The Staying Power of CoX




So... I've been around for a while (just hit the 63 month mark). I know plenty of people that have been around as long, if not longer. I love the City of X game, and will likely be around for quite some time to come. There have been quite a few awesome additions to the game over the years and it looks like that trend will continue for a while. That said... I've started to notice a slow trend of exodus of veteran players, nothing alarming really, but I've definitely noticed a slow cool-down in the older players.

I don't see this exodus as mass ragequits or dissatisfaction over the recent issues (though there have been some), and more a slow burn-out. I think there are a variety of reasons for this, but the likely culprits are a general "lack" of end-game content, lack of story updates or the inevitable burn-out from altitis. Perhaps that's all debatable, but my question is...

What do YOU think this game needs to change/update to make you want to come back to it/stay? Or is it fine as is?

Obviously, the upcoming changes in GR are nice (the graphics updates will keep me happy for a while) and we don't know everything that is in it yet, but... if you could wave a magic dev wand (heck, if any DEV could wave a magic wand), what addition or change to the game would help solidify it's staying power?

Functionality of bases updated. I know that ties into the PVP, CoP, base-raid mess, but this would help... A LOT for builders' community.

End-game Content (outside of TFs). Other than the Rikti/Hami raids, there really isn't a LOT. More is promised, so... this might already be covered.

Signature Powers



um. How marketing treats it's loyal subscribers.
We have had nothing new added to the game in forever...
and that pay for it booster pack does not count.

We need information atleast once per month if not more.

I think that alone would keep customers happy.

(besides that we need more new powers, and more new things to do.)

Dynamic content FTW.



I'm reminded of the expression "you can't go home again". I don't think anything can make it be fresh and new again in the original way of 2004. The fresh and new things they have and will add will be awesome to some and meh to others.

Unless they are planning to re-vamp all content due to war which seems very unlikely.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I'd love the zone events like the Steel Canyon fires and Skyway raves to be remade with event-style spawns, so they'd be a challenge for all levels - and use the recent new event tech for them too - like the Hellion arsonists would be setting fire to a building to summon a fire demon, so once you defeated a certain number of them, you'd be able to enter an instance of the buring building to fight the demon - like the way we got to enter Lord Winter's realm after defeating a Winter Lord - maybe even make the fire fighting part need team co-ordination, like the Halloween banners.
Something similar could be used for the Skyway raves.

Also, add random bank/store robberies in all the city zones, using the AVs we encounter on the Safeguard misisons - have them spawn, head to the bank/store, then the door becomes clickable, so we can enter it like the Winter Lord present portal.

And add more zone events too, like the Trolls and their bombs in Red River, the Head of the Hydra in Faultline, Lusca actually doing damage to the docks in IP, an Arachnos attack on the Zig to free more Villains and so on.

Plus, animated hair would be nice

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



For end-game content we have the Shadow Shard.

Yes I am aware of the problems there but it does exist and should at least be listed on the "Needs help to be more attractive to players" list.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
um. How marketing treats it's loyal subscribers.
What about new or potential customers? Where are the ads? Heck, what about the buzz coming off of Hero Con? What about the press coverage from the Going Rogue news by game news outlets?



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
What about new or potential customers? Where are the ads? Heck, what about the buzz coming off of Hero Con? What about the press coverage from the Going Rogue news by game news outlets?
Yeah, well I hate the marketing team for this game. I wonder if it is just 1 guy sitting in a tiny dark cubical... playing WoW when he should actually be working on the ad campaigns... working on new fliers to hand out to comic shops... working on new layouts for websites...

New players are waiting to become the super hero they always wanted to be... but, they just don't know where to look. They might have seen Champions... but the art really turned them off. So they sit their in their basements, dormrooms, apartments, condo's, or homes just waiting for a roadmap to Paragon to be slipped under their door...

and sitting and waiting they will be while this current marketing staff keeps going on nicely paid lunches and vacations to tahiti...



