Sniper Attacks, Why Not?

Adeon Hawkwood




I have played several Corrupter Combos, and read a whole lot of the Guides that are posted for them. Nearly every Guide gives the Sniper Attack a bad rap, and says it's only useful as a pulling tool. I don't find that to be the case.

Most Combos will come with a power that will allow enough time for you to get off you Snipe, and the Damage is usually huge once slotted. Any knockback power usually allows time for a snipe while the target is getting back up. Stuns, Fears, etc... also open up the opportunity. While teaming, you can find yourself without Aggro if you are good and get Snipe in.

Even Solo, I use Snipes frequently. You just can't beat the damage.

I admit, it is situational, and not for every fight. But, I find myself using it quite alot.

Timing is the key, and knowing when your other attacks will set up for it.

So, why not use them?

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



The reason my Fire Corruptor doesn't use her Snipe is because there's just no need; between RoF, BoF, and Fireball most things are already dead, and those that aren't are easily dispatched by a Fire Blast or two.

So the main reason I don't use the Snipe is because it just seems superfluous.



Coming at this from a Blaster viewpoint, snipe attacks are good damage the problem is the activation time. Most snipes have a 3.67s-4.67s activation time which means in the time you need to get a snipe off you could potentially fire off 2-4 other powers in the same time frame. At lower levels where you don't have a solid attack chain this is useful but at higher levels you can generally fill out your recharge to the point that you won't have time to fire off a snipe without skipping another potential attack.

That being said I use Sniper Rifle quite a bit on my AR/Dev Blaster. For maximizing damage I'd probably be better off with Ignite but I like Sniper Rifle *shrug*.



Going to echo some of what Adeon is saying here. Once you get into the mid-20's, have stamina, and can slot SO recharges, most of the ranged damage sets that I've played to level 50 (Archery, Rad Blast, Dark Blast, Electric Blast) tend to develop natural attack chains that preclude Interrupt Intensive attacks. That being said, I have taken LRM Rocket on my Ice / PSI blaster as the Ice Blast set lacks a sniping power, and there always will be cases in the game where a snipe power is useful.

Corruptors, however, tend to be a in a tight spot on powers they have available. One of the things to consider is that corruptors are the primary buff / debuff archtype for the villain side. This creates a duality trap for the archtype. Some teams depend on corruptors to act like a defender and lay on their secondary power set. Other teams expect corruptors to act like a blaster and pour on the damage. Some teams want corruptors to be a bit of both.

The damage problem is fairly complicated by the sniping sets not really being... that good on the IO front. Some of them, like Calibrated Accuracy which is the only set that offers an IO +acc bonus from memory, slam one attribute hard into ED and leave other aspects critically weak. In the case of Calibrated Accuracy, you get tons of +acc, but almost no damage. Sting of the Manticore isn't that great on the IO set bonus either, although it does offer a 7.5% recharge bonus at pump 5... which is actually useful. Really though, you can get better buffs in the ranged damage set, as well as some better procs.

On Corruptors, the problem worsens. Case in point for me are the numbers between a Stalker and a Corruptor, both of which have Moonbeam. Stalker's can get it as a Patron Power.

At level 30, my corruptor has a base Moonbeam damage of 83.
At level 50, the base damage is 115.

At level 30, my stalker would have a base moonbeam damage of 92.
At level 50, my stalker has a base moonbeam damage of 127.

Let me repeat that. My STALKER... a class designed to fight IN MELEE DISTANCE... has a more powerful SNIPING ATTACK than an archtype designed to fight from a distance. And it's not just limited to the sniping attack. Dark Blast is in the same spot.

On my corruptor, dark blast does 32.26 damage at level 30
At level 50, it would do 41.71 base

At level 30, my stalker would have a base dark blast damage of 40.35
At level 50, that base damage would be 55.61.

In addition to a higher base damage, my stalker gets build up, and land critical damage from hide. So basically, I get double damage from hide, and I can trigger an 80% boost on top of that.

