No real tankers in AE?




Last night on my blaster I was teamed with 3 tankers. 2 had no taunt. The other had a 4 billion build (I saw the bonuses). They engaged 1 Samurai spawn, maybe 15 Samurai. I waited 10 seconds, lined up my cones, and started cleaning the critters off. I was pretty surprised when 3 peeled off and decided I was their biggest threat level.

Now I started a thread about taunting, and I got some good discussion. This is more of a complaint.

I now feel like I have to interview tankers to see if they know what they are supposed to be doing.

This is the equivalent of a dom deciding that they are just gonna do attack, frack controlling anything.

I do not mind not having a tank on the team. I understand a lot of tankers really want a brute blueside. I get it, that's why most of my 50s are brutes, with just 2 50 tanks. But this really got to me. 3 tanks that could not hold agro, because not a single one hit taunt. Really frustrating because the stadard response from each of them is "I am doing damage" lol. Yeah, I am glad doms and trollers do not have this strange problem.

Blue teams are set up to be stronger than the sum of their parts. It goes back to the Devs reading comics. I agree Tankers should do more damage, did they miss that bricks on most teams do tons of damage? But they did give tankers tools to save their teammates. And yes, that is their job.

k, rant over.



Unfortunately this is nothing new... I've seen horrifically bad tankers since issue 3. I've been on teams like you're describing with one of my squishies and it does boggle the mind.

I always play very conservatively on a squishy on a PuG until I see what the team is like. If we have a tank I watch and see how he does for a couple of spawns and adjust my tactics accordingly. If the tank's useless, as maybe 40% I see are, then I assume I'm responsible for anything I may attract and play like I'm solo. If the tank's able to tie his shoes, but may have trouble with walking and chewing gum at the same time I bump it up a notch but stay cautious. If the tank's competent, and maybe another 50% fall into that category, I'll cut loose and not worry much about aggro. On the rare occasions when the tank's highly capable I ignore aggro altogether and go full out.

If I'm playing a tank I always assume that anything that gets past me can faceplant the squishies on the team so I make it my job to see to it that it can't happen while pushing the pace as much as the team can handle. I personally know a half dozen other players who I have absolute confidence in as tanks and maybe another couple dozen or so who I can count on to manage aggro competently.

This isn't scientific by any measure, but my impressions of tankers I've teamed with breaks down something like this:

  • 40% are worthless at tanking, with maybe 10% of those being unbelievably bad.
  • 50% are competent at taking the alpha and reasonably able to hold aggro.
  • 10% are good tanks who can handle the aggro a team will generate easily without forcing everyone to wait on them... they effectively lead the team and almost never allow aggro to splash onto the rest of the team. A few are excellent.
The best advise for any blaster is to watch your tanker for a few spawns and see which category he falls into, then adjust your tactics accordingly.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



3 tanks that could not hold agro
I don't buy this for a second.

because not a single one hit taunt
Funny how my friends' tanks and my tanks can hold aggro without taunt.

I agree Tankers should do more damage
Tanker damage is fine as is.

But they did give tankers tools to save their teammates.

And yes, that is their job.
A tank's job is to protect his teammates while dealing out damage.



Atheism, you seem to have found something to believe in. That I am lying to you.

For me it is a simple case of mind over matter. I do not mind because you do not matter.

I am not saying I know why, I am actually confused by it. I thought I was playing somewhat cautiously, really didn't see a great probability of faceplant. It was an AE farm, cranked to serious level discrepancy. 3 tanks waded in, I waited a few seconds. I lined up my narrow cone, that takes me a couple seconds to eyeball max efficiency. I unleashed hell. 3 Samurai peeled off and made me their snugglebunny.



Originally Posted by Atheism View Post
I don't buy this for a second.
I could, you see in AE you can make mobs a certain way that certain tankers won't be too hot on. Not all auras are autohit and attacks can miss, when they do hit they only have a certain area to catch enemies in and the duration only lasts so long.

