No real tankers in AE?




Yeah, you can survive almost anything. Yeah, sooner or later you will probably kill the whole spawn. Do you really really really want to take that long to kill something, when a dynamic duo taker/blaster could kill the whole thing in 5% of the time? If you really want to game that way, enjoy.

PS, if you really wanted to game that way you would probably not be reading this post, since most of it refers to tanks on teams.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Yeah, you can survive almost anything. Yeah, sooner or later you will probably kill the whole spawn. Do you really really really want to take that long to kill something, when a dynamic duo taker/blaster could kill the whole thing in 5% of the time? If you really want to game that way, enjoy.

PS, if you really wanted to game that way you would probably not be reading this post, since most of it refers to tanks on teams.
I like doing all sorts of things.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Do you really really really want to take that long to kill something, when a dynamic duo taker/blaster could kill the whole thing in 5% of the time?
This post shows how little you understand what can be done with a tank, especially with IOs thrown into the equation. I have a Shield/DM and a Shield/Elec that can destroy whole groups quickly. The Shield/DM can destroy a whole group and then pick off the bosses the fastest. Being teamed with a blaster won't make it 20 times faster.

Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
When you get into the spawn, taunt as fast as it pops up, being careful to alternate targets.
And this post shows what you expect all tankers to play like. A taunt bot. And there too many numerous ways to enjoy a tank and be a good team player for that kind of expectation to be reasonable.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
I think adding Taunt to the inherent would go along way in making players play Tanks well, no matter if they are new or a vet.
I see what your saying but as you might already agree, most ATs have powersets that have powers that benefit others more than oneself. Solo taunt is pretty much a why bother pick really and with other powersets with powerpicks pretty much pointless when solo why should tanks be any different.

Heroes should have a selfless power pick. All these confrontless scrappers what build for DPS and solo AVs might glorify in it and can't get over the sound of how awesome they are but I wouldn't give up confront to do that. Nope being able to be selfless first and still solo AVs is much better.

On a side note from further up the thread:

I tend to find out tanks don't taunt too late, this also helps me realise that I need to be extra sure they're consolidating by holding back DPS and seeing hits connect. I might have to keep my threat down by not going full on. This will mean I won't end up dead every 5 mins and it also mean that their fight durations may last a bit longer. Bad for them but better for me. I don't expect them to tell me they had taunt, ideally I should know peoples builds as soon as I have started teaming thats what the info is for.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Rylas, I really do not want to argue with you over whether a blaster can kill faster than a tank. It seems like you are saying you built your tank in a way to emphasize damage. But are you assuming that the blaster has not slotted up with I/Os for rech/dam, etc.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Rylas, I really do not want to argue with you over whether a blaster can kill faster than a tank.
That's good, since I never made the claim that tanks kill faster than blasters. Take the time to read what's being said in response to things you have said.

You're under the impression that tanks will take forever to kill anything. Not so. You're under the impression that a blaster and tank will kill 20 times faster than just a tank. This is also not so. Many tanks can kill at a very quick pace. Just because you prefer that tanks be taunt bots and that they not slot for damage doesn't mean they can't still contribute a hefty amount of the team's damage while also defending the team.

If it's not as fast as a blaster, that doesn't mean it's slow.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Rylas its purely a matter of game mechanics. Blasters (really) only have one function. Tanks have 2. call it what you will, play it how you want: Survival + Damage. Yes they do damage.

Unfortunately for tanks there are debuffs/defenses/resistances. Since a Blaster is only concentrating on one job, and all their tools focus on that (plus doing more base damage) they can focus the rest on accuraccy/damage/rech. A tank cannot effectively do this.

And yes, statistically over a large sampling I believe an effective Blaster/Tank team will kill 20 times faster than a lone tank. (large sampling he said)



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Rylas its purely a matter of game mechanics. Blasters (really) only have one function. Tanks have 2. call it what you will, play it how you want: Survival + Damage. Yes they do damage.

Unfortunately for tanks there are debuffs/defenses/resistances. Since a Blaster is only concentrating on one job, and all their tools focus on that (plus doing more base damage) they can focus the rest on accuraccy/damage/rech. A tank cannot effectively do this.

And yes, statistically over a large sampling I believe an effective Blaster/Tank team will kill 20 times faster than a lone tank. (large sampling he said)
20 times seems like hyperbole to me, even (or especially) with a large sampling. That is, unless you're comparing with only Stone Tankers in Granite all the time. Yeah, those will kill slowly. But take the entire Tanker population and the entire Blaster population? You're probably only looking at 2-3 times faster with just a Tanker-Blaster combination.

