Originally Posted by Varkarrus
I'm a total noob, and am somewhat overwhelmed. I got the idea of enhancements and inspirations now, but I still don't really know what to do.
First of all, I'm still on trial time. Does this mean I can't use Architect Entertainment? I clicked on everything. I did the tour, talked to all the holograms, and so on. It just says that I can't use it from this location.
Second of all, how do you fly? I want to make a flying character. I'm going to delete the one I already have in lieu for a better prepared, better looking one.
Third of all, what's a good noobish starting class?
Fourth of all, what's the best server?
Hello, and welcome! There have been many changes to the game in recent years so it can be daunting. Enhancements affect the effectiveness of your powers. For example, adding more damage to your blasts, increasing the defense of your shields, etc. You can read more about them, or anything else for that matter in the Guides section of the forums.
To fly, you must be level 14 and have chosen either Hover or Air superiority from the flight pool. You unlock these pools at level six.
I'm a little biased when it comes to classes. I've always liked melee. Scrappers and Tanks would be ideal, I think, for a beginner. Many hit points and good survivability. My first 50 was a Tank. Dark/Shield Scrappers tend to be popular and highly affective. I do not recommend controllers to begin as they tend to be a little difficult to play until you hit 32 when you get your pets (or Mass Confusion for Mind Controllers). But it all depends on if you're going to team a lot. For teams, Defenders and Controllers are always a plus. Radiations toons especially.
I don't think there is a "Best Server". I've played mostly on Guardian, but have recently spent some time on Freedom. The most popular two are Freedom and Virtue, with Virtue being pretty heavy into role playing. Any one of the servers are bound to welcome you with open arms.
Again, welcome! If you have any more questions, the guides section of the forums are always a good place to start.