44 -
Thank you for the input. Changed a few things in my build and managed to cram Aid Self in to the detriment of Hasten (i know... i know... hasten). If only we could take 5 pools instead of 4 that wouldn't have been a problem. Also thank you for posting your build Oedipus, gave me a few alternate ideas.
Hi, im new to the wonderful world of 'Trollers and I had a couple questions. I wanted a team-oriented controller and I always like to have an FF on the team when I scrap around so I decided for once i'd be "that guy". I am well aware of the very limited damage potential of Elec but when I want to do damage I usually play a scrapper/brute.
First question for the FF part: I only played FF up to 18 on a MM. Are the toggles worth it ? (Dispertion Bubble of course isn't even optionnal) I can see the use of repelling or knocking back stuff ocasionnally... but do these power get any use on TF's or such ?
Second question: I was considering taking Tough/Weave, Maneuvers and Combat Jumping to get as much defense as possible without having to drop key powers in Elec or FF. I also intended to take Conserve Power/Temp Invulnerability/Power Boost from APP's. However doing so I cannot take other pools like heal other/heal self. Does that sound like a viable way to build or am I missing the train here ?
Of course I could post my prototype build when I get home but I went for positionnal defense (all above 30) it also has 60ish global recharge and decent recovery. -
Heh last time they had a loyalty thing it was just for a badge and I was all happy about it...
But now.. free goodies too wich look totally awesome ?? DO WANT !
I have to reinforce what somebody else already said.. that Vanguard poster is true eye candy. I almost want to join them now ^^ -
Thanks, logic was telling me the same but the white tentacles of doom had me convinced to "hold" on to them. Guess ill have to "break free" from it and use the better powerset that is Dark Mastery. (so many puns to do... so little time to do them) Thanks for your advice ill roll with that.
Hi, I decided recently to give some love to my old Dark/Dark corruptor. She's my first character ever but she's still on regular crafted io's. I was making a build in mids when I recalled we now have access to the ancillary power pool Dark Mastery. I intend to slot with Spiritual Boost for the Alpha.
I now have a dilemma between Soul Mastery and Dark Mastery. In soul I would pick Soul Storm, Dark Embrace and Soul Drain. In dark i'd pick Dark Consumption, Dark Embrace, Soul Transfer and Soul Drain.
I mostly pug missions and tf's. I usually enjoy having 2 holds (pertifying gaze and soul storm) but I can see the benifits of having a +End and Self rez powers.
TL;DR question: Is having a 2nd hold worth it enough to pick Soul mastery over the tools provided by Dark Mastery? -
I'm haven't really played with Elec and Regen recently so i won't comment on those. I can provide some overview of the others however:
SR: Good set, tight builds because you need almost everything, late bloomer (painful in the low levels)
Fire Armor: Offensive set, lots of AOE goodness, very squishy unless you pour in a lot of money and even then you have to pick your fights:
Invuln: Layers of Defense and Resistances plus a good heal. Very sturdy set. No resist or defense to Psi however.
WP: Layers of regen and resistance. Sturdy set easy to play, blooms rather early.
Hope this helps. -
Since Fire in on topic (and it might give ideas to the op as well) what set bonuses work best with a /Fire.. ? Instinctively I'd think recharge / hp but please correct me if i'm wrong
What Hyper said, so far ive paid around 150 millions for ALL my enhencements wich include Steadfast protection unique, the regenerative tissue unique and 4/5 set of kinetic combat set (wich gets ridiculously overpriced). Im not gonna repeat the whole post of Callmeawesome but DO follow it
Get as close as possible to softcapping S/L/E/N defenses (F/C wouldnt hurt too for some CoT demons large mobs or some AV's) and get S/L resist to 90%. I didnt bother getting level 40 sets and it does just as great.
You will need to get sets with recovery or +end for the rage crashing and the end-heavy SS attacks but once you're there its a smooth sail.
