Are people not liking Claws/SR?




The reason I asked this is that I had to go back quite a few pages before I saw some claws/sr threads. I recently started back with this when I took a short break from aion. Even post nerf the claws are still awsome on brutes. So far at the early levels endurance isnt a problem unlike the other brute combinations. I know eventually I have to get stamina but at this rate I can just respec into at 20 or maybe later. My biggest concern over this set is the issues with "lol lethal damage" when you get higher up. I am hoping that the -res proc slotted in the claw debuffing power will make up the difference. The issue concern is what to do with follow up. I currently have brawl on autofire (very nice since it costs no end now) so I always have near max fury. Would follow up just get in the way of that since it gives less for it on brutes than for scrappers?

Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator

Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!



I'm not an number expert so i'll just say I see a difference in killing speed/efficiency with follow-up and combined with the -def of Slash it takes care of mobs with high def or with to-hit debuffs. So far I love my Claw/SR, its only 24 atm but it feels much smoother and easier than many other combos I've tried. So yeah, its a good combo in my book.

Beware what lurks in the Shadows



Love mine, though he is a scrapper.

I do have it paired up with EA on a brute. Almost just as fun but those Cims could sometimes put a hole right through my defense.



i like claws/damage aura




FU, Slash, Focus, Strike > Slash, Focus, Strike.

FU still helps. However, the difference may not be enough for some people to bother with.

Be well, people of CoH.



If I didn't have a Claws/SR scrapper I'd make one as a Brute. I recently hit 50 with my Claws/EA brute and even thought Psi damage and -Def debuffs can ruin my day I still really enjoyed the trip to 50.

I'd love Quickness to help shore up my single target attack chain, which is a mix of Swipe, FU, Focus, and Slash. The recharge increase takes a bit to get used to red side but Quickness would help with that. I feel that I make Fury a lot easier with Claws than my Energy/Fire Brute and then Spin/Evis is just gravy.

I think the fact that there aren't a lot of Claws/SR threads is people are too busy playign the combo or posting about the combo on the scrapper forum.

Poisonous Ice 50 Ice/Rad
Icy Jax 50 Ice/SS
Jaxon Penn 50 Shield/Mace
Cpt Clax 50 Thugs/Dark
Lady BlackIce 50 Dark/Cold
Lady Black Ice 50 Dark/Ice
Bella Jax 50 Storm/Sonic
Operative Jax 50 SoA
Level 50 Trick Arrow Alts
Level 50 Claws Scrappers



My softcapped Claw/SR is SICK... for a scrapper. >.>

So when it came time to make a brute... i went Elec/SR. Still softcapped. Still Very sick.

I'm now working on a BS/SR Stalker. I have high hopes.

Had i not already had a Claws user, i'm sure i'd have made one a villian eventually. I suspect that may be a reason for alot of people. there are LOTS of Claw/SR scrappers out there. It could account for the lack of Claw/Sr brutes.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



I love my Claws/SR brute. Ever since the first time I hit Spin at level 6 and had everything around me fall down dead, I've not been able to focus on any other character.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



The fact that this had fallen so far down the thread list is saddening.

Claws4Brutes is mindblowing. Claws4Brutes will change your life. Claws4Brutes will restore your faith in humanity.

Claws/SR is a beast, and even running with a purely SO build while you level up, you can charge into just about anything and rip it to shreds. At level six, you will walk into a room filled with enemies and end them all with one glorious Spin, and you will never look back.

Rule number six of an empathy defender is NEVER underestimate a blaster's ability to die. I don't care if he has CM, Fort, both RAs, bubbles (both FF and Sonic), and is fighting next to a Storm defender with hurricane on. If there is a way to die in that situation, the blaster will find it.



Tried Claws/SR as a scrapper, but my playstyle abuses the endurance bar far too much for my liking. Then again, I have to pace myself with /WP as well. Went /Elec instead for the speed and sustained endurance. Getting closer to Power Sink, then it's all over.

50 SM/WP Brute - D Block
50 FM/ELA Brute - Raging Daemon
50 Acher/MM Blaster - Dark Reiver
50 FM/SD - Firestorm Brigade

You were right to fear me...



Just dinged 28 with mine and it only keeps getting better. It's gotten to the point where I don't consider logging another character on anymore.