Now, add in massive amounts of debuffs (and buffs) and that number will grow much larger.




It is times like this that I wonder what would happen to the player teaming dynamic if the game went archetype-less. It was interesting watching people try to figure out how to ask for a tanker in CO when at the beginning players were not even in complete agreement on what constituted a "good tanker" without the archetype label to use for guidance. Eventually, it became "have one of the passives on my personal list of good ones, and a heal, plus reasonably good gear."

I've noticed that sometimes people will complain even when the team is otherwise functioning perfectly fine if they perceive that a specific player is "not pulling their weight" based specifically on that player's interpretation on what that archetype is supposed to contribute. Its interesting to me that the archetype label serves as a double-edged sword in this context: it provides a structure for organized teaming, but it also penalizes players seeking to leverage archetypes in unconventional ways. I wonder what benefit you'd get from decoupling role from archetype. Which is to say, I wonder what would happen if everyone started off flagged as "generic" and then when they were making their character regardless of archetype they could flag themselves, in a manner comparable to LFT flagging, as "advertising" themselves as "aggro control" or "damage" or "control and debuff" or whatever they thought they could contribute to a team. So even if you roll a tanker, if you want to play a damaging tanker you could still advertise yourself as "melee damage." In fact, that would be the *only* thing other players would see unless you specifically told them, so they would not know if you were a "tanker" or a "scrapper." That would be nobody's business but your own, comparable to enhancement slotting.

At least this way, there's no "false advertising." If you want to play a damaging tanker, then you advertise youself that way. People would pick you for teams within the same context they picked scrappers advertised the same way: melee damage. There'd be no uncomfortable surprises that could cause friction.

Probably a crazy thought.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Nice idea Aracanville.

As far as Fallsights belief that a tank and a blaster will kill 2-3 times as fast as a tank by itself. Wow. So you believe adding a blaster is the equivalent to adding a tank, or maybe 2 tanks? Talk about hyperbole.

When I said over a very large sampling I was considering, say 1-40 levels of regular playing. I believe a taker/blaster duo, set at +0/x1 for all missions 1-40, would kill at 20 times the pace of a tank solo. By this I mean count the number of mobs/divide by time in combat. Does not include loading time/transport/buying/selling. Just pure how long did it take you to kill. What I am counting on is the various types of critters you will encounter over a very long time. A tank solo will inevitably bog. A blaster, say a Fire/Mental blaster might come up on a fire resistant mob. But the tanker partner will almost certainly have a different damage type, plus the Fire will not have to worry about agro, so even though against that mob he is nerfed, he can take the extra time needed to lay into them again. The solo tank will encounter many things soloing to 40 that will make certain mobs unholy to work against. Debuffers, resistant to his damage type, end drainers, etc. The duo will be more flexible, and able to work around problems that confound a solo archetype that is (let's be honest) not the most flexible in the game. All this will add up to sprinting through mobs for the dynamic duo. For the solo tank, a steady plod with occasional bouts of OMG this is gonna be slow.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Nice idea Aracanville.

As far as Fallsights belief that a tank and a blaster will kill 2-3 times as fast as a tank by itself. Wow. So you believe adding a blaster is the equivalent to adding a tank, or maybe 2 tanks? Talk about hyperbole.
He was talking about hyperbole. Yours.

I can solo my Shield/DM (who does have taunt) in a mission set for 8. I'll grab as much foes around me as possible and then launch off with Soul Drain and Shield Charge. Set to +1, I'll still wipe out all the minions, if not most of them, with just those two powers. The Lts. that are left can be taken down in 2-3 more hits afterward. Now, bring in a blaster, who has to wait for me to have control of the aggro, and how exactly would this same amount of foes be taken down 20 times faster? I could see 2, maybe 3, times faster. But that's about it.

Now, to say that a blaster is the equivalent of a tank is words you're putting into someone else's mouth. On paper, damage wise, it's certainly more than 2-3 times (certainly not 19) more damaging. But let's put this into practice, shall we? First off, the blaster, if he's playing like you, is waiting for the tank to grab up 17 mobs before he lets loose. Because if he gets aggro, he's not going to do a lot for long. So, you have two people taking out the same 17 foes. Not 2x17. If it's a high damage tanker like a Fire/Fire, then those mobs are going down fast anyway. Sure, the blaster will help make it faster, but it was already fast to begin with. So since you're not killing twice as many people at a time, how can you be killing so much as 20 times faster?


