Not impressed

Ad Astra



i think it's hilarious that half the people didn't realize he was on the EU servers instead of the NA servers. made my day so far that did. anyways. M_B, if you try the North American servers you will find a whole lot more people to play with. it will require you to download the trial again, but you will find more people to play with.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
i think it's hilarious that half the people didn't realize he was on the EU servers instead of the NA servers. made my day so far that did. anyways. M_B, if you try the North American servers you will find a whole lot more people to play with. it will require you to download the trial again, but you will find more people to play with.
To be honest Quint, he never said it until he mentioned Defiant above and his location is empty as well.

One of us should have been smart enough to ask in the first place rather than assume.

If mad brair were willing to test the NA waters, is there a way he can replace the updater/exe with the NA version, as opposed to downloading the whole thing all over again?


Posted - this includes the NA updater. Download it to your desktop (not to your City folder). Run it and tell it to install to your City folder.

Note that to play on the NA servers, mad briar will have to start over on a new, NA trial account.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by tiredofit View Post
The load times for new zones etc seem to be getting much longer. I upgraded my internet connection to twice the speed but the improvement was not really great.
FYI, zone load time is based on YOUR computer performance. The zones are not being loaded from NCSoft's computers to yours - they are being loaded from YOUR hard drive to YOUR memory, so upgrading your internet connection won't help. Adding more RAM to computer often will help, particularly if you have less than 2GB.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
FYI, zone load time is based on YOUR computer performance. The zones are not being loaded from NCSoft's computers to yours - they are being loaded from YOUR hard drive to YOUR memory, so upgrading your internet connection won't help. Adding more RAM to computer often will help, particularly if you have less than 2GB.
Specifically - from the time the load bar first moves until you appear in game on your client is all your machine.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Ok, first off: thanks to all (well most) for the help. The good: the setting is excellent. The music and presentation are likewise excellent. The environment is engaging and I'm sure with a decent rig it looks even better. The bad: there's just no one playing this on the EU servers (I tried both). Obviously there are always going to be more in the US; that's just the way it is. But I won't be reinstalling a NA client, it's too much hassle and the connection will suck over that distance. In terms of gameplay I'm not yet convinced the powers offer enough depth to take a character through the game. The synergy of powers, the breadth of abilities and the ability to develop them, as you can in other games, doesn't seem to be present. That would be fine if there was more to it. The black market is done well as are the enhancement mechanisms - and I know you can craft them with recipes etc. But I don't see it as enough. I'm sure if a) there were more players and b) i had a really good pc those issues would probably be lessened. Grouping always makes a game more fun, all things considered. But for now, while the game is playable for me, I just can't see myself paying for it, and buying a new PC is out the question (I can't even find someone to buy my ps3, so it's just not going to happen). Really, though the game is more of a memory hog than it should be - my specs aside, it's not a new game by any means. If my trial character is kept on the server and if I can get a better set up then I would happily play for at least a month. But for now, while I ride out the rest of the trial (play at least to level 14), I don't see it happening. These games require a social element and when the game is just plain deserted there's really little point playing.



How about providing your global name or character name and the time of day you play, so those on Defiant or Union can look out for you and give you a better tour of the game



Originally Posted by mad briar View Post
But I won't be reinstalling a NA client, it's too much hassle
It's no hassle at all. Download the exe I linked above; tell it to install to your current directory; it'll do a little twiddling, but you've already downloaded all of the necessary files, so all it needs to do is fix localisation.

and the connection will suck over that distance
Over 100,000 players from around the world play on either set of server farms. Players in the EU play on the NA servers. Players in NA play on the EU servers. Players in Australia play on both. Players in South America play on both. Players in Singapore play on both. When I say "around the world", I mean "around the world".

Hell, there has been multiple times when folks in the EU comment they get *BETTER* response from the NA servers than EU because of the internet structure (NA is much better connected than Germany, which is where the EU servers are located).

