Not impressed

Ad Astra



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
Besides, there's no reason to be afraid of starting a new character. Levelling in this game is, by MMO standards, piss easy and very fast, and there's nothing you can't recreate.

Working a normal job (8-5...yay) and being in a band I don't get to play very much compared to how much I used to play WoW. But if you were to consider how much time I've spent creating new toons lvling alts etc... if I'd have worked on nothing but my tank (who should hit 50 tonight) he'd have been at 50 easily within a month of creating him... getting a toon to lvl cap in any other MMO takes MUCH more time and it's a much less fun trip. It has yet to have felt like a grind lvling him.

Global @radubadu
Usually playing one of the following toons blueside on Virtue:
Cadler 50 WP/SS tanker
Radubadu 46 Fire/Fire blaster
Hell Runner 35 Fire/Fire brute



Charming. I didn't say I didn't like the game. It seems that there are too many overly defensive people here who didn't bother to read what I wrote correctly. I made it clear that I would consider playign the game under the right circumstances. I didn't dismiss it all at all. My comments about the gameplayer are entirely valid and i expect peopel to respect them. I am not going to install the US client for reasons already explained. I don't care how easy it is. It WILL lag to the US because every connection that distant does. Whether or not someone in Bulgaria plays on the US servers is utterly irrelevant, they don't have the same internet connection as me. Besides the time difference will make it rather hard to do anything properly and I do not want to start another character. Respect that. If no one is playing the game over here then that's too bad. It's not my fault the game has died in the UK, and given there are NO other players in the game it clearly has. I'm not waiting till 9pm every night on the off chance a bunch of players around my level will appear. What is needed is a busy server, and that isn't the case. There is nothing that anyone can show or do about any of these things. Complain to the people that have given up playing the game, not to me.



Your inflexibility is YOUR inflexibility.

People have simply tried to address your apparent frustrations with alternatives. Explanations have been given, but you are coming across as unwilling to give the game a true "fair shake".

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Originally Posted by mad briar View Post
My comments about the gameplayer are entirely valid and i expect peopel to respect them.
Wow, still looking for respect? Well, the internet ain't the place to look.

I am not going to install the US client for reasons already explained. I don't care how easy it is. It WILL lag to the US because every connection that distant does.
Okay, we respect that you won't be playing the game. This 'reason' is still bogus, though.

If no one is playing the game over here then that's too bad. It's not my fault the game has died in the UK, and given there are NO other players in the game it clearly has. I'm not waiting till 9pm every night on the off chance a bunch of players around my level will appear. What is needed is a busy server, and that isn't the case. There is nothing that anyone can show or do about any of these things.
Okay, then, I guess it's time to wrap this up and move on, isn't it?

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by mad briar View Post
Charming. I didn't say I didn't like the game. It seems that there are too many overly defensive people here who didn't bother to read what I wrote correctly. I made it clear that I would consider playign the game under the right circumstances. I didn't dismiss it all at all. My comments about the gameplayer are entirely valid and i expect peopel to respect them. I am not going to install the US client for reasons already explained. I don't care how easy it is. It WILL lag to the US because every connection that distant does. Whether or not someone in Bulgaria plays on the US servers is utterly irrelevant, they don't have the same internet connection as me. Besides the time difference will make it rather hard to do anything properly and I do not want to start another character. Respect that. If no one is playing the game over here then that's too bad. It's not my fault the game has died in the UK, and given there are NO other players in the game it clearly has. I'm not waiting till 9pm every night on the off chance a bunch of players around my level will appear. What is needed is a busy server, and that isn't the case. There is nothing that anyone can show or do about any of these things. Complain to the people that have given up playing the game, not to me.
If you're not willing to try any of the suggestions here then you've conceded that you're essentially done with the game. So why are you still on the forums? I'm not intending that to be sarcastic, I'm genuinely curious... if you're not willing to go through the steps offered as possible solutions and you don't like it as is... then you obviously don't want to pursue it... so are you just here out of boredom? Or are you hoping someone gives you the push over the edge that makes you realize how good the game really is? There are plenty of people playing it to support that, if you choose not to see it then that's on you.

Global @radubadu
Usually playing one of the following toons blueside on Virtue:
Cadler 50 WP/SS tanker
Radubadu 46 Fire/Fire blaster
Hell Runner 35 Fire/Fire brute



Originally Posted by mad briar View Post
Charming. I didn't say I didn't like the game. It seems that there are too many overly defensive people here who didn't bother to read what I wrote correctly.
Overly defensive? Or pointing out that you are completely wrong in your opinion (which you state as fact).

