D3 or Dark/Dark/Soul ?
Definitely Dark Mastery. The Soul Drain Dark Mastery has recharges twice as fast as the one in Soul Mastery, has a wider radius and can hit more targets.
I find having just Pet Gaze is enough for whenever I want to hold something. I don't know what your end is like but Dark Consumption is generally nice, especially if you picked up Blackstar.
Soul Transfer is awesome, since combined with Howling Twilight you can turn a team wipe into a win.
Definitely Dark Mastery.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
What completes Dark Mastery for me is Oppressive Gloom. It might not look like much but it's surprisingly effective. And when you need to dive into melee to heal or rez someone or just to fire off Soul Drain again, it helps a lot. And that's before I've stacked it with Dark Pit or Howling Twilight. Especially if you're going for the Spiritual route with your Alpha, picking up another Stun power is well worth it.
Soul Storm is a lovely hold but it's not enough to sell the set to me. Petrifying Gaze is enough for me most of the time.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk

Thanks, logic was telling me the same but the white tentacles of doom had me convinced to "hold" on to them. Guess ill have to "break free" from it and use the better powerset that is Dark Mastery. (so many puns to do... so little time to do them) Thanks for your advice ill roll with that.

Beware what lurks in the Shadows
Hi, I decided recently to give some love to my old Dark/Dark corruptor. She's my first character ever but she's still on regular crafted io's. I was making a build in mids when I recalled we now have access to the ancillary power pool Dark Mastery. I intend to slot with Spiritual Boost for the Alpha.
I now have a dilemma between Soul Mastery and Dark Mastery. In soul I would pick Soul Storm, Dark Embrace and Soul Drain. In dark i'd pick Dark Consumption, Dark Embrace, Soul Transfer and Soul Drain.
I mostly pug missions and tf's. I usually enjoy having 2 holds (pertifying gaze and soul storm) but I can see the benifits of having a +End and Self rez powers.
TL;DR question: Is having a 2nd hold worth it enough to pick Soul mastery over the tools provided by Dark Mastery?
Beware what lurks in the Shadows