A tanker, who is not too hot in a typical way would spend time concentrating on a single mob rather than select different targets around them. Also I have seen it myself, whereby they're so focused on one single target when other mobs go for someone else, they don't appear to be paying attention by quickly attacking that target (not being autohit a miss will do nothing) but anyway there are differences between good gauntleters and bad gauntleters and ever so not hard to imagine that three may get teamed together.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Ach, that explains it! Thank you New Dawn. I thought they were engaged. They were missing too much, they could have been in there for a minute and it would not have mattered. That is the simplest explanation. I however have two SO Acc + my targeting drone up. Heh. That is why I got their attention. Appreciate the help, that one had me confused. (Not too hard really)



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
I now feel like I have to interview tankers to see if they know what they are supposed to be doing.
You had me to here. I understand that a Tanker's "Taunt" ability if a very good tool for them to have, especially with a team in mind. All my tankers have it. However... if Taunt was meant to be an innate power, it would have been made an innate ability. It's not, so the choice is left to the individual (Same as Petless MMs... I don't get it personally, but it's their 15 bucks): If they don't want the taunt power, nothing says they have to take it.

The only thing anyone in this game is "supposed to be doing" is having fun. Everything else is negotiable.

It's 106 miles to Grandville, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing faceless helmets

... Hit it ...



Originally Posted by Jet_Boy View Post
The only thing anyone in this game is "supposed to be doing" is having fun. Everything else is negotiable.
100% this. The reason I myself play tanks is because either the powersets aren't available to brutes (namely the ice sets) or because the idea of the toon is contradicting the basic principle of brutes (speaking about my Dark Armor/Stone Melee stunbot - which is amazingly fun, but not all too fast to play). I usually try to keep aggro with about 3/4 of my concentration. The rest is about smashing faces and having F.U.N.. I've never had a high level tanker, so my experience with them is sub-par at best. You might have encountered some of my type in that mission.

Also, being a villain player, I'm an advocator of the principle of caring for yourself. While I personally think that a Tank SHOULD sooner or later get Taunt and try to keep aggro, you should never under any circumstances overly rely on that. Nobody's perfect after all. Not even you. And in my experience, supporting, controlling and holding aggro are significantly harder than simply dealing damage (which is why playing brutes is so relaxing).



For me it is a simple case of mind over matter. I do not mind if the blaster face plants because they do not matter.

Oh, was that rude? Maybe instead I should barge into the Blaster forums and tell them how I should probably interview each one that wants to join the team I am on. After all, if they don't want to consider the consequences of launching numerous AoEs into groups of mobs, I don't want to hear about the fact that they died. Would that come across as less obnoxious?

Tanks aren't your babysitter. If you need one, you may have to ask why your play style requires supervision of another player. While a good tank will do what they can to keep you healthy, it's not their sole reason for being there. If you die, there's only one person to blame. You. Learn to use what tools are available to get out of harms way. Try running. Try carrying purples. Try anything. But don't expect someone out there to be worried about your every constant move 24/7. You aren't entitled to demand how others play.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
I could, you see in AE you can make mobs a certain way that certain tankers won't be too hot on. Not all auras are autohit and attacks can miss, when they do hit they only have a certain area to catch enemies in and the duration only lasts so long.
Here's a question, is it possible that two tanks can be aggro capped off of the same mobs?

Example: If two tanks are in a group of 34 mobs, and both their auras are hitting the same 10 people, would that mean the most they'll maintain aggro on is 24 (10+7+7)?

Or does that mean one tank has the 10 and the other tank will have to rely on other methods to get aggro? If this is the case, even with taunt, it would take quite some time to have aggro of all 34 mobs for both tanks. Because taking out their aura as a means for grabbing aggro (because aura range would be full of already claimed mobs from the other tank), means you have to wait for taunt to recharge, and for gauntlet to take effect. Granted, the other tank could try jumping around, and that would work, but this would still take time.

Either way, a blaster in this situation would still need to practice using their head. Correct?


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Oooh. So upset. Mwah Hah Hah



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Oooh. So upset. Mwah Hah Hah
So you're just trolling then?