Again, I was in a full team, at 3pm today, a Monday. There are people playing on the EU servers. If you don't want to take the risk of buying a full sub and playing for the free month to find them, that's your choice. But it's down to you, not the game.

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Your inflexibility is YOUR inflexibility.

People have simply tried to address your apparent frustrations with alternatives. Explanations have been given, but you are coming across as unwilling to give the game a true "fair shake".
I'm playing the trial account and, as I said, will continue to do so until it expires. How is that not giving the game a fair shake? How am I being inflexible? The game will not work on US servers for reasons already given. I don't want to start another character. The only inflexible person here is the person who cannot tolerate the views of another.



Originally Posted by Radubadu View Post
If you're not willing to try any of the suggestions here then you've conceded that you're essentially done with the game. So why are you still on the forums? I'm not intending that to be sarcastic, I'm genuinely curious... if you're not willing to go through the steps offered as possible solutions and you don't like it as is... then you obviously don't want to pursue it... so are you just here out of boredom? Or are you hoping someone gives you the push over the edge that makes you realize how good the game really is? There are plenty of people playing it to support that, if you choose not to see it then that's on you.
You quote what I say but still ignore it. There are no solutions. The connection won't work over that distance. WHo do you think knows my internet connection and isp better: you or me?



Originally Posted by Kiken View Post
Overly defensive? Or pointing out that you are completely wrong in your opinion (which you state as fact).

Again, I was in a full team, at 3pm today, a Monday. There are people playing on the EU servers. If you don't want to take the risk of buying a full sub and playing for the free month to find them, that's your choice. But it's down to you, not the game.
No one has explained where I am wrong; they have said go and play on US servers. That's it. That's not a solution. I'm not interested in whether YOU were in a full team. It has no bearing on my experience whatsoever. I am telling you, as a matter of fact, there are no other players whenever I play. You can choose to either believe that or you can go and play in someone else's thread as there is no point you being here ignoring what I say just because it doesn't suit your view of the game. Your experience won't be relevant to mine for obvious reasons.



Originally Posted by mad briar View Post
You quote what I say but still ignore it. There are no solutions. The connection won't work over that distance. WHo do you think knows my internet connection and isp better: you or me?
Have you tried it yet to know that for a fact? Or are you just assuming that since it's a great distance it won't work?

I know people that play in Italy, Ecuador, and Australia, all on the North American servers, and their connections seem just fine from my vantage point. In fact, they seem to lag less than I do myself, and I'm smack in the middle of the US.

You DO realize that when someone is in a mission you can't see them, right? And that when you, yourself, are in a mission, other players can't see you either? 90% of the game's content takes place inside instanced missions, not outside where you can be seen by other players. You seem to be claiming that there are ZERO other players online at the same time as yourself, which is nearly impossible at any point in the day, let alone consistently, as you're saying.

Since you aren't willing to even attempt to connect to the US servers it seems you will be done in short order here. With the attitude you've displayed thus far I can't say I see it as a loss. Solutions have been offered and you'v discarded every single one of them without even trying them. That says to me that you want the game to run YOUR way, or not at all, which is just plain not gonna happen.

Hopefully you find a game that meets your requirements, though from the sounds of things it seems unlikely.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Have you tried it yet to know that for a fact? Or are you just assuming that since it's a great distance it won't work?

I know people that play in Italy, Ecuador, and Australia, all on the North American servers, and their connections seem just fine from my vantage point. In fact, they seem to lag less than I do myself, and I'm smack in the middle of the US.
and still you don't listen.



Originally Posted by mad briar View Post
The connection won't work over that distance. WHo do you think knows my internet connection and isp better: you or me?
Have you actually tried it over that distance to know if it will work yourself?