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Altoholic_Monkey View Post
How about providing your global name or character name and the time of day you play, so those on Defiant or Union can look out for you and give you a better tour of the game
There isn't much point: people would play the game if there were players. There just aren't any. I last looked and about 16 people were online. That's not going to work.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
It's no hassle at all. Download the exe I linked above; tell it to install to your current directory; it'll do a little twiddling, but you've already downloaded all of the necessary files, so all it needs to do is fix localisation.

Over 100,000 players from around the world play on either set of server farms. Players in the EU play on the NA servers. Players in NA play on the EU servers. Players in Australia play on both. Players in South America play on both. Players in Singapore play on both. When I say "around the world", I mean "around the world".

Hell, there has been multiple times when folks in the EU comment they get *BETTER* response from the NA servers than EU because of the internet structure (NA is much better connected than Germany, which is where the EU servers are located).
it would also mean having to start the character again and without a trial account.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
It's no hassle at all. Download the exe I linked above; tell it to install to your current directory; it'll do a little twiddling, but you've already downloaded all of the necessary files, so all it needs to do is fix localization.

Over 100,000 players from around the world play on either set of server farms. Players in the EU play on the NA servers. Players in NA play on the EU servers. Players in Australia play on both. Players in South America play on both. Players in Singapore play on both. When I say "around the world", I mean "around the world".

Hell, there has been multiple times when folks in the EU comment they get *BETTER* response from the NA servers than EU because of the internet structure (NA is much better connected than Germany, which is where the EU servers are located).
Agge gave you a quick workaround, you wont have to re-download everything. And I've read multiple posts from people in your neck of the woods about better connectivity when playing on the NA servers.

As for your characters abilities, you have to realize that your character does not start out über, it's a progression. Quite often people start with 'concept' characters. I know I did. Kinetics/Archery is not something I'd recommend to a first-timer. But 'concept' characters may not offer the best synergy as far as power combinations are concerned, and may be even slower starting.

Perhaps you can tell us what type of character you enjoy playing. Do you like the 'up close and personal, in your face, pummel then into the ground', or the 'sniper', or do you like playing a 'support' type?

The great thing about this game is it offers an almost unlimited supply of unique charaters. I don't think I've seen anyone mention it, but this game is not about hitting max level, it's about the journey there. Not to mention Altitis/Altiholism plays a big part, I know some people that have played for nearly the entire existence of the game, but have fewer than 20 characters, I've been playing for a little over 2yrs and have somewhere around 70, while there are others out there with several hundred.

But most definitely head down to the EU forums and ask around, I'm sure you will find people that are more than willing to hook up with you in game.

Originally Posted by mad briar View Post
There isn't much point: people would play the game if there were players. There just aren't any. I last looked and about 16 people were online. That's not going to work.
The search function will not show the people that are Hidden, or within an instanced mission. If you're playing around the same time that you are posting, or before, that's puts you somewhere around 4-8pm you time. That may or may not be too early for the majority of players on the EU servers. Perhaps a current EU player can chime in about that.

Edit: When it comes down to it mad briar, your experience is your own. We're not trying to force feed you the game, but the majority of us will try to give you all the information we can about the game, the people, and the ins and outs of the game so that you enjoy your dip into our pool.

An added bonus is Mod8 popping in here, and letting you and the rest of us know that he's taking note of your experience. This game may have been out for almost 6 years, but it has grown considerably since its release. And while there are hiccups, overall I have found it to me an exceptional experience.



