I need to vent!




Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
For what it's worth, I'd consider firing useless debuffs and AoEs on an AV and ignoring needed team buffs to be Actively keeping the team from succeeding.
What you are describing is passive, not active.

Does firing useless debuffs and AoEs on an AV hurt anything? I mean, obviously, once the battle is engaged? Of course not. If the Defender weren't there, the team would have been no worse off; therefore, no harm.

Does ignoring needed team buffs hurt anything? No, even that doesn't measure up. Again, if the Defender weren't there, the team would have been no worse off; therefore, no harm.

Does some idle bickering hurt anything? Yeah, maybe a little bit, but if that's a kickable offense, then about 90% of the teams I've been on would have been disbanded five minutes after we started. From the OP's recounting, it was certainly not enough to keep the team from succeeding.

Kicking someone from the team, especially halfway through the very last mission of a moderately difficult task force, is an active act of aggression. Due directly to the OP's actions, that person is out a Synthetic Hami-O and the completion bonus experience, prestige, and influence, and probably at least one or two nifty drops, and maybe even up to three badges. Whether you think it's justified or not, there was harm done.

If I were the OP, here is a short list of things that I think were justified in the circumstance as presented by the OP:
  • Editing the player note to remind me that this player isn't very good and won't listen.
  • One-starring them so that I wouldn't team up with them again.
  • Telling everyone to calm down and just focus on what they're doing to get done.
  • Telling the person that if they want to leave, they're welcome to.
  • If they proceeded to do something to actively "spike" the task force, then (and only then) kick them.

If I were the leader I wouldn't have kicked them, and if I were on the team it would have kind of tweaked me that someone who had helped out didn't get the task force reward even if I weren't involved in the whole SB/no SB spat. As weird a concept as it is, I sometimes believe that both parties in an argument are wrong. Maybe not equally so, but wrong nonetheless.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Good reason not to play /kin.

OP, I would have kicked as well. If you have a power and your team mates are requesting that you use it, use it. Don't be a putz.

If you don't like assisting your teammates with your powers, either don't take the power in question at all or don't play support classes.

I choose to never play /kin specifically because of the addiction to SB the vast majority of players in this game have. Myself included. And I play a claws/sr with swift and quickness and I leave sprint on in combat. yea, I'm cool with hitting the runspeed cap during battle. <twitch, twitch, hehehehehehehehehehee, zooooom>

Granted, when I am playing my corruptors, if a team lead ever tells me to quit blasting and go into healbot mode, I'll be hitting that quit team button.

Be well, people of CoH.



Honestly, I don't really care if they were keeping the team SBd all the time. However if you're a kinetic, you have one of the bigger heals in the game, and if the person tanking an AV for you is in the red and you're not using it, you're trying to get them killed.

You may consider not using certain powers to be passive not active, but I consider using the wrong powers at crucial times to be actively detrimental.

The metric here is not "did the team make it through anyway" it's relying on a teammate to do something clearly and obviously helpful. When I'm on a team with someone, I expect them to have my back and be somewhat more aware of the situation than you're average plant. Not purely DPS or using useless controls and debuffs when other things in their pocket would work much better.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



I didn't read the whole thread, but I agree that using Vent can aid a team in trying to beat the STF. Teamspeak isn't bad, either.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
You might have been on different PUGs than I have.
Oh, I occasionally got unreasonable demands myself. One time I was on an ITF with my Mastermind and all was going well, until we got to the last mission and I was told to unsummon my henchmen. Yeah, I know that one of the Nictus Essences heals off of team members, but I've done enough ITFs to know that that is not a problem when you're not on a team full of idiots.

I briefly considered rage-quitting, but I stuck around until Romulus fell and then quit while still had more Cimerorans to defeat. I'm a proud idiot like that. I do not want your blood merits!

So yeah, there's such a thing as bad orders. We can all agree, though, that telling someone to use their buffs on their teammates is everything but bad.



Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
Oh, I occasionally got unreasonable demands myself. One time I was on an ITF with my Mastermind and all was going well, until we got to the last mission and I was told to unsummon my henchmen. Yeah, I know that one of the Nictus Essences heals off of team members, but I've done enough ITFs to know that that is not a problem when you're not on a team full of idiots.
I can see ordering someone not to use Gang War, or Carrion Creepers, but an order for an MM to not summon minions when the team isn't ghosting to a location is ridiculous.