I'm loving Claws so far, don't have enough SR powers to do much yet though. I have to say that Bots/Traps has spoiled the hell out of me, I'm one pet defensive aura away from my bots being softcapped about about 10% away from personal softcapping at 29, which is frickin ridiculous. I'm going to pour some money into this brute at 22 and get him somewhat IOed out without the ones that cost ridiculous amounts.

I do have slotting questions though, I've not played much in the way of melee toons thusfar, and I have absolutely no idea how to slot out my powers, if people had builds to post that would be awesome, I'm thinking I'm going to spend alot on this character, so if anyone's got an optimum cost-is-no-object build suggestion that would rock.



My Claws/SR Brute tears through maps set for +3/x8 like they're tissue.

Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.601

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Lagomorph's Boon: Level 50 Magic Brute
Primary Power Set: Claws
Secondary Power Set: Super Reflexes
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Medicine

Villain Profile:
Level 1: Strike

  • (A) Touch of Death - Accuracy/Damage
  • (19) Touch of Death - Damage/Endurance
  • (19) Touch of Death - Damage/Recharge
  • (34) Touch of Death - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
  • (42) Touch of Death - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
  • (46) Touch of Death - Chance of Damage(Negative)
Level 1: Focused Fighting
  • (A) Red Fortune - Defense/Endurance
  • (3) Red Fortune - Defense/Recharge
  • (13) Red Fortune - Endurance/Recharge
  • (25) Red Fortune - Defense/Endurance/Recharge
  • (40) Red Fortune - Defense
  • (40) Red Fortune - Endurance
Level 2: Focused Senses
  • (A) Red Fortune - Defense/Endurance
  • (3) Red Fortune - Defense/Recharge
  • (5) Red Fortune - Endurance/Recharge
  • (25) Red Fortune - Defense/Endurance/Recharge
  • (39) Red Fortune - Defense
  • (40) Red Fortune - Endurance
Level 4: Slash
  • (A) Touch of Death - Accuracy/Damage
  • (5) Touch of Death - Damage/Endurance
  • (11) Touch of Death - Damage/Recharge
  • (21) Touch of Death - Chance of Damage(Negative)
  • (34) Touch of Death - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
  • (43) Touch of Death - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
Level 6: Spin
  • (A) Obliteration - Damage
  • (7) Obliteration - Accuracy/Recharge
  • (7) Obliteration - Damage/Recharge
  • (13) Obliteration - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
  • (31) Obliteration - Chance for Smashing Damage
  • (34) Obliteration - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
Level 8: Hasten
  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
  • (9) Recharge Reduction IO
  • (9) Recharge Reduction IO
Level 10: Practiced Brawler
  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
  • (11) Recharge Reduction IO
Level 12: Hurdle
  • (A) Jumping IO
Level 14: Combat Jumping
  • (A) Blessing of the Zephyr - Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range
  • (15) Blessing of the Zephyr - Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range/Endurance
  • (15) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Reduction (4 points)
Level 16: Super Speed
  • (A) Blessing of the Zephyr - Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range
  • (17) Blessing of the Zephyr - Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range/Endurance
  • (17) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Reduction (4 points)
Level 18: Health
  • (A) Miracle - +Recovery
  • (23) Regenerative Tissue - +Regeneration
  • (37) Numina's Convalescence - +Regeneration/+Recovery
Level 20: Stamina
  • (A) Endurance Modification IO