Now, Corruptors do get scourge, and theoretically, once an enemy goes under 50% health a sniping attack would do double damage. However, in my own personal experience, while I can pull off moonbeam in the middle of a fight, since I can floor most to-hit values, there's the ever so slight problem that I can count on both hands the number of times moonbeam has scourged in 20 some levels. That's it. Only 8 or 9 times have I moonbeamed an enemy under 50% health and gotten a scourge effect.

Okay, there are arguments to be made here that this is really a fault of the corruptors inherent, a fault of my timing, or a fault of something else, and that it's not really a problem with the sniping set. There's also the point to be made that as a corruptor, I can debuff my enemies... which my stalker... can't.

Anyways. Since most sniping powers have pitiful Damage Per Activation, they don't proc against scourge like I think they should, and I can understand why the snipe powers are generally the first to be thrown "under the bus" to make teaming partners happy.

Hopefully this will also explain to you (and those searching the forums) on why Snipe Attacks are the first to be tossed out of many ranged damage builds.



In addition to a higher base damage, my stalker gets build up, and land critical damage from hide. So basically, I get double damage from hide, and I can trigger an 80% boost on top of that.
This is true but Corruptors have a wider array of heals buffs and debuffs, Stalkers are a damage class while Corruptors are well...the Defenders of the villains. Not to mention, Corruptors have way more AoE than Stalkers too.

As for snipes,

No you can't beat the up front damage, but I could fire my tier 1 and teir 2 blasts in half the time it took you to get ready. If you aren't pressed for time then they are good but the time it takes to fire it off you could haves used like 3 powers and probably double the damage you would have did.

Again, it is a time issue, you take about 6 seconds and deal damage that you could have dealt in 2 seconds not worth the trade off.

I want to say snipes are broken, but I won't comment on something that has been almost the same since the game started. So I will just say this, for the time it takes to do one and the amount end it uses it should...

-Do a lot more damage for all ATs that use them
-Over rule the 95% tohit rule...I feel that if you are able to get a 100% tohit with this power (by means of slotting, SOs, buffs, debuffs, etc) it should hit, I mean really if you are taking that much time to position and get the shot right and then miss.
-They should come with some sort of effect that relates to snipes like an AoE fear or something, seriously when someone usually gets sniped people get scared.

"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."

"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."

-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp



My AR/Dark has Sniper Rifle but aside from using it to finish off some runner I am too lazy to chase, it's more useful as a container for IO set bonuses than as an attack. I have often thought about replacing it with something I'd use more. With as much defense as I have with IOs and from tohit debuffs I could easily get snipes off in combat, even against multiple enemies and yet I still don't use it.

It just isn't worth the time and the possibility someone will get lucky and interrupt me when the payoff at the end is less damage-per-activation-second than I could have achieved just cycling attacks. And that's from a primary that doesn't have great single target damage to begin with. Even just a Burst + Slug combo does roughly the same amount of damage for pretty much the same endurance cost except it's a full second faster. Add to that it has no chance of interruption and a greater chance to Scourge on the second attack in the combo. The snipe would only be worth doing if I had no other attack ready and in a fully developed build that is pretty much never the case.

Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer

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The problem most players on this forum have with Sniper attacks is that they build for sustained DPS, maximizing the damage they do against AVs and in teams. In that regard a Sniper is a horrible attack, because its damage over the time taken to cast it makes it weaker than normal attacks, not stronger. On the other hand, I find Sniper attacks useful because I tend to go from spawn to spawn taking "down time", instead of just steamrollering through them. For me, I just consider the time taken to fire off the first Sniper in a volley to be part of the down time.

I do primarily solo, though. In a team, I often find a foe dying before I can get off a Sniper blast. And the Corruptor isn't really suited for Sniper attacks because, as je_saist pointed out, it is built for BOOSTING its damage with debuffs before it strikes. Debuffing the foe loses the element of surprise, and means you will be shot at while the Sniper is charging. Whereas a Stalker, with a higher damage scale to start with, will do more damage "cold", with his first shot.