For the psi I have purple insps.. because yes... my 18% doesn't cut it and lets just say that the Praetorian Malaise isn't my favourite AV :P
Have fun -
Quote:When im the tanker, everything else is a squishy... the mobs are mine.. ALL OF THEM ! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHThe only Tankers who do this are the crap ones.
Smart tankers, who actually understand their role, will be making sure to taunt mobs off squishies.
But seriously... if im the first in the mob, and I try my best to be, i try to keep the attention of all the pack (anyway while they are dancing under my footstomp all they see is ceiling-floor-ceiling-floor) so having played many brutes with good tankers in group i can see how fury would be harder to get. -
My Invul tanker is already invulnerable without Fort ty
I'd have to vote for "whoever dies first" after the first groups of mobs.
For the OP i'd recommand recharge as stated before. More squishies with more survivability and damage = a happy team. -
I used Smurphy's service last week and im happy to report it was a fast and easy exchange. Thank you Smurphy
I Actually put Brawl on auto for the now Free fury building and I stuffed a KD proc in it for giggles. I actually see Active defense as a good candidate for auto however I like being able to stack DDR when it matters only and i usually time Rage and Active defense to crash together so I have "cycles" of reclicking powers. I use hasten on a need basis only, with Foot Stomp having FF proc, Shield Charge and Dark Obliteration im usually covered AoE/wise.
Here's what I will probably do, inspired by both builds and mixed with mine. 19.6 Rech on RoA, 35% ranged and it too has Vengeance ! Note that for concept's sake I had to take Hover/fly. Any comments / suggestions ?
Code:| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1407;686;1372;HEX;| |78DAA593DB6E1251148637144A618029D2167AA6E7938EE5CEC385D1AA4963D16A3| |51A351202D3424218C250636F6CADF5AE9E6E3CA6C75750DB445F41A346AFF461C6| |B5D7BF4B6BBC7402FF37B3F75A7BFD6B0DA4EE9D0D0AB1744AB8F48962C6B6D3135| |6A5325FAE5A95C055339B2F59456B6EC19BCA9877333E2144BCB69DBE9229CD9939| |E374259B372B0BB1FD8D33F3B3B3C68542C9AC16B27664B244DB66A96AECDD04A72| |DAB689C2F544BA66D6B782816E6F2D500DFCF944D33A7F3ED9499C999153B5F28B7| |9F2B17B2C67E8954266B92D855AA1C275B23F4BD1F12EA72BC628D901487D6810D4| |6C726A36B0BD8667C761DC86AE3A5C6291723C5885F64B45D02A6198B540B898EC7| |F58EB3DCEF810F0CCF0EB0CBF842B1759CE0883A1459A213BCAAAE176EEBE1B61E6| |E1BE0B6016E0370EBA577E0E3C28EF0F5F1D2577AF4E36CB71F6707C61841C04F39| |1A72DCDA2F37EFFC66849BB9198D02303BC71542401801CBB4ACAB3675B4194747F| |D6873106D8EA2771F1D1451EE22FDB04F4B51553C9AE0A5A6BFF09D369B51C2DD8C| |E22D28DE82806F1410438088C5E8A153AC90AD5635BBD645EEA163899178C0E8590| |61E328EAC307AC94ABBB2D28ED17401434084023A11E0ED0C70CE88060481106334| |0CE88C4764A65B99E9C68C1218470233EAC18C86760FD6FA41B9BD2AAB7795FBED7| |B0C3C019E32FA9F01CF193F296B40BDEB01BCEB41051C1BA51686D18267789D738E| |6E009BC01623B9CDB0EA8418532EC65E703B875F02AF80D798E01BE02DA34C59861| |AA4D1C84B49FC9292514613B91857AF6C1C3B1D9EDADF8C3E7489A97F56A63DB53F| |9570F1CAE47ECC7F5D1F837BE7F82F074867A45C93725DCA0D2937A5DC92725BCA1| |D296929CEA75AB67E4C1A3A2EE5849493525665904F23D1A404A584A484A5E8521A| |A544A5B4486993B226C5F903049606BA| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
Yeah I would appreciate having a build to look at to give me ideas if you care to post it
I was going to focus on the support/buff part of that corruptor but of course i'm no defender and I do wan't to contribute to the team as much as I can. I was gonna go for Leadership and Medicine pools but I might change my mind if that gimps me too much.