I've been on Rad/* */Rad teams where I and another Plant/Rad summoned Vines during the Rommie fight just for grins. It was definitely slower, but not impossible. 5 minions doesn't mean squat on any reasonably competent team.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



There's also been times I've been asked to unsummon some of my henchmen because someone's lagging a lot. In those cases, I actually do unsummon one tier 1 and one tier 2 henchman. I have no idea if that actually helps, but when I'm on a team it's important to me that everyone on the team is having fun, so I'm willing to make some sacrifices like that.

Being told to get rid of my entire bloody Primary because someone is unreasonably paranoid about the healing Nictus? No thanks, now you're just asking me to feel like a wannabe Defender just to alleviate your paranoia!

The worst part about that was that I was told to unsummon my henchmen by another Mastermind. To this day I cannot understand how he thinks that in order for the enemy ot have less healing is to cause less damage, but at least I never ran into that kinda leader on an ITF again.



LOL, I ask once and KICK within 5 seconds if no one speed boosts me.



On my kinetics, I don't have the vigilance to keep perma-SB. I do watch health bars and blue bars and hit transfusion, transference, and speed boost appropriately. I refresh speed boost between my 'cycles'. I try to keep siphon power, siphon speed and fulcrum shift firing within a couple seconds of recharging. These three siphons can make or break a fight as much as speed boost. Of course, I don't mind if a gentle reminder comes along, 'hey, I need some speed boost'. 'SB ME' every 119 seconds gets annoying.

In short, in a big group, I hope the controller kinetic would hit the AoE hold before the speed boost cycle, but you HAVE to manage the blue bars, too. Playing a kinetic can be trying, but that's what alts are for. Excuse me while I log into my Forcefield defender for a respite.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
Whenever I see a teammate with no end, and kin is on the team, I start thinking the kinetic has not done their job.

Granted, I started with a kinetic defender and have a fire/kin as well, but if you're not ready to be a bit obsessive about the SB, then you're not ready to be a kin
I agree with the first sentence, but not the second. If a team expects me to keep 7 people SB'ed at all times, they're delusional. I'll use it on anyone who needs the END and for the final battle, I'll have it on everyone. But I'm not even going to try to keep it on everyone for an hour straight.

OP: In that situation, I would not have kicked the person. At least, not yet. One snarky comment sent PRIVATELY doesn't justify kicking, in my opinion.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Tell me if I'm wrong on this.

Statesman TF.

1 Tank (Ice/Ice) not built to be the toughest admittedly.
1 Ill/Sonic
1 Fire/Rad
1 Fire/Kin
1 Energy Blaster
1 Fire Blaster
1 DP Blaster (me)
1 BS/WP Scrapper (was tougher than the tank)


Go through all the missions pretty much fine. Not to many problems. Fire/Kin complains about the Fire/Rad using their IMPS.

Speed Boost is asked for a couple of times (by two members when running low on END), but never "SB NOW" "SB SB SB" It's never given, and they move on, though I do get a tell from one member asking "Why isnt the Fire/Kin using SB"

I say don't worry, we're doing fine.

Get to the last mission.

Bad pull. Fine. We recover.

Get down to Scirrico and GW.

Pull Scirrico by himself. Team is running low on END due to his end draining attacks. The tank is needing healing.

I ask the Fire/Kin (in tells)...please SB the team and use Tranfusion to keep the tank healed.

I get...

[Name Deleted]: I am doing blind, slow, hold, slow and end drain, what else do you wish of me? Oh and auto heal!

Mind you, the Fire/Kin was also throwing out Fire Blast and Fire Ball.

Which I ask, to please just try my tactics (admitted that was spam the hell out of Transfusion and SB the team).

We beat Sciricco.

Then the Fire/Kin says "They're the only ones debuffing the others are't doing anything."

Now mind you, I'm watching the team, watching the debuffs/buffs.

Ill/Sonic, had all the debuffs going and the team shielded (with just the first shield, didnt have the other).

