Recently bought CoH, architects edition
Hi. Welcome to the game.
To fly you need to reach level 14 and take the power Fly from the flight power pool.
Before doing so, you must take either hover or air superiority from the same power pool.
Power pools will unlock for you at level 6.
I'm unsure what is locked down while on a trial account or how the AE may be locked down.
Good starting classes for a new player to learn the ropes are blasters, scrappers, brutes and corruptors.
I have no answer for the best server question. What I consider the best probably isn't a common opinion.
Be well, people of CoH.

I'm a total noob, and am somewhat overwhelmed. I got the idea of enhancements and inspirations now, but I still don't really know what to do.
First of all, I'm still on trial time. Does this mean I can't use Architect Entertainment? I clicked on everything. I did the tour, talked to all the holograms, and so on. It just says that I can't use it from this location. Second of all, how do you fly? I want to make a flying character. I'm going to delete the one I already have in lieu for a better prepared, better looking one. Third of all, what's a good noobish starting class? Fourth of all, what's the best server? |
To fly, you must be level 14 and have chosen either Hover or Air superiority from the flight pool. You unlock these pools at level six.
I'm a little biased when it comes to classes. I've always liked melee. Scrappers and Tanks would be ideal, I think, for a beginner. Many hit points and good survivability. My first 50 was a Tank. Dark/Shield Scrappers tend to be popular and highly affective. I do not recommend controllers to begin as they tend to be a little difficult to play until you hit 32 when you get your pets (or Mass Confusion for Mind Controllers). But it all depends on if you're going to team a lot. For teams, Defenders and Controllers are always a plus. Radiations toons especially.
I don't think there is a "Best Server". I've played mostly on Guardian, but have recently spent some time on Freedom. The most popular two are Freedom and Virtue, with Virtue being pretty heavy into role playing. Any one of the servers are bound to welcome you with open arms.
Again, welcome! If you have any more questions, the guides section of the forums are always a good place to start.
Broad Stripe- Lvl 50 INV/EM Tank
Plasma Sky- Lvl 50 Fire/Kin Controller
Poison Poke- Lvl 40 Spines/Regen Scrapper
Broad Stroke- Lvl 28 BS/Regen Scrapper
Oops. Bill kinda beat me too it. All the same...welcome anyways!
Broad Stripe- Lvl 50 INV/EM Tank
Plasma Sky- Lvl 50 Fire/Kin Controller
Poison Poke- Lvl 40 Spines/Regen Scrapper
Broad Stroke- Lvl 28 BS/Regen Scrapper
First off, welcome to the game!!
To answer your questions:
1. If you've bought the AE edition, upgrade your account with that code, and you'll be ready to roll after the updates download (if you haven't done all that yet)
2. Fly, and other major travel powers, are available in general at level 14 or higher. Your pre-requisite to the travel is available at level 6. You should really get there is short order.
3. If you're wanting to get into melee, and are on hero-side, I recommend a scrapper. If you prefer range, a Blaster would fit that role, but you don't have the ability to withstand as much damage. For villains, Brutes and Corrupters and the ones similar to scraps/blasters.
4. There is no best, or they all are, depending on your point of view. If you are looking for a lot of people, and play in the evenings in North America, then Freedom and Virtue are the largest, with Virtue being the focal point for those wanting some role-playing with their game.
If you prefer things a bit quieter and the likelihood of less lag in the game, then I'd look for a server in the middle of the pack and try it out. Note that the server order is from lightest load to highest load (load isn't necessarily players), with the one you were last on at the top.
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

Just to confirm, when on Trial, the AE is indeed locked.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Welcome to the game!
If you are using the free trial time, without having paid any money towards the game at all, then yes, those Trial Account limitations apply.
However, if you have paid, then AE should be accessable to you. To use it, you have to stand by and click on one of the tables/display screens, not the holograms, near the the glowie pillar of digitalness. Those will let you select or create a mission.
Shh... its a secret....
