No need to grind for badges...
pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am

pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:

Nerf day jobs.

Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.
1387 badges, and counting
so then why should we hunt for badge if at the end of the day they will just give them to us? sigh instant gratification......
The devs really aren't "giving" them to us. Sure there have been many badges that have been....adjusted....There are still some that require you to work for them and I know that the accolades do require some work and really doubt that the devs are going to make accolades super easy to get. The whole attitude of waiting until a badge requirements are "nerfed" is silly, if you stick with that thought process what is the point of playing the game once you have a toon to level 50?
You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully
Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave
We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.
1387 badges, and counting
Except they didn't actually do that.
"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."
Last night I was told by a fellow badger," You do not need to get immortal, you just need to wait till they nerf it." After hearing this i felt slightly annoyed, is this the attuted that comes with badge nerfs, and is this correct. To be able to get all the badges do we just have to wait till they nerf all the badges?
More would take away any sense of accomplishment now. If they do nerf it further it would simply be rediculus.
But if they would do so it would be the same day (I think) that they would place a vendor machine in-game where you can buy Purple recipes, Miracles, Numinas all the hard to come by recipes for between 1-100k each.
Also being so awesome, means our enemies do not have a chance anyway, so it would be the same day we get the "I win" button in missions. Thus getting the rewards at the same time, for just appearing and frightning the enemy to better their ways.
(But seriously)
No, I hope they will not nerf it further. The badges are now on a more sensible level. Some depending upon the AT will need to farm them. I know my mm will have to for her Damage taken badge (that Born in battle accolade.. doh), but hey less waiting time now

So keep on badging... he told you to wait? What kind of badgertalk is that? *Brings forth the whip* Collect them badges!

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool
NOT playing my main for over a year (462 days) just to get the Day Job badges seems counterintuitive to having a main that's trying to get badges

7 days each... max. That's still almost half a year of NOT playing your badge collector just to get... badges.
[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
The way I see it, you can either wait until you reach the point the devs set for getting the badge, or wait until the point reaches you. Either way you have to wait, so why not see if you can get there first?
I do kind of doubt the line will ever get down to "do nothing at all".
NOT playing my main for over a year (462 days) just to get the Day Job badges seems counterintuitive to having a main that's trying to get badges ![]() 7 days each... max. That's still almost half a year of NOT playing your badge collector just to get... badges. |
I have 23 characters. The fact that 22 are accomplishing something while I play the 23rd is not a problem for me. It's not like there is some rule about not being allowed to play your main until you have all the badges accumulated.
How did Ziggy put it? "My glass may be half empty but at least there will be less to clean up when I spill."
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
Day Jobs are fine. You aren't going to be playing your main 24/7, so that time that you are logged off goes to those badges. Even if you play 8 hours a day on that one character, which is excessive, you'll still get the badges. Case in point, since Day Jobs came out, even someone who played all of the time when they weren't sleeping or working has not played their main for nearly 8 months.
"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."
Totally the wrong way to think about it. This is the "Badges and Gladiators forum". To NOT play your main character for over a year in order to get these badges is a ridiculous idea in the first place.
I hate the idea of a badge that rewards you for doing nothing. It's antithetical to all previous badges.
That, and the concept behind them is skewed wrong. "I can have fifteen day jobs? REALLY?" C'mon. The better, in-theme way to implement this would be to keep the original timer, 21 days, or heck, make it 30 or 60 days, and you pick one job at a time. It overwrites previous jobs like the Patron badges do. That way, you can't be a Mortician, Caregiver, City Official AND a Day Trader; you pick one job, and stay with it.
Accrue the side powers and let them stack normally, that's fine; but day jobs make for a crappy excuse for a badge that rewards you for time NOT spent in a game, alts or not.