I still use Sniper attacks in combat. The technique is primarily to incapacitate or otherwise render yourself protected from counterattack while charging the attack. Force Field is actually good for this on my Defender since with good slotting on my Defense I can make the odds very high that no shot will hit and interrupt me. Likewise, a Dominator or a Corruptor with a hold can lock down the foe and be assured of taking no damage during the cast time. Redside is actually a little lacking when it comes to Sniper attacks as neither Corruptors, Stalkers nor Dominators can truly use them in their best possible circumstances. Snipers are really best suited for Blasters, who can get off that full power first shot.

In short, while most people don't like Sniper attacks, they have their uses. But they are very situational, and you can almost always benefit from picking some other attack first.

I'll also add that since the Dominator revamp, their Snipes do a lot more damage (about as much as a Blaster, although on a longer recharge timer) and Snipes by their nature are extremely End efficient. If all ATs end up getting the Doms' Sniper boost, they might become more useful overall. I would also like to see the interrupt time reduced to the same two seconds as an Assassin Strike.

And I have no earthly idea what the devs were thinking with Calibrated Accuracy.



Thanks for all the responses.

I can see your point, now that I think about it, on being able to get several attacks off while Snipe is just trying to fire. I can also see that those combined attacks would indeed in most cases do more damage than the Snipe.

The Stalker Comparison;

Why on earth would a Stalker use a Snipe, other than to pull? Wouldn't your Assassins Strike be a better all around choice for an opener? And, if you did use a Snipe to Pull, doesn't that break your Hide? I would guess in that case you would Snipe your target, and then Placate him. Of course if it is a bad Pull, it still leaves you vulnerable/Visible to his buddies.

Anyways, I see what you all are saying, and understand that Snipes aren't really all that.

Thanks for the info.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



Originally Posted by Black_Strike View Post
Nearly every Guide gives the Sniper Attack a bad rap, and says it's only useful as a pulling tool. I don't find that to be the case.
Timing is the key, and knowing when your other attacks will set up for it.
So, why not use them?
It's a matter of taste I guess.

When I get one, I slot it with a Recharge Redux. They have pretty good accuracy on their own. I usually end up slotting them with 3 damage, 1 activation-time redux, 1-2 recharge redux, and/or 0-1 Accs. (There is usually some way to buff up acc by yourself or thanks to your team at any rate.)

I use them during combat all the time, but I also use med pool powers during combat.

And, yeah, timing is everything.
Some people just don't have any time for timing.
Some people don't have time for strategy either.
Some people don't even have time for the rest of the team.

Go figure.

Pick your own powers. The guides were written by some one that likes to play that way.They are just guides at any rate.

Your character is your character. Play how you like to play. If other people have a problem with that, then it is their problem. I can assure you that there are other players that play this game the way that you do.
The hard part is finding them.



Well reading this has not discouraged me to take Snipe. On an Empath/AR Defender, I feel another string(bullet) to my bow(gun) will help greatly.

My tactics lie somewhere between:

Kill 'em whilst they're not looking!


Kill 'em if their close enough!

Seems to work fine?



Originally Posted by Black_Strike View Post
Why on earth would a Stalker use a Snipe, other than to pull? Wouldn't your Assassins Strike be a better all around choice for an opener? And, if you did use a Snipe to Pull, doesn't that break your Hide? I would guess in that case you would Snipe your target, and then Placate him. Of course if it is a bad Pull, it still leaves you vulnerable/Visible to his buddies.
Well, to me, I think it's what I said. Corruptors and Dominators can't really use a Snipe to its maximum efficiency. And really, the concept of the Snipe is about assassination, and taking out a specific foe with a single shot. It fits within the idea of what a Stalker is and what he's supposed to do.

In practice it may not be as useful as an Assassin Strike. But then again, that's what an Assassin Strike is, a melee range Sniper attack. It has exactly the same mechanism, a short period in which you can be interrupted followed by an extremely high burst damage attack. It's just because you are a Stalker, you can remain in melee range while charging up an interruptable attack and manage to actually get it to go off.