Faldette's Secret (ID 416248)
I has a doll.

Hi, welcome to the game.
If you have 10,000 influence you can buy a jetpack and fly as early as level 1. It's a bit of a walk to get where you need to buy it, but if you're on the Freedom server, send me a tell (type /t @Leandro, some message) and I'll be happy to port you around and get you one.
If you are indeed on a trial account and can't send tells, leave your server and character name here, someone will look for you and show you around.
See you in game! Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!
and am somewhat overwhelmed. I got the idea of enhancements and inspirations now, but I still don't really know what to do. |
For normal enhancements you can buy in stores (just check your map with M to find stores), you get:
* Training Origin (TOs)
* Dual Origin (DOs)
* Single Origin (SOs)
TOs taper out eventually. You can start getting DOs at level 12, and start getting SOs at level 22, but you don't have to. If you play the game normally, you should have no trouble getting enhancements. Just buy and slot what you like in each power. With some trial and error you'll learn what you like and what benefits you. There's no real right answer.
Basic way to do enhancements is to buy new ones every 5 levels. So levels that end with a 2 or 7. Enhancements can be slotted when your level is -3 to +3 the level of the enhancement. So if you're 22 you can slot enhancements that are levels 19 to 25. If they're lower than 19, they become red and no longer work, and need to be replaced. Oh, and don't slot more than 3 of the same type of enhancement in one power, as a rule of thumb. You can look up Enhancement Diversification if you want to know why, but it's easier to just understand not to do it!
There are also Invention Origin enhancements (IOs), but you don't need to worry about those. If you are interested, the wiki has your answers again.
First of all, I'm still on trial time. Does this mean I can't use Architect Entertainment? I clicked on everything. I did the tour, talked to all the holograms, and so on. It just says that I can't use it from this location. |
Second of all, how do you fly? I want to make a flying character. I'm going to delete the one I already have in lieu for a better prepared, better looking one. |
One of the pools is Flight. You can take Hover (slow flying for use in combat) at level 6+. You can also take Air Superiority if you want an attack. If by level 14 you've taken one of the powers in Flight, you can take Fly itself and fly around all over the place.
Another pool you should look into is Fitness. It gives you basic bonuses to your stats like move speed, regeneration, and recovery. Pretty much everyone takes Fitness for Stamina because it gives them more endurance to use powers with.
Third of all, what's a good noobish starting class? |
But you have 12 starting slots per server, and altitis (the practice of having many characters -- I have 26 on my home server) is common in CoH, so feel free to make some of everything and see what you enjoy the most! You can also learn more about the ATs (classes) on the wiki.
Fourth of all, what's the best server? |

Welcome to the game, good luck in your journey. Let us know if you have any other questions!
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
You don't need to delete the character you have; you can change everything about them (power and slot choices, costume, even gender and size with the Science pack) except your name, Archetype, Origin, and powersets.
There's nothing wrong with being a newbie, as long as you're willing to learn. Welcome to the game.
Remember, for someone brand new to the game, changing powers and slotting can be a bit tricky, due to not having any freespecs or vetspecs available yet, not having the insane amount of inf to buy a respec recipe, and not being high enough level to run one of the respec trials.
At least there is the secondary build which can be used as an "emergency respec".
If you have applied the AE edition code as an upgrade to your trial account, it should of lifted all the trial account restrictions from you, while leaving you your trial time still intact. if it hasn't, contact support via the website.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Welcome, hope you like the Self Detonation power you get with Architect Edition! I Do!
(hehe yer all in for it now)
(seriously, you're all gonna die)
(I cant wait to splat you all over this room)
(not long now)
(just wait for it)
(come one)
(yawn..what was I doing again?)
(oh yeah...sweet!)
(Ready for it?)
(damn my team killed the spawn and completed the mission)
Light of the Phoenix - lvl 50 Fire/Emp Controller; Snow Panther - lvl 50 Cold/Ice Defender; Dragonfly. - lvl 50 Willpower/Fire Tanker; Magic Minx - lvl 50 Ill/Rad Controller; Dust Walker - lvl 50 Storm/Dark (Sand) Defender; And more...