I have logged into CoH very rarely for the past few months, instead spending all my time in LotRO.

Clearly, this means CoH's only chance of recapturing the waning interest of its playerbase is to move the setting to Middle Earth.

Either that, or I'm burned out and need a break from CoH. But to draw that conclusion, I would need to assume that 1) sometimes, the cause of fatigue with a game lies with me and not in the game itself, and 2) not all CoH players have exactly the same taste in games as I do. And both of those are *clearly* absurd.

Character index



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
What about new or potential customers? Where are the ads? Heck, what about the buzz coming off of Hero Con? What about the press coverage from the Going Rogue news by game news outlets?
I've always been VERY puzzled why this game doesn't try to get more new players in. If I were a NEW player coming into this game, the amount of content would carry me for quite some time. Five years later is another story, but... still.

Marketing is so poor (from what I can see), I literally jumped for joy when I saw a CoV poster in The Big Bang Theory.



Maybe they're basing the marketing around GR?

They mentioned at Hero Con that one of the things they wanted to do with Praetoria and the new graphics and tutorial was to make something that you could show your friends and say "look at how cool this game is" - so it's possible that they would prefer to showcase the post-GR version of the game - so no advertizing until it launches.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Hmmm, I can see that as a possibility. The GR Ultra-Mode putting a new face on things will really make marketing easier (it looks SO pretty from what we've seen). Though... there really wasn't much advertisement when the AE edition hit the shelves either (and THAT was touted as the first-ever feature for user-generated content in a MMO), so... idk.

I do love that the devs work so closely with the established community, I just wish marketing followed their example with the masses.



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
What about new or potential customers? Where are the ads? Heck, what about the buzz coming off of Hero Con? What about the press coverage from the Going Rogue news by game news outlets?
Let's face it, either the marketing department for our beloved game is a complete myth or whoever is in charge of said marketing department is such a disciple of the "word of mouth" marketing school that they are completely incapable of pursuing any other form of advertising. Print ads?? Those must be too old school. A cool video ad?? ehhh...ok we can do that but only once or twice a year because that's alot of work and our players make better ones anyway.

I mean really, what do they do? Schedule a half dozen interviews a year with devs on websites a casual gamer like me only find out about because someone on these forums posted a link to it. I say casual because, aside from breaking out Starcraft once in a blue moon, if I chose to play a game I am sitting down to play this. I haven't even upgraded from my old PS2 for console games. If I had not found this game on the shelf at best buy when the COH/COV box set was out (almost 4 years ago) I would likely still be searching for a game I actually like.

My frustration mounted as I was subjected to ads every month in my weekly comic book reading for "the other game", which I actually tried in beta. I want a COX ad in the middle of my next issue of Runaways! That should give you plenty of time because lord knows when that will come out...but I digress.

I really feel bad for our devs. It appears from my vantage point that they care a great deal about both the game and the player base. That they pour their heart and souls into their work because they genuinely like it. They give a damn. In return they get a marketing department that seems like it could care less if another person ever finds out about this game.

I feel bad for my fellow players. Many of whom scream from whatever little mountain top they can find what a great game this is. They make professional quality promotional videos and spread them far and wide. They give a damn.

Which brings me to a final point. In another thread BaB's asked what he is supposed to scream as he slaps the marketing department around on our behalf. The answer is simple:


Sorry, that turned into a bit of a thread jack. In response to the question at hand much of what I want I hope comes in GR, but if it doesn't:

1.) More work on existing stories that are sort of just out there. Like the coming storm. So I guess a little fresher high level content. Well fresher all level content.

2.) More Villain TF's, not co-op TF's, VILLAIN TF's.

3.) Zone revamps for Boomtown and Dark Astoria. Just be careful with DA because a revamp could ruin the zone as much as help it.

4.) and a marketing team that gives a damn!!!

The Revenants and Vengeance Imperium-Triumph, Champion & now flavoring Justice!