Blondeshell (1381 badges) - My other badge hunters
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MArc #87989 - Enter, The Conglomerate
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Originally Posted by mad briar View Post
No one has explained where I am wrong; they have said go and play on US servers. That's it. That's not a solution. I'm not interested in whether YOU were in a full team. It has no bearing on my experience whatsoever. I am telling you, as a matter of fact, there are no other players whenever I play. You can choose to either believe that or you can go and play in someone else's thread as there is no point you being here ignoring what I say just because it doesn't suit your view of the game. Your experience won't be relevant to mine for obvious reasons.
You're really something. The players in this thread have gone out of their way to be helpful and extend their hand in friendship. Only to have it returned with a lot of attitude. I'm not sure if you've played other MMOs or engaged their communities, but I very much doubt you'd get this type of warm reception elsewhere. Really. Go try this on the WoW forums and you'll be crispy flamed in seconds. I guarantee it.

Good luck to you. I hope you eventually find something you enjoy, because it sure seems like this isn't it.



I am not going to install the US client for reasons already explained. I don't care how easy it is. It WILL lag to the US because every connection that distant does. Whether or not someone in Bulgaria plays on the US servers is utterly irrelevant, they don't have the same internet connection as me.
I apologize if I've missed it, but have you tried playing on Union at all, or checked/asked around in their respective server forums on this board?

And as far as the NA servers are concerned :

The reason they are saying give it a try is the bandwidth the game uses to play is low. So unless there is an issue close to your end (which would probably affect any connections you had) or on the server farm's end (and NA has two, which means if a farm goes down, only half the servers are gone. Freedom is East Coast, Virtue West Coast) distance doesn't matter like it would on a FPS type game

The updater would just be changing a few registry values. And like the EU trial, the NA server trial is free.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Yesterday, in one post, you began like this:

Originally Posted by mad briar View Post
It's not the character or the low level that's the problem. I like the characters i've created.
But then you went here:

It's the fact the powers are largely samey and not terribly complimentary. There really is not much synergy and it's a little shallow. I have a Dominator with thorn plant powers and they don't really gel and some of them are jhust the same thing: two abilities that trap the opponent are pretty much identical.

Furthermore, beyond enhancements (which only really give a little boost to your abilities), there is nothing else. There's no talent point system or means to further customise your stuff.
Don't get me wrong; it's not bad by any means, it's just not terribly deep.
This may well be mitigated when you are playing in a group, but without players that's not an option. The areas are totally devoid of other players. There's not a single other player character on screen. Now that may be because they are all higher level and engaged in high level gameplay, but that's not really any better.
I'm not reainstalling and starting all over again just to play on US servers. If no one in the UK/EU is playing on local servers then that's just too bad. If the game is more popular in the states then fine. But i'm not mucking around on the offchance it won't have lag problems (because it will).
Then today (about an hour ago) you said:

Charming. I didn't say I didn't like the game. It seems that there are too many overly defensive people here who didn't bother to read what I wrote correctly. I made it clear that I would consider playign the game under the right circumstances. I didn't dismiss it all at all. My comments about the gameplayer are entirely valid and i expect peopel to respect them.<snip>
For someone who "didn't say I didn't like the game", it really seems that you don't like the game. You had several complaints, some of which we tried to point out where your perception was skewed - but you don't care, do you?

I understand that you are finishing out your trial, but unless you came here to have some of us help you find fun in the game - and are willing to try some of our suggestions - there's little purpose for you here except to troll.

Best of luck in your future endeavors, etc. etc., blah, blah, yada yada yada.... (insert standard buh-bye language here)

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post

**** off then.

Everyone in this thread has tried to be helpful, and you have given nothing but grief in return. You DEMAND respect, and give none. You DEMAND that we listen to you, and don't listen to us. You insist that every solution that has been suggested won't work, even though you haven't tried any of them.

I can't speak for everyone here, but I for one am GLAD you're not going to try the NA servers. Because I'd rather not run into you if you have the same attitude in-game.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Actually, go ahead and let it hit you, I could really care less.

Bye now.
Maybe not everyone but he speaks for me.

This is the most friendly, helpful community in any MMO and you've done nothing but have an attitude when you've been offered genuine help.

I never thought I'd say this to someone as I don't hate on it like some, but go play WoW.

Global @radubadu
Usually playing one of the following toons blueside on Virtue:
Cadler 50 WP/SS tanker
Radubadu 46 Fire/Fire blaster
Hell Runner 35 Fire/Fire brute



Originally Posted by Blondeshell View Post
Have you actually tried it over that distance to know if it will work yourself?
Do you just deliberately ignore what I write to cause an argument? Of course I haven't tried it; that would require paying for a new account and starting up a new character. FFS it's just offensive to ignore what people say like this.



Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
Post Deleted
If this isn't irony, i don't know what is. You quote me saying 'don't get me wrong i don't dislike the game' and then proceed to tell me that you are the authority on what i mean. That's just ridiculous. Then you decide that, for perfectly valid reasons, i don't intend to subscribe right away, I'm a 'hater' and that i'm deliberately thumbing my nose up at the help (ie peopel screaming to play on the us servers endlessly). You need to grow up, seriously. It's not my fault the game is dead in the UK; i don't take any pleasure in that fact, but there is no point subscribing to a game when you are the only person on the map. There are 13 (last time of playing) people in the global chat room, but since they are all high ranking players they won't be anywhere near me and I can't even communicate with them. That's the restrictino of the trial account.



Originally Posted by mad briar View Post
Do you just deliberately ignore what I write to cause an argument? Of course I haven't tried it; that would require paying for a new account and starting up a new character. FFS it's just offensive to ignore what people say like this.
? So you already bought a Euro copy of the game? Because last we heard, you were still simply on a trial version - and trials are free.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by mad briar View Post
You quote what I say but still ignore it. There are no solutions. The connection won't work over that distance. WHo do you think knows my internet connection and isp better: you or me?
So? Don't just ASSUME it'll lag badly. Try it.

Try to get a US trial account, and then, if it lags badly, well you've done all you can. I understand not wanting to play on low population servers, and if you really can't play on the NA servers well then that's too bad, but it still seems like you're not prepared to try.



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
? So you already bought a Euro copy of the game? Because last we heard, you were still simply on a trial version - and trials are free.
i'm not on a NA trial. You know this. What on earth is going on? Please read what i write!



Originally Posted by rmthornton View Post
So? Don't just ASSUME it'll lag badly. Try it.

Try to get a US trial account, and then, if it lags badly, well you've done all you can. I understand not wanting to play on low population servers, and if you really can't play on the NA servers well then that's too bad, but it still seems like you're not prepared to try.
I don't need to try it. Games always lag on US hosts because my internet connection isn't strong enough. The UK doesn't have the same level of broadband quality as most other places, like america, and unless you have a really good ISP it will crap out. It does it every time. And for the umpteenth time, I'm not going to pay to find out. I've already explained the other reasons. If you cannot be bothered to show me basic courtesy then go troll elsewhere.



There's plenty of players in EU servers. You had only bad luck and lag is not that bad. There is a few laggy situations like Mothership raid and ITF's lagginghill, but nothing too bad. Usually normal missions are not laggy at all.

Prunejuice is warriors drink.



Originally Posted by mad briar View Post
I don't need to try it. Games always lag on US hosts because my internet connection isn't strong enough. The UK doesn't have the same level of broadband quality as most other places, like america, and unless you have a really good ISP it will crap out. It does it every time. And for the umpteenth time, I'm not going to pay to find out. I've already explained the other reasons. If you cannot be bothered to show me basic courtesy then go troll elsewhere.
You must have missed the part where I said:

Originally Posted by rmthornton
Try to get a US trial account
Also, you won't know until you try it. Australia is well-known for having sub-par internet connections, and we're further away from the US than the UK is, and while I do get more issues from Australia than I did living in Canada, they are very occasional and it's certainly a very workable connection.



Originally Posted by mad briar View Post
i'm not on a NA trial. You know this. What on earth is going on? Please read what i write!
People are suggesting that you get an NA trial of the game and use that to test the connection. If you don't want to that is your prerogative but don't claim people aren't reading what you write. Agge posted a set of instructions for converting your installation from one to the other without reinstalling from scratch and a trial is by definition free. Yes you will have to start a new character but given that the trial limits you to level 14 that isn't really a big deal.

For the record, here is the location that you can sign up for the NA version of the trial:

Originally Posted by mad briar View Post
I don't need to try it. Games always lag on US hosts because my internet connection isn't strong enough. The UK doesn't have the same level of broadband quality as most other places, like america, and unless you have a really good ISP it will crap out. It does it every time. And for the umpteenth time, I'm not going to pay to find out. I've already explained the other reasons. If you cannot be bothered to show me basic courtesy then go troll elsewhere.
One other thing to consider is that the EU servers are located in Germany. So while the distance to the American ones is longer the servers themselves actually seem to have a better network infrastructure that helps make up the difference. Since you can test it WITHOUT PAYING why not do so?