I'm a total noob, and am somewhat overwhelmed. I got the idea of enhancements and inspirations now, but I still don't really know what to do.
First of all, I'm still on trial time. Does this mean I can't use Architect Entertainment? I clicked on everything. I did the tour, talked to all the holograms, and so on. It just says that I can't use it from this location. Second of all, how do you fly? I want to make a flying character. I'm going to delete the one I already have in lieu for a better prepared, better looking one. Third of all, what's a good noobish starting class? Fourth of all, what's the best server? |
To fly, get to level 6 and take Air Superiority or Hover then Fly at 14. To do this, when you hit 6 choose "Other power pool" then "Flight" then "Hover" or "Air Superiority". At level 14, choose "Fly".
Blasters or Scrappers are great for new players.
The "best" server for you will depend on whether you like lots of people or fewer people. Try Freedom, it's heavily populated (lots of crowd noise too) and you can then try lower pop servers afterwards.
Slot your attacks 1 accuracy/2-3 damage and either endurance reduction or recharge to start.
Edit: I saw you bought Architect Edition.
Here's what you do. Go to your PlayNC account (it'll be at, sign in with "Joe's Accountname/Password" then upgrade your account with the Architect code. This will give you a month of free gametime and let you choose one of the bonus packs. A month should be enough to let you know if you really like gameplay.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
Just a quick reiteration of what some folks have been saying....
When you apply the AE code to your account, be sure to use the UPGRADE option... you do not need to make a new account. Some folks have made this mistake in the past and lost the characters they were using during their trial. So, upgrade, Upgrade, UPGRADE.
I also say blasters and scrappers for new players... though keep in mind that blasters are a bit squishy. Tanks are great if you want serious survivability, but they are often slower with their attacks (depending on the chosen combo), so can be slow for solo play. Don't be afraid of making a few alts to tinker with combos... players in this game are proud of their altitis.
Justice is my home server, and there is rarely any shortage of activity. Whichever server you settle on, the key is to join the global chat channel for that server. Quite often, the server channel is where everyone goes to find teams, ask for help, etc., regardless of Supergroup affiliations. To find the channel for your server, you can go to the server forums, introduce yourself, and ask around.
Welcome to the game, and good hunting.
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

To fly, get to level 6 and take Air Superiority or Hover then Fly at 14. To do this, when you hit 6 choose "Other power pool" then "Flight" then "Hover" or "Air Superiority". At level 14, choose "Fly".
Safeguards award a different temporary power for each first time you complete it based on what zone it takes place in. Aside from halting the bank robbery there's a number of side missions you can also do (you can read more about these on the wiki). It's a pretty fun deviation from the standard "go to an office and beat up guys" mission. The villain-side version of these is Mayhem Missions.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
If you have questions, the Help Channel is available for both full account and trial players.
To ask a question in the help channel type:
/hc How do I get a cape?
I'm also a member of the New Player Council, who does their best to advise and assist new players. Want to learn more? Ask me!
You've also discovered the forums, a great source of information from game veterans, with minimal snark.
Welcome! is a great source of information for this game.
New or returning to the game? Want advice from experienced players who want to help YOU?
The Mentor Project: Part of the New Player Council.
A few points in no particular order:
1) Freedom is the most populated server. It's not necessarily the "Best server". (Many people are radically anti-Freedom.) In my opinion, with a smaller server you have to become civilized, you have to learn, or you get centrifuged out; with Freedom, you can always find a new group of people who don't know you're an incompetent, griefer, troll, whatever.
2) There are two systems of enhancements: the "old way" and the "new way." The old way is where you buy them from a store- TO's, then DO's (available from level 12+), then SO's (available from level 22+). They work adequately well, are always available from stores, and have a known (reasonable) price. The new way is the invention system (called "IO's" somewhat inaccurately.) You can be a little better than SO's for about the same price, to a LOT better than SO's for... as much money as you can get. You can ALWAYS spend more money on the most expensive IO's. Which, I will repeat, you do not need.