Fire/Rad, had the debuff toggles going, throwing out the target debuff, and using AM and the AOE heal (which isn't much)...ont he grouped up squishies.

And I was running in, using Drain Psyche for the -regen (slotted up to 147% -regen (so it's not like it was all that much), but using the debuffs I had available as well.

FIRE/KIN: well, speed boosts for pulling more then one AV at a time, is useless and a mootpoint.

So I explained what SB did.

FIRE/KIN: (9i can have my debuffs up more often with SB on me

Now at this point. No was asking for SB anyways, as we didnt need it on GW. We needed ID on the tank, so the tank wouldn't get held.

Now like I admitted to begin with. Tank wasn't the strongest tank out there. The tank needed a backup. Plain and simple. But the Fire/Kin was all upset over being asked. I didn't threaten to kick, I didnt get upset. I just asked.

Now all this time, everyone's asking me in tells to kick her.

FIRE/KIN: I don't tell you how to play a blaster, please don't tell me how to play my alt, please, or I shall leave now.

^^^In tell to me.

Now, I hadn't kicked her. I wasn't going to kick her. THEN SHE SAID THIS!

Sooo...I kicked her.

She of course got upset. Put me on ignore. Went into the global and said we just kept wanting SB, SB isnt going to save the team. ect...ect...which I tried to defend, but she just kept repeating herself, so I gave up, because like I said, I'm pretty sure she put me on ignore.

Now I've played...yes PLAYED...my trollers to 50.

And nope. I don't think that tank was going to stand up against Recluse without alot more help and/or luck.

But tell me...was I wrong in kicking? Was I wrong in asking to please try this tactic?

We werent a team going "SB NOW" for 5 missions. Up untill that point the only deaths had been my blaster vs the VINES (I got to close...okay...look at my sig...I obviously like to play in melee).

But tell me...was I wrong in kicking her?

I mean...look what she said.

And really. Blind? Blind? Yes, I know she meant Smoke. Against the AV? *sigh*
LOL I remember seeing this in the TF channel last night.

Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
But tell me...was I wrong in kicking her?
That was an adorable flareup in the channel; most entertaining, five stars, would read again.

It should be mentioned, however, that you did invite a Fire/Kin Controller to the team. Teamwork-based incompetence is more or less a prerequisite in that territory.

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



Originally Posted by LostHalo View Post
That was an adorable flareup in the channel; most entertaining, five stars, would read again.

It should be mentioned, however, that you did invite a Fire/Kin Controller to the team. Teamwork-based incompetence is more or less a prerequisite in that territory.
This is true. But given the list of options I was given. I did say when asked which one to bring "Bring the KIN, Speed Boost and Transfusion will come in handy"

And like I said, the only time I had said "SB the team" (in a tell, not over team chat), was in the Scirrico AV fight, inwhich he was draining the end of everyone.

After that, it came down to "Please stop trying to to do this, which isn't working and try this."

Which yes, was basically ignore the Primary, concentrate on your Secondary usage.

But if the Troller wasn't willing to do that, the tank wasn't going to stand a chance against LR. No, that Fire/Kin alone wasn't going to save the TF, but as a whole, I was hoping.

But eh, I'll just try again, that troller has me on ignore (im pretty sure), so not like they'll try to team with me again.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
To this day I cannot understand how he thinks that in order for the enemy ot have less healing is to cause less damage, but at least I never ran into that kinda leader on an ITF again.
Not only does the healing Nictus heal off henchmen, the summoning Nictus also spawns an extra boss for every entity in range. So on a weak team, I could see that being reasonable. What strikes me as odd is why he told you to unsummon all the henchmen when it makes more sense to just unsummon the T1 ones.



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
If people are deliberately choosing (not unable to) not to do something and the team is very obviously failing because of it, then asking (not ordering) them to help out is perfectly acceptable. Trying to deflect the blame on to the other players doesn't work because one of the purposes of a team or task force is to tackle content that none of the players in it can accomplish solo. Players who respond to any request made of them with a knee-jerk reaction of "don't you tell me how to play!" are uncooperative and selfish.
Well, first of all, none of the players in a TF situation are being asked to run it solo; it seems you are implying that the Kin's buffs are worth so much that the rest of the team might as well be solo without the Kin's help. They are in a situation with a player who isn't using all of their powers to the optimal level. There are still 7 other players on the team.