Originally Posted by mad briar View Post
Ok, first off: thanks to all (well most) for the help. The good: the setting is excellent. The music and presentation are likewise excellent. The environment is engaging and I'm sure with a decent rig it looks even better. The bad: there's just no one playing this on the EU servers (I tried both). Obviously there are always going to be more in the US; that's just the way it is. But I won't be reinstalling a NA client, it's too much hassle and the connection will suck over that distance. In terms of gameplay I'm not yet convinced the powers offer enough depth to take a character through the game. The synergy of powers, the breadth of abilities and the ability to develop them, as you can in other games, doesn't seem to be present. That would be fine if there was more to it. The black market is done well as are the enhancement mechanisms - and I know you can craft them with recipes etc. But I don't see it as enough. I'm sure if a) there were more players and b) i had a really good pc those issues would probably be lessened. Grouping always makes a game more fun, all things considered. But for now, while the game is playable for me, I just can't see myself paying for it, and buying a new PC is out the question (I can't even find someone to buy my ps3, so it's just not going to happen). Really, though the game is more of a memory hog than it should be - my specs aside, it's not a new game by any means. If my trial character is kept on the server and if I can get a better set up then I would happily play for at least a month. But for now, while I ride out the rest of the trial (play at least to level 14), I don't see it happening. These games require a social element and when the game is just plain deserted there's really little point playing.
Good to hear Sorry bout the previous sarcasm, we see a lot of unnecessary griping around here.



Originally Posted by beyeajus74018 View Post
Good to hear Sorry bout the previous sarcasm, we see a lot of unnecessary griping around here.
Aww! He apologized!


Edit: Don't hurt me, I'm just messing with ya'.



If you don't like the game enough to keep on with it, then that's fine too. It's not everyone's cup of tea. But to address a couple of your points:

1) You should get a decent connection from Europe. I get a fine one to the NA servers from Australia (and not in a big city too), and that's about as far away as you can get. If you're after higher population servers, then yes, you're probably better off on the NA servers (Freedom and Virtue are highest population generally, the order of the rest seems to depend on time of day). Yes, you can't transfer your EU trial account to a NA trial account, but so what? If you've played the game enough to go "Well, gee, I might buy this if there were any other people on", then just buy an account. It'll be like $20 US, and you'll get a month to decide whether you actually like to game enough without those annoying trial restrictions and and with the extra people to play. Failing that, you might be able to get another trial if you use a different email address -- not sure on what information it uses to determine if a trial is unique though, but that's what it checks when you try to send a trial to a friend so it could be the same for self-made trials too.

2) The game plays considerably differently from AT to AT. Taking 2 scrappers pr brutes through their journey to 50 will be fairly similar. whereas taking a scrapper and a mastermind, or brute and a controller will be considerably different. I find that the support / controls ATs differentiate more from powerset to powerset too. During normal progression, you won't hit every contact in a zone, and in CoH, you'll often have multiple zones to pick from for each level range. Not so much in CoV, though their contacts are better IMO! The game is pretty much built around having multiple characters.



Originally Posted by Fire Lilly View Post
Aww! He apologized!


Edit: Don't hurt me, I'm just messing with ya'.
LOL, oh come now, we're all allowed a sarcastic post here and there ain't we? Ammirite?!



It's not the character or the low level that's the problem. I like the characters i've created. It's the fact the powers are largely samey and not terribly complimentary. There really is not much synergy and it's a little shallow. I have a Dominator with thorn plant powers and they don't really gel and some of them are jhust the same thing: two abilities that trap the opponent are pretty much identical. Furthermore, beyond enhancements (which only really give a little boost to your abilities), there is nothing else. There's no talent point system or means to further customise your stuff. Don't get me wrong; it's not bad by any means, it's just not terribly deep. This may well be mitigated when you are playing in a group, but without players that's not an option. The areas are totally devoid of other players. There's not a single other player character on screen. Now that may be because they are all higher level and engaged in high level gameplay, but that's not really any better. I'm not reainstalling and starting all over again just to play on US servers. If no one in the UK/EU is playing on local servers then that's just too bad. If the game is more popular in the states then fine. But i'm not mucking around on the offchance it won't have lag problems (because it will).