  • (21) Endurance Modification IO
  • (36) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End
  • (43) Performance Shifter - EndMod
Level 22: Evasion
  • (A) Red Fortune - Defense/Endurance
  • (23) Red Fortune - Defense/Recharge
  • (37) Red Fortune - Defense/Endurance/Recharge
  • (39) Red Fortune - Defense
  • (42) Red Fortune - Endurance
Level 24: Aid Other
  • (A) Empty
Level 26: Eviscerate
  • (A) Scirocco's Dervish - Accuracy/Damage
  • (27) Scirocco's Dervish - Damage/Endurance
  • (27) Scirocco's Dervish - Damage/Recharge
  • (37) Scirocco's Dervish - Accuracy/Recharge
  • (43) Scirocco's Dervish - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
Level 28: Aid Self
  • (A) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Recharge
  • (29) Miracle - Heal/Recharge
  • (29) Doctored Wounds - Heal/Recharge
  • (31) Interrupt Reduction IO
  • (31) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance/Recharge
Level 30: Lucky
  • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance
  • (36) Luck of the Gambler - Defense
  • (48) Empty
Level 32: Shockwave
  • (A) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage
  • (33) Positron's Blast - Damage/Endurance
  • (33) Positron's Blast - Damage/Recharge
  • (33) Positron's Blast - Damage/Range
  • (46) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
Level 35: Dodge
  • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense
  • (36) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance
Level 38: Agile
  • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense
  • (39) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance
Level 41: Focus
  • (A) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage
  • (42) Thunderstrike - Damage/Endurance
  • (45) Thunderstrike - Damage/Recharge
  • (46) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
Level 44: Follow Up
  • (A) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff
  • (45) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff/Recharge
  • (45) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff/Recharge/Endurance
  • (48) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff/Endurance
  • (48) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - Chance for Build Up
  • (50) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - Recharge/Endurance
Level 47: Super Jump
  • (A) Blessing of the Zephyr - Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range
  • (50) Blessing of the Zephyr - Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range/Endurance
  • (50) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Reduction (4 points)
Level 49: Quickness
  • (A) Run Speed IO
Level 1: Brawl
  • (A) Hecatomb - Chance of Damage(Negative)
Level 1: Sprint
  • (A) Empty
Level 2: Rest
  • (A) Empty
Level 1: Fury
Set Bonus Totals:
  • 16.5% DamageBuff(Smashing)
  • 16.5% DamageBuff(Lethal)
  • 16.5% DamageBuff(Fire)
  • 16.5% DamageBuff(Cold)
  • 16.5% DamageBuff(Energy)
  • 16.5% DamageBuff(Negative)
  • 16.5% DamageBuff(Toxic)
  • 16.5% DamageBuff(Psionic)
  • 6.88% Defense(Smashing)
  • 6.88% Defense(Lethal)
  • 7.5% Defense(Fire)
  • 7.5% Defense(Cold)
  • 10.9% Defense(Energy)
  • 10.9% Defense(Negative)
  • 13.8% Defense(Melee)
  • 18.1% Defense(Ranged)
  • 15% Defense(AoE)
  • 34% Enhancement(Accuracy)
  • 26.3% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
  • 10% FlySpeed
  • 73.1 HP (4.88%) HitPoints
  • 10% JumpHeight
  • 10% JumpSpeed
  • Knockback (Mag -12)
  • Knockup (Mag -12)
  • MezResist(Held) 5.5%
  • MezResist(Immobilize) 12.1%
  • MezResist(Stun) 2.2%
  • 7% (0.12 End/sec) Recovery
  • 52% (3.25 HP/sec) Regeneration
  • 5.36% Resistance(Fire)
  • 5.36% Resistance(Cold)
  • 3.13% Resistance(Negative)
  • 10% RunSpeed