Tanker Tuesdays & Brutal Thursdays. If you like fun, look'em up!

Shhh! Rangle is plotting.



Originally Posted by Genesis Man View Post
Hmmm, I can see that as a possibility. The GR Ultra-Mode putting a new face on things will really make marketing easier (it looks SO pretty from what we've seen).
Plus, there's also the "semi-3rd faction" with the option to start any non-Epic AT in Paretoria,a dn then choose to be a Hero or Villain as you go through the moral choice missions there - so while the basic gameplay won't eb changing, the actual way people create and progress their avatars will become hugely more flexible post-GR - and there's also the rumored super enhancements for 50s - so the game after GR comes out will be quite different from what we're playing now, and they might prefer to have that version as the one they use to sell the game to potential new players.

So post GR, we'll have:

New graphics
Good, Evil and Neutral starting areas
Moral choice missions
All normal ATs are open to any faction
Invention system
Player created content
Ouroboros flashback system
Power customization
Costume creator
Five years of content updates

I think a list like that on the box would interest quite a few potential new players for sure.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Didn't someone point out a while back that we in the forums are usually the last to know because sites like Massively etc are more likely to run a story they're offered if it's new and exclusive?

On the original topic - I got my 12 month vet badge in December. I've let my sub lapse once or twice due to burnout or a newer shiny but I keep coming back - so many character concepts and power combinations to try.

If I had to name one change I'd like to see it would be a major redesign of the story arcs and some of the zones on blueside. Too many blue side arcs are a) very boring other than the first and last missions, and b) have little or no relevance to the zone they're actually in. As a result I'd be hard pressed to name anything distinctive about the time I've spent in zones like Brickstown, Founders or Peregrine Isle. The street enemies may be level appropriate, but they're not necessarily zone appropriate, which also adds to the lack of sense of place I get from them.

The Hollows and Faultline on the other hand, are brilliant - two of my favourite zones in the entire game, red or blueside. I wish they were all like that.



Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
The Hollows and Faultline on the other hand, are brilliant - two of my favourite zones in the entire game, red or blueside. I wish they were all like that.
Strangely enough, those were the two most recent ones to get a makeover

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I know that for myself, and for many of the people I used to play with (they left), the primary problem has been a failure to update the content. This isn't nerdrage, just a natural process of looking for greener pastures after the old ones have been chewed to the nub.

And yes, I know AE spews out new content daily, but there isn't much I like there (including the UI).



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So post GR, we'll have:

New graphics
Good, Evil and Neutral starting areas
Moral choice missions
All normal ATs are open to any faction
Invention system
Player created content
Ouroboros flashback system
Power customization
Costume creator
Five years of content updates

I think a list like that on the box would interest quite a few potential new players for sure.
That's very true. Though I hadn't thought of marketing and new players as much in my OP, here's what I see now...

Post-GR will have amazing appeal for new players, but CoH is, for the most part, under-advertised.

Post-GR will have very little appeal for OLD players. Or rather, OLD players wanting to play established (lvl 50) characters. Yes, new characters will get a brand new way to start (much needed), but the end-game appears to remain unchanged. Again, I could be completely wrong and the end-game is completely revolutionized in GR, but... we really don't know that yet.



I only found this by accident. I used to play on SA:MP RP servers but got very tired of the players being idiots (very young player base-especially compared to myself)

So I decided I would try Guild Wars, which I hated. Then discovered a link to this..and the rest... well it's been a great few weeks, not looking forward to Trial running out!

*rummages for credit card*



Originally Posted by Phantom Patriot View Post
I only found this by accident. I used to SA:MP but got very tired of the players being idiots (very young player base-especially compared to myself)
I decided I would try Guild Wars, which I hated. then discov ered a link to this..and the rest... well it's been a great few weeks, not looking forward to Trail running out!

*rifles for credit card*
Huzzah for happy accidents!



