Best Epic for SS/WP?
Yeah, what epic pool should I get for my new ss/wp. I plan to put a buncha billions into him and do alot of fun times pvp... Thoughts?
My second thought would be that you should choose between Soul or Mu.
Soul if you want the mitigation from Darkest Night, and Gloom to enhance your ST attack chain.
Mu if you want better AoE damage than what Soul Offers. Not that Dark Obliteration is all that bad, I use it on my SS/WP.
Only reason im gunna spend so much on it is cause i like the build alot. And im sure I can get it built very well.
Yeah I was thinking Mu or soul actually, i like the -tohit
I'd pick Soul personally or Skip electric fences because of the -KB. Since KB from FootStomp or other SS' attacks really help you regenerate i'd advise against it. And if you skip Fences then you're better off taking Soul at that point. Dark Obliteration is indeed a decent AoE and gloom... well.. it's Gloom... ST ranged goodness. Furthermore, Darkest Night is a good addition to many brutes, WP is not an exception.
Then again YMMV. If everything is dead with the 3 AoE's they dont cause much damage now do they

Beware what lurks in the Shadows
It really depends what you want out of it. Mu mastery would be better for AoE damage with elec fences and ball lightning. Although, if you wanna focus on PvP more I would definitely go Soul for the ranged ST damage, between that and Hurl it should be fun times.
I'd pick Soul personally or Skip electric fences because of the -KB. Since KB from FootStomp or other SS' attacks really help you regenerate i'd advise against it. And if you skip Fences then you're better off taking Soul at that point.
If so, Elec Fences is nice for slotting Enfeebled Operation.
So is Soul Tentacles from Soul Mastery

Beware what lurks in the Shadows

I'll keep that in mind if I ever decide to drop Darkest Night. I've grown pretty fond of Soul Mastery, gloom in particular. And though Dark Oblit doesn't do as much damage as Ball Lightning, it's still a nice attack to have combined with footstomp.
Originally Posted by TRTerror2
Elec Fences is 15 feet in radius. Soul Tentacles is a 30 degree cone iirc
Yeah, what epic pool should I get for my new ss/wp. I plan to put a buncha billions into him and do alot of fun times pvp... Thoughts?