(Also, I have yet to see a situation where one player failing to use one power has caused a team to fail. Usually, what happens is that one player isn't using a power, the team says something... and then promptly gives up putting in full effort because they see that said player isn't "contributing" as much as others think they should be.)

However I have to agree that the knee-jerk type reaction is annoying, and almost always uncalled for. And yes, they are being uncooperative and selfish. I guess my point is, that it really is NEVER another player's place to say use such and such a power please. It is their place to work around any percieved disadvantages that the team has and try to make it work anyway. If the team is unworkable, then kick/invite accordingly or give up.

This isn't the same thing as begging for SB everywhere because you think you need it, because the icon in your buff bar is blinking or because you look down on minmaxers and have a terribly designed build as a result. This isn't about castigating a player because they didn't take X power or use it in exactly Y way. There is a specific problem and a specific player on the team has the ability to solve it and is refusing to use it.
Again, in my experience this is a problem of perception. By virtue of you noticing that the team is having a problem with X and player 5 has a power that mitigates the impact of X does not mean that it is essential for player 5 to use that power. Perhaps there is another way to get around the issue the team is having with X, but because you see the issue and ONE way to fix, that must happen, or the team will fail. If that really isn't the situation, then yes, the player should be using the power, but I don't think I have found a situation where any one player can decimate a team by not using a single power but still be contributing in other ways.

This is not 'telling other people how to play'.
But... by definition, it is.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
LOL, I ask once and KICK within 5 seconds if no one speed boosts me.
Wow, its a good thing I don't play on the same server as you... because that is an extremely selfish and ridiculous way to run a team. No buff is that important that 5 seconds can't elapse between asking for and recieving a buff.



This is why 90+% of the time I do not team.

Sure, I'm just a natural loner anyway, like to do things at my own pace and in my own way, but I have occasionally been tempted to team up to try a task force so I could experience it or get whatever...

But then I remember how often I see threads like this.

I'm still relatively new to the game and by far most used to tankers and scrappers.. So I don't know how every different build should be played to maximize it's benefit, I don't know the INS and outs and all the slang and tactics etc etc etc... And since threads like this make me so reluctant to team, well I guess I'll never learn them either.

Team leaders can kick whoever they want, they get that power for running the team. They can have public arguments about it in game and then take it to the boards later - why not? I have no real problem with any of it...

Just, you know, don't be complaining later on down the line about it being hard to find or make teams. There would be at least one more person to join up on occasion if it wasn't so high stress and likely to lead to being kicked and made the subject of public ridicule... Sure, maybe the name wasn't used here but since it was public in game for a while I would guess one could find out if they cared... *shrug*

Anyway, like I said, I have no problem with the OP's actions per se... Just understand that some of those turning down offers to join a team are doing so at least in part because they don't want to be the subject of your next post.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Well, first of all, none of the players in a TF situation are being asked to run it solo; it seems you are implying that the Kin's buffs are worth so much that the rest of the team might as well be solo without the Kin's help. They are in a situation with a player who isn't using all of their powers to the optimal level. There are still 7 other players on the team.

(Also, I have yet to see a situation where one player failing to use one power has caused a team to fail. Usually, what happens is that one player isn't using a power, the team says something... and then promptly gives up putting in full effort because they see that said player isn't "contributing" as much as others think they should be.)

However I have to agree that the knee-jerk type reaction is annoying, and almost always uncalled for. And yes, they are being uncooperative and selfish. I guess my point is, that it really is NEVER another player's place to say use such and such a power please. It is their place to work around any percieved disadvantages that the team has and try to make it work anyway. If the team is unworkable, then kick/invite accordingly or give up.

Again, in my experience this is a problem of perception. By virtue of you noticing that the team is having a problem with X and player 5 has a power that mitigates the impact of X does not mean that it is essential for player 5 to use that power. Perhaps there is another way to get around the issue the team is having with X, but because you see the issue and ONE way to fix, that must happen, or the team will fail. If that really isn't the situation, then yes, the player should be using the power, but I don't think I have found a situation where any one player can decimate a team by not using a single power but still be contributing in other ways.