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.
This, basically.
I hate the idea of a badge that rewards you for doing nothing. It's antithetical to all previous badges. That, and the concept behind them is skewed wrong. "I can have fifteen day jobs? REALLY?" C'mon. The better, in-theme way to implement this would be to keep the original timer, 21 days, or heck, make it 30 or 60 days, and you pick one job at a time. It overwrites previous jobs like the Patron badges do. That way, you can't be a Mortician, Caregiver, City Official AND a Day Trader; you pick one job, and stay with it. Accrue the side powers and let them stack normally, that's fine; but day jobs make for a crappy excuse for a badge that rewards you for time NOT spent in a game, alts or not. |
The bonuses the jobs give you is the perk for having that job currently. The badge is to show that you held that job for a certain amount of time and earned that honor. Just like having a "Purple Heart" doesn't mean you are still in the military.
Having multiple temp effects can even be justified. My hero spends 3 day a week teaching(professor), 2 days doing SG paperwork (monitor duty), and the rest at the hospital (caregiver).
BTW the concept of Day jobs is what your toon is doing when he's not being a hero/villain, so it only makes sense that it accrues when you're NOT playing. If your toon is a badger then day jobs are great because you can work on getting badges when you are playing and you're working on them when your not. What can be better than that???
Level 50s: to many to remember at this point
RE: Day Jobs
Maybe it's because I've always been a cup half full type of guy...
But I'm not going to be logged into my characters every hour of every day. I need to sleep, need to go to work, need to do other things besides be in the game.
And when I'm not able to be playing, I'm badging.
Granted, I'm taking a slightly different direction with my day job badges, trying to get them all to 99.9% to then earn them all in one day (Currently just under 75% of time needed for all the current day job badges, with only one earned, Patroller. Just reminded that I have a link to my progress in my sig...)
But I hardly see it as a penalty. If I were able to be on 24/7, maybe then I'd see it differently. But as is, it's just more efficient badging. Work towards badges in a non-farming when I'm playing, work towards badges in a non-farming way when I'm not playing.
RE: Badge Grinding.
I earned Isolator on my I0 created badger when it was only available in RV. Would I go through that again if I had to, no, I'd use flashback. Does flashback take anything away from RV-only Isolator? Nope. I know I did it the so called hard way. At times it was a grind, at times it was fun, skirting my solo empath around a PvP zone. (Also, with a PBU-Forted Heavy earning easy inf towards my inf badges and Pillbox badges).
There's no wrong way to enjoy badging, or better put, there's no singular correct way. Badge in a way that you enjoy. If you want to wait to see if the count will go down, and/or that you'll earn it naturally, there you go. If you have the need to farm out all the damage taken badges at level 1, there you go.
I don't think the people who feel the day job badges discourages playing their characters are wrong; they just feel differently about their badges than I do. I'll eventually get them all, and I'm making a game out of getting them all. I could have had 15 of the 22 day badges by now, which means 7 of the accolades as well. A bunch of people think what I'm doing is stupid, but it's challenging and fun for me.
I'd say just get your badges how you want to get them, in the manner that you'd like. (Hmm, I wonder how many badges you could earn in alphabetical order...given that some badges are prereqs for others, what is the least amount of blocking badges for an alphabetical order earning of them? Hmmm....)
Arc #345863 - When The Bough Breaks
"Curse you Perry the Plata...wait, is that Love Handel?" - Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Phineas and Ferb

But seriously, I understand the idea behind it. I really do. Hell, I even think it's kind of neat! But quite frankly, the amount of time spent NOT playing your badge-collecting character (22 day job badges x 21 days each = 462 days) is excessive.
I motion for a 10 day maximum. That's still 220 days of not playing to get 22 badges

[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
Earning them from playing your badge-collecting character, just like every other badge?
![]() But seriously, I understand the idea behind it. I really do. Hell, I even think it's kind of neat! But quite frankly, the amount of time spent NOT playing your badge-collecting character (22 day job badges x 21 days each = 462 days) is excessive. I motion for a 10 day maximum. That's still 220 days of not playing to get 22 badges ![]() |
I know quite a few of the top badge collectors on Justice and they only have a few day jobs left to get, and once they do it's not like every issue will add 5 or 10 new ones for them to get.
When you compare the time it takes to get all the DJ badges to the total time the top collectors have spent getting the rest of them, and that the total is not likely to grow very quickly it doesn't seem like such a task. IMHO!!
Level 50s: to many to remember at this point
Last night I was told by a fellow badger," You do not need to get immortal, you just need to wait till they nerf it." After hearing this i felt slightly annoyed, is this the attuted that comes with badge nerfs, and is this correct. To be able to get all the badges do we just have to wait till they nerf all the badges?