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Nice idea Aracanville.

As far as Fallsights belief that a tank and a blaster will kill 2-3 times as fast as a tank by itself. Wow. So you believe adding a blaster is the equivalent to adding a tank, or maybe 2 tanks? Talk about hyperbole.

When I said over a very large sampling I was considering, say 1-40 levels of regular playing. I believe a taker/blaster duo, set at +0/x1 for all missions 1-40, would kill at 20 times the pace of a tank solo. By this I mean count the number of mobs/divide by time in combat. Does not include loading time/transport/buying/selling. Just pure how long did it take you to kill. What I am counting on is the various types of critters you will encounter over a very long time. A tank solo will inevitably bog. A blaster, say a Fire/Mental blaster might come up on a fire resistant mob. But the tanker partner will almost certainly have a different damage type, plus the Fire will not have to worry about agro, so even though against that mob he is nerfed, he can take the extra time needed to lay into them again. The solo tank will encounter many things soloing to 40 that will make certain mobs unholy to work against. Debuffers, resistant to his damage type, end drainers, etc. The duo will be more flexible, and able to work around problems that confound a solo archetype that is (let's be honest) not the most flexible in the game. All this will add up to sprinting through mobs for the dynamic duo. For the solo tank, a steady plod with occasional bouts of OMG this is gonna be slow.
Maybe 2 times is a bit off, but 20 times faster is a good deal off. I would say maybe 3 times faster with a Blaster-Tank combo than two Tankers. Maybe 2.5 times as fast. Why?

The Blaster needs to wait for the Tanker to get aggro. The other Tanker doesn't. The two-Tanker combo can also go into a spawn, use AoEs to kill all of the minions and maybe some lieutenants, and then string the bosses along to the next spawn. Also, the two-Tanker combo can alternate who takes the Alpha strike, allowing them to move a bit faster than the Tanker-Blaster combo.

This is also completely ignoring the fact that different combinations will have different kill speeds. Two Stone/Energy Tanks are going to go rather slowly through large spawns, whereas a Shield/Electric Tanker combined with a Fire/Psy Blaster can move down large groups of minions quickly.

While at the same time, two Shield/Fire Tanks would go through spawns probably a lot quicker than a Stone/Energy Tank and an Electric/Ice Blaster.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Post Deleted
So basically, if someone points out that your blanket statement is wrong, they go on the ignore list? Because there's probably more scenarios where a tanker/blaster team will move only 2-3 times as fast as a solo tanker, than 20 (and yes, that's for level 1-40 content playing). Then you put up a straw man argument about being level 2?

You're pulling numbers out of your *** and people (not just me) are calling you out for it for a good reason. I'm not trying to pick a fight here, I'm just telling you that what you're saying is impossible. Even over the course of 1-40. By level 20, many tanks have a well balanced survival/damage build. 20-40 is more than twice the time as that. There is no way, on average, that for every 1 mob a tank can kill, a blaster and tank would kill 20.

When everyone else is saying you're not right, it just might be time to reconsider what you're saying. It's a good time for learning.



Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Rylas, wow. You are really upset. And wrong.

My argument as I have very clearly restated above, and have been saying all along is levels 1-40.

You gave me one scenario of a tank with shield charge and sould drain. I stated that it cannot be that way through all 1-40 content, and even if it was you would not have the powers that you referenced until well after 2nd level.

Take a pill.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
(combat time examined only)
Even that is overshooting the estimate. By a lot. Game mechanics just wouldn't allow this. Because the blaster will always be relying on these mobs to be on the tank, at most (and this is if you could wipe out 16 people with your AoEs before a tank takes out one person) would be 17x times faster than the solo situation.

And to average 20 times faster, from 1-40, with combat time only, means at some point, you'd need to be doing well over 20 times the killing as a blaster. If by level 20, the tank is killing 2-3 minions a minute (which most tanks would), then you'd need to be doing about 38-57 minions a minute. AoE caps would make that difficult. Now, levels 21-40 would make that window smaller, as the tank gets faster at killing. So this means levels 1-19 require the blaster kill even more than that to keep the average of 20 times faster possible.

See how this just won't add up, even counting just combat time?