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
Here's a question, is it possible that two tanks can be aggro capped off of the same mobs?

Example: If two tanks are in a group of 34 mobs, and both their auras are hitting the same 10 people, would that mean the most they'll maintain aggro on is 24 (10+7+7)?

Or does that mean one tank has the 10 and the other tank will have to rely on other methods to get aggro? If this is the case, even with taunt, it would take quite some time to have aggro of all 34 mobs for both tanks. Because taking out their aura as a means for grabbing aggro (because aura range would be full of already claimed mobs from the other tank), means you have to wait for taunt to recharge, and for gauntlet to take effect. Granted, the other tank could try jumping around, and that would work, but this would still take time.

Either way, a blaster in this situation would still need to practice using their head. Correct?

Don't know for sure, but I suspect only mobs that are actively targeting you count against the target cap.

Having said that, if they're targetting the same mobs, standing close to one another, etc, then their auras/Gaunlet are likely hitting the same mobs.

Tanker A has mobs 1-15 actively attacking him.
Tanker B has mobs 16-20 actively attacking him, with taunt effects on mobs 5-15.
Mobs 20-30 have no taunt effects on them and are free to attack whoever they want.

Neither Tank in the above example is aggro capped, despite there being enough mobs to do so.



Originally Posted by Sarrate View Post
Don't know for sure, but I suspect only mobs that are actively targeting you count against the target cap.
Having a red name confirming this would be nice. At least the thread would result in something useful.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
For me it is a simple case of mind over matter. I do not mind if the blaster face plants because they do not matter.

Oh, was that rude? Maybe instead I should barge into the Blaster forums and tell them how I should probably interview each one that wants to join the team I am on. After all, if they don't want to consider the consequences of launching numerous AoEs into groups of mobs, I don't want to hear about the fact that they died. Would that come across as less obnoxious?

Tanks aren't your babysitter. If you need one, you may have to ask why your play style requires supervision of another player. While a good tank will do what they can to keep you healthy, it's not their sole reason for being there. If you die, there's only one person to blame. You. Learn to use what tools are available to get out of harms way. Try running. Try carrying purples. Try anything. But don't expect someone out there to be worried about your every constant move 24/7. You aren't entitled to demand how others play.
I'm afraid I have to completely disagree with this, in my opinion a team tanker's overriding responsibility is to protect the team first and foremost, THEN worry about dealing damage. I'll say a big HECK YES that a GOOD tanker IS there as a babysitter.

Yes, I do feel very strongly about this, and I have from the moment I rolled up my first tanker. If I'm playing a tank you better believe I'm doing my best to hold aggro and keep the rest of the team alive. A blaster who doesn't have to worry about aggro is much more effective at killing the mobs quickly; I'll handle the aggro while he handles the damage. Seems like a fair trade to me.

There are limits of course, I can't do anything about the squishy who runs the opposite way from the group into another room of baddies but anyone who's with the rest of the team can count on me doing my best to keep them alive, that's what I'm there for. If I'm playing a squishy then that's the kind of tanker I want on my team. I've no use for a "tank" who refuses to at least try holding aggro.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
I'm afraid I have to completely disagree with this, in my opinion a team tanker's overriding responsibility is to protect the team first and foremost, THEN worry about dealing damage. I'll say a big HECK YES that a GOOD tanker IS there as a babysitter.
Don't get me wrong. That's how I prefer to play my tank. With the team in mind first, and doing what I can to contribute to the damage second. There are different ways for these two things to mesh, after all, killing a mob keeps him from hurting my teammate. But this should be up to the judgment of the player behind the tank, not someone else. On a mixed team build, if the whole team is in trouble, and I have to choose between the blaster and the defender, odds are I'll choose the defender, because he can help in keeping the rest of the team safe.

But perhaps what you consider babysitting differs from my own definition. When I say babysit, I mean watch idly by while others have fun and step in to save/protect them only so they can play without thinking about what they're doing. Again, knowing I keep the team safe is fun, and it feels good. Doing nothing else but taunting and standing in herds with an aura on isn't fun. If by babysit you mean actively protecting the team and moving their progress forward using teamwork, then yeah, I'll strongly agree with you.