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Also my sig is out of date, will fix later.



Originally Posted by Barbie_Ink View Post
My Claws/SR Brute tears through maps set for +3/x8 like they're tissue.

Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.601

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Lagomorph's Boon: Level 50 Magic Brute
Primary Power Set: Claws
Secondary Power Set: Super Reflexes
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Medicine

Villain Profile:
Level 1: Strike
  • (A) Touch of Death - Accuracy/Damage
  • (19) Touch of Death - Damage/Endurance
  • (19) Touch of Death - Damage/Recharge
  • (34) Touch of Death - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
  • (42) Touch of Death - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
  • (46) Touch of Death - Chance of Damage(Negative)
Level 1: Focused Fighting
  • (A) Red Fortune - Defense/Endurance
  • (3) Red Fortune - Defense/Recharge
  • (13) Red Fortune - Endurance/Recharge
  • (25) Red Fortune - Defense/Endurance/Recharge
  • (40) Red Fortune - Defense
  • (40) Red Fortune - Endurance
Level 2: Focused Senses
  • (A) Red Fortune - Defense/Endurance
  • (3) Red Fortune - Defense/Recharge
  • (5) Red Fortune - Endurance/Recharge
  • (25) Red Fortune - Defense/Endurance/Recharge
  • (39) Red Fortune - Defense
  • (40) Red Fortune - Endurance
Level 4: Slash
  • (A) Touch of Death - Accuracy/Damage
  • (5) Touch of Death - Damage/Endurance
  • (11) Touch of Death - Damage/Recharge
  • (21) Touch of Death - Chance of Damage(Negative)
  • (34) Touch of Death - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
  • (43) Touch of Death - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
Level 6: Spin
  • (A) Obliteration - Damage
  • (7) Obliteration - Accuracy/Recharge
  • (7) Obliteration - Damage/Recharge
  • (13) Obliteration - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
  • (31) Obliteration - Chance for Smashing Damage
  • (34) Obliteration - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
Level 8: Hasten
  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
  • (9) Recharge Reduction IO
  • (9) Recharge Reduction IO
Level 10: Practiced Brawler
  • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
  • (11) Recharge Reduction IO
Level 12: Hurdle
  • (A) Jumping IO
Level 14: Combat Jumping
  • (A) Blessing of the Zephyr - Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range
  • (15) Blessing of the Zephyr - Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range/Endurance
  • (15) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Reduction (4 points)
Level 16: Super Speed
  • (A) Blessing of the Zephyr - Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range
  • (17) Blessing of the Zephyr - Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range/Endurance
  • (17) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Reduction (4 points)
Level 18: Health
  • (A) Miracle - +Recovery
  • (23) Regenerative Tissue - +Regeneration
  • (37) Numina's Convalescence - +Regeneration/+Recovery
Level 20: Stamina
  • (A) Endurance Modification IO
  • (21) Endurance Modification IO
  • (36) Performance Shifter - Chance for +End
  • (43) Performance Shifter - EndMod
Level 22: Evasion
  • (A) Red Fortune - Defense/Endurance
  • (23) Red Fortune - Defense/Recharge
  • (37) Red Fortune - Defense/Endurance/Recharge
  • (39) Red Fortune - Defense
  • (42) Red Fortune - Endurance
Level 24: Aid Other
  • (A) Empty
Level 26: Eviscerate
  • (A) Scirocco's Dervish - Accuracy/Damage
  • (27) Scirocco's Dervish - Damage/Endurance
  • (27) Scirocco's Dervish - Damage/Recharge
  • (37) Scirocco's Dervish - Accuracy/Recharge
  • (43) Scirocco's Dervish - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
Level 28: Aid Self
  • (A) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Recharge
  • (29) Miracle - Heal/Recharge
  • (29) Doctored Wounds - Heal/Recharge
  • (31) Interrupt Reduction IO
  • (31) Numina's Convalescence - Heal/Endurance/Recharge
Level 30: Lucky
  • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance
  • (36) Luck of the Gambler - Defense
  • (48) Empty
Level 32: Shockwave
  • (A) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage
  • (33) Positron's Blast - Damage/Endurance
  • (33) Positron's Blast - Damage/Recharge
  • (33) Positron's Blast - Damage/Range
  • (46) Positron's Blast - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
Level 35: Dodge
  • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense
  • (36) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance
Level 38: Agile
  • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense
  • (39) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance
Level 41: Focus
  • (A) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage
  • (42) Thunderstrike - Damage/Endurance
  • (45) Thunderstrike - Damage/Recharge
  • (46) Thunderstrike - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
Level 44: Follow Up
  • (A) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff
  • (45) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff/Recharge
  • (45) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff/Recharge/Endurance
  • (48) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff/Endurance
  • (48) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - Chance for Build Up
  • (50) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - Recharge/Endurance
Level 47: Super Jump
  • (A) Blessing of the Zephyr - Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range
  • (50) Blessing of the Zephyr - Run Speed, Jump, Flight Speed, Range/Endurance
  • (50) Blessing of the Zephyr - Knockback Reduction (4 points)
Level 49: Quickness
  • (A) Run Speed IO
Level 1: Brawl
  • (A) Hecatomb - Chance of Damage(Negative)
Level 1: Sprint
  • (A) Empty
Level 2: Rest
  • (A) Empty
Level 1: Fury
Set Bonus Totals:
  • 16.5% DamageBuff(Smashing)
  • 16.5% DamageBuff(Lethal)
  • 16.5% DamageBuff(Fire)
  • 16.5% DamageBuff(Cold)
  • 16.5% DamageBuff(Energy)
  • 16.5% DamageBuff(Negative)
  • 16.5% DamageBuff(Toxic)
  • 16.5% DamageBuff(Psionic)
  • 6.88% Defense(Smashing)
  • 6.88% Defense(Lethal)
  • 7.5% Defense(Fire)
  • 7.5% Defense(Cold)
  • 10.9% Defense(Energy)
  • 10.9% Defense(Negative)
  • 13.8% Defense(Melee)
  • 18.1% Defense(Ranged)
  • 15% Defense(AoE)
  • 34% Enhancement(Accuracy)
  • 26.3% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
  • 10% FlySpeed
  • 73.1 HP (4.88%) HitPoints
  • 10% JumpHeight
  • 10% JumpSpeed
  • Knockback (Mag -12)
  • Knockup (Mag -12)
  • MezResist(Held) 5.5%
  • MezResist(Immobilize) 12.1%
  • MezResist(Stun) 2.2%
  • 7% (0.12 End/sec) Recovery
  • 52% (3.25 HP/sec) Regeneration
  • 5.36% Resistance(Fire)
  • 5.36% Resistance(Cold)
  • 3.13% Resistance(Negative)
  • 10% RunSpeed

