No hablo "FF Defender" ...




Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
The problems arise, many times, around the definition of "pulling ones own weight".

I have an Illusion/Force Field Controller whom I usually solo with. So, the only powers from the secondary that I use on a regular basis are Dispersion Bubble and Force Bolt. He solo's 3 +3 bosses just fine. And he's not even optimally built.

When I team using him, I tend to forget about the personal bubbles most of the time. Yet, the team hardly notices. Probably because Chaos, Mayhem, and Pandemonium are running around taking a lot of the aggro from the other squishies. Yes, I named the Phantom Army.

Would I be kicked from some of the previous posters' teams because I wasn't using my bubbles on them? Most likely, I would. Their loss, I say.
Thing is, there's less pressure on Controllers because they have other methods of preventing damage. Who needs force fields when none of the enemies can attack?

But for Defenders, buffing others is their main contribution to the team. Imagine the reaction if you'd skipped PA.



Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
The problems arise, many times, around the definition of "pulling ones own weight".

I have an Illusion/Force Field Controller whom I usually solo with. So, the only powers from the secondary that I use on a regular basis are Dispersion Bubble and Force Bolt. He solo's 3 +3 bosses just fine. And he's not even optimally built.

When I team using him, I tend to forget about the personal bubbles most of the time. Yet, the team hardly notices. Probably because Chaos, Mayhem, and Pandemonium are running around taking a lot of the aggro from the other squishies. Yes, I named the Phantom Army.

Would I be kicked from some of the previous posters' teams because I wasn't using my bubbles on them? Most likely, I would. Their loss, I say.
but you HAVE the bubbles. if asked, would you apply them? if so, then you would be a significantly different case than the character in question, if not, then it depends how much your pa was doing. consider that the defender was unlikely to be contributing much damage with her blasts as you were with them. is common courtesy really that difficult to understand?



Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
The problems arise, many times, around the definition of "pulling ones own weight".

I have an Illusion/Force Field Controller whom I usually solo with. So, the only powers from the secondary that I use on a regular basis are Dispersion Bubble and Force Bolt. He solo's 3 +3 bosses just fine. And he's not even optimally built.

When I team using him, I tend to forget about the personal bubbles most of the time. Yet, the team hardly notices. Probably because Chaos, Mayhem, and Pandemonium are running around taking a lot of the aggro from the other squishies. Yes, I named the Phantom Army.

Would I be kicked from some of the previous posters' teams because I wasn't using my bubbles on them? Most likely, I would. Their loss, I say.
Except in the case of a controller with FF as a secondary, there are still many other valuable things you'd be bringing to the table. On top of that, you said you have the team bubbles, even if you forget to use them most of the time. I'd wager that if the team asked you to, you'd probably be a team player and try to use them.

A FF defender without the team bubbles isn't bringing much to the table at all other than some piddly weak blasts, and a bit of defense & status protection from Dispersion Bubble. And for the record, I've got a 50 FF defender; I know FF has its kb powers and cage power. Those don't even some close to making up for the lack of bubbles. FF is, and always has been, essentially a one trick pony. Defense and lots of it.

Without that defense, the bubbler is pretty much just along for the ride, and taking up a pity spot on the team.



Admittedly a FF defender without individual bubbles is an odd build. But did she contribute to the team's goal of finishing the TF? Was the problem your personal desire of having a bubble so you wouldn't be so squishy? Seems like you finished your TF? If you want an optimized speed run team I suggest being the team leader and putting it together yourself. But I think you have to keep in mind, spending the time to find the "right" team can end up outstripping the time spent with the "OK we gotta enough warm bodies lets roll." method.

Been playing a Plant/Storm 'troller. I don't have O2 Boost. Nice power, I just don't have the slots to make it worthwhile. Would you want me kicked because you expected the /Storm to have a heal?



Originally Posted by Sterling View Post
Been playing a Plant/Storm 'troller. I don't have O2 Boost. Nice power, I just don't have the slots to make it worthwhile. Would you want me kicked because you expected the /Storm to have a heal?
Nope. But again, that's your secondary. And healing isn't exactly the point of Storm anyway. How'd you feel about a Plant controller that couldn't really control anything because they decided to skip Seeds of Confusion and their Hold powers?

Players can build their characters however they like. They've got that choice. But choices have consequences. A player skipping set defining powers should not be surprised if some players and teams find them a less than ideal team member.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Oh look, another thread from another poster telling others what powers they must take since they joined a team. How original.
I'd like to point out a negative rep I received for my above post and want to respond. Why? Cause I'm bored at work.