But... by definition, it is.
Agreed. One power alone itsn't likely to cause the massive change. Well SB anyways.

Imean, yeah, I had to break away from doing damage to Sciricco to rest two or three times. But he got beat, in the end.

But then, the /Kin putting Transfusion on auto, then non stop attacking, so the heal almost never went off, and the tank kept falling (when one could argue the Kin's heal may have never been enough to keep the Tank standing...but without the /Kin trying, one would never know).

So, who knows, the Tank may have never been able to stand up to LR by herself anyways. I was banking on the idea of the ILL/ could help supplement the tanking with PA, the /RAD could debuff LR, and the /KIN could throw in heals to keep the Tank up, while the rest of the team beat down the towers.

Having been the only Defender on a STF with a heal (on my Dark/Son), the /Storm troller had no slots in Oxygen Boost, and pretty much refused to use the heal (another concept build), and the Softcapped Shield/ Tanker couldn't last long at all against LR, even less when people get the "I don't want to stand in one place and play buff/taunt bot" when that's the best tactic.

I was willing, the Tanker just kept jumping around in that scenerio (when the one healing is a DARK/)

Or...okay...we can't take Romi any other way, time to go the use single target 80ft range attacks on the Nictus, tactic. Something so simple, that the team could do to accomplish the TF, and they'd rather fail it/quit, because it limits power usage, or requires them to stand in one spot. I've had that happen more than a few times.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
This is why 90+% of the time I do not team.

Sure, I'm just a natural loner anyway, like to do things at my own pace and in my own way, but I have occasionally been tempted to team up to try a task force so I could experience it or get whatever...

But then I remember how often I see threads like this.

I'm still relatively new to the game and by far most used to tankers and scrappers.. So I don't know how every different build should be played to maximize it's benefit, I don't know the INS and outs and all the slang and tactics etc etc etc... And since threads like this make me so reluctant to team, well I guess I'll never learn them either.

Team leaders can kick whoever they want, they get that power for running the team. They can have public arguments about it in game and then take it to the boards later - why not? I have no real problem with any of it...

Just, you know, don't be complaining later on down the line about it being hard to find or make teams. There would be at least one more person to join up on occasion if it wasn't so high stress and likely to lead to being kicked and made the subject of public ridicule... Sure, maybe the name wasn't used here but since it was public in game for a while I would guess one could find out if they cared... *shrug*

Anyway, like I said, I have no problem with the OP's actions per se... Just understand that some of those turning down offers to join a team are doing so at least in part because they don't want to be the subject of your next post.
Really their loss. Most people love to run with me.

Playing for over 5 years, and this is the 2nd time I've ever kicked someone from my team.

The first, I had everyone on my team saying "kick the player" just like the second.

Admittedly, like the 1st, both were on TFs, but the other one was on the first mission of the TF, rather than the last.

And the 2nd would of never got kicked, if they hadnt made the comment. That comment just irked me that night.

I've run TFs with less than optimal builds...3 tankers on one TF, and all of them skipped their mez protection *sigh* Wasn't pretty to see. But we got through it.

And I'm the player who when plays with a KIN, is happy just to be SB at two points...1) If I'm low on END (not usually likely at the end game content) 2) up against an AV, and I can pull out more debuffs/damage if SBed.

I understand a KIN not wanting to have to reapply SB every two minutes. One of the reasons I hope the devs will change it to 4 minutes. Having played a KIN, having gotten sets with shields to 50. I know what a difference that 2 minutes makes on buffing your team. It's also why I don't make a KIN.

I'd never want to skip such a power as SB. But the 2minutes duration kills it for me. Strangely, that's why I skip Forge & Thaw on my Thermals, and no one has ever said anything.

Of course, they're probably happy to just see a Thermal with the shields. Seen alot of them skip those.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Tell me if I'm wrong on this.

Statesman TF.

1 Tank (Ice/Ice) not built to be the toughest admittedly.
1 Ill/Sonic
1 Fire/Rad
1 Fire/Kin
1 Energy Blaster
1 Fire Blaster
1 DP Blaster (me)
1 BS/WP Scrapper (was tougher than the tank)


Go through all the missions pretty much fine. Not to many problems. Fire/Kin complains about the Fire/Rad using their IMPS.

