Ok lets try this again what secondary for ma?
Invul looks cool but again I think its all def with that one not a decent variety it seems.
In my experience Fire Armor blooms very early and has crazy damage potential, though it's not as sturdy as most sets. Invuln continues to grow in strength over its life, but that means it blooms relatively late. Willpower provided a nice, smooth ride all the way to 50 thanks to also having layered damage mitigation and several very helpful powers early on. Just remember, WP is a "toggle on and forget it" set, similar to Super Reflexes, but with a mix of defense/resistance/regen.
My personal picks would be MA/Invuln or MA/Willpower. WP if you want to start and finish strong, and Invuln if you have a bit of patience while the set matures.
I'm haven't really played with Elec and Regen recently so i won't comment on those. I can provide some overview of the others however:
SR: Good set, tight builds because you need almost everything, late bloomer (painful in the low levels)
Fire Armor: Offensive set, lots of AOE goodness, very squishy unless you pour in a lot of money and even then you have to pick your fights:
Invuln: Layers of Defense and Resistances plus a good heal. Very sturdy set. No resist or defense to Psi however.
WP: Layers of regen and resistance. Sturdy set easy to play, blooms rather early.
Hope this helps.

Beware what lurks in the Shadows
I say give invuln a shot it low maintenance and not enough scrappers play it. I always liek playing invuln because more then many other sets it gives off a very super feel.
Home: Virtue
Moonlyte Shadow lvl 50 dm/regen scrapper
Snowdaze lvl 50 ice/energy blaster
Lord Veovis lvl 50 bot/bub MM
Boy Molar lvl 50 SS/invuln tank
Dusk Serpent lvl 50 spines/dark scrapper
I am iffy about late blooming sets, I already have one which is ill/rad that is enough for me if im going to play the scrapper i need something a little more early hehe plus the aoe taunt doesnt sound appealing since ma lacks aoe damage, wp sounds nice though, I do like clicking my some abilities though hmmm still up in there air for now lets see what others say.
I wouldn't call Invuln a late bloomer, I'd say it scales directly as needed, nothing too early and nothing too late. Plus willpower also has an AoE taunt, so along with many scrapper secondaries. It really becomes a non-issue.
Home: Virtue
Moonlyte Shadow lvl 50 dm/regen scrapper
Snowdaze lvl 50 ice/energy blaster
Lord Veovis lvl 50 bot/bub MM
Boy Molar lvl 50 SS/invuln tank
Dusk Serpent lvl 50 spines/dark scrapper
It you want something totally different you have /da
It has resistance, heal, psi protection and damage aura you can stack defense with cloak of darkness then you have a fear or disorient toggle you can use. You can softcap s/l with a build to really get it going but it is a tight on slot build
Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA
Hmmm I do not want something to tight, how survivable is it? I am trying to avoid getting hasten if I can the only 2 power sets that have recharge is ele and sr I believe.
my spines/DA scrapper solos, an x8 man council empire farm... it can be EXTREMELY surviveable, but like all things the more inf you put into it the better it is...
Home: Virtue
Moonlyte Shadow lvl 50 dm/regen scrapper
Snowdaze lvl 50 ice/energy blaster
Lord Veovis lvl 50 bot/bub MM
Boy Molar lvl 50 SS/invuln tank
Dusk Serpent lvl 50 spines/dark scrapper
What I should have said before is which secondary will let me have more attacks and able to slot them, I want a nice vairety of attacks to use.
What I should have said before is which secondary will let me have more attacks and able to slot them, I want a nice vairety of attacks to use.
dark is pretty darn solid and survivable if you soft cap s/l it goes up it how good it is Dark is the tool box set so to speak a little of every thing
Also what you can do since you are going MA you can stack disorients with Oppressive gloom + cobra strike etc. OG works out of the box with 1-2 slots where COF requires about 5-6 slots easy. OG is a mag 2 stun aura by the way
Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA
I wouldnt bother with invul or dark armor. Invul is way too squishie and dark armor is like having a perpetual asthma attack on player, by always needing cabs. I find WP gets more mileage or even SR. The only way Invul is doable is with alot of IO investment which I dont think is worth it in my opinion.
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
Shield defense seems interesting but doesnt look fun with ma espically thematicly,
But more seriously, SR, SD, Invuln and WP are all safe choices.
Ela, FA and DA will give you more attacks and tools, but you do need to be aware of the holes each set has.
You're doing it wrong.
If you are squishy on an Invul Scrap then you are fighting too much Psi. My SO'ed Invul Scrap Tanked Rommy and after the Red Tower went down filled in for the Tank that DC'ed on our STF.
Invul is Frontloaded with a lot of resists and great defenses without any outside investment other than power pools. Easily able to cap resists to the most common used element in the game and have great resists to all elements other than one. I like Invul better than /SR because, though you are not able to get as high defense debuff resistances, you do get a good amount with a heal and more resistances. I love is so much better than /WP because you get overall better resistances (even with SoW running, if you take all the autos with /Invul + Unyielding, you get better all around resists) also comes with better debuff resists. Though WP gets better regen, Invul gets a self heal. The great thing about WP over Invul though is that they don't have any big holes, while Invul has a huge gap to Psi and if untouched will hurt you everytime.
But I have both an MA/WP and MA/Invul at 50 it took a lot more IOs and sacrifices to make my WP durable than it did for my Invul.
"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."
"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."
-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp
Well my main concern is finding a good solid secondary where i can fit in more attacks instead of having to take every secondary power, although might be more possible now with fitness pool for free, anyways dark armor seems interesting but its end heavy, and ma is already end heavy in my opinion that seems like a very bad combo.
Yeah, Invul is a bad combo for you. WP might be good for you, one of the great things about Invul is that it has 2 skippable powers.
"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."
"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."
-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp
Shield defense seems interesting but doesnt look fun with ma espically thematicly, ele armor looks interesting but I hear nothing but bad things about it, and I do not have allot of influence and etc, plus I hear you need allot of powerpool stuff to get defense, and to be honest I want more vairety in my attacks and other tools then have to take defense from power pool stuff.
Sr seems interesting as well but my real issue is that you only click one or two and forget about it and of course lack of self heal, but the dodging animations are nice, and the recharge/run speed is amazing keep me from having to get hasten.
Regen the oldest secondary, iffy about this one in fun factor, I think id rather have a mixture of defense. res. and heals something that will help me in a wide vairety of situations, now I never tried regen very far so I do not understand allot about it.
Fire armor hmmmm maybe it can help my aoe potentinal as a ma scrapper? I know it has a nice heal thats all I really know about it.
Invul looks cool but again I think its all def with that one not a decent variety it seems.
Then wp do not know anything about this one.
So what do you guys think about these with martial arts? What would you say be great for what I am looking for? Just fyi I do not want to wait until level 30 so I can survive thanks all.