Originally Posted by mad briar View Post
It's not the character or the low level that's the problem. I like the characters i've created. It's the fact the powers are largely samey and not terribly complimentary. There really is not much synergy and it's a little shallow. I have a Dominator with thorn plant powers and they don't really gel and some of them are jhust the same thing: two abilities that trap the opponent are pretty much identical. Furthermore, beyond enhancements (which only really give a little boost to your abilities), there is nothing else. There's no talent point system or means to further customise your stuff. Don't get me wrong; it's not bad by any means, it's just not terribly deep. This may well be mitigated when you are playing in a group, but without players that's not an option. The areas are totally devoid of other players. There's not a single other player character on screen. Now that may be because they are all higher level and engaged in high level gameplay, but that's not really any better. I'm not reainstalling and starting all over again just to play on US servers. If no one in the UK/EU is playing on local servers then that's just too bad. If the game is more popular in the states then fine. But i'm not mucking around on the offchance it won't have lag problems (because it will).
OK, you seem to be determined to not like the game - so it's not for you.

Folks have offered to try to help you find the "depth" you are seeking, but you don't seem to want our help.

One of the more frequent posters on this board plays from Bulgaria, and I haven't seen him report problems with his connection to the game (sorry if I'm putting words in your mouth, Samuel_Tow). But if you truly have connection problems with your particular ISP, then you will have problems no matter what on-line game you are trying to play.

Erm, regarding the highlighted line from your post above - at the levels you are playing in the trial, those different Dominator powers that trap the opponent do work differently, you just aren't seeing that for some reason.

Entangle - Immobilize your opponent, doing Smashing & Lethal damage over time. Single target, does damage, but only immobilizes, so the target can still attack you back.

Strangler - Hold your opponent, dealing damage over time. Your target can't do anything *at all*. Single target, use it for the foe that will likely give you the most trouble first.

Roots - Immobilize a group of foes, dealing damage (less than Entangle does, at least per foe). Like Entangle, except for multiple targets. They still get to attack you back.

So there are differences, which can affect your tactics against any given spawn.

As far as skills or talents goes, our Inventions system mainly replaces that. There are other games out there that have them, including the 800-pound gorilla in the MMO world, so perhaps they would be more to your taste.

And also, BTW, those Enhancements you are pooh-poohing right now become pretty powerful at higher levels. No one is uber when they start out - that would be a pretty boring game.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Originally Posted by mad briar View Post
The areas are totally devoid of other players. There's not a single other player character on screen. Now that may be because they are all higher level and engaged in high level gameplay, but that's not really any better.
There are people on the EU servers at all levels (I logged in at 2pm today with a lvl 18 and had a Tell inviting me to a team within 5 minutes, but this was Hero-side on Union), but given that CoH is heavily built around instanced missions, you get far less just wandering around in the open.

I'd say the main reason you feel the game is empty could well be down to the rather heavy trial restrictions. A lot of teaming these days is done through various Global chat channels, which you can't join. Villains also tends to have a lower population than Heroes, which won't help.

If you really want to give the game a fair try, I'd say come over to the EU Lounge and introduce yourself there. There will be plenty of people willing to team with you and show you a bit more of the game.

You won't really get to see what the game is about unless you get a full subscription, and you are the only person who can decide if it's worth trying.

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



Originally Posted by mad briar View Post
I'm not reainstalling and starting all over again just to play on US servers. If no one in the UK/EU is playing on local servers then that's just too bad. If the game is more popular in the states then fine. But i'm not mucking around on the offchance it won't have lag problems (because it will).
First: YOU DON'T HAVE TO REINSTALL. Please read the post I made above. You don't have to do ANYTHING other than download the NA updater. Everything in the base files is THE SAME FILES as the EU install. It only has to fix localisation! Let me repeat that again, because you have ignored it at least three times now: YOU DON'T HAVE TO REINSTALL. Changing an EU install to an NA install takes, at most, 10 minutes.