So yeah, the tanker is a babysitter in a sense. But he/she is not your babysitter.

[edit] I will say this, while I may play a tank to protect the team, I still believe a player has the right to play their tank differently. You or I may not agree with this, but it's not really are place to demand anything from them. Nor do I think it's necessary to preach to the tanker community my personal views of how tankers should play when I come across a tank that didn't play to my liking. Especially if it turns out their own play style was what got them in trouble.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



3 Samurai peeled off and made me their snugglebunny.
This I don't get. You say there's no real tankers in AE because just three of those samurai waded off to attack you. If there was a mob that went after you, that'd be a bit different, but since it's three? Just because tanks were made to protect their teammates, doesn't mean they can do it all the time. What if they were at the aggro cap? What if some of the mobs weren't hit by their taunt aura? You couldn't factor this into your brain and decided to make a troll thread.

Not all auras are autohit and attacks can miss
True, but is this the tank's fault that they missed and the critter ran to some blaster? Even though, if a blaster or any other squishy for that matter can't handle a few critters, that's their problem, not the tank's.

when they do hit they only have a certain area to catch enemies in and the duration only lasts so long.
Which is kind of why tanks have attacks...

A tanker, who is not too hot in a typical way would spend time concentrating on a single mob rather than select different targets around them.
I will agree there are bad tanks out there, but this can be said for every archetype. However, I highly doubt this was happening in the scenerio in the OP. I think that some of the critters didn't get hit by the taunt aura, the aura wore off, or the tanks were at the the aggro cap and B_E couldn't handle three of them that wen't running off.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Last night on my blaster I was teamed with 3 tankers. 2 had no taunt. The other had a 4 billion build (I saw the bonuses). They engaged 1 Samurai spawn, maybe 15 Samurai. I waited 10 seconds, lined up my cones, and started cleaning the critters off. I was pretty surprised when 3 peeled off and decided I was their biggest threat level.

Now I started a thread about taunting, and I got some good discussion. This is more of a complaint.

I now feel like I have to interview tankers to see if they know what they are supposed to be doing.

This is the equivalent of a dom deciding that they are just gonna do attack, frack controlling anything.

I do not mind not having a tank on the team. I understand a lot of tankers really want a brute blueside. I get it, that's why most of my 50s are brutes, with just 2 50 tanks. But this really got to me. 3 tanks that could not hold agro, because not a single one hit taunt. Really frustrating because the stadard response from each of them is "I am doing damage" lol. Yeah, I am glad doms and trollers do not have this strange problem.

Blue teams are set up to be stronger than the sum of their parts. It goes back to the Devs reading comics. I agree Tankers should do more damage, did they miss that bricks on most teams do tons of damage? But they did give tankers tools to save their teammates. And yes, that is their job.

k, rant over.
Sheesh, if I ranted like this id get neg repped.

Anyhow, Many Tankers dont need Taunt.I have a few Tankers, and only 1 of them bought into Taunt at all.

My Fire/Fire, Ice/Ice, and Elec/Elec Tanks dont have taunt at all.They rarely lose agro, and there damage Aura's as well as AoEs grab a huge chunk of agro, if not all of it.

My SD/Axe Tank however needs the Taunt power.He doesnt have a constant sting of AoE, nore does he have a Damage Aura.So this one requires it.

One exsplination would be they where Willpower or Invuln Tankers with a ST Secondary like Super Strength or Dark Melee, or whatever.If those types of Tanker builds dont take Taunt, they are screwed.

Another Classic mistake I see on Tanker builds would be like taking Fire Armor and not taking Blazing Aura OR Taunt.That makes me just grit my teeth.Especially when you ask that player why he skipped Blazing Aura and he responds with "I cant handle all the agro it brings me.".

Alot of Tankers these days fall into the 40% area like Call Me Awesome pointed out, but with a bigger twist then that.That 40% falls into the relm of players that dont want all the agro, they wanna be a Scranker and dont give a rats *BlEeP* about the team.