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Also my sig is out of date, will fix later.
How neccesary is hasten? It looks like you took super speed to mule some enhancement sets, I'm thinking about replacing super speed and hasten with the fighting pool, as well as dropping quickness so that I can get weave, and make up for the recharge with a few set bonuses if its even neccessary... I'm actually wondering why you took hasten in the first place. Most of your powers with decent slotting recharge fast enough to maintain a steady AoE or ST attack chain without hasten active with your current slotting, hasten just seems like a waste of slots.

Whats your opinion, cause my brutes 12 and its my first melee, I'm completely theory crafting here, I'd love the ideas of someone who's actually playing the build.

I'm looking at the build, how does your endurance hold out as well, I'm showing only .45 eps use, that could easily handle weave running, and tough would give a spot to drop a steadfast defense and nothing else (as I'd probably never bother running it)


Took some ideas off yours with regard to slotting and made a build. Its probably one of the most expensive brute builds I've seen, lots of purples, but on the other hand its got 107% defense debuff resistance and is 10-15 points over the softcap with all the set bonuses applied to all positions. I maxed out the AoE capability without sacrificing too much ST damage, Slash follow up strike slash will absolutely shred anything ST that gets in your way. I've got honestly a bit too much global recharge, I could probably cut most of the purple sets down cheaper and still do fine, as they're all in the damage powers. This build should be middle of the road to softcap and expensive as all hell to get the purples and hammi o-s for defense, but the beauty is the hammis increase that defense debuff, so even if you do get hit with something it won't last long and you've got padding.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



How neccesary is hasten?
I'm pretty poor with strict attack chains (and what I said above still holds true), so I like things to be up as much as possible. Hasten knocks about 1.4 seconds off the recharge of Spin, which is a godly Brute power on par with Footstomp (more damaging, no knockdown, other than when it kills things). It knocks nearly 2 seconds off the recharge of Aid Self (1.88), which can be dealy if you're fighting groups of bosses. Since my usual tactic is to shred the minions with Spin/Shockwave, finish off Lts with another Spin and Evis or whatever single target attacks are up, then just let the bosses follow me into the next group for rinse/repeat. Ever few groups I pause long enough to drop the five or six bosses following me, and one thing I've learned is that you absolutely want Aid Self up ASAP if you're fighting bosses. They may only get through 5 or 6 percent of the time but when they hit it's going to hurt.

Not sure why I have that lone empty slot in Lucky... I know it's not there in my actual build. Hm. I'll peek later and see what's up.

You could possibly drop the Speed pool if you really wanted. I like using Super Speed to joust particularily rough bosses, or herding. Endurance is alright if I remember to turn SS off when fighting. Also, yes, another 3 slot bump to Ranged/AoE.

I'll do an alt build and drop Hasten/SS for Boxing and Tough, see if that extra 3% helps with a few over-accurate types, but really unless you want to run +4 or +5/x8 it's not necessary.

but on the other hand its got 107% defense debuff resistance
This is entirely unnecessary. You can never get higher than 95% Defense Debuff anyway, and SR gets that by default just by making sure you took all your defenses.

and is 10-15 points over the softcap with all the set bonuses applied to all positions.
While it's possible this could be useful, I rarely see things getting more than 6% or 7% chance to hit me (aside from very specific, very unique, very irritating enemies), and that's just running at 45% to 49% defense. 90% of stuff I find myself fighting is already at the bare 5% floor chance to hit, so pushing so much money and effort into going to 55% - 60% is just inefficient. Easily as much or more so than using two slots to get SS and Hasten just to eke out another second or two lower recharge.