Hey folks, I've played many a Corr but this is my first Kin and its also the first time I consider Io'ing one. So... many...brutes... Anyway. Since kin is already served Recharge/wise I dont assume any more would really matter but feel free to correct me if im wrong. Instinctively i'd say Health/Recovery/Regen but i might be wrong. Any tips ? I'm looking for teams/pugs/SF's mainly on this toon. Thanks
I won't dig into number but from experience (my friend has a AR/Sonic wich I helped level to 50) id say yes, its VERY noticeablle. It makes any EB/AV feel soft to the touch paired with the single target debuff. It adds a lot of awesome to the smash.
Quote:Just a little additionnal info on that bug. In the tailor the animation is fine but ingame the is no "glow" even if its the only toggle on. Furthermore the activation text does not appear in the combat window but the "effects" when ennemies are in range still scale correctly.If this has been posted here before, please forgive me. I haven't read the entire thread.
I got on to my Invulnerability / Energy Melee Tanker today and noticed something odd. When I click on the "Invincibility" toggle, the character goes through the animation of activating it (flexing his arms, etc). But, no effects are present anymore (glowing aura that usually accompanies Invulnerability toggles).. -
When I first hear the whole Ninja Booster pack rumor I must confess I was far from thrilled. Then I saw Ninja run and the costume parts ingame and all I could say is "DO WANT ! ". Ninja run has to be the best superbooster power yet ! Thank you devs for making me spend money on useless stuff thats makes me giggle
Allow me to refer you to that thread. http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=196462 .
In a nutshell it can be good ST or even good AoE depending on wich combos and powers you use. While the result can be a bit similar to Claws (meaning it has great ST and AoE) the gameplay will be much more different because DB is much about combos. It should pair well with WP. -
Quote:While this is partially true, as a SS/INV brute I must interfere. Inv has great resists save for psi wich are null. That is true. However it has scaling defenses in the power Invicibility wich will stop many attacks from even reaching you. The more ennemies around you, the more potent it gets. It requires some slotting as SS/INV can be end heavy but the mix of defenses and resists makes it a sturdy secondary.Invulnerability is a set that has the most Resistance in the game, which means that you'll always be hit by enemies, but the damage you take is reduced, sometimes to the point where your normal regeneration is enough to heal the damage you take. It has strong protection against just about everything other than psychic damage.
I'd pick Soul personally or Skip electric fences because of the -KB. Since KB from FootStomp or other SS' attacks really help you regenerate i'd advise against it. And if you skip Fences then you're better off taking Soul at that point. Dark Obliteration is indeed a decent AoE and gloom... well.. it's Gloom... ST ranged goodness. Furthermore, Darkest Night is a good addition to many brutes, WP is not an exception.
Then again YMMV. If everything is dead with the 3 AoE's they dont cause much damage now do they -
I'm not an number expert so i'll just say I see a difference in killing speed/efficiency with follow-up and combined with the -def of Slash it takes care of mobs with high def or with to-hit debuffs. So far I love my Claw/SR, its only 24 atm but it feels much smoother and easier than many other combos I've tried. So yeah, its a good combo in my book.
So basically what i expected, thank you for your time
So... I'm "suffering" from another episode of Alt-Hitis and I have a concept for a WM/Ela Warrior/Freakshow hybrid theme. Anything I should worry about ? Never played elec but I read quite a bit on it and it seems WM will improve survivability quite nicely on any secondary. So I'm wondering... other than end use on WM side anything i should worry about ? Thanks