Dont let people confuse the Scranker term wrongfully.They call a Tanker that takes Fire Aura, or Electric Armor Scrankers.When in acctuallity, that player that made a WP/SS Build or Invln/DM Build is a frickin Scranker.I have NEVER been on a team with one of those types of build and seen ANY of them hold Agro very well or at all.

In fact, every time I team with any of my Tankers, reguardless of there being 1-3 other Tankers on the team, I end up holding all the agro, and after a couple of mobs, the other tankers wait for me to run into the mob first.Yet 1 of them will commonly call me a Scranker, when im holding the friggin Agro of a 8 man team on a so called squishy Fire Armor Tank, and without Taunt.

So I have to say, youv met some horrible Tankers.Just do what I do, make a toon that can solo reguardless if theres a Tanker or not.On another post iv conveyed this idea.The AT doesnt matter.If you can solo large mobs with it, then being on a team grants that team a little coverage from the Tard-Tank trying to lead the mission.



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
My SD/Axe Tank however needs the Taunt power.He doesnt have a constant sting of AoE, nore does he have a Damage Aura.So this one requires it.

One exsplination would be they where Willpower or Invuln Tankers with a ST Secondary like Super Strength or Dark Melee, or whatever.If those types of Tanker builds dont take Taunt, they are screwed.
Something's bothering me a bit here: considering that the trade-off for SD and Inv are that they are not damage auras, they are auto-hit and have longer taunt durations, why do they need Taunt any more than, say, Fire? Ice and Dark are understandable as they have multiple aggro auras, but Invul has one of the strongest taunt auras (not coincidentally tied with SD's AAO) in the game, only really behind those that have multiple auras.

WP on the other hand? That's always a tricky one. Blasters can peel aggro off any WP that's not both well built and well played.

As for SS, its aggro managing ability depends a lot on how fast you can get the recharge for Footstomp, similar for Dark that does have two PbAoEs with taunt ability. They're both not inherently the best for aggro, but both certainly function well enough to easily beat out the real aggro loser amongst Tanker Secondaries: Energy Melee. Oh, Whirling Hands (and long animations)....



Other things to consider are the number of enemies you engaged, and the purple patch.

If you coalesced several spawns, it's possible that the tankers hit the aggro limit. I've noticed that I can hit the aggro limit solo with just two spawns. That is, I can grab one spawn, lead it into another spawn, and roast the minions in the second spawn alive while they stand there and ignore me. Once I knock off the first mobs that I aggroed, ones aggroed later come a-runnin', one by one, as each mob dies off.

Also, if you cranked up the difficulty to +4 the duration and magnitude of the taunts the tanks were using will be significantly shorter and lower due to the purple patch. If the tanks were being SKed, they would be -5 to the mobs. At -5 everything is reduced to 0.30 of the even-con values (the ParagonWiki doesn't say it, but I assume that Taunts are affected in this way as well).



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Last night on my blaster I was teamed with 3 tankers. 2 had no taunt. The other had a 4 billion build (I saw the bonuses). They engaged 1 Samurai spawn, maybe 15 Samurai. I waited 10 seconds, lined up my cones, and started cleaning the critters off. I was pretty surprised when 3 peeled off and decided I was their biggest threat level.
Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
It was an AE farm,
Well, you found 3 tanks on an AE farm team that may or may not have been incompetent. (It's hard to tell since you gave us really limited information.) If they actually were incompetent, my first theory would be that they were 'AE babies' and don't know how to play the game in general and definitely not a tank.

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Everyone has their own set of standards and ideas of whats right or wrong. People have to decide for themselves who they want to play with. It's that simple. Can't come to the forums trying to change the world one person at a time.

As a Tanker on one server I could be fun, as a Tanker on another server I could be no fun. What is best is subjective but I think best is with those who have an answer for every problem with any type of tanker.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Well, I have a number of points to make about Tankers and their role on a team.

