool, but this won't happen, at least not this way. Look at all the current MM pets, they all have unique models, nothing like in game enemies or NPCs. If they did a shivan set it would have to look different than the in-game shivans, which kind of defeats the purpose.

I think the devs want to make sure MM pets are recognizable as being someone's pets and not an enemy. Look at what happens when someone summons a vet Clockwork pet, or makes a costume that looks like an enemy, or Khelds in squid or crab form on an ITF. I've found myself trying to target vet pets or players many times before.

I think the devs have a rule that all MM pets have to be models that are unique to MMs, and with good reason.



Unfortunately, the "toons" I'd like to play, I plain can't and will never be able to, not as originally designed. A few specific concepts:

*Hologram hero. The hero is never physically in the field, he only ever projects a "hard light" hologram that has limited ability. While the hologram can be dispersed, it can just be rebroadcast with ease.

*A shape shifer who can instantly switch between the forms of many animals, employing rapid transformation to link the different animals' strengths into a barrage of attacks.

*A character whose power manifests as a tangible object of increasing "strength," which can then be channeled into different attacks that alter based on the amount of strength currently generated. So a wizard with three floating magical orbs will shoot a weak ice bolt, but a wizard having built up four will shot out a powerful fire bolt.

*A character who is capable of both hand-to-hand and ranged combat, isn't a squishy to be protected, and and is effective at both.

*A character who draws most of his power from a single, very powerful familiar that can be levelled up and upgraded naturally and isn't replaced easily.

*A character who combines direct but limited combat prowess, but uses pets as support and backup. *note* I always wondered if just upping Mastermind damage to at least, say Corruptor damage minus Scourge would be a big problem. The have all of three attacks that are overbalanced as it is.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



sonic blast/shield defense



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
- Illusion control/Psi Dominator.
Seconded. Don't know if or how it would work, but I'd roll one of these in a heartbeat.



Metal Armor/Metal Melee Tanker


Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
*A character who is capable of both hand-to-hand and ranged combat, isn't a squishy to be protected, and and is effective at both.
Basically a ranged scrapper, eh? I'm with you. Fortunately we sort-of have that, in the epic archetypes. That's pretty much how a human-form peacebringer plays, and it's also just about the only viable build for a bane spider. I say "sort-of" (for both) because they do both have glaring weaknesses that require some effort to overcome.

Human-form peacebringers have no native mez protection, so if you get mezzed before you reach the enemy with your melee hold, or if your melee hold misses, you end up in a world of hurt. Groups with multiple mezzing minions, like Tsoo and Malta, are why I actually built the character as human/dwarf, dedicating enough slots to the dwarf-form attacks that I can slog my way slowly through any such mission. But that, plus four-slot frankenslotting my single-target heal for heal/recharge, makes for a character that can scrap, blast, off-tank, and heal ... quite fun, truthfully, and you may like it.

I had to take Tough on my bane spider just to be able to solo on low difficulty, because of the unpleasant irony that is being a melee fighter who is weakest against incoming melee attacks. But once I did, I had a character with a great single-target attack chain, almost equally good at range and in melee, with a reliable ranged single-target hold, good selection of pets available in the late game for things like tougher elite bosses but not dependent on them for regular play, and very welcome on teams for the Tactical Training buffs. (Although if I'm going to be doing nothing but large-group teaming, I switch to my huntsman alternate build, all ranged, nearly all AoEs. But I have yet to have any team complain about my build if I didn't bother.)

Neither one is truly squishy, and both are entirely functional at either melee range or at longer range, and they both solo and team equally well. They also have the amusing property of filling multiple roles in Hamidon raids, since they can help melee the yellows, help range the blues, and help hold the greens. You may want to try them to see if they suit you.



Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
Metal Armor/Metal Melee Tanker

INV/SS (or weapon) Tanker!

Use the metal costume option.

Really, there is no need for a metal armor power set

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
Basically a ranged scrapper, eh? I'm with you. Fortunately we sort-of have that, in the epic archetypes. That's pretty much how a human-form peacebringer plays, and it's also just about the only viable build for a bane spider. I say "sort-of" (for both) because they do both have glaring weaknesses that require some effort to overcome.

Human-form peacebringers have no native mez protection, so if you get mezzed before you reach the enemy with your melee hold, or if your melee hold misses, you end up in a world of hurt. Groups with multiple mezzing minions, like Tsoo and Malta, are why I actually built the character as human/dwarf, dedicating enough slots to the dwarf-form attacks that I can slog my way slowly through any such mission. But that, plus four-slot frankenslotting my single-target heal for heal/recharge, makes for a character that can scrap, blast, off-tank, and heal ... quite fun, truthfully, and you may like it.

I had to take Tough on my bane spider just to be able to solo on low difficulty, because of the unpleasant irony that is being a melee fighter who is weakest against incoming melee attacks. But once I did, I had a character with a great single-target attack chain, almost equally good at range and in melee, with a reliable ranged single-target hold, good selection of pets available in the late game for things like tougher elite bosses but not dependent on them for regular play, and very welcome on teams for the Tactical Training buffs. (Although if I'm going to be doing nothing but large-group teaming, I switch to my huntsman alternate build, all ranged, nearly all AoEs. But I have yet to have any team complain about my build if I didn't bother.)

Neither one is truly squishy, and both are entirely functional at either melee range or at longer range, and they both solo and team equally well. They also have the amusing property of filling multiple roles in Hamidon raids, since they can help melee the yellows, help range the blues, and help hold the greens. You may want to try them to see if they suit you.
a stock widow is closer I'd suggest

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Energy Blast/Martial Arts Blaster, then Beet shall be perfect.

Spines/Shield Brute, because I have a great costume, concept and name for a char but it needs to be Spines/Shield.

Melee Set/Buff&Debuff AT.. Martial Arts/Radiation Emission? Dark Melee/Kinetics? Stone Melee/Empathy? Pleeeeeeease

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



/Storm Blaster. I'd go with Energy for the primary set for my concept.

I've played Storm/Energy Defenders (max level gotten to is 26) but they just don't have the oomph I want. Then there's the team nazis that didn't like me since they NEEDed and expected my defending abilities (like healing or bubbles).