IO's are more complex, more expensive, and provide an optional "Game within a game."
3) The Architect Entertainment system is full of promise and full of traps. Many players have been through all the content in the game, two or more times. Their complaint was that there was nothing new to do. So, when given a tool to MAKE new things to do, they mostly had one of two responses:
* Make something really easy to get to max level as fast as possible (so they could, umm, keep complaining?) - a farm.
* Make something really hard to challenge themselves.
There was a third option:
* Tell the stories they've always wanted to hear. Make up their own badguys.
Unfortunately, the AE has very few actual limits on how hard you can make something, and your dream badguy may be a LOT harder than normal content. Or a LOT harder for certain types of characters. Or for solo characters, or teams. And many people trying to tell a story were not your "A" english students.
The result is that most AE arcs are boring, impossible, or hideously wrong in one of six or eight different ways.
What I'm saying is that AE is not somewhere I think you should start.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Second of all, how do you fly? I want to make a flying character. I'm going to delete the one I already have in lieu for a better prepared, better looking one.
Third of all, what's a good noobish starting class? Fourth of all, what's the best server? |
Any character can fly though WarShades need some kind of Temp power in order to do it. You can get Hover at level 6 and Fly at level 14 (if you picked either Hover or Air Superiority by level 12).
If you can talk someone into it, you can get a Raptor Pack in the Shadow Shard for 10k as soon as you zone into the game. You just have to get to the vendor and pay the 10k and you can fly - the pack has 2 hours of use time.
Noob isn't cool. You are a new player. Noob is an insult term used by jerks. I dread hearing anyone call someone this - especially themselves. It is always used as a negative and degrading term. I really see no reason for it's use in the City at all. The Superhero genre, it would be much more in character for someone to call someone a Rookie. Needless to say, many players spend plenty of time as a side-kick to a team leader.
Scrappers, Tanks, and Brutes with Willpower or Regen are probably the easiest to play and most survivable. Don't pick Dual Blades to start with as they have a combo system - the other sets don't.
The best server is the one that you like playing on the most and that is completely debatable and often related to the friends that you find to game with.
Each server has it's own flavor.
The top sever is always the one that you logged into last.
Then the servers list in load order. 2nd to top - lowest load. Bottom one highest load. So if you have lag issues, you might want to try a server with a lower load - this may or may not affect the amount of lag you experience.
Virtue is the unofficial RPG server.
Champions was/is where Champions the RPG players used to/do hang out.
Justice is the unofficial Oceanic Time-zone server, but there are plenty of US players on it.
Infinity was at one point the (if not one of the) unofficial PvP servers.
Each of the servers basically has it's own feel. I'd suggest making a character on each and seeing which you feel at home might end up being a matter of which one you find has the coolest supergroup to join - which is also a matter of personal taste.
What I'm saying is that AE is not somewhere I think you should start.
Currently Freedom is considered the main PvP server. While PvP is not as popular in City of Heroes as it might be in other games, some of the other servers have small clusters of active PvP players. The Arena can be accessed at as low of a level as level 1 and can be easily reached in Galaxy City for heroes or Port Oakes for villains with a few other spots here and there. PvP in open world zones is not available until level 15 with the zone Bloody Bay.
I'm a total noob, and am somewhat overwhelmed. I got the idea of enhancements and inspirations now, but I still don't really know what to do.
First of all, I'm still on trial time. Does this mean I can't use Architect Entertainment? I clicked on everything. I did the tour, talked to all the holograms, and so on. It just says that I can't use it from this location.
Second of all, how do you fly? I want to make a flying character. I'm going to delete the one I already have in lieu for a better prepared, better looking one.
Third of all, what's a good noobish starting class?
Fourth of all, what's the best server?