First, not all taunt auras are the same. Of all the tanker primaries available in the game the one best able to hold aggro WITHOUT taking Taunt itself is the Ice primary. If memory serves, it has two taunt auras. If a mob steps into range of an Ice tank's auras it is HELD....period. The difference between Ice's ability to hold aggro compared to, say, a Willpower tank is stark.

Other primaries with strong taunt auras are Invulnerability and Stone. Properly slotted, mobs seldom escape once held by either of these two tanker builds. Fire holds aggro fairly well, unless Burn is employed. Willpower's aura will hold a mob for only two seconds, unless a Taunt enhancement is used in Rise to the Challenge. Even then, a Willpower MUST use Taunt to help control a mob during a team battle. Why the devs gave Willpower tanks such a weak aura, when a tank's main responsibility is controlling aggro to keep his team safe, is a mystery.

Secondly, Taunt works exceptionally well in gaining and holding aggro. For tanks below level 20, it often works TOO well. Depending on the team, and the level of the mission, and the enemy, low level tanks often cannot survive the aggro and the resultant alpha strike when employing Taunt. Try tanking +3 enemies, especially CoT, on a team with only ONE healer. Iffy at best. And highly frustrating. Newby tanks, who have yet to learn the tricks of the trade, often give up on their builds in frustration. It doesn't help them when smark-aleck team mates make snide remarks about their lack of talent.

Thirdly, it's kind of hard to hold aggro when mobs are constantly being blown out of range of a tank's taunt aura. Having a squishy blaster run screaming in circles bellowing for help after one of their cone attacks has blown mobs out of my aura always brings a smile to my face.

In conclusion, all archtypes have their strengths and weaknesses, which teammates should make themselves familiar with, and not play in a way themselves that makes it difficult for their fellow teammates play as effectively as they should.




I think I have diagnosed what happened now thanks to some good Monday morning quarterbacking in this discussion. The 3 tanks in question admitted to not taunting. From my brief discussions with them I am guessing that they built their attack powers for damage. The mobs were set at way higher level than the team. I forget what level diff, but they were purple. It was one Samurai mob, probably 12-15 big. The three tanks headed in, not taunting, but attacking like scrappers. I saw all the activity, and thought the agro was all soaked up. In fact I believe that the tanks were mostly missing their attacks. They set up for damage, rather than accuracy/rech/taunt. The damage did them no good, since they were not hitting. My Blaster is set up for accuracy. I hit quite a few when I layed down my cones. Ones that had been interested in attacking the tanks, just because they were there, not because they were taunted. When i blasted them I was the first person to actively taunt them. That is my best guess at what happened. Now I know to watch out for the stooge tanks attacking purples in AE trap, and I feel better. I have learned that if I expect a tank to work purple mobs they better know what they are doing. It is my fault as a blaster for not being aware of my danger. I thought 3 tanks, I am golden. Just not so under these conditions. Thanks again



Tanks have more tools for aggro control than just Taunt and Gauntlet. Any tank who knows his business should also have his taunt aura running, which for many tanks is auto-hit and will work even when Gauntlet does not. Did you check to see or ask if any of the tanks had a taunt aura running?

And for the record, IMO there's nothing wrong with a tank fully slotting their attacks for damage; that is NOT necessarily the sign of a bad tank. All my tanks slot for damage as well as accuracy, recharge, and end reduction and are able to hold aggro just fine.

If the tanks you were playing with 1) didn't have or didn't use taunt, 2) were not hitting their foes and 3) had a taunt aura with a to-hit check (Mud Pots, Blazing Aura, Death Shroud all do) that wasn't hitting because the foes were too high level, I can see where that would be a problem. However, I think the main problem was that the tank players didn't recognize that they were holding aggro poorly and ask for the mission to be reset.

As has been said in this thread many times, tanks don't have to have or use taunt to effectively control aggro. Having attacks slotted for damage as well as accuracy and recharge is also no impediment to being a good tank. IMO, having players that were not paying attention to the fact that they weren't doing a good job holding aggro was the real problem in this case.

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