SR just seems underwhelming compared to Widow Teamwork, especially the real nice psi resists that comes with it. I dunno if it's just the lower levels as a SR brute, but I don't remember having as tough a time with my NW at those levels. And the need for the Med Pool which works against Fury causes me no end of frustration as well, so it's been shelved with a note to self - that I'll never play another Brute that requires Aid Self.



That's like saying Defender blasts are underwhelming compared to Blaster blasts. I mean, sure they are, but the tradeoff is buffs/debuffs in the Defender primary. It's just not looking at the whole picture. Maybe your Widow can pull off a 700 damage Spin every few seconds, but I'm doubtful.

As for Aid-Self damaging Fury, not really. The only time I ever seem to have to use Aid Self is when surrounded for relatively long durations by Lts and Bosses. Who are, as you might imagine, keeping my fury as close to capped as really matters by attacking me a bunch. In the farms I use running from mob to mob my fury barely falters.

Also, do Widows get 95% defense debuff resistance? I honestly don't recall, I prefer Fortunata to Night Widow.



Originally Posted by Barbie_Ink View Post
That's like saying Defender blasts are underwhelming compared to Blaster blasts. I mean, sure they are, but the tradeoff is buffs/debuffs in the Defender primary. It's just not looking at the whole picture. Maybe your Widow can pull off a 700 damage Spin every few seconds, but I'm doubtful.
That would be comparing secondaries to primaries and rather silly. This is a case of comparing secondaries to secondaries.

As for Aid-Self damaging Fury, not really. The only time I ever seem to have to use Aid Self is when surrounded for relatively long durations by Lts and Bosses. Who are, as you might imagine, keeping my fury as close to capped as really matters by attacking me a bunch. In the farms I use running from mob to mob my fury barely falters.
It damages it enough that I dislike it intensely. It's counterproductive to the mechanic just like the way DA is great on my scrapper but I can't stand it on my brute. Some combinations in this game click together really well (*/WP Brutes), and other things cause premature balding.

Also, do Widows get 95% defense debuff resistance? I honestly don't recall, I prefer Fortunata to Night Widow.
Nope, I think it's somewhere around 30%.



That would be comparing secondaries to primaries and rather silly. This is a case of comparing secondaries to secondaries.
It's a matter of looking at the whole picture. A Claws/SR and a Night Widow are two entirely different beasts, both in their Primary and Secondary, no matter how close they seem.

It damages it enough that I dislike it intensely. It's counterproductive to the mechanic
Fight more enemies. I barely even notice the dip on mine, and I run as close to capped fury as you can get most of the time.

You're getting a self-heal on a set that already has some of the best survival metrics in the game, in an AT that deals some of the best melee damage in the game. Somewhere there's an immortality chart Arcanaville set up that shows the survivability increase of a defense based brute set with Aid Self, and I seem to recall that it turns SR into a 'so long as you have endurance you will probably never die'. I know that outside of my own mistakes, no endurance from a lengthy battle against something really tough, I don't die. Maybe one of those once in a lifetime situations where five bosses all get past my capped defenses at once, but I can't even remember the last time that happened.

So for a trivial dip in fury that's gone within a couple of seconds, at least if you're fighting everything you could and should be with such a crazy combo as Claws/SR, you patch that 5% chance to take damage. I mean seriously, if I offered you a power that imposed a relatively tiny damage debuff for five seconds and in return you cannot die, would you really turn it down? Because that's what Aid Self does to SR, about 95% of the time. The last 5% being reserved for stupid stuff like trying to solo the Freedom Phalanx at the end of the LRSF by yourself all at once.

Nope, I think it's somewhere around 30%.
That's a pretty big mark in favor of /SR brutes, for me, but I love running the ITF and being main lead/aggro gatherer.



