Not impressed

Ad Astra



Extraordinary! How rude!

First people DEMAND i pay for and download an american client because doing anything else is unreasonable.

Now you sit there and tell me I'm flat wrong for saying there are no players when I connect locally. It's not bad luck at all; the game has no players. I've already told you you are looking at it from the perspective of a high ranking player. That's no good to me.



Originally Posted by mad briar View Post
First people DEMAND i pay for and download an american client because doing anything else is unreasonable.
No, we SUGGEST that you try the FREE trial for the American version of the game. But at this point you're just trolling right?



Originally Posted by mad briar View Post
It's not the character or the low level that's the problem.
Actually, from statements made further down it IS. I know it sounds like I'm being cocky and know-it-all here but I'm not.

I like the characters i've created. It's the fact the powers are largely samey and not terribly complimentary. There really is not much synergy and it's a little shallow.
Believe it or not, that's low-level gameplay. It's more about learning to use the base effects in powers to prep you for the more potent powers that start coming into play in the 20's and 30's. Right now you have gaping holes in your attack chain. These do, eventually fill in.

I have a Dominator with thorn plant powers and they don't really gel and some of them are jhust the same thing: two abilities that trap the opponent are pretty much identical.
At lower levels, holds, immobilize powers, and stuns all seem superficially similar. As you progress, you learn about effect-stacking (as higher-level enemies start gaining status protections). So one power that drops a Mag 3 Hold on someone may or may not affect them. But follow them up with another power that does the same, and another that drops a Mag 2 and your powers stack to overcome his resistance (also doing damage in the interim).

Furthermore, beyond enhancements (which only really give a little boost to your abilities), there is nothing else.
Again, at low levels, enhancements ARE trivial. Training Origin effects are almost (but not quite) pointless. Dual Origin effects are more potent. Single Origin effects are more potent still. Plus you have Invention Origin (which also scale by level). At high levels they provide better single-aspect effects than SOs, and many of the sets have pieces that improve multiple aspects simultaneously. With some abilities it's possible to nearly double two or more aspects of a power, while retaining modest improvements in still other aspects.

There's no talent point system or means to further customise your stuff.
Because it's not needed. The effects of many powers scale with level. Furthermore, with the Enhancement and Invention systems and the choices made possible by them, it's quite possible that while an individual power won't be COMPLETELY unique, your specific choices in overall powers+enhancements=effect will be.

Don't get me wrong; it's not bad by any means, it's just not terribly deep.
You want deep? Head into the one of the AT-specific forums with a speculative build out of the Mids' Hero Designer. Then let them go to town on it. You'll get all the deep you can handle (a tips on putting together a VERY efficacious build to boot).

This may well be mitigated when you are playing in a group, but without players that's not an option.
Again, we suggest you give the US version a try (if you're terribly concerned about population, go to Freedom or Virtue).

Also, explore the server-specific forums and ask about community gathering points in channels (though this will be limited by your trial status). Finding these community areas isn't rocket science, but asking up-front about them would probably make your endeavor easier.

The areas are totally devoid of other players.
Again, some of this may be that you're on the EU servers. Some of it may be that you're on at a very lean time of day. Some of it may simply be that a majority of the population are active in missions or hiding.

Again, finding the community channels that are active will cut down on your need to search for people.

I'm not reainstalling and starting all over again just to play on US servers.
Reinstalling for the US version isn't as horrific as the initial download is. The localization files are relatively tiny compared to the sound and texture files (a couple megs).

If no one in the UK/EU is playing on local servers then that's just too bad. If the game is more popular in the states then fine. But i'm not mucking around on the offchance it won't have lag problems (because it will).
People are playing this game from the UK. Why not ask THEM what playing the US shards is like? Don't assume it's going to be bad simply because you're a few thousand miles from your server. This is NOT a "twitch" game for the most part. So if your ping isn't absolute rock-botton single-digits, it's no biggie.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by mad briar View Post
I don't need to try it. Games always lag on US hosts because my internet connection isn't strong enough. The UK doesn't have the same level of broadband quality as most other places, like america, and unless you have a really good ISP it will crap out. It does it every time. And for the umpteenth time, I'm not going to pay
to find out. I've already explained the other reasons. If you cannot be bothered to show me basic courtesy then go troll elsewhere.
Sigh!!! Yes, that's a loud sigh! YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY FOR A TRIAL OF EU OR NA!!
Do you understand that? Everyone here has helped you. Aggy gave you LARGE help to get you to "try" NA CoH/V. Just give it a try and then tell us it didn't work. You never know unless you try. CoH is different than other games. It might work.

"every defender needs to fight. I don't care if you have to use BRAWL!"



I have no interest in signing up for another account just to get another trial for a game that i've alredy explained isn't at it's best on my system. As I said to you AGAIN i don't dislike the game and that if i could get a better machine I would happily give it another try.

It is also impossible to connect to the non-eu site (i tried out of curiosity).

Next time read the bloody message don't be so rude to people. Yours is the attitude pal and the amount of abuse and crap i've had to put up with people after expressing my opinions in a reasoned and gracious messages is not representative of a community I want any part of. Grow up. I'm out.

And the attached tags only prove the point; how childish.



Since this is already well past the point of productivity, I'll go ahead and lock it.


If you are using Latin in your post you are probably trolling

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