Dying During the Dual Pistols Nuke

Adeon Hawkwood



Anyone else doing this, like, a LOT?

I think I've died about 10 times in two days during the nuke animation. Many more times I've finished the animation desperately trying to eat a green or purple. Maybe it's because I'm on villain side where no one seems to much bother taking point or dealing with aggro. Anyone else having this issue? Still like the set overall, but trying to get my head around the nuke.



I've avoided the issue by avoiding the set.

To answer your question though figure out about how much damage over survival level you are taking and eat enough purple and/or orange insps BEFORE you use the nuke.

You still won't kill the spawn but you might survive long enough to get Empty Clips and Bullet Rain off again.

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It certainly is on the risky side as far as nukes are concerned. I mean, I am used to playing my dp corr in melee range, as she is a kin, but I think it is part of the fun of the set.

I won't lie though, I have planted several times pulling off my nuke. I just love that stuff still gets killed after I do though.

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"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



If you are going to open with it, take a luck (or two) first.
The nuke is bigger than most people realize, you do not need to be directly in the middle and in melee with the whole spawn.
Since you are a corruptor, is there anything from your secondary that can aid you before you drop the HoB?
Consider using Chem rounds and use Bullet Rain then HoB.
Let someone else eat the alpha.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



thats i think why DP works better with dark or traps, traps you could poison trap then use the nuke and dark you have dark servant debuffing their acc and you could fearsome stare when you get to mob, further debuffing acc and slightly controlling the mob so they arent beating on you right away



I'm a Pistols/Dark.

I've played with a bunch of different ways of doing it. Part of the problem might have been how much time my group spent fighting Malta. But it was also the way the power starts dragging aggro to you while you're still stuck in the animation and can't react. When there were Dominators around things weren't so rough, but unless that was the case.. ouch. Maybe I need to be switching to Lethal rounds when I'm scared they might kill me.



Are you using Fearsome Stare before you HoB? I don't always need Darkest Night, but if I were having trouble staying upright, I'd be using that first too.

Fearsome Stare then DN. Drop a Tar Patch then HoB (or start with one of your other AoEs and follow with HoB). Most stuff misses after FS and DN are used, IME.

The knockdown in lethal rounds is good, but does not come until near the end of the animation.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



I'd love a short PBAoE fear effect in HoB that started right as you clicked it. Take at least some of the heat off you as the animation played.

Actually, I wish Suppressive Fire was a fear too, and more of a Empty Clips animation. It would fit with what you are trying to accomplish, and be easier to slot for.

Fear isn't often used in the blast sets.

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Originally Posted by b0bcatmc View Post
Fear isn't often used in the blast sets.
Actually drawing a blank here on any fear powers in any of the blast sets. Is there one?

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Actually drawing a blank here on any fear powers in any of the blast sets. Is there one?
Nope. Dark Melee has a fear but none of the blast sets do (although a few powers do have "avoid" which is kinda similar I guess).



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Nope. Dark Melee has a fear but none of the blast sets do (although a few powers do have "avoid" which is kinda similar I guess).
That's what i thought. "Avoid" is the less useful "fear". The cowering fear most associated with fear powers is the one i was thinking of and i was pretty sure no blast or assault sets had it in any powers.

i still haven't taken the DP nuke on any of my live alts, so i'll have to wait and see. Although my two candidates for getting it in the near future use Dark Miasma and Radiation Emission, so it won't be a very useful test. Both sets generally make jumping into melee range much safer than otherwise.

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Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
Are you using Fearsome Stare before you HoB? I don't always need Darkest Night, but if I were having trouble staying upright, I'd be using that first too.

Fearsome Stare then DN. Drop a Tar Patch then HoB (or start with one of your other AoEs and follow with HoB). Most stuff misses after FS and DN are used, IME.

The knockdown in lethal rounds is good, but does not come until near the end of the animation.
To add to that, leading with Bullet Rain or even Empty Clips will get you some knockback to add to your mitigation while using it. As with most PbAOE nukes, it's not an opener: you want the aggro going elsewhere (due to the length of the animation on all of them), then to pop in and fire it off.

But setting up your build and attacks to get the most out of using this is the way to go.

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Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Anyone else doing this, like, a LOT?

I think I've died about 10 times in two days during the nuke animation. Many more times I've finished the animation desperately trying to eat a green or purple. Maybe it's because I'm on villain side where no one seems to much bother taking point or dealing with aggro. Anyone else having this issue? Still like the set overall, but trying to get my head around the nuke.
Actually, no. Although my character is a DP/Dev Blaster. Cloaking Device prevents agro until I am in the enemies' midst(I often open with Hail of Bullets). Also, very few minions/lieutenants survive the assault.

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Actually drawing a blank here on any fear powers in any of the blast sets. Is there one?
well it is technically in a blast set but not really a blast but cal-traps has a fear component.