Speed Boost is asked for a couple of times (by two members when running low on END), but never "SB NOW" "SB SB SB" It's never given, and they move on, though I do get a tell from one member asking "Why isnt the Fire/Kin using SB"

I say don't worry, we're doing fine.

Get to the last mission.

Bad pull. Fine. We recover.

Get down to Scirrico and GW.

Pull Scirrico by himself. Team is running low on END due to his end draining attacks. The tank is needing healing.

I ask the Fire/Kin (in tells)...please SB the team and use Tranfusion to keep the tank healed.

I get...

[Name Deleted]: I am doing blind, slow, hold, slow and end drain, what else do you wish of me? Oh and auto heal!

Mind you, the Fire/Kin was also throwing out Fire Blast and Fire Ball.

Which I ask, to please just try my tactics (admitted that was spam the hell out of Transfusion and SB the team).

We beat Sciricco.

Then the Fire/Kin says "They're the only ones debuffing the others are't doing anything."

Now mind you, I'm watching the team, watching the debuffs/buffs.

Ill/Sonic, had all the debuffs going and the team shielded (with just the first shield, didnt have the other).

Fire/Rad, had the debuff toggles going, throwing out the target debuff, and using AM and the AOE heal (which isn't much)...ont he grouped up squishies.

And I was running in, using Drain Psyche for the -regen (slotted up to 147% -regen (so it's not like it was all that much), but using the debuffs I had available as well.

FIRE/KIN: well, speed boosts for pulling more then one AV at a time, is useless and a mootpoint.

So I explained what SB did.

FIRE/KIN: (9i can have my debuffs up more often with SB on me

Now at this point. No was asking for SB anyways, as we didnt need it on GW. We needed ID on the tank, so the tank wouldn't get held.

Now like I admitted to begin with. Tank wasn't the strongest tank out there. The tank needed a backup. Plain and simple. But the Fire/Kin was all upset over being asked. I didn't threaten to kick, I didnt get upset. I just asked.

Now all this time, everyone's asking me in tells to kick her.

FIRE/KIN: I don't tell you how to play a blaster, please don't tell me how to play my alt, please, or I shall leave now.

^^^In tell to me.

Now, I hadn't kicked her. I wasn't going to kick her. THEN SHE SAID THIS!

Sooo...I kicked her.

She of course got upset. Put me on ignore. Went into the global and said we just kept wanting SB, SB isnt going to save the team. ect...ect...which I tried to defend, but she just kept repeating herself, so I gave up, because like I said, I'm pretty sure she put me on ignore.

Now I've played...yes PLAYED...my trollers to 50.

And nope. I don't think that tank was going to stand up against Recluse without alot more help and/or luck.

But tell me...was I wrong in kicking? Was I wrong in asking to please try this tactic?

We werent a team going "SB NOW" for 5 missions. Up untill that point the only deaths had been my blaster vs the VINES (I got to close...okay...look at my sig...I obviously like to play in melee).

But tell me...was I wrong in kicking her?

I mean...look what she said.

And really. Blind? Blind? Yes, I know she meant Smoke. Against the AV? *sigh*
lolz thats funny dude, that reminds me of another story where i was on a bad tf. i remember this one dude i temed with he was ok and we did a posi tf and won in 2:22 so i broght my fire/kin farmer/pler (shes the fastest farmer evar)

so i knew it was going 2 b bad because he asked me do you have FS?!?! wtf is FS?! he said fucrum shift... lol as if i knew something like that!

my next clue was that the fire/rad was using their IMPS! lol who doses that?! what a n00b amirite? i told the leader what a n00b farmer they were! if you pick fire control all you need to do is farm anyway lol!

so we go through the missions and i use my best powers blind fulcrum shift fireballs while eating cheetos

and they tell me like a billion times to use sb, and i'm all, dude stop yelling at me, gaaah!

i mean they're not doing anything and like draining all their end on doing nothing, lol. the crappy fire/rad dude kept using the toggle thing i dunno. there was a useless sonic, cause LOL SONIC! it does nothing!