Originally Posted by Genesis Man View Post
Functionality of bases updated. I know that ties into the PVP, CoP, base-raid mess, but this would help... A LOT for builders' community.

End-game Content (outside of TFs). Other than the Rikti/Hami raids, there really isn't a LOT. More is promised, so... this might already be covered.

Signature Powers

I'm always for some good base updates. Parts, ease of stacking/layering, ability to set storage priv's from a central terminal (charge prestige for the unit, it is well worth running around all over the base).
I'm not for requiring sg's to participate in base raids. At the same time, if two sg's want to fight in their bases and destroy their gear - let them.
I'm against CoP bases. I'm sure there will be some kind of hybrid base in GR. I hope Co-op bases only function in the GR zones and they are separate groups - GRg for lack of a better term.

End game content?
We have a tool. People have used it to make good level 50 missions. If there isn't enough level 50 content, make some more. (And there is A LOT of good content in there buried in the garbage.)

Signature powers? I have a feeling that this would be very load intensive. We already have customizable powers. I would rather see more customization then some special individual power that will drive dial-up users from the game.
{yeah, there are still dial up users that play the game. They do not all come to the forums. Many of them have been playing since game release. The information transfer load with the customizable powers is causing dc'd with some of them. Let's not drive players from the game for the sake of improvement.}

Advertising/Marketting - This is needed. Last time I went to Game Stop there was no CoH product on the shelf. The closest thing was Champions Online (with a tag-line by the creators of City of Heroes - Bold move on their part and great for them since there is no CoH next to it on the shelf!)
We dreadfully need advertising and product fronting in game stores.
WoW was on the shelf. CoH should be on the shelf.
Next time I guess I need to ask if they even have game cards (months) for sale.
I guess it will be on the shelf soon with CoH:GR and maybe there will be a media blitz then.
Store-sale-only booster packs may very well be a good way to gain exposure. I know that this decreases direct dollars to the DEVs, but it means media and store front exposure.

There have been many threads about this basic concept so I probably should say use your search-fu, but I'm posting anyway so ...



Why don't they Advertise?
It's dumb!
This game is great!

In the words of the cowardly Penfold: "Cripes Chief!"



Originally Posted by Phantom Patriot View Post
Why don't they Advertise?
It's dumb!
This game is great!

In the words of the cowardly Penfold: "Cripes Chief!"
OMG - a DangerMouse reference!

I'm really hoping we keep you around for a long, long time, PP.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



If you want the game to be completely invulnerable, stop new games from coming out.

I feel that most gamers of today are fickle, jumping on every new MMO that comes out, and buying every new console game they see. But that is just my opinion.

But I'm here till they turn of the lights.
Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



I have to admit that I'm feeling a little burnt out these days.

Part of it is that almost no one I used to play with does now. (Currently down to one other friend who's probably logged on in the last month.) It's fun when you're on a team that's joking around and enjoying themselves (that's why I like the ITF as well as the Statesman and Lady Grey TFs when I get to do them).

I've done pretty much all the existing official content to death, and the whole AE Fiasco left a sour taste in my mouth towards MA. (Which is a shame because I really liked it when I first tried it).

Hopefully Going Rogue will bring a fresh new feel and some additional players to the game. New players tend to make the game feel fresh to me.

My COX Fanfiction:

Blue's Assembled Story Links



According to my husband, Going Rogue should come "Now Now Now"... because there is nothing to do "Now Now Now" that he hasn't done too many times already.

That coupled with the fact that we don't hear any new News about it, has a pretty sour taste in his mouth...

In the past 30 days he has logged on twice... One time yesterday to do 1 run of Battlemaiden to see if I could go 1 to 14 in it... I only got to 12... and 1 time today so he could test my new story arc... amd he logged immediately off.

I am tellin ya, every single night we say the same things to each other... Where the hell is the info? God its like they dont want us to stay subscribed... so bored with CoX right now... so bored... /snores