I guess the question is why do you need TWO Sniper attacks? But I can see uses for it as a pulling tool, like you said. You can sniper a foe, and duck behind cover LONG before his allies can see and attack you. If timed right, you can go back into Hide before they get to you, and make a Critical attack as they round the corner. This is actually a technique I used to use all the time before Placate, I would AS a foe, duck behind a post, and leap out and Crit on another foe.

Another possibility is to charge up a Snipe on a foe that decides to run from me. Or any situation where a Scrapper would normally use Confront, although normally I use my Origin attack for that.

BTW, if you're pulling, and you're just standing there where the bad guys can shoot at you, whether you're a Stalker or not, you're not pulling. It's not really breaking Hide you're concerned about, it's drawing aggro, so the foes know where you are even when you're in Hide.



I've been slowly but surely working on a lvl 16 Dark/Storm corrupter and I solo at least 90% of the time. Subsequently, by the time I hit my teens, I was not surviving many encounters due to my low damage, and what damage I did have was damage over time.

Basically out of desperation I picked up the snipe and my survivability has really improved. Since I can now get the first guy in the mob just about to half in one shot, Scourge kicks in SO much faster than it used to, and I can lock down and DOT the other two with a little bit of wiggle room.

I don't know if I will eventually spec out of it, or if it will stay around as part of my solo strategy, but snipes are a shortcut to Scourging if you are lacking for damage.



Plus it's cool when their head goes *pop*



Originally Posted by Black_Strike View Post
Timing is the key, and knowing when your other attacks will set up for it.

So, why not use them?
In the amount of time it takes for your sniper attack to cast, you could have casted 2 other blasts who's total damage exceeds that of the sniper attack and has Zero percent chance of being interrupted no matter what.

@Mazzo Grave
Webmaster Grave, Virtueverse!
Energy/Energy Blaster Guide
Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
you *******!!!!



You can't snipe and move or move and snipe.

The only Snipe I've used to great effect is moonbeam. The other dark powers let me use it in melee without interruption.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Snipes are among powers that you take because they are fun, not because they are good powers. I like them but if I take one I do so with full knowledge that it's not an effective power by the numbers. It's just fun to open with a snipe though. They usually fall by the wayside in my builds when power picks get tight, but it's always fun when I manage to squeeze one in. If you want it, take it. Don't worry about what the guides say.



Originally Posted by Supernumiphone View Post
Snipes are among powers that you take because they are fun, not because they are good powers.
Just tossing my 2 inf in, but that is similar to my thoughts too. For my fire/rad corr, I took the snipe because it is in my top 3 animations for the game (Spin and P/RotP the other two). I know it isn't the best way to open for my /rad, but I can't help myself sometimes.



Originally Posted by Black_Strike View Post
The Stalker Comparison;

Why on earth would a Stalker use a Snipe, other than to pull?
I wouldn't even use it for that. I use Hide, Dark Blast, and Super Jump to pull on the very few occasions I want to (for example, the AVs at the end of the Lady Grey TF). In other words, I just Super Jump from behind the target towards the rest of my team and tag the AV as I sail overhead. I'm well out of range before they can counterattack and it tends to be pretty good at bringing very few enemies along with the pull.

Still, I could see using a Stalker Snipe in a situation where you can't get an AS off. Spines Wardens, Knives of Artemis, Rikti Drones, Hamidon Blue Mitos, any area-effect auto-hit damage that might be at the target location like caltrops, rains of fire/ice, etc. But that's still pretty highly situational and it's tough to justify a precious power slot being used for such a thing.

Wouldn't your Assassins Strike be a better all around choice for an opener?
Except for the above situation, absolutely. Snipe from Hide only deals about 65% of the damage of an AS from Hide. In melee when not in Hide, AS deals only slightly more damage but does so in 3 seconds vs. 8. Using a Stalker Snipe in melee combat would be fairly ridiculous, though.

