Attention: Virtue is Under Attack




your posts sure make it sound like thats your world view , I guess its easy to say things like that and claim its a joke out of one side of your mouth and then complain folks are against you for upsetting the conservative status quo out of the other side of your mouth .



Originally Posted by JadeTora View Post
I'm not either of those things.

I think people need to learn to loosen up and take a joke. Not everything carries some horrible sinister motive. If I offended someone I would apologize but honestly I don't see anything to apologize for. Anything that anyone could be offended by is simply because they're too sensitive and are getting offended by something I'm not even serious about.
it is good to know that you find discriminatory statements the height of humor and sterotypes a joke to be laughed about .



Originally Posted by Deebs View Post
your posts sure make it sound like thats your world view , I guess its easy to say things like that and claim its a joke out of one side of your mouth and then complain folks are against you for upsetting the conservative status quo out of the other side of your mouth .
And that's your opinion. You're welcome to it.

Honestly, you're wrong. But whatever. I can't please everyone all the time and to be quite honest, I don't try cause I don't care to. I know I'm not a 'cool kid' and I'm not 'popular' because of my opinions being contrary to those others express but honestly, I'd rather be true to myself than I would be true to you to make you happy. Because what would I be then? A sell out and a lie.



Originally Posted by Deebs View Post
it is good to know that you find discriminatory statements the height of humor and sterotypes a joke to be laughed about .
Like I said, loosen up.

But look, seriously kid. If you're looking to argue back and fourth with me all night on a forums, you're barking up the wrong tree. You obviously don't like me and frankly, I ain't too fond of you. Leave it at that and walk away, cause I ain't gonna bicker and all with you.



that would likely be an improvement over you being a racist as you seem to be now , but hey racism seems to be a big joke to you that hurts no one .



-Nope. Leave it alone.-



Originally Posted by JadeTora View Post
-Nope. Leave it alone.-
you seem to like posting things and editing them out , the furry comment was amusing .

But I guess you can only spew venom when folks won't call you on it , ah well .



Originally Posted by JadeTora View Post
Like I said, loosen up.

But look, seriously kid. If you're looking to argue back and fourth with me all night on a forums, you're barking up the wrong tree. You obviously don't like me and frankly, I ain't too fond of you. Leave it at that and walk away, cause I ain't gonna bicker and all with you.
I'll just make 1 other comment, I believe you that you didnt mean to intend harm on anyone but FWIW those are just the kinda jokes that you make in person face to face, not over the Internet on forums. Mainly because if its face to face, I can pick up on your facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language and see your true stance on the subject and that you are genuinely kidding. But I can't see you over the internet and tell wether your joking or not so its a little different.

But no hard feelings I don't believe you meant anything by the comment.



Originally Posted by JadeTora View Post
I think people need to learn to loosen up and take a joke.
Jokes are supposed to be funny.

Originally Posted by JadeTora View Post
Honestly, you're wrong. But whatever. I can't please everyone all the time and to be quite honest, I don't try cause I don't care to. I know I'm not a 'cool kid' and I'm not 'popular' because of my opinions being contrary to those others express but honestly, I'd rather be true to myself than I would be true to you to make you happy. Because what would I be then? A sell out and a lie.
lol ur stuk in hi skul



Dear JadeTora,

As someone who speaks their mind regardless of what anyone feels is appropriate, I can say with the utmost confidence that people don't like you simply because you're an analpot. Everyone else can see it but you, which is honestly the most laughable part of the whole thing.

Having a different opinion and being vocal about it isn't part of being a turdhunter. That's just something your charming personality adds all on it's own. Feel free to keep believing that personal opinion is a shield for having a fetid personality defect.

Your opposite, The King of Supan. <3 -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



Green is pretty joyful too. <wink wink> <grin>

"Whose vertue can not be exprest, but by an Angels quill." - Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight Lo.[rd]

Made: Exotica � Phobia l Heroes of the City: Alt � American Anthem � Dakota � Freeze Frame � Noa � Una



Originally Posted by Exotica View Post
Green is pretty joyful too. <wink wink> <grin>
Green is pretty awesome.



Originally Posted by Vivace View Post
Green is pretty awesome.
I knows, right. :P

"Whose vertue can not be exprest, but by an Angels quill." - Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight Lo.[rd]

Made: Exotica � Phobia l Heroes of the City: Alt � American Anthem � Dakota � Freeze Frame � Noa � Una



hey your gonna confuse me with all the winky eyeball avatars !!



Originally Posted by Deebs View Post
hey your gonna confuse me with all the winky eyeball avatars !!
It's clear.

I'm the silly happy eyeball. <winkity wink>

Hey! <waggles finger at sicky> Are you better yet? I'm sending you some Hami-chicky soup!

"Whose vertue can not be exprest, but by an Angels quill." - Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight Lo.[rd]

Made: Exotica � Phobia l Heroes of the City: Alt � American Anthem � Dakota � Freeze Frame � Noa � Una



mostly unsick and the weather in Florida is mostly back to normal (Orlando was in the twenties for a good few days )

on the plus side being sick allowed me to be around for the Alien Invasion

I should be 100 percent by monday just in time for work , right now im still hugging my box of tissues .







Originally Posted by Deebs View Post
mostly unsick and the weather in Florida is mostly back to normal (Orlando was in the twenties for a good few days )

on the plus side being sick allowed me to be around for the Alien Invasion

I should be 100 percent by monday just in time for work , right now im still hugging my box of tissues .
Better than hugging the toilet. That's the only kind of sick that gets to me.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
i wish i got a chance to participate in the special invasion, although i do have to admit rikti are getting old to use for invasions.

why not reintroduce the rularuu invasions, or create new invasions altogether such as an arachnos invasion on heroside and longbow invasion on villainside when someone completes the STF or LRSF respectively. theres plenty of enemy groups out there to choose from, and it would be something new and fresh instead of perking up the current invasions, which a LARGE majority of poeple hardly even participate in anymore unless they need the badges.
I'm mostly with you on the idea, except that the absolute last thing Redside needs is more Longbow.

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Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post
I'm mostly with you on the idea, except that the absolute last thing Redside needs is more Longbow.
I would like one change: More types of longbow troops. They really, really need more variety. Since we ahve to deal with them so often a bit of flavor would go a long way.

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



So... Um.

The invasion I missed, were there new rikti types?

And I know, kinda late to the party.

@Nameless Hero, Insane Sword-wielding Video Game Hero - Also a character in CoH

Yukie Bikouchi, Halfway Lost, and others



Originally Posted by Nameless_Hero View Post
So... Um.

The invasion I missed, were there new rikti types?

And I know, kinda late to the party.
No new Rikti, but there were ones that aren't usually in invasions, like priests and Master-At-Arms. And huge spawns of Heavy Assault Suits.

If they really wanted to scare us, they'd do an invasion of old-school naked Rikti.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.