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Rylas, wow. You are really upset. And wrong.
Not upset, really. Just trying to help you see where you're wrong. I'm not the only person who's called you on it either. Seriously, step back and ask yourself why no ones jumped in and supported this claim.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Originally Posted by Shuckins View Post
Post Deleted
Let's stop using politics. As apt as we might find them to be for analogy, it's just going to lock the thread down and keep something productive from happening.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



1 Tanker at levels 1-10 is going to go at about the same speed as the baslter, if he takes a decent amount of his attacks. Since he can't really control aggro at that point, adding a Blaster isn't going to help all that much. Certainly not 20 times the speed of the Tanker alone for levels 1-10.

For levels 10-20, the Tanker does have the ability to hold aggro a bit more, but isn't able to survive a whole lot of it at this point. At least the level 10-15 point. Without some support, he is going to have to go slower, even with a Blaster friend along, because he'll need to rest up a bit between fights.

At level 20-30, the Tanker comes into his own, and at this point, can really shine with a Blaster friend. The Tanker has gotten most of his defenses, slotted them up with SOs or some IOs, and has had a chance to get a few more attacks. He has the ability to hold and generate aggro, and survive it. Here is the fastest point comparison between the Tanker and a Tanker+Blaster.

At level 30-40, the Tanker has a good amount of his attacks slotted up, and the endurance to use them. At this point, the comparison between the Tanker and the Tanker+Blaster pair begins to level out again, since the Tanker would be doing better on his own than the level 20-30 Tanker. However, at this stage, the Blaster begins to find out that the Tanker needs to hold aggro even more, because a few rogue shots can kill him. This means that the Blaster needs to wait a bit longer for the Tanker to get aggro before he unleashes. This slows down the team vs. just the Solo tanker.

At level 40-50, the Tanker has his attacks and defenses fully slotted, and can tap into Ancillary Pools if he wants to. This will increase his solo speed versus that of the Blaster+Tanker combo. However, the Blaster also gets to use his Ancillary Pools to get some defenses, which help him out. Still, the offense of the Tanker I think goes up more than the defense of the Blaster, so it's still a lot slower than 20 times as fast as the solo Tanker.

ALL of this completely ignores again the combination of Tanker and Blaster, versus what kind of solo Tanker you're talking about.

And yes, I was comparing two Tankers versus a Tanker and a Blaster, because anything else would be comparing apples and oranges. Any other AT brought along will speed up the Tanker than if he was by himself. That is obvious to anyone. However, I was trying to point out that it's not 20 times greater, and that you aren't really making a valid comparison, since at that point, I CAN say that a second Tanker can increase the killing speed just as much as another Blaster. ESPECIALLY when we take a look at various power sets.

A Shield/Elec Tanker, set for +2/+4 for instance, will certainly not increase his leveling speed by 20 times if he brings along an Energy/Ice Blaster. He might not even double his speed there.

Meanwhile, a Stone/Ice Tanker, at level 20, will definitely notice an increase in killing speed if he finds a Fire/Psy Blaster.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



my blaster likes to help the tanks hold aggro by targeting through them.


Posted ya. Didn't think about the mods locking the thread. Won't happen again.



You guys are really getting upset. Aett made some decent points. In my opinion most of the rest of what was said was just shouting noise. What really amazes me is that I started down this line of conversation to illustrate the synergy of blueside teams, that the sum being stronger than the parts. What I have encountered is a shield wall of "Tanks don't need nobody." The scenario I have pointed too is valid, and I might be off on the multiplier. So what? From what I have seen most people responding to this have two problems. 1) Cannot admit that blasters do significantly more damage than tanks. 2) Cannot understand mathematics.


Originally Posted by Shuckins View Post

To paraphrase your statement about 1 tank/1 blaster force multiplication: "Using this combination, a tanker's damage will be improved upon by 2000%."
Okay, I have laid this out at least 3 times, once very explicitly.

(1 tank) vs (1 tank + 1 blaster), So, even if the blaster did the exact same damage as the tank (And that has been alluded to more than once by my distinguished associates in conversation) then you are already at 200% damage. blinks. yep.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
You guys are really getting upset. Aett made some decent points. In my opinion most of the rest of what was said was just shouting noise. What really amazes me is that I started down this line of conversation to illustrate the synergy of blueside teams, that the sum being stronger than the parts. What I have encountered is a shield wall of "Tanks don't need nobody." The scenario I have pointed too is valid, and I might be off on the multiplier. So what? From what I have seen most people responding to this have two problems. 1) Cannot admit that blasters do significantly more damage than tanks. 2) Cannot understand mathematics.