Originally Posted by psycheout View Post
well it is technically in a blast set but not really a blast but cal-traps has a fear component.
No, that's avoid, not fear. Fear = mob stands in place cowering, avoid = mob tries to get the hell out of there

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Originally Posted by psycheout View Post
well it is technically in a blast set but not really a blast but cal-traps has a fear component.
That is not a Blast set, it is a Support set.

If we include Support sets because blasters get them, then Mental Manipulation has a single target, ranged fear power called Scare.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



The DP nuke is very hard to use without getting killed unless you have passive mitigation or have the spawn debuffed into the floor first. On my /Kin I only started using it after I got softcapped S/L def.



Open your combatnumbers with /toggle combatnumbers
Monitor Melee Defense, Ranged Defense, and AoE Defense
Pop purples until you reach 45% prior to nuking
Reduce insp consumption until a happy medium is reached for your current difficulty

The nuke is 4 seconds you have to survive. Going from 0% to 25% defense cuts your damage intake in half, from 25% to 37.25% in half again, at 45% defense roughly only ~5-10% of the attacks will hit you.

45% defense is the magic number. If you take into account Darkest Night slotted with SOs doing -23% to-hit, you only need to get 22% defense to be nearly unhittable.

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No not really. But I've done alot of teaming. So, others to spread the aggro around.

While on small teams/solo however...it becomes a lot more risky. And it has happened.

With IOs, I really don't see it being to much of a problem...Dark Miasma + IOs should be keeping you rather save.

Corrupters as a whole have access to S/L/E defense, that should go a long way in helping avoid the faceplanting.

For Blasters, yeah, it becomes alot harder. :/

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I guess the nuke would be pretty good on a Traps Defender (or Corruptor?) since you could hit the soft cap (eventually) or at the very least have a nice defense bonus with the Force Field Generator. Maybe on a FF Defender too.


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I see myself dieing as much as any other blaster in the middle of a nuke animation




Have you tried using a Howling Twilight for the Stun? If you slot it for Disorient it might help mitigate the damage.

Ideally, I'd use a combination of Darkest Night, Petrifying Gaze, Tar Patch, Dark Servant (to help hold aggro, as well as the extra debuffs), Chemical Ammo (for the Damage Debuff), then Howling Twilight > Hail of Bullets.

Realistically, I'd say you could get by with Dark Servant and Howling Twilight while using chemical ammo. But Howling Twilight should make things much easier if you've slotted it properly.



On teams I always let someone else take the aggro and then only nuke from the edge of the spawn. To run to the middle is to take damage from all those AOE's that get tossed out on the player who just ran in before you even begin the animation. I've drawn aggro right through my wife's Warshade even through taunt with HoB, but once I started nuking the edge of the spawn the dyin' (on my part) stopped.

Solo I generally open up with Executioner's Shot (slotted for range) or Piercing rounds. I can generally get off one or two more of the shorter animating attacks before the first of the spawn gets to me, and if there's no corner handy to pull to I'll open with HoB as the first wave reaches melee range. Since anyone moving into the AoE takes damage regardless of when they enter, I usually have a bunch of bodies on the floor afterword, but I always back up a step and hit Empty Clips and/or Bullet Rain to finish off the stragglers.

HoB takes MUCH less priority over the other attacks solo, but once I learned to use it I found it very useful.

Originally Posted by b0bcatmc View Post
I'd love a short PBAoE fear effect in HoB that started right as you clicked it. Take at least some of the heat off you as the animation played.
You know, I could get behind that. Stalkers didn't have a fear/tohit debuff component to their Assassin Strike until some player asked for it.

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A fear effect would be effective, but I believe a short +Def, as has been suggested, is more iconic for a pistoleer.

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Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
A fear effect would be effective, but I believe a short +Def, as has been suggested, is more iconic for a pistoleer.
I disagree. The problem with +def is that it increases the likelihood that foes not affected by HoB will miss as well, meaning that the chances of having HoB get exploited for something other than its principal role of damage. How many blasters - especially those with IO defense bonuses that are just under the soft cap - would fire off HoB completely out of range of any spawns just for the added defense in an upcoming fight?

Okay, that's a bit hyperbolic on my part. Okay. It's A LOT hyperbolic on my part. The type of defense it gives might just be melee or might be short-lived and small anyway. BUUUUT I'll take any heat I get for not hitting backspace on that paragraph. It's still a factor, even if it is more of a thematic factor.

As far as being thematic goes, what's more thematic: killing a bunch of guys with your wicked gun-kata and somehow getting a defense bonus to all the other guys who just walked into the room, or being so completely focused on making the guys you're currently engaging miss on account of your zinging bullets that you've still got to deal with those other guys. AND since they just came into range they are suddenly completely focused right on the lone fighter who just downed their comrades? EDIT - or, pending any damage buffs, MOSTLY downed them, but made them really mad too.

After all, if you were on the receiving end of a Hail of Bullets-like attack, wouldn't you try to duck and cover? And if you did, how accurate do you think your return fire would be? Someone on the outside of that attack, however, would know EXACTLY where to aim to stop the craziness.

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