Second: I will repeat - this seems to be a common occurrence with you - there are tons and tons of people from all around the world playing on both server farms, NA and EU. There are people in the EU who report BETTER CONNECTION to the NA servers, and WORSE CONNECTION to the EU servers. This is because Germany - where the EU servers are - is not connected to the internet as well as Virginia and California - which means it's fairly common for non-NA people to have better connection to NA stuff than EU stuff. If you're not even going to try it out, you are not allowed to say what will or won't happen.

Second and a half: Yes, the game is "more popular in the states", but that's because it was released here first. A lot of the EU players had a few years' worth of gameplay and effort put into their characters, supergroups, and circles of friends when the EU servers came out. The game did not start with EU servers available. They did not want to abandon them, so they stayed with the NA servers. That's one reason why the EU servers have a much smaller population, and likely are not going to grow to be as big as the NA servers.

Third: This game is based on instanced maps. About 85-90% of the game takes place inside personal/team-only maps. The reason you don't see a lot of people standing around or killing dudes on the streets is because the game generally isn't played out in the open world. Complaining that you don't see a lot of people out and about doesn't make much sense when you think of it in that light.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by mad briar View Post
It's not the character or the low level that's the problem. I like the characters i've created. It's the fact the powers are largely samey and not terribly complimentary. There really is not much synergy and it's a little shallow. I have a Dominator with thorn plant powers and they don't really gel and some of them are jhust the same thing: two abilities that trap the opponent are pretty much identical. Furthermore, beyond enhancements (which only really give a little boost to your abilities), there is nothing else. There's no talent point system or means to further customise your stuff. Don't get me wrong; it's not bad by any means, it's just not terribly deep. This may well be mitigated when you are playing in a group, but without players that's not an option. The areas are totally devoid of other players. There's not a single other player character on screen. Now that may be because they are all higher level and engaged in high level gameplay, but that's not really any better. I'm not reainstalling and starting all over again just to play on US servers. If no one in the UK/EU is playing on local servers then that's just too bad. If the game is more popular in the states then fine. But i'm not mucking around on the offchance it won't have lag problems (because it will).
Maybe try a Mastermind instead? Masterminds are really fun.



Besides, there's no reason to be afraid of starting a new character. Levelling in this game is, by MMO standards, piss easy and very fast, and there's nothing you can't recreate.



Most of european players are at schools or jobs at daytime. People come to online usually about 9.00 pm british time. And almost all chatting happens at Defiant events channel in Defiant server. Im not sure about Union server. But usually if you want to team with other players, you have to login at proper time.

Prunejuice is warriors drink.



You know it is nice to see all you folks really TRY to help the OP out.Now here is the thing let it go,the OP obviously has already made up his mind not to like this game for a number of reasons.

I make no assumptions on why ie;trial account,laziness,general hate or a sockpuppet.Just let it go folks all of you did a tremendous job gratz to you all.



Originally Posted by zachary_EU View Post
Most of european players are at schools or jobs at daytime. People come to online usually about 9.00 pm british time. And almost all chatting happens at Defiant events channel in Defiant server. Im not sure about Union server. But usually if you want to team with other players, you have to login at proper time.
I agree with Zachary here. I know sometimes the EU servers can seem a little empty at first but generally I have never found less than 150 playing on Defiant (my home server) around peakish times. Generally things pick up from about 8pm (UK time) but it helps getting into an active SG and using the Defiant Events channel but unfortunately the Trial Restrictions won't allow this, the EU lounge or the Defiant/Union server boards can help you out there if you do decide to stay.

And if you are in the UK you can get a copy of the Good vs Evil edition from shops for less than £10 which will give a months full gameplay plus a few extra little goodies to help you along if you still did want to give it a go.

I did try a US trial account for a short while just to see the difference and I didn't have any connection issues or reduced speed.

Member of GGRRR, a SG on Defiant - check out our website - GGRRR
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.