Aid Self certainly reduces DPS, but that's true for Brutes or Widows; I don't a case where SR needs Aid Self more than a Widow, if either need it at all. SR deals with defense debuffs by having defense debuff resistance that is close to the cap, where most Widows I see (mine included) deal by having a large amount of defense over the cap. I tend to play my Widow a bit more methodically with Placate and Mask Presence, and the team +def is probably a nice asset, but so is the agro tools Brutes have.

In the end I think the extra HP and regen that comes with it make the Brute slightly better, but not so much that it's noticeable. And on teams the different archetypes will play differently so it's a rather tough comparison.

Poisonous Ice 50 Ice/Rad
Icy Jax 50 Ice/SS
Jaxon Penn 50 Shield/Mace
Cpt Clax 50 Thugs/Dark
Lady BlackIce 50 Dark/Cold
Lady Black Ice 50 Dark/Ice
Bella Jax 50 Storm/Sonic
Operative Jax 50 SoA
Level 50 Trick Arrow Alts
Level 50 Claws Scrappers



Originally Posted by Barbie_Ink View Post
It's a matter of looking at the whole picture. A Claws/SR and a Night Widow are two entirely different beasts, both in their Primary and Secondary, no matter how close they seem.

Fight more enemies. I barely even notice the dip on mine, and I run as close to capped fury as you can get most of the time.

You're getting a self-heal on a set that already has some of the best survival metrics in the game, in an AT that deals some of the best melee damage in the game. Somewhere there's an immortality chart Arcanaville set up that shows the survivability increase of a defense based brute set with Aid Self, and I seem to recall that it turns SR into a 'so long as you have endurance you will probably never die'. I know that outside of my own mistakes, no endurance from a lengthy battle against something really tough, I don't die. Maybe one of those once in a lifetime situations where five bosses all get past my capped defenses at once, but I can't even remember the last time that happened.

So for a trivial dip in fury that's gone within a couple of seconds, at least if you're fighting everything you could and should be with such a crazy combo as Claws/SR, you patch that 5% chance to take damage. I mean seriously, if I offered you a power that imposed a relatively tiny damage debuff for five seconds and in return you cannot die, would you really turn it down? Because that's what Aid Self does to SR, about 95% of the time. The last 5% being reserved for stupid stuff like trying to solo the Freedom Phalanx at the end of the LRSF by yourself all at once.

That's a pretty big mark in favor of /SR brutes, for me, but I love running the ITF and being main lead/aggro gatherer.

I just don't understand the perspective of someone who trades the amount of survivability we're talking about for a tiny and brief drop in DPS.

Sure, in whatever you're running fine without medicine, you keep your DPS up. In what I can run on /sr with medicine, you'd be dead and I'll be killing, which means my DPS is a lot, lot higher than yours. Medicine means that you can add enough enemies that you WILL be taking hits even softcapped, and you can heal through them rather than sit there hoping for green inspirations or that your natural regen is enough. And with claws, that means I sit there and do nothing but followup/spin/followup/evis until its time to shockwave the boss thats at 10% health towards the next spawn.



When SR builds can solo AVs and TFs without Aid Self, it's easy to see why some people think they can get more benefit out of two other powers than 2 medicine powers. A lot of that comes down to mind set, sometimes I really don't want to stop the carnage, just because I may get hit 2 more times and have to pop an awaken. From my experiences with SR, the amount of times I really need a Self Heal isn't worth the investment, or more so the loss of two other powers I'm using considerably more.

Poisonous Ice 50 Ice/Rad
Icy Jax 50 Ice/SS
Jaxon Penn 50 Shield/Mace
Cpt Clax 50 Thugs/Dark
Lady BlackIce 50 Dark/Cold
Lady Black Ice 50 Dark/Ice
Bella Jax 50 Storm/Sonic
Operative Jax 50 SoA
Level 50 Trick Arrow Alts
Level 50 Claws Scrappers



Well, I never advocated trading the med pool away. I still take it while playing a non-Fury based Claws/SR. I don't recall saying don't get Aid-Self; I said it works against the Brute class mechanic and is annoying enough in the leveling up phase (before the fully IOed out stage; I don't care about the post-50 IO stage) to prefer playing Claws/SR on a different AT.

Also I checked last night, my NW has like 65% melee def without any real IOs at all (other than in mind link), which seems to be decent enough an overcap to take out cims before the def debuffs really hurt.

It looks like Claws/SR on a Brute really comes into its own after significant IO investment, which probably explains why its not for me.