so we get to the last missins and they all pulled BADLY!!!!!1 and because of my heals and blinds we recover. we get to sorrocco (lol weird name), and my friend calls and i say yea i have time to talk i'm just doing a tf. so i put my heals on auto while they keep screaming at me for sb GAAAHHH GUSY!!!!

talk about selfish, i'm on the phone here trying to talk to my best friend about how that one avatar smurf movie was so awsome! so i help by using my blinds with my other hand.

lol these useless guys get drained by the boss and the leader is all please SB the team and use Tranfusion to keep the tank healed. how rude!!!! lol i complained to him and said I am doing blind, slow, hold, slow and end drain, what else do you wish of me? Oh and auto heal!

DUH!!! gah how dumb is he?!?! and he's totaly interupting my conversation.

i even told him that it was those useless guys doing nothing's fault that they had a hard time. lol rad, what does it good for anyway? did i say he was a bad farmer? oh yea i did.

now i'm running out of cheetos and get some doritos

he was all no way, and i had to tell him the most OBVIOUS thing in COH well, speed boosts for pulling more then one AV at a time, is useless and a mootpoint.

DUHH!!!!! man this guy is dumb.

he tried telling me something about SB but i know all about it already (9i can have my debuffs up more often with SB on me, DUH!

and now this guy is annoying me. i am on the phone here and can only play with 1 hand, can he not see that?! can't he see how useless everyoen else but me is?! sheesh! and i tell him I don't tell you how to play a blaster, please don't tell me how to play my alt, please, or I shall leave now.

and the n00b kicks me! OMFG!!!!

well i showed him! i went off on him in global! that'll show him! i went and got some bugles after that.

If you can't tell by now, I'm totally kidding.

Former King of PWNZ
Franziska Von Karma says you will listen to every word I say.



So lemme get this straight, the Kin didn't like getting asked for SB?!


Sorry, but if you're rolling a kin then it just comes with the territory. Everybody knows that.
SB is one of the best buffs in the game, who wouldn't ask for it.
If you're a kin and you don't enjoy your team asking for SB, you're on the wrong secondary.

Furthermore, if you're playing a support toon and don't like taking time to buff, roll a dps/dps like a blaster. I would have kicked her too.



Surely if you go on any TF as a kin it is expected that you would be prepared to SB everyone.



Okay, I'm kinda in the middle here.

I know you don't want to drag a leech along for "free goodies" while you and your teammates struggle. But this person, while not contributing their all, wasn't actively trying to spike the team.

On the flip side, I've quit teams and booted people for lousy attitudes before. And this person's attitude WAS lousy.

Also, I know you didn't want to break down into a half hour dissertation on how their current tactics weren't helping as much as the tactics you were suggesting.

It comes down to the person threatening to leave the team. Sorry, but people trying to blackmail someone into shutting up by pulling a "Screw you guys, I'm going ho-ome"? I don't give a damn HOW necessary they might seem to be to the team. Nobody's THAT necessary.

FYI: I currently have an SB-less Grav/Kin. It's that way because it's mainly a soloing toon and other power choices that are more effective for me take precedence. However, I let people know this if I team on occasion. This way they don't expect SB and get ticked when I tell them I don't have it. Also, I DO plan on taking it after I hit 50 and roll out my alt build.

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I need to vent!

K, you should probably get this then.

You know, if you want to vent...



I'll say it again, because I see too many people here thinking it's an all-or-nothing issue.

You were being perfectly reasonable asking for Speed Boost. You were perfectly reasonable being irritated when the Defender gave you grief about asking. The Defender was wrong about threatening to leave.

However, kicking them halfway through the last mission after all of the massively hard parts of the task force were done? Not cool. You had already put up with it for at least a couple of hours or so; calming everyone down and putting up with it another 20 or 30 minutes wouldn't have hurt.

As it is, it sounds like you got sucked up into the bickering and kicked them because they didn't agree with you on the "right" way to play, not because there was any real threat that the team wouldn't succeed. I don't hate you, and I don't blame you for being mad, but sometimes when you're running a team, you have to put aside being mad and focus on the goal.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)