Okay, I have laid this out at least 3 times, once very explicitly.

(1 tank) vs (1 tank + 1 blaster), So, even if the blaster did the exact same damage as the tank (And that has been alluded to more than once by my distinguished associates in conversation) then you are already at 200% damage. blinks. yep.
Except, that's where your math breaks down.

Even if the Blaster did the exact same damage as the Tanker, the Blaster would end up doing less damage in the mission. This would be due to needing the Tanker to acquire aggro and such in the first place, which is most easily accomplished by an AoE. First strike would always go to the Tanker, and he could probably get off another attack while the Blaster is firing his first one. So, that can skew the numbers. Then there's the fact that the Tanker will be taking more incoming damage than if he was alone, which can mean that he needs to slow down going from spawn to spawn to heal. And this still isn't accounting for the powerset aspect of all of this.

So, a doubling of damage potential does not necessitate a doubling of speed.

I think we all know that a Tanker with a Blaster will do more damage than the Tanker by itself. A Tanker with a Defender will do more damage than the Tanker by itself, or a Controller, or a....

I think a lot of the people here were more arguing with your supposition of how much more damage the Blaster/Tanker duo would do, which made it seem like you were vastly over-rating the Blaster's effect on the team, which in turn appears to many to under-rate the Tanker.

I know that you were trying to say that the ATs were set up to help round each other out. But what you appear to be saying is that the Tanker should only hold aggro, because they're not good at doing anything else, and since holding aggro helps you out, that's all they should do. A lot of the people in this forum have had to deal with that attitude since the game came out. I've been here since issue 3, and have seen it since then. People think that Tankers are their personal babysitters, and shouldn't do anything but hold aggro.

That's fine if you want to build that way, but if I can hold aggro and contribute to enemy death, I'm going to do that, and am not penalizing the team in any fashion by doing so.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Blasters (really) only have one function. Tanks have 2. call it what you will, play it how you want: Survival + Damage. Yes they do damage.
Hmmm. Could be you did not read this Aett.



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
Hmmm. Could be you did not read this Aett.
I did miss that, yes. My apologies.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Blue_Centurion View Post
You guys are really getting upset. Aett made some decent points. In my opinion most of the rest of what was said was just shouting noise.
Blue, people telling you what you don't want to hear is not noise. We're actually trying to help you see where you're wrong. When you keep making blanket statements and spouting off hugely exaggerated numbers as facts, people won't take you seriously. If you respond with just putting your fingers in your ears and saying na-na na-na, it's going to make your reputation on the forums even worse.

Case in point:
What really amazes me is that I started down this line of conversation to illustrate the synergy of blueside teams, that the sum being stronger than the parts. What I have encountered is a shield wall of "Tanks don't need nobody."
No one has said anything to the effect of "Tanks need nobody." In truth, no AT needs another, they can all solo. But I think most tankers will agree that using a team is more beneficial due to synergy. I prefer playing teams if I'm not farming. You should stop making illogical jumps in your conclusions. People pointing out you're way off does not equal people not wanting to team.

The scenario I have pointed too is valid, and I might be off on the multiplier. So what?
No, your multiplier is WAY off. It's like saying England's neighbor is China sense the share the same land mass. It's a gross exaggeration. We all pointed out that this isn't the case. You accept Aett's argument as valid, but he's only saying what we said in a way you could understand. And if his points are valid, that means yours cannot be.

From what I have seen most people responding to this have two problems. 1) Cannot admit that blasters do significantly more damage than tanks.
Please reread all the posts then. Carefully. Then point out the ones that said blasters do not out damage tanks. Just because it's not the numbers you made up doesn't mean we said they don't.

2) Cannot understand mathematics.
Now you're insulting people, but you point at others being upset. Is this how you win arguments? We've pointed out where your math isn't working. Shown you how in gameplay, that at most, you're talking 3x faster. It's not an insult when we say this, you don't have to be offended.

(1 tank) vs (1 tank + 1 blaster), So, even if the blaster did the exact same damage as the tank (And that has been alluded to more than once by my distinguished associates in conversation) then you are already at 200% damage. blinks. yep.
Hmm, no one's said it wouldn't be at least 2x the damage output. So this example doesn't really show how we don't understand math. It does show you changed your argument from 20x the killing speed to 2x the damage output.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.