You like useless builds, don't ya? Then again.. you are useless so maybe there's a link between the two aspects.
My post makes no mention if the OP is right or wrong or if I disgree or agree with their statement about this FF Defender being useless because they didn't have the single target shields.

Instead, I made a generic reply that shows how unoriginal this trol...err...OP is/was in their ability to provoke a response.

Apparently, the above negative repper was below average intelligence and couldn't use simple reasoning but would rather attack me personally in a cowardly fashion by hiding behind the rep system.

As always, forum posting is srs bsns rabblerabblerabble



Originally Posted by Sterling View Post
Been playing a Plant/Storm 'troller. I don't have O2 Boost. Nice power, I just don't have the slots to make it worthwhile. Would you want me kicked because you expected the /Storm to have a heal?
O2 Boost is a nice power, but it's not a core power from Storm. I personally wouldn't particularly care if a Stormy skipped O2 Boost, I'd be much more upset if they skipped one of the major debuffs like Freezing Rain or Snow Storm. O2 Boost is a nice power to have (for the mez protection and perception boost as much if not more than the healing) but it isn't critical for a Stormies general role.



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
I agree with you that extremely stupid builds should not join PuGs.
I agree too. It's an MMO and when you join a team, you're playing with other people. Yes everyone is entitled to run what ever character they want to play, I won't argue that. However when people start playing weird combinations that they know are weird. "Hey I'm a blaster with no range attacks and only a few melee attacks and 4 travels powers and a couple self buffs." They should keep in mind, when they are on a team their "different" build is now affecting 1-7 other people's game.

Honestly, I have no problem with it, but when I join an ITF and I see a couple blasters, I more or less expect them to have ranged damage. If I see a mastermind, I expect him to have some pets. If they don't, fine but they should say something to the team knows what to expect.

"Hey guys, just to let you know, I'm a petless mastermind, I'll bubble the hell out of you but don't expect DPS from me."

At least I would know what I'm getting into then instead of.

Team Leader" "Hey Mastermind, we're half way through the second mission and I can't recall ever seeing your pets."

Mastermind: "Pets?"

I think it's rather rude. TFs can be difficult enough without people using deliberately gimped builds because it's "interesting". Just say when you join the team that you're build is "different" and explain all it's short comings so people know what they are getting before the team wipes 9 times cuz it turns out the empathy defender only took clear mind from his primary.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
but you HAVE the bubbles. if asked, would you apply them? if so, then you would be a significantly different case than the character in question, if not, then it depends how much your pa was doing. consider that the defender was unlikely to be contributing much damage with her blasts as you were with them. is common courtesy really that difficult to understand?
In a "regular" PUG, I'd say this isn't a problem. Part of the fun in setting up a team is figuring out what does and doesn't work for that particular team composition.

In a "Task Force" though... where (I'm told) team composition can make or break things, then I'd suggest the person had an obligation to inform the team leader that his/her build was different. It's up to the team leader to decide whether this was a deal-breaker. She may have done that, in which case, she's fine.

Part-Troll has already said he wasn't the team leader so he might not have been privy to that information.



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
I agree with you that extremely stupid builds should not join PuGs without warning
That's my only edit.

I've got few no-travel-power builds--- some of them insanely fast (like my MA/SR scrapper with every speed boost I can find, including several "gift of ancients" speed boosts) and some less so.

They usually solo / team with friends. In the rare case where I accept a PUG invite, I give plenty of forewarning. I'd do the same for any gag characters (like the very-little-empathy empath defender "Major HMO" I mentioned in another post). If the team leader still wants me to join, fine.



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
In a "regular" PUG, I'd say this isn't a problem. Part of the fun in setting up a team is figuring out what does and doesn't work for that particular team composition.

In a "Task Force" though... where (I'm told) team composition can make or break things, then I'd suggest the person had an obligation to inform the team leader that his/her build was different. It's up to the team leader to decide whether this was a deal-breaker. She may have done that, in which case, she's fine.

Part-Troll has already said he wasn't the team leader so he might not have been privy to that information.
The only TFs where I've seen were missing set defining powers can be detrimental to the team is the late game ones...STF, LRSF, ITF (ok not exactly late game, but lvl 35-50), LGTF can be alot more difficult (But I've never failed this one, so I could be wrong).

The other TFs/SFs are relatively easy enough, it's not really a matter of missing set defining powers.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



All this talk of PUGs got me to thinking...

Regular PUG:

Task Forced PUG:

Methinks the Task Force PUG is gonna get genericked!