And, if you did use a Snipe to Pull, doesn't that break your Hide?
Well so does a successful Assassin Strike. But yeah, it breaks Hide. If it's a decent length pull though Hide will re-engage in about six seconds. You'll still have aggro though but if you're waiting around a corner you might at least get a Hide crit using one of your normal attacks when they reach you.

Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer

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Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
It's a matter of taste I guess.
Everything everyone does with their own characters is a matter of taste, ultimately, including people who follow guides.

People who write guides usually do so with an eye to performance. When you choose a power, there's an opportunity cost in the sense that it represents some other power you ultimately now cannot choose as a result. It behooves players who want their character to perform well to know which power choices have the lowest such costs. Educated with that information, players can make their own choices based on their own tastes. At least the player is choosing potentially lower performance because they think the power is fun, as opposed to not knowing any better.

As others have said, in the time it takes you to activate a snipe, most powersets could have fired multiple other blasts that did more damage in total, and have zero chance of interrupt. That's why people recommend the blasts for pulling, because if you can do more damage in the same time, that leaves the snipe's range as its primary advantage. (Also, using it as an "alpha strike" avoids worry about being interrupted.)

Are snipes bad power choices? Not in my opinion. But there are other options in most powersets that do more for you in more situations. Powersets where taking the snipe is somewhat common are Dark Blast (which has a limited selection of single-target blasts) and Fire Blast (where fire's DoT adds a fairly significant percentage of damage).

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Phantom Patriot View Post
Well reading this has not discouraged me to take Snipe. On an Empath/AR Defender, I feel another string(bullet) to my bow(gun) will help greatly.
This is actually a different situation in many ways. There are two reasons for this. First off AR has poor single target damage so Sniper Rifle helps make up for that against bosses (the reason my AR/Dev blaster has it). Secondly Empathy is a purely buffing set so initiating combat with a snipe is a lot more practical than for corruptors who tend to have one or more powerful debuffs in their secondaries and will generally want to open with those (which is why my Traps/AR defender does not have snipe).

A snipe is a very useful attack, however it is also situational and Blasters/Defenders/Corruptors will get differing usage out of it depending on both the set that it's in and their other power set.



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
First off AR has poor single target damage so Sniper Rifle helps make up for that against bosses (the reason my AR/Dev blaster has it).
Targetting Drone also gives a bonus to Sniper Rifle's damage, although it is considerably smaller than the bonus for Aim or Build Up, making its usefulness questionable. More damage is more damage, however, which is the one reason my AR/Dev has it.

I agree, though, that debuffing Corruptor/Defenders will usually want to open with a debuff, whereas buffers will be able to carry over their buffs from the last spawn. While Corruptors don't get Empathy, Pain Domination is similar in that what damage boosts it gets are either available right away, or have to wait until damage is taken by the team. Only Anguishing Cry could be used as an opener.



If you like your snipe, then go for it. I find that using it solo is much easier than on teams, where timing is thrown way off by other people. However, teaming is a big part of this game.

I do have it on my current Non'IO'd alternate build for my Kinetics/Archery Defender. Using Stunning Shot on a Lieutenant makes following up with a snipe sadistic fun.

Too many alts to list.



where timing is thrown way off by other people
OH! That reminds me of the other reason I don't like snipes. So many times I've tried to get a snipe off other than the first shot, only to have the mob killed by someone else and the snipe STILL goes off and wastes endurance.

Also happens to me with propel from gravity.

Man, I hate when that happens.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



I always take the snipes. Usually helps fill out a ST Chain, opener agains single large targets, pulling, runners ect. I think its almost mandatory on an AR toon as there are only 3 ST attack in the set.
Also should note that Sniper IO sets have GREAT bonuses and are very cheap, especially given the usual dislike from most players.
I can definately see snipes being skipped on sets that already have a solid 3 attack ST chain, but if you dont have 3 ranged ST attacks, you may wanna consider the snipe.